April 2023 Horoscopes
April 1st, 2023

Aries season coincides with Saturn and Pluto’s ingresses into new signs, this combination indicates the beginning of a new era for us collectively. Many of the inner planets are also moving into new signs this month. This spring feels like the start of a new era. We are collectively growing into new versions of ourselves which will allow us to cultivate new communities and social norms.

As more planets move into new signs this month, they will make strong aspects to Saturn and Pluto, which both entered new territory last month. This will shape the themes of these outer planet transits and indicate exactly what they will come to signify as they continue through their signs. When these planets begin to ease into new signs, we will feel as if our worlds appear to be moving at a faster pace and becoming more intertwined. Pluto’s recent movement into Aquarius assists this as well.

For the entirety of the Sun’s continuing stay in Aries, Jupiter will be combust to the Sun– apart from its brief, seventy-two hour Cazmini (when it is at the heart of the sun, or within seventeen minutes of its positioning). Combustion occurs when a planet is burned by the Sun’s rays. Planets are afflicted with this condition when they are within a nine degree orb on either side of the Sun. Since Camzminis occur in a much tighter window, they are fleeting and occur more rarely than combustions do. Planets under the beams of the Sun will be blinded and a weak spot for those who have a combust planet in their nativity or a collective oversight or suppression within the realm of Mundane Astrology. Within the sign of Aries, the scope of these planets will include leadership, conflict, and breakthroughs.

This can lead to social tension within our personal lives, but also tension between authority or religious figures since the Sun and Jupiter rule over those demographics. This is especially true considering that there is an eclipse in Aries near Jupiter later in the month, which has historically been associated with rulership issues.

✩ April fourth - Mercury ingresses into Taurus, becoming square to Pluto ✩

Mercury is entering Taurus this month, shifting its mode of operation to be more methodological with a focus on finances, our immediate physical world, and agriculture.

In Mundane Astrology, Mercury signifies trade, commerce, and communication while Pluto rules over all hidden or suppressed matters, transformation, and bringing information to light. Since the two planets are making a hard aspect to each other, there will be tension between their domains, within the context of their current signs: Taurus and Aquarius. This could manifest as further supply chain issues (signified by Mercury in Taurus) that exacerbate growing social tensions (signified by Pluto’s recent ingress into Aquarius). The automobile industry has been greatly affected by the ongoing supply chain crisis, and it is possible to see more news regarding these issues and how they will continue to affect us in novel ways. Pluto in Aquarius will test our interconnected communities for the next two decades, and this is the first exact aspect it will make to a non-luminary planet after its initial ingress.

✩ April fifth - Mercury in Taurus sexile to Saturn in Pisces ✩

Following its movement in Taurus, Mercury will be sextile to Saturn in Pisces; this is an easy flowing aspect that allows the two energies of these planets to subtly transform each other. This transit is excellent for planning with clear judgment and discernment. This can be a good time to negotiate and to compromise with others. Taurus is stubborn in its convictions while Pisces is able to see multiple perspectives, and since both energies are interacting with each other well, they can more easily reach a mutual understanding. This can be a good time for communicating what it is that you need to feel safe (since Taurus prioritizes comfort and its livelihood) in order to maintain healthy boundaries with those you love.

✩ April sixth - Full Moon in Libra; Mercury conjunct the North Node ✩

Full Moons are exciting, as energy has culminated at this point from the previous New Moon. The last New Moon occurred in Aries, directly following the Sun’s ingress into the sign. This was a time for wild new beginnings, and gave the collective greater motivation and a stronger sense of purpose. We must now reflect on our relationships and the extent to which they either align or realign us from our purest self. This can be an especially dramatic time, considering that Mercury is conjunct to Rahu.

When Mercury and the North Node meet in the sign of Taurus, there is a heightened focus on the sign’s domain: we will be more concerned about our material possessions, finances, and our values. This can manifest as a desire to earn more money, acquire more possessions, or cultivate a greater sense of security in our lives. This can be overwhelming and lead to anxiety since this transit shifts our focus to the future of our material reality. It is important to strike a balance between material possessions and our emotional well-being.

✩ April seventh - Mercury in Taurus sextile to Mars in Cancer; Venus in Taurus sextile to Neptune in Pisces ✩

Mercury and Venus are cohabitating in Taurus and making separate sexiles to Mars in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces, respectively. Both Mars and Neptune are in water signs, which helps soften Taurus’s practical nature. This can bring about feelings of nostalgia, or conversely regret since Taurus looks to the past to define its current state and to plan ahead for its future.

