January 2023 Horoscopes
January 1st, 2023

Capricorn season brings an air of authority to the collective. The Capricorn archetype is self-governing and industrious. Although we will feel inspired and motivated as the sun transits through this sign, it can be easy to succumb to imposter syndrome.

January of 2023 begins the new year with a stellium in this sign, endowing us with resourcefulness and pragmatism. Capricorn can be cold and callus since it is ruled by Saturn— the planet of boundaries and limitations. With the Sun, Mercury, and Venus conjoining in Capricorn for the first half of the month, we will reconsider our relationships with concern for practicality: am I getting as much as I am putting into this relationship?  Capricorn intuitively wants to maintain conventions and ensure that things are going as planned. This sign values being realistic and sensible, it does not give into ideals easily. Capricorn season is the time to sever anything that is not serving you.

There is a slow start to the new year with Mars and its current planetary lord, Mercury, both being stationed retrograde. The new year will seem as if it is pushed backed until the third week of January, once both of these planets are moving directly. The combination of Mars in Gemini and its ruler, Mercury in Capricorn, both being retrograde will painfully remind us to not take anything for granted. Mars in Gemini has been mismanaged for several weeks by Mercury’s movement through Sagittarius and it will continue to be impaired as its ruler is retrograde.

The astrology of this January will force us to reconsider our proximity to others. To what extent are the friendships we foster serve us? Is what we are telling our friends being understood and considered, or is it being used against us? Capricorn is practical, and operates in a way that is self-serving, but not inherently selfish. Be careful extending yourself too much to those who drain you. You need to maintain responsibility to yourself in order to provide for others.

During December, Neptune stationed direct, Jupiter reentered Aries, and Mercury stationed retrograde in Capricorn. The month ended with an exact Venus-Pluto conjunction in the third decan of Capricorn— this conjunction will barely be beginning to separate on the first of January.

Jupiter is the first outer planet to shift signs this year. In the spring both Saturn and Pluto will ingress into new signs. This marks the shift out of the current era and into the next.

Jupiter reentering Aries will circle back to events that transpired this past Summer, when Jupiter was previously moving through the sign of Aries. As I wrote in my October horoscopes, Jupiter in Aries is linked to increased violence and dogmatism. It can be easier to feel motivated, but it is easier to get carried away with our own ideals of how things should be. There is less need for escapism and more desire to action. Jupiter will stay in Aries until May of 2023.

Jupiter stationing direct and moving into Aries has coincided with decreased gasoline prices.

Neptune remains retrograde for about half the year, each year. Neptune signifies the overall social current, the invisible force that Shepards us together. All three of the outermost planets represent the overall zeitgeist, but Neptune signifies the intangible yet palpable shifts we collectively experience. It is the force that exists outside the material world yet unifies all things. Now that Neptune is direct, there is great clarity (after a six month long period of reflection and disillusionment) in the area of life that corresponds to the Pisces house in your natal chart.

Retrograde Mercury causes us to take in more information at once, making this period of time overwhelming and confusing. This coupled with retrograde Mars in Gemini, is particularly overstimulating and distressing. Situations may feel overwhelming, no matter how complex they may truly be, while both of these planets are retrograde.

Transits from December 2022 and January 2023 are preluding many major transits happening in March of 2023. As we move through the Winter and into Spring, we will notice a shift into a new direction. We will begin to understand more clearly, the extent to which COVID aftermath will affect us.

The new year begins with Venus moving away from Pluto in Capricorn coupled with a coinciding Moon-Uranus conjunction in Taurus. These simultaneous transits are not at a degree aspect to each other, but are still influencing the new year in tandem.

When coupled with Pluto’s intensity, Venus craves deeper emotional connection. The first week of January will involve redetermining what you want out of your close interpersonal relationships.

The Moon’s two-day long cohabitation with Uranus in Taurus will make us eager to express ourselves. This transit makes it easier to be overtaken by your own desire for emotional freedom and to say things that cannot be taken back as consequence. Instead, it is important to surround yourself with people who understand you and are willing to help you understand any complex or turbulent feelings.  

*ੈ✩ Venus ingresses into Aquarius on the second day of the month. When Venus is placed in Aquarius, it becomes more discerning, taking a step back to observe before acting or casting full judgment. Venus can appear standoffish in this sign, but the Aquarius archetype needs time to assess others before they feel comfortable getting to know them.
    Aquarius values objectivity, and would rather distance itself before letting its feelings overcome its rationality. Although it is a social, yang, air sign, it is ruled by Saturn (which in this sign for the entirety of the month) making it less overtly social than Gemini or Libra.
    Aquarius is a humanitarian, but struggles with intimacy. It values logical thinking over emotional influence. Although not overtly sentimental, Aquarius is romantic in its own way. Aquarius sees past societal conception of hierarchies in order to understand everyone as individuals and to see how each person is an individual component of the lager social macrocosm. Now is the time to see your friends as they are, and to love them regardless. Aquarius plays devil’s advocate because it knows that each situation is as complex as the people involved; it wants to explore as many perspectives as possible. This energy is not traditionally romantic, but it has its own way of expressing its consideration.
*ੈ✩ Neptune in Pisces will be sexile to retrograde Mercury in Capricorn on this day as well. This transiting aspect can lead to delusions and miscommunications. Be wary of speaking in hyperbole and jumping to conclusions since this transit already exacerbates misunderstandings.
    Now is a good time to reflect on your current beliefs and revise them to suit your present self. It is important to not romanticize the past; your current self is in more control; you should not submit yourself to something as transient as a memory. Being centered and self reflective during this period can help you see past events more clearly and gain more insight into your current moment as this transit separates.

