December 2023 Horoscopes December 2023 Horoscopes
December 1st, 2023

In tropical astrology, December always begins in the middle of Sagittarius season and then shifts into Capricorn season at the winter solstice. The energy shifts from being easily excited about opportunities to feeling the burden of having to scrutinize everything in case it is too good to be true.

Capricorn is a deeply emotional sign. It feels deeply but carries its emotions privately. There is a Capricornian hope that correlates with the fact that the days begin to get longer after the Winter Solstice, which is the shortest day of the year. This hope comes from being patient, knowing that moments churn over themselves, and that we have to move with them. This hope requires hard work and does not come easily.

This particular December is bisected by Mercury. It enters Capricorn on the first of the month but will station retrograde by the middle of the month and make its way back into Sagittarius in the third week of December. By January first, it will station direct in Sagittarius. This month will force us to reconsider the ways in which we think about things and how our thoughts shape our belief systems. The basis of each truth we think we know is easily malleable given the circumstances we endure over the course of life. The ideals we uphold compound on each other, proving that there is no singular, unique truth that can be salvation for each thing in existence.

As the remaining planets in Sagittarius begin to shift into Capricorn, they will become square to Neptune in Pisces. This indicates a need to impose our beliefs onto others or to scrutinize what and how other people know. Additionally, the unfolding politics can prove that governments across the globe are more interested in mismanaging resources for the benefit of the top one percent of the population—given that both of these signs are ruled by Jupiter, which is retrograde in the financial sign Taurus.

Jupiter will station direct at the end of this month at 5° of Taurus. The New Year of 2023-2024 will focus on aligning ourselves with our life's purpose, given that this planet of outward expansion and abundance will station direct. Additionally, Mercury will also station direct a few days after, on January first, 2024. Jupiter’s forward motion in Taurus will allow us to actualize our goals related to our need for security with more clarity and momentum.

Although Venus enters one of the two signs of its detriment early in the month, this can be refreshing. Venus was conjoined to the south node and Square to Pluto in Capricorn prior to entering Scorpio. Venus is the planet that deals with curating and diplomacy, so this ingress will affect our relationships and our tastes.

Last month Saturn made multiple hard aspects to the inner planets as they began to enter Sagittarius, one by one, but it is not making any challenging aspects this month. It only trines Venus shortly after its ingress into Scorpio in the first week of the month. This allows us to do things without the looming constraint that Saturn can implement onto other planets.

★ December First - Mercury Ingresses into Capricorn ★

The month begins with Mercury entering the sign of Capricorn. This cardinal earth sign is ambitious and values systems in order to bring structure to our lives and society. Capricorn wants to see things done well, so that the interconnected system of logistics that allow the entirety of civilization to operate efficiently are in place.

In a way, the Capricorn perspective of the world is circular. If things worked as intended then everything would uphold itself through this interconnected system of systems, forming a self-sustaining cycle of order.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of restraint, persistence, and boundaries. This sign inherently understands the continuous work and effort that is required from all areas of society to uphold and keep society functional. At the core of the Capricorn philosophy is the appreciation of the foundations that allow any aspect of life to not only exist but also flourish.

Saturn represents the base of existence, which allows hierarchies to be constructed in order to protect and organize the intricate structures that sustain the foundations of societal and individual growth.

Under the influence of this Mercurial energy, we are likely to focus on upholding the practical aspects of our life through communicating needs and taking the time to read publications on business and the other power systems set in place. It is natural to question why things are they way they are and we are positioned in our class under Capricorn transits.

Despite Capricorn’s ambition and industriousness, this energy is not necessarily striving for power. It assumes roles of authority in order to manage things. With Mercury in Capricorn we will center our thoughts on what we are capable of doing based on our limited understanding of the world.

★ December Third - Venus in Libra Square to Pluto in Capricorn ★

Before Venus moves into Scorpio, it will square Pluto in the anaretic degree of Capricorn. These two cardinal signs value the development of new ideas and are motivated to start new beginnings. Given their differing elements, they face challenges in understanding each other's motivations and impulses.

Libra values harmony and social decorum, while Capricorn is industrious and focused on the material reality that influences us. We can find ourselves overly possessive and domineering in relationships as we fear losing them. We may also find ourselves judging others for what they choose to do with their lives or even their class on a more superficial level.

It can be difficult to balance multiple truths in a system designed to pit us against one another for its benefit. This intensity in relationships can arise when people cope differently with the stress of their position in life.

