April 2024 Horoscopes
April 6, 2024 

    April is likely to more hectic than March for many of us, though it is not inherently negative aside from the influence of Mercury retrograde, which contributes to the overall busyness, and Mars and Saturn conjoining in Pisces in the middle of the month. April can bring difficulties and challenges by presenting us with new obstacles. The end of the month opens us up to more possibilities once Venus and Mars move into their native signs and Mercury has stationed direct.
    There's a pervasive feeling that the demands are unceasing, with a perpetual and seemingly never ending to-do list along with a persistent sense of exhaustion from the relentless workload. We might feel as if we are fighting an uphill battle just to grapple our own existence with the weight of this Mercury retrograde, which is cohabiting Aries along with Venus, the Sun, the north node and Chiron. This weariness may lead to questioning the payoff of our efforts—is the exhaustion worth any part of the struggle? What's the purpose of striving so diligently in a world that often feels unsupportive?
    Amidst the impatience fueled by this abundance of Aries energy, there arises a pressing need for rest and relaxation, especially given the influence of Mercury’s retrograde motion this month. It becomes essential to make sure that we are not contributing to our own stress at this time and to focus our attention within. As we make time for our individual needs, we have the opportunity to work on personal projects we may have been putting off for some time.
    As we navigate this Aries stellium before thes eplanets move into Taurus, we will have to confront our need for immediate gratifiction. Things do not ever happen all at once, and the preeceding moment is a tesiment to the the entire existance of all things in the universe.
    The astrology of this month will influence a lot us In similar ways considering the pile up of all the planets being in the signs from Aquarius to Taurus. Personal experiences become collective, which can be a powerful moment for relating to others.

★ April First - Mercury Stations Retrograde in Aries ★

The month begins with Mercury stationing retrograde in Aries, and it will be moving backward through this sign over the course of the next twenty-five days. This phase invites us to reevaluate our cognitive processes and how we channel our drive and motivation.

When Mercury begins its descent back through this sign, we may find ourselves struggling with issues of miscommunication, which can lead to tension or arguments. With Mars in Pisces influencing Mercury during this retrograde phase, we may feel a sense of existential questioning, unsure of our place in the world and feeling drained by efforts to move forward. This period encourages us to focus inward, taking time for rest and attending to personal matters rather than pushing outward into the world.

We must focus on acting deliberately and managing our expectations at this time. Despite feeling the urge to rush into things, as Aries typically encourages us to do, it is better to think over your words and actions carefully. Mercury's retrograde status heightens the likelihood of impulsive communication and decision-making, potentially causing disruptions in travel plans or technical matters for some.

★ April Third - Venus and Neptune Conjoin in Pisces ★

Venus will meet Neptune in the final degrees of Pisces by the middle of the first week of April. We are more prone to romanticism while under the influence of this transit since conjunction can make us more sensitive to the innate state of inter connectedness amongst all things.

This conjunction invites us into a realm of heightened imagination, where our artistic inclinations are enhanced and our sensitivity to art is magnified. This is the ideal time to make or indulge in the arts.

Venus rejoices in Pisces, allowing Venus to facilitate easier connections with others. With the conjunction to Neptune, we are able to recognize the divine essence that constitutes the universe within others, we acknowledge the spiritual nature of our connections, which transcend individual identities and offer glimpses into something greater than ourselves.

However, amidst the enchantment of this transit, there's also a potential for disillusionment. It is easier to see ourselves in the other, which can help us to connect with those in our life, but it can also make it tempting to give the benefit of the doubt at times when we really should not.

We may find ourselves captivated by idealized versions of others, projecting qualities onto them that may not align with reality. Putting individuals on pedestals can strip them of their humanity, as it negates their flaws and mistakes— which are integral to the human experience. No person is entirely just or corrupt, and being aware of this can help us to strengthen our relationships.

★ April Fourth - Venus Ingresses into Aries ★

Venus will move into Aries, joining Mercury and the Sun in this sign. Venus is uncomfortable in this sign, and this can be palpable since it was especially powerful in Aries’ preceding sign - Pisces.