*ੈ✩ Following Venus’ movement into Aquarius, it will sextile Jupiter in Aries. This transit brings desire for excitement and novelty.
    This is a very social transit; promotes parties and social gathering. Be wary of gossip since Jupiter expands or exacerbates what it aspects and Venus represents social groups and gatherings. Retrograde Mercury is also prone to festering rumors and misunderstandings. Be wary of what you say to others at this time. Are you sharing what you know out of concern or to have your perspective validated?
    This can be a good time for making big purchases (especially technological purchases), if they are well researched and budgeted given that both planets signify fiscal matters and are in positive aspect to each other.

*ੈ✩ On the third of the month, the moon passes over retrograde Mars in Gemini. This is an emotional transit. Events that trigger feelings regarding past situations are likely to occur during this two day transit.
    Since both planets are ruled by retrograde Mercury in Capricorn, it can be easy to be too assertive and short sighted when confronted with stressful situations at this time. The Capricorn archetype would rather focus on what it already knows in order to understand its own emotions, rather than alternative perspectives. This perspective can be stifling and does not help to mitigate conflict that can arise during this conjunction.
   It is important to take time to consider your feelings rather than rushing into trying to pacify them through action. Sitting with yourself at this time may be difficult, but it is crucial to handling the stress of this conjunction.

*ੈ✩ The Sun in Capricorn will be trine to retrograde Uranus in Taurus on the fifth. This transit will bring about new opportunities and revelations. Uranus causes unforeseen situations to occur, and when it is in good aspect to another planet, it aids that planet in its ability to operate by bringing about sudden changes for its benefit.
    This transit will make way for new opportunities. The solution you need to finish a project you are working on is likely to appear to you at this time. This transit can ignite feelings of excitement, but it is important to not get carried away with any new possibilities that have presented themselves during this time. It is important to take things slowly and to carefully consider all options before acting.
    Although this is a favorable aspect, Uranus can cause collateral damage. The events instigated by this transit can be long-lasting since Uranus is a slow moving, outer planet. As the quicker moving planets move in and out of aspect to Uranus, events caused by its mayhem will reappear in your life. This makes it especially important to consider how you react to these situations. This aspect will last until about the tenth of this month.
    Uranus’s revelations are grand, but the feeling of realizing an epiphany is short-lived. It is important to solidify this transit’s impact by implementing your revelation in your work. How can it help you rather than fading into the background of your mind? What does this revelation actually help you realize— how can it be used for your benefit?

*ੈ✩The Full Moon in Cancer occurs on the following day. Full Moons are the point in the lunar cycle where we instinctively purge our suppressed emotions. They are emotional, but cathartic. The moon is domicile in Cancer; it operates exceptionally well in this sign, but that does not necessarily mean this full moon will not be difficult.
    The opposition between the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Cancer illuminates the ways we rationalize our feelings for the sake of prioritizing our obligations over our emotional health. The Full Moon marks the culmination of our pent up stress and frustration. It is impossible to deny your feelings at this time, and if they have not been managed, it will be easy to give into overwhelming feelings at this time.
    Uranus in Taurus is making coeval positive aspects to both the moon and the Sun. It is sextile to the moon and trine to the sun, both within a degree. Uranus will present unanticipated situations that help alleviate the stress of this annual lunar phase by helping us realize the need for harmony between our inner world and our external existence.

*ੈ✩ On the eighth of the month, Mercury will be trine to Uranus. Mercury was Trine Uranus last month, prior to stationing retrograde; it is now undergoing this transit again. This transit will cause us to revisit the things that were happening in our lives in the middle of December. This transit will also mirror themes from the presently separating Sun-Uranus trine.
    We are likely to develop new perspectives regarding these events as Mercury moves backwards through its shadow, which can make this transit difficult (despite being a traditionally positive aspect).
    These revelations may not be entirely freeing or positive. Uranus’ influence can be disruptive and it can fabricate events seemingly out of no-where. You will have to consider new variables regarding things you thought were resolved. This aspect can be uncomfortable, for as much as you have seemed to realize because of it, the more confused you can become.