Some might find themselves focused on developing relationships with those whom they believe can bring them a sense of power or notoriety. The desire to project our class anxieties onto others can cause us to dismiss candor in relationships in favor of self preservation in a society that forces us into alienation.

★ December Fourth - Venus Ingresses in Scorpio ★

While Venus in its domicile sign, Libra, seeks to make things appealing to others, Venus in Scorpio does not have that same instinct. Scorpio does not mind making people uncomfortable since it understands the value of utilizing the moment for what it is worth at that time. This can make Venus's transit through Scorpio more antisocial and less inclined to connect with others.

Venus has difficulty understanding the merit in seeing things through completely in this sign, as Scorpio anticipates the end of things. It can be challenging to compromise with others at this time, especially for those with earth signs on their ascendant, since Scorpio does not care to help Venus reconcile differences of opinion. At its worst, the Scorpio archetype can be domineering in its relationships and have difficulty separating its own feelings from the bigger picture of the matter. We may expect consensus in our social circles at this time, which is not only unrealistic but also stifles our growth and the need for authentic expression.

Scorpio is most comfortable around others when it can predict their behaviors and anticipate how they will act. This sign tends to want to know everything about those they love to ensure a sense of predictability in their partnerships. This can be unrealistic, especially when taken to the extreme (which Scorpio has a habit of doing). Venus in this sign can expect others to expose themselves while denying them the same candor, leaving Scorpio in a superior position. These conflicting expectations can leave others to feel overexposed in this Scorpio energy.

Although Scorpio is traditionally thought to be a challenging sign for Venus, it can be refreshing to feel free to dissolve relationships as needed, since Venus was conjoined to the south node and square to Pluto in Capricorn prior to entering this fixed, Martian, water sign.

We are likely to be more interested in the macabre or avant-garde at this time since Scorpio naturally strips things apart to see what is lying underneath. Brutalist or deconstructive aesthetics are likely to be more appealing at this time. If you are creating art during this period, it could be cathartic to use unconventional materials or techniques in your work.

★ December Fifth - Venus in Scorpio is Trine to Saturn in Pisces ★

After Venus makes its way into Scorpio, it will trine Saturn in the mutable water sign, Pisces. This aspect can help us feel assured in our relationships, which Venus in Scorpio may have trouble doing on its own.

The influence of Neptune in Pisces adds a layer of spiritual awareness, emphasizing the interconnectedness of our emotional experiences. This may challenge Scorpio's usual inclination towards independence and skepticism. This realization can be jarring for some who embody Scorpio traits more and are accustomed to being individualistic or untrusting. This supportive alignment encourages us to overcome Venus in Scorpio's potential challenges in trust and vulnerability.

This day presents an excellent opportunity to engage in the arts, as we develop a finer appreciation for the unique and avant-garde.

★ December Sixth - Neptune Stations Direct in Pisces ★

Direct stations intensify the energy of the planet. The amplification of this Neptunian force in Pisces allows us to better comprehend the nebulous aspects of life. Neptune represents the invisible ways in which we are connected, such as the current cultural norms and the economy.

Future aspects to Neptune, now that it is moving forward through the sign of Pisces, will shape how the collective reacts to political matters. It is easier for each of us to understand that we are each one aspect of a greater collective existence that needs and nourishes us. None of us is alone in what we do, and our successes and struggles come from the collective and ripple back out into it.

Our lives are microcosms that reflect the greater expanse of the universe. In each individual experience, we see how we are shaped by the flow of society and how our lives can extend beyond our own perception and influence others. Embracing this interconnectedness, we find meaning in the alignment of our personal narratives with the grand narrative of humanity.

★ December Eighth - Mercury in Capricorn is Trine to Rx Jupiter in Taurus ★

When Mercury meets Jupiter in a trine aspect, communication flows more easily. It is easier to see situations for what they by the end of the first week of December. With both planets in earth signs, we may feel optimistic about our jobs, finances, or other material aspects of our live.

We are focused on creating meaning in regards to stability and how to establish functional methods of maintaining our material well-being as this transit is activated. It is important to question how your thoughts shape your feelings about yourself and what beliefs you hold about yourself and how the world operates that may hinder you from feeling secure. Taking a closer look at what is holding you back can help you remove unnecessary roadblocks that are keeping you from your life's purpose and from feeling stable.