Venus symbolizes diplomacy and harmony, traits that exist in stark contrast to the self-centric nature embodied by Aries. In Aries, emphasis is put on individuality and self-preservation rather than compromise or subtlety. Consequently, Venus may struggle to navigate situations with delicacy and tact.

This juxtaposition of Venus in Aries brings forth challenges in interpersonal dynamics. Diplomacy may give way to impulsivity, and the pursuit of harmony may be overshadowed by assertiveness. This three-week period is an important time to cultivate awareness of how to assert oneself without compromising the harmony and cooperation that Venus represents.

This transit can help us to take action towards our desires, but it is important to understand how what you want can interfere with those around you. While asserting ourselves and pursuing our goals is important, it's equally important to consider the needs and feelings of others. Finding a balance between self-expression and consideration for others is key to maintaining our relationships during this time.

Regarding our aesthetic inclinations, we may be drawn to Martian themes, which can be rather bold. Colors like red and black may be more striking, and materials like leather might become more appealing. Additionally, we may find ourselves gravitating towards edgier styles that reflect the assertive energy of Aries.

★ April Eighth - Solar Eclipse in Aries ★

This month’s solar eclipse bookends the Lunar eclipse in Libra that occurred two weeks prior. Although many astrologers agree that eclipse season ends a week or two after the second eclipse in an eclipse series, this eclipse will bring an end to some of the confusion caused by the intense energy of the two-week-long eclipse portal.

This eclipse will be almost exactly joined to Chiron - a prominent asteroid that is represented by the wounded healer archetype. Chiron’s influence on this eclipse will force us to recognize the ways in which we can be the cause of our own demise in relationships. The conjunction of the Sun and the Moon at the North node while simultaneously conjoining Chiron emphasizes that meaningful change and growth in our relationships require addressing our individual needs and wounds.

We will be reminded of the ways in which we did not recognize our own potential and relied too heavily on validation from others under this eclipse. This can be an emotionally painful transit since we must confront the pain of forgiving ourselves for neglecting our self-worth. Relationships are important, but they are not important within themselves. We give meaning to our connections and co-create their context. As our needs outgrow what the relationship has to offer, sometimes we must sever them.

Although some relationships may end during this time, it is best to handle this with grace and understanding. By honoring our own needs and boundaries, we create space for new connections that better resonate with who we are becoming.

While some may experience dissolution in their relationships during this period, others will become stronger and build upon the lessons of the preceding eclipse when the moon was in Libra opposite to the Sun. We are prompted to evaluate what truly matters to us and to discern the values that underpin our connections. We are challenged to confront any discrepancies between our values and the dynamics of our connections. It is important to remember that we cannot expect others to behave the way we imagine we would in a situation but to judge a relationship based on the mutual respect and understanding it offers.

★ April Tenth - Mars and Saturn Conjoin in Pisces ★

Both malefic planets will meet in Pisces during the second week of the month. This transit can be beneficial in aiding us to complete difficult tasks or projects that require a lot of attention and time. Saturn can sustain Mars’ energy, allowing us to work on all of our responsibilities.

The conjunction of Mars and Saturn may make us frustrated by the laziness of others. We might find ourselves trying to move away from difficult situations if we have not taken the appropriate steps to avoid them by the time this transit activates.

This is the first Mars-Saturn conjunction since Saturn moved into Pisces last March. Mars had been conjoining Aquarius for the previous three years, and we are now moving away from the COVID-19 lockdowns imposed by Saturn in Aquarius. This conjunction in Pisces can bring about issues relating to water and maritime activities.

The conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Pisces can bring attention to matters such as environmental conservation, water management, and maritime security. It may also highlight the impact of climate change on coastal regions and the need for sustainable practices to protect marine ecosystems.

The Mars-Saturn conjunction in Pisces may also have implications for drug usage and substance abuse. Pisces is associated with escapism, illusion, and altered states of consciousness, making it a fertile ground for the exploration of mind-altering substances. Saturn's influence may bring a sense of restriction or consequence to impulsive actions, leading to greater awareness of the risks and consequences associated with substance use.