The sextile between Mercury and Mars will occur twice this month so the themes around this day will resurface later in the month after Mercury begins to move backwards. This is also the date that marks Mercury’s pre-retrograde shadow period; Mercury is beginning to slow down compared to its average daily movement and it has first reached the degree it will trek back to durning the entirety of its retrograde motion.

This aspect can invigorate Mars, which is lazy in the sign of Cancer. Productive may come easily at this time, but the themes of this date will be stretched out through the course of Mercury’s pre-retrograde shadow and retrograde periods. Feelings of inadequacy may come about if you do not feel as if you are being as productive as you should.

This is a good time to be direct and honest, especially regarding our feelings. It can be easier to ground yourself and consider what is the actual root cause of your emotional state; is it real or imaginary, can you realistically do anything to change your circumstance?

Both Venus and Neptune signify our love and inherent connection to others. While Venus rules over earthly pleasures and pursuits, Neptune is the higher octave of this energy and represents our connection to the divine, which ultimately intertwines us with all other things. When these two planets make positive aspects to each other, they heighten our sense of pleasure and appreciation. nm this sign and Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces, so it does exceptionally well in this sign as well. This is a great weekend to go out and meet new people and to reconnect with old friends, alike. It can be very spiritually and emotionally rewarding to make and share art during this transit since art is the way we materially manifest our connection to the divine.

✩ April eleventh - Sun and Jupiter conjoin in Aries; Venus ingresses into Gemini becoming trine to Pluto in Aquarius ✩

From about the tenth to the twelfth of April, Jupiter will be Cazmini. It has been and will continue to be combust after it leaves its conjunction to the Sun, which weakens it, but while it is within the Sun’s heart, it will be exceptionally powerful. Jupiter is expansive and auspicious, while the Sun represents our determination. This is a good day to put a project into motion or to make a public announcement.

Within the sign of Aries, we will be concerned with our self image and promoting ourselves. This is a good time to be a bit self absorbed in order to feel actualized.

Venus is shedding its essential dignity as it enters Gemini, where it will remain for the next three and a half weeks.  This is a social transit that promotes new friendships, curiosity, and  light-hearted communication. Venus represents all the things we curate and collect (it is active and a benefic planet), while Gemini needs to be mentally challenged since it rules over new and novel information and our communicative processes. It may be easy to find yourself being more flirtatious during this time. This is a good period to explore new interests and to stimulate your curiosity. This is a great time to finish a book you neglected or sign up for a workshop to learn a new skill.

As Venus arrives in Gemini, it is immediately trine to Pluto, which entered Aquarius last month. This aspect is beneficial to both planets as it allows them to share their similar but unique energies. This aspect will intensify our desire to more deeply understand our friends. It can lead to some drama since it promotes so much social activity, but this can kindle very important relationships.

Since both planets are air signs and signify technology and the internet, and Venus and Pluto both have their own financial significations, this transit can spark interest in crypto currency and the stock market. This transit will be  aspect to Bitcoin’s natal Mercury (placed at two degrees of Aquarius), so it could become bullish.

✩ April fourteenth - Venus in Gemini square to Saturn in Pisces ✩

As Venus separates from being trine to Pluto, it becomes square to Saturn in Pisces. This is a challenging aspect, as it forces us to reconsider what it is that we want. Saturn creates boundaries and restrictions, and within the sign of Pisces it restructures our spiritual and moral dogmas. Perhaps what initially excited you as Venus moved into Gemini is contradictory to a core belief, or a previous obligation you have made. 

This can be difficult for Bitcoin, since its price has been increasing and then roughly plateaued after Saturn entered Pisces last month, meeting its natal Venus (at zero degrees of Pisces). It is possible that the initial trine increases its value and then it dips down once Venus squares Saturn.

✩ April nineteenth - Total Solar Eclipse in Aries ✩

This is the first eclipse along the Aries-Libra axis before the North and South Nodes enter these signs. Generally, solar eclipses mark times of new beginnings and opportunities, often associated with profound shifts in consciousness.

Both the Sun and the Moon are joined together in Aries, this can lead to restlessness and feeling high strung. Solar Eclipses denote new beginnings and new cycles, especially since this one is occurring in Aries for the first time in eighteen years. This can bring about unexpected opportunities and changes in our lives. Usually the effects of solar eclipses are not noteworthy until a few weeks have past. The metaphorical dominos tend to be “set up” around the time of the eclipse and then fall over on each other at the eclipse.