With Jupiter retrograde, this hopefulness may not be as overt as we are continuing to align ourselves with our true purpose. Instead, it serves as a subtle undercurrent, guiding us to align with our true purpose. This period becomes conducive to introspection, making it easier to reflect on our aspirations and desires. It can be easier to reflect on what we exactly it is we want in order to feel secure and we may receive an invitation related to the significations of the Taurus house in your natal chart.

★ December Tenth - Venus in Scorpio Opposes Rx Jupiter in Taurus ★

In the second week of December, Venus will be opposite Jupiter in Taurus, which is still retrograde at this point. This can lead to craving more than you can handle in the areas of life that correspond to these two signs in your natal chart.

We will want our material reality to validate the anxiety we feel about not having enough. This opposition can lead to us equating our self-worth based on with whom we surround ourselves and feeling the need to show proof of what we have accomplished. These feelings can cause jealousy in our relationships and self-doubt in our capabilities. We can try to manipulate the natural outcomes of things given this vindictive energy. Some may brag in order to try to prove their self-worth.

This can also manifest as a lack of respect for the inherent cost it takes to create something. We might notice we are lacking awareness of how much we are overextending ourselves and potentially spreading our resources thin.

Mercury in Capricorn is sextile to Venus and will still be trine to Jupiter at this time. This influence can soften some of these issues by allowing us to comprehend and communicate our insecurities at this time. If these feelings are not mitigated, Mercury’s placement in this configuration can lead to using what we say against others in order to try to control the narrative.

★ December Twelfth - New Moon in Sagittarius ★

The moon meets the Sun at 20°40’ of Sagittarius at 3:32 pm PST (6:32 pm PST). New moons indicate a time of contemplating our next steps in regards to the themes of the sign in which the Sun and the moon conjoin.

This year’s new moon in Sagittarius can highlight our greater intellectual pursuits through tension in regards to our communities and what it is that we are lacking in our lives. Jupiter, ruling over both luminaries, is still opposing Venus in Scorpio and trine to Mercury in Capricorn, indicating a financial or material aspect to the truths we are seeking to uncover under this lunation.

Our socio-economic reality shapes our view of the world; this is why class precedes other identities. We are likely to want to experience new things, but realizing we are limited to what we are able to afford can cause a lot of frustration at the middle of the month.

With the Sun and the moon within 4° of Neptune in Pisces, we might find ourselves only speaking our mind with the intent of getting people to perceive our beliefs, not to listen and connect with us. We may feel disconnected from others based on our ability to provide for ourselves at this time.

Navigating the energies of this new moon calls for a delicate balance between intellectual pursuits, financial considerations, and the recognition of our interdependence within communities. It encourages us to approach new experiences with both enthusiasm and a grounded awareness of our material limitations, fostering a more authentic connection with ourselves and others. We are all struggling, this system is rigged for everyone; even those at the top who have enslaved themselves to the bottom line and their investors.

★ December Thirteenth - Mercury Stations Retrograde in Capricorn ★

Mercury retrogrades are challenging because when Mercurial energy turns inwards, it forces us to consider each bit of external stimuli and information we pick up on.

In the first half of this retrograde, while Mercury is still in Capricorn, it can be used productively to assess the foundational structures of the area of our life associated with the Capricorn house in our natal chart. This introspective period allows us to revisit and refine aspects of our lives connected to stability, ambition, and long-term goals.

It is supported by both benefic planets and will soon sextile its ruling planet, Saturn, before reentering Sagittarius. This period can be constructive and easier than other Mercury retrogrades initially. This alignment suggests that, despite the inherent challenges of Mercury retrogrades, the onset of this particular retrograde cycle may offer a more constructive and comparatively easier experience.

With these free-flowing aspects between Mercury, the two benefic planets and its planetary lord, we are able to confront any discrepancies between our personal aspirations and the societal structures that shape our lives. Assessing whether we fit into established structures becomes a pertinent theme, prompting us to examine our role and contribution within the broader social context.

★ December Seventeenth - The Sun in Sagittarius is Square to Neptune in Pisces ★

Square aspects force us to reconcile with the fact that we are in a moment that exists in between the past, with which we are familiar, and the future that has yet to make itself known to us. When the Sun is in Sagittarius, we are focused on the bigger picture, the ideals that create our laws and culture. Meeting Neptune in a square aspect,

World leaders can go against the current zeitgeist at this time, especially in regards to government spending considering that both planets in this aspect are ruled by Jupiter in Taurus. Authority figures at any level may decide to mismanage resources in ways that do not align with the current consensus.