★ April Eleventh - The Sun and Mercury Conjoin in Aries ★

This Cazimi marks the halfway point of Mercury’s retrograde trajectory. It is at this time we can begin to better understand the confusion brought about by this retrograde with more clarity. During this conjunction, Mercury is at the heart of the Sun, which amplifies its influence and offers a moment of clarity amidst the Mercury retrograde chaos.

As the Sun and Mercury meet in Aries, we are presented with a chance to unravel the confusion and miscommunications that may have arisen during the retrograde period, gaining a better perspective on any challenges or obstacles we have encountered since Mercury began its backward motion.

It will be easier to manage the retrograde after this conjunction, despite the fact that its effects are still influential during the second half of its retrograde phase. Since this conjunction allows

By maintaining our momentum and focus on our goals, we can harness the potential of Mercury retrograde to reassess our goals and realign our plans for the future. By shifting our perspective in this way, we can better harness the potential of Mercury retrograde to reassess our goals and realign our plans for the future.

★ April Nineteenth - Sun Ingresses into Taurus, Mercury and Venus Conjoin in Aries ★

Taurus season commences with the conjunction of Mercury and Venus in Aries. As the Sun transitions into Taurus, our attention shifts toward the tangible aspects of our material reality. We find pleasure in indulging our senses under the influence of this Venusian earth sign.

When the Sun traverses Taurus, we are more inclined to luxuriate in the mundane pleasures of life. During Taurus season, we may find ourselves drawn to the beauty of nature, seeking solace in lush landscapes and tranquil environments. There's a deep appreciation for the natural world, and we may feel inspired to connect with our surroundings.

While Taurus encourages us to revel in sensual delights and appreciate the natural world, the presence of Taurus's ruling planet in Aries, along with the conjunction with retrograde Mercury, prompts introspection. We are compelled to reflect on our desires and how they align with our genuine needs. Retrograde Mercury's presence prompts us to review and reassess our approach to handling resources, urging us to be mindful of any impulsive or hasty decisions.

The desire to rekindle and work on past relationships will influence this year’s Taurus season even after Mercury and Venus separate from their conjunction. We will question how our relationships actually serve or cost us and in what ways we can work on them for the greater benefit of our connections.

★ April Twentieth - Jupiter and Uranus Conjoin in Taurus ★

Jupiter and Uranus will conjoin this month for the first time since 1997. When these two planets meet, we are more inclined toward breakthroughs, both personally and societally, specifically in regards to technology and science.

Jupiter’s expansive nature can magnify Uranus’ ability to pierce through our limited perspective and see things more clearly from a different angle.

When these two planets were last conjoined in the sign of Aquarius in 1997, Apple announced the iMac G3. This announcement was revolutionary for the company since it played a significant role in revitalizing the company's image, and its success helped reestablish Apple as a leader in the technology industry. It was one of the first computers to prioritize internet connectivity, equipped with a built-in modem and Ethernet port, making it easier for users to connect to the internet and access online services.

This alignment can bring about significant cultural changes. Our attitudes are likely to shift to be concerned with the environment and our future stability on this planet. These changes can occur rapidly since Uranus’ impact can be instantaneous due to its nature.

On a personal level, these changes can affect any area of our life and do not necessarily have to be related to the broader mundane significations regarding technology and progress. The area of life associated with the Taurus house in your natal chart will reach the climax of its transformation this month. These changes began in May of last year when Jupiter made its ingress into this sign and joined Uranus which has been transiting through Taurus since 2018. With this exact conjunction, we can see unexpected shifts in our lives around the third week of the month.

★ April Twenty-first - Sun in Taurus is Square to Pluto in Aquarius ★

This Sun-Pluto square will challenge our sense of security in ourselves and the changing culture and other transformative events in our lives. Unable to keep up with progress. Wishing for things to be simpler. Anxiety about how our needs fit into a world that relies and serves technological advancement for a profit.

In this shifting landscape, governments will inevitably have to succumb to changing zeitgeists. The demands of the populace, coupled with the influence of emerging technologies, will shape the policies and priorities of nations around the world. As societal values evolve, leaders will be compelled to adapt their approaches to governance, addressing the pressing issues of environmental sustainability, social justice, and technological ethics.