Even if it is ultimately beneficial, the time around the eclipse can be dramatic and socially challenging since everyone is expecting this heightened luminary energy. Within context of the sign of Aries, this energy is bold, and ready to conquer what is next. This eclipse will focus on the concept of the self and our personal desires. What are we in this moment and what we will become.

Considering Pluto’s recent ingress into Aquarius, we may be comparing our humanity and capabilities to those of the exponentially expanding artificial intelligence.

This solar Eclipse is separating from Jupiter, making Jupiter combust at this time. When Jupiter is combust, its positive influence is weakened and blocked due to its proximity to the Sun. Jupiter's ability to expand and bring good fortune may be hindered by its combustion, especially in areas related to higher education, long distance travel, justice, and philosophy. Within the sign of Aries, this effect can cause feelings of discouragement. 

This Eclipse is conjunct at the twenty-ninth degree of Aries, so it is Square to Pluto by degree, but not by sign. So the energies will not be clashing as strongly as if they were square by both sign and degree.

The Sun and Moon in Aries are ruled by Mars in Cancer, which is the sign of its fall. This causes further struggles since Mars is mismanaging itself and will struggle to pull the reins on the eclipse’s fiery and potent power. Mars in Cancer is lethargic, and anticipates defeat, making it complacent. This combination can manifest situations that become exacerbated by inaction.

The eclipse will be occurring within a few degrees of both Joe Biden’s and Kamala Harris’ moons (Biden- zero degrees of Taurus; Harris- twenty-seven degrees of Aries) so it has the potential to be very influential to them both. Biden’s moon is in his sixth whole sign house, while the transiting eclipse is occurring in his fifth house. This eclipse can trigger potential health issues given the influence on his natal sixth house. His moon is square by degree and sign to the transiting Pluto in Aquarius (which is the opposite sign of his Pluto placement). This puts pressure on his natal third-ninth house axis, which are the houses concerned with communication, learning and education. Within the realm of Mundane Astrology, the ninth house (home of Biden’s natal Pluto placement) is the house that deals with foreign communications, shipping, instructions, law, and philosophy. Perhaps Biden will announce that he will not run for a second term due to his health or if he does announce a reelection campaign, he will be met with severe criticism.

Given that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have opposite rising signs, these transits will be occurring along the same axes, just within the opposite houses. This indicates that they will share a lot of the same themes of this eclipse, despite having very different natal chart compositions. This eclipse is occurring in Kamala’s eleventh house, close to her natal moon placement. The eleventh house signifies the social networks we actively cultivate as well as our following. This is an important house for politicians or any other influential figure since it indicates those who support the native. This can ignite a new beginning for her career. With Pluto in her third house, square to the eclipse, she may have to give an important announcement that is unlikely to be received well by the public.

✩ April twenty-first - Sun ingresses into Taurus, becoming square to Pluto in Aquarius; Mercury Stations retrograde in Taurus ✩

Taurus Season begins on this day, ushering in a new astrological season that brings focus to financial matters, the senses, our possessions, the world around us, and stability. This sign is practical, grounded, determined, and resilient. As the Sun transits this sign, we begin to focus on our material reality and its effect on our lives.

Mercury stations retrograde at fifteen degrees of Taurus, it is within two degrees of exactitude from Uranus. Uranus is the planet of both sudden disruption and epiphanies. Since Taurus is one of the two financial signs, this can lead to personal and collective issues regarding money and other aspects of the financial sector.

Mercury retrogrades can be confusing and difficult to navigate; they affect how we perceive time and understand the stimuli to which we are exposed. Things can seem as if they are unfolding too quickly, giving us little time to adequately function. This can generally impede our ability to focus on our livelihood and can disrupt financial situations. This rings especially true for those with fire rising signs.

Any threat of scarcity will be met with anxiety during this transit. We may feel compelled to be overly cautious to preserve ourselves, which can lead to self-imposed alienation. With Mercury meeting Uranus, something shocking is bound to occur, which will lead us to prioritizing our individual security over connecting with others. It is important to confront trepidation about your livelihood at this time and to truly consider the tangible threats to your material reality to effectively navigate this Mercury retrograde.

The beginning of this retrograde can ignite mechanical and technological issues. It is important to take care of any issues with your car, machinery and/or your computer before this transit occurs to mitigate its potentially negative effects on your mechanical possessions. 