The Moon actually ingresses into Pisces on this day and begins cohabiting with Neptune until it reaches an exact conjunction early in the morning on the ninth. In mundane Astrology, the Moon signifies the body of people over which the solar figure rules. This can be the constituents of a political body or the tenants in an apartment. The moon entering the same sign as Neptune indicates that the people are shaping the current zeitgeist that the figureheads are trying to operate against.

Given this difficult energy, it is possible that world leaders will continue to ignore the needs of the people. Neptune signifies the innate interconnectedness of all things. With Taurus’s influence on this transit, people can become overwhelmed that their government would prioritize "infinite economic growth" for a select few over ensuring its citizens are not in poverty—especially considering that there are not infinite resources to support this unyielding outward economic expansion.

★ December Twentieth - Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus ★

When Venus opposes Uranus, it can trigger feelings of social or romantic restlessness. We may reject those whom we sense do not match our intensity, influenced by Scorpio during this transit.

We are likely to find ourselves craving romance, which can cause us to rush our relationships and expect others to operate at our same pace. It is important to assess what we are comfortable giving to others and what is fair to expect in return at the height of this transit on this day. If we do not manage our expectations in relationships we can find ourselves jealous or disappointed in those who do not meet our standards.

On a mundane level, we are likely to witness an increase in protests, particularly regarding our sense of security. Issues related to death and financial matters are likely to come into focus.

Venus has been steadily approaching an exact opposition with Uranus since the fifteenth of the month, making it an operative force in the Sun-Neptune square dynamic. Venus represents civility, the arts, diplomacy, material comfort, and women’s rights. In its opposition to Uranus on this date, it is also nearing its exact trine to Neptune—this energy is culminating as the planets are still in an effective trine at this time.

With Venus and Neptune in this positive aspect to one another while Venus opposes Uranus, it can indicate that people may protest against the incompetence of their government, given that there is a collective need for societal change. People will want to see a better future for themselves and be more willing to fight for it at this time. Uranus is the planet of rebellion and revolutions. This can be manifested as more people unionizing against their employers, or as uprisings in different areas of the world.

★ December Twenty-first - The Sun Ingresses into Capricorn ★

This year's solar Capricorn ingress occurs when retrograde Mercury is conjunct to the Sun. This can cause us to reflect on the meaning of personal and social responsibility. As a Saturn-ruled sign, Capricorn focuses on restriction. It represents our sense of obligation to larger systems as a whole; this energy can be likened to the depiction of Atlas upholding the earth on his shoulders. Capricorn respects the power within hierarchies and upholding social order to benefit others. This sign is concerned with how to manage resources for the benefit of the development of the collective.

The capitalistic misappropriation of this inherent energy prioritizes upholding the structure to keep those on top succeeding at the expensive of everyone below them. As Pluto is set to exit Capricorn and reenter Aquarius next month, America will have to face the consequences of its government bailing out big banks after the 2008 market crash (which coincided with Pluto’s initial ingress into Capricorn fifteen years ago) while doing little to help its citizens.

As we navigate Capricorn season with the combined influence of retrograde Mercury, it becomes important to reassess our societal values and consider how we can redefine success to encompass the prosperity of the entire community. In the spirit of Capricorn's respect for social order, it is an opportune time to advocate for positive change, pushing against the capitalistic norms that may exploit the system. By fostering a collective mindset that values cooperation and community growth, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and sustainable structure that benefits everyone, not just a privileged few.

This ingress encourages a reimagining of social responsibility. Capricorn takes on burdens to honor a sense of humility that is necessary to assume more responsibility. The Capricorn drive is a circular loop, justifying enduring pain to take on more duties and manage more systems. The core of the Capricorn philosophy lies in the idea of running away from something to honor it. You can’t be close to something and observe it in its totality. To honor is to work, and to work is to suffer because you are not basking in what serves your soul.

All challenges are surmountable, but it is impossible to overcome the turmoil of existence. Capricorn is aware that life will chew you up and digest you. They have learned to keep their experiences close to their chest and to keep moving to avoid being ground up and spat back out.

There is a deep and inherently bleakness and melancholia to the nature of this sign, and its solar season each year prompts us to evaluate what exactly we are working for and what sacrifices need to be made to achieve those goals. What is worth leaving the home for? What heals your inner child? These are the questions you should start asking and answering this Capricorn season.