As the square between Jupiter and Uranus approaches exactness, we are poised to become increasingly aware of these shifts and their implications on our lives. The tension of this transit can trigger a heightened sense of awareness and urgency regarding the societal, technological, and environmental changes unfolding around us.

This awareness may manifest in various ways, from heightened public discourse and activism to personal introspection and reassessment of priorities. Individuals and communities alike may find themselves compelled to confront the realities of our rapidly changing world, grappling with questions of identity, purpose, and collective responsibility.

Moreover, as Jupiter and Uranus square off, tensions between tradition and innovation, stability and revolution, may come to the forefront. This clash of energies prompts us to reevaluate outdated systems and ideologies, paving the way for bold new approaches and paradigms to emerge.

★ April Twenty-third - Full Moon in Scorpio ★

Shortly after Taurus season begins, the Moon will reach fullness in Taurus's sister sign—Scorpio—which is also the sign of the Moon's fall. This opposition will form a T-square configuration with Pluto in Aquarius, intensifying the already potent energies of this full moon.

During this period, we must come to terms with the realization that there is no past to return to, and the future ahead remains uncertain. Taurus symbolizes stability, while Scorpio embodies constant flux and adaptation to life's rhythms. The moon is uncomfortable in Scorpio since it represents our bodily experience and how we maintain emotional homeostasis.

Scorpio is comfortable with transforming itself into something new, while the Moon exists as a sensory organ that picks up information; if the Sun is the brain, then the moon is the spinal cord. The moon provides us our intuition the discomfort it experiences in Scorpio reflects our resistance to change and the discomfort we feel when confronted with the unknown. Grounding ourselves may prove challenging during this lunation, as we struggle with our anxieties about the future. We might feel ensnared by the dominating forces in our lives represented by the Scorpio house in our natal charts, struggling to break free.

We may cling to the need for a secure material environment, inadvertently neglecting the needs of our body and intuition. Exhausted by the responsibilities we bear, we may experience limitations in energy. Discerning whom to confide in and when becomes crucial, as does seeking companionship selectively.

The Moon-Sun opposition will be configuring a T-square with Pluto, at 2° of Pluto. This adds another layer of tension of this month’s full moon since square aspects prompt the revelation that we are lingering between the past and present with no easy or clear idea of what is to come. Pluto represents the shifting zeitgeist and is able to pull things from beneath the surface to our conscious awareness. Pluto has the power to dredge up buried emotions and unconscious patterns, forcing us to confront the darker aspects of ourselves and our place in society.

This full moon prompts us to reassess our priorities and find a balance between our material security and our emotional well-being. It challenges us to confront our fears and insecurities, urging us to delve deep into our subconscious to unearth hidden truths and unresolved issues.

As we navigate the intensity of this lunar phase, it becomes essential to trust our instincts and intuition. We may find ourselves drawn to introspection and self-reflection, seeking clarity amidst the chaos. It's a time to release old patterns and embrace transformation, allowing ourselves to evolve and grow.

Those with prominent early-degree fixed sign placements might be particularly sensitive to this lunation can be since it will be strongly aspecting those placements. The full moon could bring endings regarding any situations related to the shared themes of the houses occupied by Taurus and Scorpio in your chart, while the Aquarius house may offer context as to what is disturbing these shared areas of life.

★ April Twenty-fifth - Mercury Stations Direct in Aries ★

Mercury ends its retrograde period by the end of the third week of the month. It will be moving directly from the end of the month and into May. It will still be retracing its post-retrograde cycle and will not reach a new degree of Aries in May.

During this transitional period, we may still encounter echoes of the retrograde's influence, such as lingering communication issues or the need to revisit other unresolved issues. However, with Mercury now moving direct, we can begin to implement what we have learned during the course of this retrograde period and move forward with greater clarity and understanding.

We may find it easier to communicate with others without being overly combative, and the distraction of our personal frustrations is likely to ease starting on this date. We can harness Mercury's direct motion to move forward and bring our projects into the public eye.