✩ April twenty-third - Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile to Mars in Cancer ✩

This is the second time this month Mercury is meeting Mars to form a sextile aspect. This transit, although is a positive aspect, can be difficult since Mercury is retrograde and Mars is in the sign of its fall. As Mercury moves backwards and Mars is unmotivated during its stay in Cancer, it can be easy to fall behind on projects and responsibilities. If you felt over-worked at the time of the first Mercury-Mars sextile on the seventh, you may be burned with mental fatigue and lack of free time.

✩ April twenty-fourth - Sun in Taurus sextile to Saturn in Pisces ✩

The Sun in Taurus being Sexile to Saturn will make us want to take on more responsibility and create better opportunities for ourselves. This energy ignites our sense of responsibility and will help remind us of the importance of being organized. The Sun in Taurus is practical, and focused on self-preservation which matches Saturn’s concern for emotional and spiritual stability in Pisces.

This is a beneficial transit for completing work you’ve been putting off. It can be helpful to submit any legal paperwork during this time (but be mindful of any errors given Mercury's retrograde status).

This is a good transit for dealing with authority figures since the Sun (those in leadership positions in Mundane Astrology) is making a positive aspect to Saturn.  

I suggest reading the horoscope for your rising sign. Hellenistic tradition also recommends that those born in the day read their Sun sign’s horoscope, while those born at night read their Moon sign’s horoscope.

Aries, although this is an unnatural request for you, you need to take time and do nothing this month. As April unfolds, you may begin to freight and agonize over your material reality, but worrying ultimately does nothing but waste your emotional and mental energy. You are being asked to put a pause on planning ahead since you are beginning to feel insecure about material matters.
    This moment does not define the rest of your life; if you are nervous about your financial situation, make a plan to improve it. If you have done everything you can to improve your corporeal standing, then you are allowed to relax.
    This current moment is the foundation of your future moments, but it does not dictate the way in which your life will emerge. You also cannot not spend too much time considering what else you could’ve done to prevent your current situation. Take time to live in your body and to feel the world through your senses to elevate mental pressure.

Taurus, April offers a period of self reflection. You may be putting extra pressure on yourself this month in order to achieve your goals. Upholding this standard will adversely wear you down by the end of the month, weakening your self concept.
    You must recognize that you are capable of doing all the things you want and need to do, even when you are not actively working on them. You are not expected to think too deeply about your actions every moment of the day.
    It can feel as if you are shedding your skin this month and becoming someone different, but you can’t exactly pinpoint what is changing. This can feel destabilizing, making it difficult to navigate your life as you go through this period of radical self transformation. No matter how much you change, you are always able to provide for yourself. Take a step back and realistically consider how thankful you are that you are not the same person you were in the past and to embrace your development.   

Gemini, you love to explore new topics and ideas, but your focus is shifted internally this month. You are reconsidering the effect your inner world has on you and how you can cultivate a better state of mind for yourself. The things you tell yourself about the world have a great impact on your wellbeing. Ultimately this pattern creates a positive feedback loop where your feelings about the world affect how you understand yourself, which affect how you feel about the world, and so on.
    You may feel like you cannot provide for others at this time, since you are so inwardly focused. You deserve to be able to focus on yourself, and you do not need to show up for everyone one hundred percent of the time. If you are overwhelmed by your social responsibilities, you should take a step back rather than further exacerbate negative situations with your involvement.

Cancer, your social circles are becoming more intertwined. It can feel rewarding to see your friends meetings and to imagine the ways in which your social circle will continue to evolve. You may start to develop anxiety about this, wondering what drama could ensue. You do not need to mitigate every conflict that arises and you cannot prevent negative social interactions.
    You find yourself in positions that make you feel powerless. You will have to be more assertive and direct in your communication to overcome the tension. You do have influence over yourself and others, but you are not the sole reason people get involved in social drama. You should not feel burdened by your friendships, so feel free to remain uninvolved in situations that do not require your input. 

Leo, stop apologizing. In fact, you need to make more demands. You deserve to see your influence on the world and you have every right to be as big and prominent as you’d like. Your existence does not take up unnecessary space, and you must move boldly this month even though it will be difficult.
    It is important for you to confront the true cause of your social anxieties in order to surpass them. Past situations and others' perception of you are important to consider, but it becomes detrimental when you allow yourself to ruminate on these things. Practically speaking, the way other people view you does not exist as long as you stop upholding their reality. You love to know everyone, but it is not sustainable; be kind to yourself and learn to value your perception of yourself over others.