★ December Twenty-second - The Sun and Rx Mercury Conjoin in Capricorn ★

This Cazimi marks the halfway point of Mercury’s retrograde motion through Capricorn. This midpoint in Mercury’s retrograde cycle allows for clarity on the issues brought about over the course of this Mercury retrograde cycle.

It is easier to progress into the second half of Mercury’s retrograde since we can see the root of the problems with more transparency. Mercury will re-enter Sagittarius on the following day, making the second half of this retrograde more hectic as Mercury is exiled in Sagittarius. It is important to stay focused on what is tangible. Capricorn can be a cynic, especially compared to the ultra-optimistic Sagittarius, but remembering that things are not always as good as they may seem can be helpful in cutting through Mercury in Sagittarius’ impulse to disregard the nuance of situations.

Sometimes, awareness of an issue does not provide a clear or easy solution. Capricorn is acutely aware that what has been done cannot be changed. Moving forward with dedication to your goals might seem like the only solace for issues related to this retrograde.

This Cazimi can allow us to more easily recognize the hierarchies that constitute our lives and the roles we play in them. Our lives are built on a multitude of overlapping systems, and we are consistently assessing our own worthiness in these new and existing environments. This point in Mercury’s retrograde cycle can provide confidence that you are welcome and deserve to take up the space you occupy. What you have to say is worth listening to. Finding comfort in the fact that there is little you can do can allow you to feel more autonomous in the areas of your life where you can exert control. Allowing things to work themselves out in the background while working on what you can in the present moment can be empowering.

Despite Capricorn’s inner sentimentality, it is not a sign that forgives easily. This point in Mercury’s retrograde can remind us why we have left certain people and situations in our past. Not every ex-friendship is meant to be rekindled, despite the fact that missing them may gnaw at us for a long time. Feelings can take a long time to get over, and reaching out can hurt more often than it can help in some cases.

★ December Twenty-third - Rx Mercury Regresses Back into Sagittarius ★

Directly following Mercury’s Cazimi in Capricorn, it re-enters Sagittarius. Issues that were brought up last month during its pre-retrograde shadow phase are going to be brought back to the forefront of our awareness.

As we begin to progress forward with a new understanding of our past experiences and the beliefs we have developed while navigating them, we also have to learn to manage our expectations.

Mercury focuses on the minute details of things, and Sagittarius is searching for the grander truths of life. When transiting through this sign, Sagittarius’ energy can become quite dogmatic and focused on what is right and what is wrong.

Mercury has difficulty managing itself in this Jupitarian sign, and when it is retrograde, it finds it incredibly challenging to focus and consider nuance. We may find it difficult to engage with those who do not vehemently agree with all of our philosophies of life. The temptation to only engage with those who share our views may be strong, but the potential for growth lies in navigating the nuance of differing opinions.

★ December Twenty-fifth - Venus in Scorpio is Trine to Neptune in Pisces ★

Despite our apparent differences within our family, it is important to recognize the greater influence that the powers that be have on our lives. It is easy to scapegoat members of your community and family who seem to be obstructing your ideas of justice, but it is important to recognize the importance of creating community in order to defy the politics that work to separate us.

This aspect can make for a delightful Christmas celebration. Venus represents our material comforts and can symbolize our purchases. In Scorpio, it finds beauty in what others may find odd. Pisces supporting Venus can help us to enjoy the unconventional at this time.

With the rise in popularity of purchasing pre-owned items over the past several years, and Americans spending less due to inflation it is likely that people will appreciated the thought and time put into finding second hand or home made gifts.

Despite this positive aspect between Venus and Neptune, Mercury is approaching its exact square to Neptune at this time as well. This can lead to familial tensions during holiday celebrations over political matter. It is important to remember that we are all trying to understand the world, espeically when there is so much misinformation in the news, and that being more compassionate with your friends and family can be more beneficial when trying to combat these larger systemic issues than arguing with them.

★ December Twenty-sixth- Full Moon in Cancer; Sun in Capricorn is Trine to Rx Jupiter in Taurus; ★

The Moon becomes full as it approaches its exact opposition to the Sun at 4° 58’ of Capricorn. The Moon meets at this partile degree at 4:33 pm PST. This full Moon intensity represents the culmination of the tensions related to our sense of obligation to our inherited identity.

This energy can also manifest at home, within the family, or regarding issues from your childhood.