★ April Twenty-eighth - Mars and Neptune Conjoin in Pisces ★

With Mars, the planet of action and assertiveness, merging with Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusions, there is a tendency to feel as though we're fighting against the world while simultaneously recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings.

It can be easy to give too much of ourselves away to other people with Mars in Pisces meeting Neptune. It is important to be understanding and forgiving, but also to uphold your boundaries to protect yourself from people who do not give you the same benefit of the doubt.

This transit offers us unbridled inspiration and momentum towards our aspirations, especially those that are spiritual or creative in nature.

We should be aware of our mental health at this time. We may feel exhausted by this transit. Mars was previously conjunct Saturn, which pushed us to work harder, and this conjunction can be a moment of reprieve for some. As we navigate this transit, balancing our drive for action with moments of pause will be key to harnessing its positive potential.

I suggest reading the horoscope for your rising sign. Hellenistic tradition also recommends that those born in the day read their Sun sign’s horoscope, while those born at night read their Moon sign’s horoscope.

Aries, you are recognizing that there are parts of your being that exist outside of the context of your lifetime of social conditioning. This month you might be restless and craving more experiences in order to fill yourself up, but it is more beneficial for you to learn to ground yourself at this time. Pour your energy into yourself in order to explore the multitudes of your being.
    Your energy is best directed inward and you can afford to bit more selfish with your time. You do not owe a specific facet of yourself to anyone. You honor your entire lived experience in each moment and contain multitudes of yourself. You do not have to succumb to upholding one version of yourself. You can best utilize your experiences as a source of creative inspiration at this time. It can be productive to use your restlessness to begin any projects that you on which you have been avoiding working.

Taurus, this April you are being called to use this period of isolation to reconnect with your need for stability. You are being motivated by your desire to connect with others, but you also have to prioritize your own needs. Working on things that are deeply personal to you can help you to connect with yourself better, which can in turn help you to ground yourself. Use the process of creation to help you understand yourself better. The act of creating is more important than the outcome at this time.
    It can be hard to avoid feeling the pressures of social obligations weighing on you at this time, but your sense of peace is important. No one can respect your boundaries until you set them. If you need space, then you should make room for yourself to be alone. You have to foster and nurture yourself because no one can enact your boundaries for you.

Gemini, you are being prompted to become more discerning in your relationships this month. You might realize that you have to distance yourself emotionally from some and create more boundaries with others in order to maintain certain relationships. You are assessing which connections truly support your growth and which ones may be holding you back. This is also the ideal time to differentiate between friends and collaborators. Not all friends make for good business partners, and those with whom you work may not be the best match for you emotionally.
    If you find yourself being torn because you are being pulled in too many directions, you need to reassess what is important to you at this time. You might find yourself being sucked into drama, but it is important to remember that everyone speaks with some level of ambiguity, and no one is ever exactly the way we perceive them to be when they self-identify. It can be difficult to manage social issues, but it is not your responsibility if they do not directly involve you.

Cancer, you can choose to validate others' misconceptions of you, or you can change the ways in which you want to be perceived as often as you want. You cannot control how anyone chooses to identify you, but you can let go of your need for validation.
    Instead of striving to meet the expectations of others, appreciate how far you have come. You do not know all of the doors that will open for you as your life continues to unfold. Understanding that you have been to places you once could not fathom for yourself opens you up to considering new perspectives regarding your life's work. What do you enjoy doing that is worth the sacrifice compared to everything else in your life? By harnessing this energy, you are able to direct yourself to where you need to be.

Leo, no one can teach you how to perceive and make meaning of life. We are all shaped by the tides of existence, and it is impossible to map exactly how or why you have gone through what you have and experienced what you have experienced. Surrounding yourself with those who can understand and validate your essence is more beneficial than maintaining your usual web of friendships at this time. This April is teaching you to be selective in your connections.
    What beliefs are worth holding onto at the expense of alienating yourself from others? What is worth fighting for? How do your ideologies help you if they isolate you? How do you find common ground between yourself and others?
    No one can direct the trajectory of your life. You cannot rely on others to spearhead your reality for you. More often than not, relying on others can hinder your momentum. You have to create what it is you want to see in the world by utalizing your sense of divine inspiration.