Virgo, you are exploring the way in which you understand the world this month. You are curious on how the world affects you and the effect you have on it. It can be particularly enlightening to spend time with those from different backgrounds than your own in order to expand your worldly knowledge.
    Use this time to seek out new experiences that can help broaden your perspectives. The transits of this month make it especially rewarding to delve deeper into your interests in order to further your understanding of those topics. This can be a social time, but you may also feel discouraged by social outings. Either way, you should actively engage in things that expand your mind.

Libra, you are undergoing situations that are forcing you to reevaluate your relationship to change. You may find yourself feeling emotionally closed off from others; being reserved allows you to preserve yourself during stressful times, which can be lonely but beneficial. It is possible to feel misunderstood and underappreciated at this time, which can lead to feelings of resentment.
    It can be frustrating to feel misconstrued, but it is important to consider the things those around you are going through. Have you opened up to others during this time, or assumed the worst of a situation? Being direct about your feelings is the only way to gauge your relationship with anyone.

Scorpio, you are especially sensitive to others this month. You are deeply invested in the lives of your closest friends and partnerships, which can be draining. If you have been supporting others at this time, you may feel slighted at your perceived lack of support.
    You are the kind of person who needs to feel secure in your relationships to feel secure in yourself, but sometimes people are disappointing. It can be difficult for you to understand the perspective of others at the time, which can make this problem worse. It is important to remember that everyone is as complex as you are and has a rich lived experience and ever-evolving set of circumstances that can limit them.
    This month is about mitigating your expectations of others and providing for yourself. You are your own sense of stability, yes your relationships are important and do provide structure to your life, but you can provide for yourself without writing others off for not meeting your needs or expectations. 

Sagittarius, you may start to feel overwhelmed by your own responsibilities to yourself. You are well aware of the fact that you need to work hard to play even harder, but what happens when you feel burnt out and uninspired? You get to make the rules of your life, to a certain degree, but you do not need to push the boundaries of your own necessaries and comfort to maintain a routine that is ultimately unsuitable for you.
    You are not one to fear change, in fact you often embrace it, but at this time you may feel consumed by the situations in which you find yourself. This month may test your autonomy and how you show up for yourself. It is important to consider your practical needs as well as your emotions at this time in order to find the balance you need to reignite your inspiration.

Capricorn, you are concerned with creating something new. You want to shock yourself with your own ability to make something novel; you are stimulated by the marriage of your creative and cerebral halves of your mind. This is a fun month to explore new mediums or to work on projects with others.
    You may be so wrapped up in your creative world that you don’t have the energy to spend time with others unless they are inspiring you. This serious approach to your craft can take away from the spontaneity of your process. It is important to take periods of actively honing your skills, but be considerate of how much time you are spending on creating and practicing. So much of the inspiration we derive from the world is innate and we prescribe meaning to it after the fact, so be careful to not over-intellectualize your process as you are in the midst of it.

Aquarius, you are coming to an understanding of your current reality by considering your past over the course of this month. You may feel bogged down by your day-to-day routine, which is causing you to reflect on all the events that shaped your current life and that will continue to affect you.
    It is easy for you to rationalize these experiences, but it is important to more deeply feel the ways in which your past experiences have affected you. We often forget the way in which we felt in the moment when confronted with difficult circumstances, and it is even more difficult when considering events that happened in our childhood. The ways in which you have handled the circumstances you have been dealt will further dictate how you handle the continuing, unraveling of your life.
    Focusing on all the things that you have gone through can be abstract, you may find relief in romanticizing your daily life in order to fill in the gaps. So much of what we go through hardly makes sense, but we have power in contextualizing it for ourselves.

Pisces, the ways in which you express yourself may not be reflective of who you are anymore. You are undergoing a process of teaching yourself how to articulate your thoughts and feelings in a way that feels more real to you. This can lead you to periods of self isolation as you determine new ways to think about yourself and the world.
    You need to listen to your inner monologue and trace the roots of your mental chatter back to their source to understand the cognitive functioning of your mind. This will aid in your ability to articulate your thoughts and feelings in a more authentic way. By taking the time to reflect on your thoughts and emotions, you can gain insight into your own cognitive functioning and develop a greater awareness of your mental landscape.
    Feel free to get lost within yourself this month, this can be a difficult and emotional time for you, but you are not tied to any past version of yourself as long as you choose to keep evolving.