Jupiter, in the last few days of its retrograde, will be activating both the Sun and the full Moon. The Moon will sextile Jupiter and the Sun will be trine to it; this softens the fervor of this lunation. Additionally, the Moon and Jupiter are in mutual reception by exaltation; meaning that Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and the Moon finds exaltation in Taurus.

★ Rx Mercury in Sagittarius is Square to Neptune in Pisces ★

Following the full moon, retrograde Mercury is exactly square to Neptune in Pisces. It made this aspect late last month when it was direct. The turmoil that stemmed from cloudy judgment and trying to understand situations from too many angles without clear nuance are bound to resurface during this week. There are likely going to be public disagreements regarding our personal understanding of the greater powers at play that influence our shared collective experience. Being able to see the truth in others experiences can mitigate this combative energy.

Mercury in Sagittarius is approaching Mars, and Mars is moderately square to Neptune as well. We might be inspired to speak out or take action against a perceived issue that may not exist. It is possible to look for a scapegoat to pin our problems on. Trying to reconcile our ambition with what is actually occurring that we cannot fully comprehend, unable to accept defeat, and attempting to philosophize our experiences rather than feeling them. Something bigger than each of us is affecting us at this time, but we may take action against others if they are a perceived threat to our ideologies or the way in which we think the world should operate.

★ December Twenty-eighth - Rx Mercury and Mars Conjoin in Sagittarius and Simultanously Square Neptune in Pisces ★

A few days prior to Mercury stationing direct, it will conjoin Mars in Sagittarius. This conjunction can cause us to become hyper focused as well as irritable. With Mercury being retrograde, our focus can be scattered and we may be overwhelmed about what we have to do.

Both planets in Sagittarius are also squaring Neptune in Pisces at this time. This can lead us to believe that our ways of thinking are the solely correct way of understanding the world and that others should assimilate to our beliefs.

Squares can represent stifling energy as we hold onto the past that has been long gone. Both planets are ruled by Jupiter, the planet of organized religion and politics, so it is likely that issuing stemming from difference of opinions on these matters will arise. People will likely appeal to our anxieties about how the future is shifting and our inability to place ourselves in the current moment. People will feel destabilized in the moment and looking to cling onto any idea that can bring them salvation. With Mercury conjoined Mars we are more inclined to act on our beliefs. This can spark assertiveness in expressing our viewpoints, potentially leading to more active engagement with our convictions.

★ December Thirtieth- Jupiter Stations Direct in Taurus ★

After four months of reflecting on our principles and the foundations of our morality, we now view the future with greater optimism. Jupiter stationed retrograde in September, stalling any plans related to the Taurus sector of our natal chart. Now that it is moving forward through Taurus, we can understand our circumstances from a more grounded perspective. This is a period for taking what we learned over the past four months and redefining our sense of ethics.

Although Jupiter retrogrades are not as apparently intense as those of the inner planets, its retrograde motion through Taurus can prolong our expansion and sense of security in our current circumstances. Its forward motion will allow us to move forward with the opportunities associated with the area of life in our Taurus house within our natal chart.

Questioning what you are proud to have accomplished so far is a good way to utilize Jupiter’s forward momentum. Being focused on what you have done that has brought you a sense of fulfillment can help align you for the new opportunities that are bound to present themselves.

The abundance that Jupiter will bring into your life after stationing direct will relate to the tangible, material aspects associated with the Taurus sector of your nativity. We will also be able to find more enjoyment in these related experiences.

Jupiter stations direct at 5° of Taurus, the same degree at which the lunar eclipse occurred in October. This can bring forward momentum to any hindrances that transpired around the end of that month. The eclipse was the last along the Taurus-Scorpio axis for that series, concluding a chapter that began in the fall of 2021. However, this direct station of Jupiter could open doors related to the issues that evolved and settled over the course of those eclipses in the past two years. This station can be a pivotal turning point for some, especially those with early degree placements in fixed or earth signs.

Similarly, Mercury retrograded through the same degrees of Taurus that Jupiter did in the spring of this year. It is possible that anything that still seems obscured or issues that stemmed from misunderstandings from that time in late April to mid-May could actually begin to open doors at the end of this month.