Virgo, It is normal to lament the parts of yourself you lose during the process of becoming someone different. You have to make sacrifices to change, and sometimes you have to let go of important relationships to get to where you need to be.
    You are molded by those around you, for better or for worse. It can sting to recognize that others do not uphold your vision for your life, but trying to force them to see what you need can take away their autonomy in return. There's a period of grieving for something you once held dear—a dream or idea about your future that can no longer exist. You have to ask yourself if it is worth it to uphold relationships for the sake of their perceived stability, or do you let them dissipate as they may.
    Whenever you want to gaze past the veil and see what lies beyond, you have to recognize that you can never truly know what lies ahead. You can only exist in the current moment, and recontexualize the past with what you now know about yourself and the world. It can be easier to rationalize situations than to sit in them and confront them for the reality of what is happening, but it is important to expirence the world as it is unfolding around you.

Libra, this month, you’re acutely aware of how your existence ripples out into the world and is echoed back to you through your relationships. You are learning new ways of letting your connections to others evolve. Having a healthy level of detachment in your relationships can allow you to explore new dynamics within them.
    You might need extra support right now as you are shedding the parts of you that you can no longer hold onto. Frustrations may arise if you feel like you are not being cared for, but it is just as important for you to express your needs as it is for you to receive help at this time.
    Developing new routines can help you to alleviate some stress. You should feel emboldened to manage and dictate the pace of your life. If you're feeling overworked at this time, you have to really assess and prioritize what is actually important to you.

Scorpio, use your creations as a means of validating your existence. Nothing i ever over until it’s completely decayed, and even then you can always make something new from what has been destroyed. Trust in your ability to transform challenges into opportunities. You can alchemize any feeling into something more powerful than the situation that triggered the response initially.
    By the end of the month, you'll begin to see the fruits of your labor as you reap the rewards of managing your time effectively. Remember, you have the power to shape your destiny, but it requires intentional choices and disciplined action.

Sagittarius, you are allowing yourself to define the meaning of your life. You can take control of this process through your craft since your art allows you to express this self-actualized definition to others. As you create art you are able to more clearly understand what is of true merit to you since you have to sacrifice a lot in order to make anything.
   It is healing for you to create works that communicte your unique persepctive at this time. Being able to express yourself through your creations allows you to connect with others on a higher, metaphysical plane. Bonding with others who share your creative spirit can help you to better  channel and contexualie your inspiration.
    Through creation and collobaration, you can carve out a space in the world for your voice to be heard and honored.  

Capricorn, trust that what you want will guide you to where you need to be. As cliche as it may be to say, we are all born knowing who we are and what we want out of our life but the expecations of others greatly changes how we relate to oursleves.
   This month you are learning how to teach yourself. What is it that you have always wanted to know about? That is where you should be directing your energy. 
   You might find it easier to be a reculse this month, which is understadnable since you do not want to bring the drama of your social life into your home. Channeling these complicated feelings into motivation to see what else exists in the world can guide you to whatever it is you need to be studying at this time. 

Aquarius, how do you know where to start? What drive within you tells you when to go? Do you control this force or does it control you? Are you in conversaion with it?
    Being capable of rational thought does not mean you have to burden yourself with the cognative weight of your own existance, but you should be examining why it is the way you are. Where do your patterns of thought orginate? How much of what you know about yourself has been taught to you by the outside world? Being able to understand the core of your essence does not require you to answer all the tautological questions of existance. 

Pisces, you are developing a new relationship to you enirvonment this month. You are able to more clearly see your impact on the world in which you occupy, which can help you to better understan yourself. This process can be difficult if you have felt out of control of your life recently, but ultimately it should be empowering. 
   Our minds operate by gaging our impact on the external world and we need to see how our actions affect our reality. This month you should teach yourself to reocngize when your thoughts are aligning with what is occuring and also when you feel out of control. Being able to recognize that you can change your state of mind can help you to feel connected to yourself as you navigate your changing relationship to stability.