This planet also represents justice and truth. It is natural to feel more inclined to fight for the right to basic necessities as Jupiter progresses through Taurus. This can be especially true in the realm of personal finances, given that Taurus rules over fiscal issues. In the United States, consumers are still struggling with inflation. Megan Brenan explained in her Gallup article that “Three in five Americans… say recent price increases have caused financial hardship for their household, marking a six-percentage-point increase from the last reading in November 2022 and the highest since 2021” in May of this year (two days after Jupiter initially entered Taurus).

I suggest reading the horoscope for your rising sign. Hellenistic tradition also recommends that those born in the day read their Sun sign’s horoscope, while those born at night read their Moon sign’s horoscope.

Sagittarius, do you remember all of the versions of yourself you wanted to become when you were a kid? You do not exist without the context of your past experiences. Sometimes it is easier to make new friends as we struggle to redefine ourselves. We don’t have to apologize to new people and we can pick up were our story has left off.
    You have gotten far, but it is not without the help of everyone who has ever known you. This December, be thankful that you have shared yourself with all the friends and family and strangers that witnessed you becoming yourself. Dedicate what you do to whoever helped to teach you that you are an autonomous being when all you felt like was just a kid.
    You do not have to even remember what it is that made you into who you are today. You are proof that you have existed and that your existence has shaped the world around you. It can be healing to ask your family about how you were when you were when you were really young over the holidays.

Capricorn, learn to make space for what you do not know about yourself. There is a version of you that exists that you will never be able to understand. This facet of your existence is as infinite as the number of people you will meet or interact with in your life. Each person keeps a version of you and everyone else they know in their mind.
    In recognizing this, you will become aware that your mind is equally vast. You have your own secrets about others and secrets that you have even forgotten about. Sometimes the issues you have with others are not that deep and will erode in the expansion of each of your minds as you both experience your own lives.
    You are able to exist in symbiosis with your environment and all the characters of your life rather than needing to be a force that exerts control onto it. By being receptive to the richness of the unknown within yourself and others, you are free to not take your own life too seriously when it is not necessary.

Aquarius, you cannot take the past with you. It does not exist. All the fears and doubts of failing your parents and your ancestors don't really matter. You cannot hold onto their ideas of you wherever it is that you are headed.
    Being bogged down by obligation to the ideal version of yourself that everyone else instilled onto you prevents you from understanding your own life purpose. You're naturally aware of how your state of mind affects how you understand yourself, but you might face some confusion regarding your feelings this month.
    You like to be able to control your thoughts so you can control your perception of reality, maintaining a comfortable level of detachment to your circumstances, but that is not always possible. Your feelings tell you what it is that you need to know given what is happening around you. Dissecting them can feel like you are vivisecting yourself. You are the doctor, you are the patient, and you are the operating room. You do not have to understand yourself in each of these truths all at once. You can make space for each version of yourself that you allow to exist within your mind.

Pisces, what promises to your future self have you had to break in the nature of self preservation? Sometimes we have to abandon old dreams as we change over the course of our lives. Maybe something you once wanted no longer aligns with your lifestyle or your ethics.
    You might be around people who foster your growth and give you opportunities you never even considered before. You get to betray yourself and reject the ideas about what you thought you would’ve wanted in the moment before you even knew who you would become.
    You may feel compelled to complete projects you abdaoned earlier in the year, given the help of your friends. It is easier to see the vision we want to create and the impact we want to leave on the world when we are supported. This can also bring more clarity about what direction you want to head and who you want to bring with you as you leave your past dreams to rest.

Aries, you don’t have to share anything you do not want to with anyone else. This can create boundaries that make you feel more secure in yourself, but in its extreme, it can make you unwilling to compromise.
    When we are able to help others, when there isn’t anything to be gained or lost on our part, we are able to combat what we have been told is right. Your actions are powerful, even when you feel the need to hide yourself. Cooperation is the fruit of life that sustains us.
    Having an individual mindset, sets you up to fail. You are not obligated anyone anything and in turn no one owes you a damn thing. In this context, this damnation lies in us being un able to see ourselves in others. Without compassion and forgiveness, we exist solely to serve ourselves. Without taking into consideration the fact that others may not be conspiring to hurt you, you lose your ability to humanize yourself. You can be weak and frail and you can be strong in helping others.

Taurus, when you allow someone to mistreat you because you think forgiving them atones for your sins, you lose a part of yourself to them. You do not need to bend to the will of anyone who disrespects you. You are free to leave relationships after they have run their course; there is no need to beat a dead horse or even a dying one.
    Understanding how your thoughts are able to affect how you interact with reality can really put into perspective how important it is to choose your friends and partners wisely. Do you like to be around jealous people because it gives you a false sense of security? Or would you rather be around people who are overly independent so you don’t feel obligated to give them too much of your time and energy?
    Being close to people takes a considerable amount of mental energy. You have to think about them, create an imagined version of them in your mind so you can predict their behavior. The trick to spending less time on your relationships is to surround yourself with people who are assured of themselves and share that with you. There will be less to predict, fewer eggshells to walk on, and more time for yourself.

Gemini, you are beginning to notice how the rhythm of your life is reflected in your relationships. When you don’t have time for others, you likely don’t have time for yourself. When everything seems to be changing, who you are able to relate to changes as well.
    Your relationships contain truths about your present moment that you may not be attuned to in this moment. Do you feel confident about your relationships? Do you feel secure in the other aspects of your life? As you morph into new versions of yourself, your ability to connect to people changes. How you invest your time affects how you are able to get along with others.
    Being able to get along with almost anyone is a gift you take pride in, but it does not mean that you owe yourself to everyone you know. You are allows to take your space back and do with it what you will.

Cancer, do you let your pain dictate how you perceive the world? Does what you lack push you to want greater things for yourself, or do you internalize that anxiety and allow it to affect your sense of self worth?
    Planning ahead should reflect your needs in this moment. It should not be a truth that you need to arbitrarily uphold indefinately. Your goals define who you are in this moment, now what you you need to achieve to prove yourself to others.
    There is no one moment were things will perfectly make sense. Each moment extends and twists into a new one until the past seems so alien to who you are currently. You can honor your past self by doing the things you thought you were incapable of doing then, now.

Leo, you are learning to make the unremarkable interesting. If you have found yourself in a creative block, you should take time to reflect on how your routine embodies who you are. No one is doing what do you at the time you do it. It is also not too late to start something new.
    Few people were born knowing what they wanted to do and able to take the steps in their childhood and adolescence to do that thing for the rest of their life. Many of us had to compromise with our parents and our culture. Whatever ideals may have been imposed on you, do nowt have to be upheld if they do not serve you.
    Despite the fact that may of us didn’t have the capacity to image a future that allowed us to freely express ourselves when we were younger, does that mean that you have to mold what you enjoyed as a kid to serve your adult self. You can pick up the hobbies you had as a kid and it will likely be of great service to your sense of self and your ability to create peace in your life. Your childhood has clues to what you should be doing now, but does not dictate where you have to go or what you have to achieve in your adulthood.

Virgo, your home reflects how you see yourself. Your room is an externalization of your mind. You should make time to keep your living space comfortable. It is okay to decorate an apartment even if you will not be there forever. Life is inherently transient, and you cannot save yourself from having to keep up with it moving into each new moment.
    Your space allows you to cultivate a sense of self, which can be utilized in your art and what you create. You get to give meaning to where you live and, in turn, use that meaning to fulfill yourself creatively and spiritually. People may not get it, and that's okay. You are allowed to be mysterious. If the systems you create that allow you to relax and work on your hobbies work for you, then they work.

Libra, how do you explore and engage with your community? What does your neightborhood mean to you? Is it just another place were you happen to live or do you enjoy what is around you? Being able to assess your relationships to all the people you are in forced proximity with can help you to better understand what you wish was different about the world.
    This can inspire you to work to make changes in your life that give you a better sense of stability and allow you to show up for others. In fact, abundance stems from our ability to apperiate change. Nothing will ever stay the same. You living were you do changes you and it changes the area in which you live. You get to bring your culture to your roommate and your neighbors. You get to bring something you learned from them back home to your family.
    The community you live in is not a group of random people; it is an interconnected social ecosystem. This month, you should engage with the locals in your area in order to feel more connected to something bigger than yourself.

Scorpio, are you able to provide yourself with a sense of security, or do you rely on others to make you feel safe? We are, by nature, social animals, so we do need community and companionship, but at what price are you keeping people who don’t really want to stick around?
    You can prioritize yourself while making time for others; you should not sacrifice new opportunities in your endeavors of maintaining your relationships. You may be scorned and concerned with what people can offer you. You might want people to prove themselves to you. Putting yourself in this position of power over others can be lonely.
    You deserve fulfilling relationships, but that requires you to let go. People will stay or go because they want to. They will tell the truth or lie to you because they choose to do so. It is not your job to safeguard your sense of self by policing your relationships with others.