*ੈ✩ There will be a Venus-Mars trine directly following this aspect between Venus in Aquarius and Mars in Gemini. This trine brings a sense of diplomacy and aids in resolution. Both signs are air signs and represent social matters; we may collectively feel more social— especially since Mars stationing retrograde at the end of October. This transit can help alleviate some of the stress from the separating Mercury-Uranus trine.
    Now is a good time to begin or finish creative projects, since this transiting aspect can be beneficial for their success. Mars is the planet of motivation and tension, while Venus signifies art and the things we create. Both of these planets are active, so anything that is creative involves physical effort can be accomplished productively at this time— even something as simple as reorganizing your closet. Since Venus and Mars are in two cerebral signs, this can be a good time to categorize your bookshelf or declutter to help optimize your space. 

*ੈ✩ On the twelfth, Mars stations direct. Retrograde Mars in Gemini has been stifling. Gemini is ruled by Mercury and has traversed through multiple signs during Mars’ retrograde.
    When Mercury was in Scorpio, suspicions were high and anxiety was overwhelming, but it was well managed. As Mercury moved into Sagittarius, a sign in which it is debilitated, things around us seem hectic. Issues with planning, situations not happening as planned. Scatter-brained. Mercury spent a short amount of time in Capricorn between starting its retrograde motion. Retrograde Mercury ruling over Retrograde Mars is draining. It seemed impossible to make solid plans, events kept shifting, and we were collectively mentally exhausted. Retrograde Mars in Gemini is hectic, new roadblocks seem to appear constantly, while Mercury in Capricorn wants to work methodically, it was unable to do so. As Mercury stationed direct, it makes it exceedingly more frustrating to try to get things done.
    Now that Mars is stationed direct, it will be easier to want to make plans and follow through with them. We will begin to realize the tangible steps to take to actualize our goals, rather than feeling burdened by the chaos around us. It is hard to be productive when everything seems to be moving too quickly for us to handle; Mars being retrograde in Gemini is like being weighed down, being forced to watch as the world moves around you while you can barely keep up enough to recognize your own presence.
    Although Gemini is direct, it is moving slowly and is retracing its steps. It may not feel as if our heads are being held underwater, but nothing will feel normal until Mars moves past the degree at which it began its retrograde motion. Mars will continue retracing its shadow until March 15th, 2022 and then quickly move into Cancer, the sign of Mars’ fall. While retrograde Mars in Gemini was sniffling and confusing, Mars in Cancer will be unable to recognize its power. We will shift out of feeling helpless due to the numerous extraneous circumstances retrograde Mars in Gemini incited into feeling more laissez faire about our responsibilities (when we really should be taking the initiative).

*ੈ✩ The Sun will be sexile to Neptune on this day as well. Now is the time to act on ideas from the beginning of the month when Mercury was sexile to Neptune. The Sun brings power to Neptune’s ideals; it is easier to recognize what you need to do to actualize your goals and bring them into the material world. The Sun is able to expose what is a facade and what is potentially tangible. Now that Mars is moving forward— even though it is not directly aspecting either planet— it is even easier to take action.

*ੈ✩ Venus in Aquarius is square to Uranus in Taurus on the fourteenth. This aspect is challenging, but it is still invigorating. It can be easy to get carried away with plans at this time. Things can be particularly flustering when they don’t seem to be going your away; it is important to let go and live in the moment to not get overwhelmed by this square. This excitement is not sustainable long term & you will need to plan accordingly. New auspicious opportunities can present themselves at this time, but be discerning.

*ੈ✩ On the seventeenth, the Moon in Sagittarius will be separating from its trine positioning to Jupiter and begin to approach an opposition to Mars, indicating feelings of tension after feeling motivated. There will be more obstacles preventing us from working on our projects. It will feel as if there is pent of energy, with no way to release the tension. This can make us emotional, since we feel helpless which leads to feelings of frustration.
    Since the moon and Jupiter are in fire signs, their combined energy will invigorate us and push us to action, but as the moon begins its opposition to Mars in Gemini, it will be stopped in its tracks. Mars in Gemini is more realistic than the Moon traversing through Sagittarius, which will curb feelings of excitement. It is important to consider the practicality of any project we choose to begin during this time.

*ੈ✩ Mercury stations direct on the eighteenth. It is still moving slowly and it will take time to regain speed  and go back to its normal rate of movement. Mercury exiting its retrograde status will dissipate many of the mental obstacles we had been experiencing for the past three weeks. Will be taking in less information, making it easier to focus on the bigger picture. Able to recognize how events lined up to lead to the present moment, rather than burdened by realizing too much.
*ੈ✩ Simultaneously, the Sun in Capricorn is conjunct Pluto. Emotional tension in regards to our self identity. Situations brought up from New Years may resurface, since the Sun is following Venus’ movement at this time. Things that were hidden will be brought out into the open. This can be an emotional transit as secrets get revealed, but ultimately it is better to know than not to know.
    Mercury is cohabiting in Capricorn at the time of this conjunction. It is moving directly, and able to manage itself, which will elevate some of the stress. It is important to establish new boundaries with yourself to maintain healthy connections to your friends and partner to maintain a strong sense of self.

*ੈ✩ The Sun moves into Aquarius on the twentieth. Aquarius is methodological and is adept at categorizing and systemizing. It is governed by Saturn and opposite to Leo, so it restrains itself to understand others. The Leo-Aquarius axis strives to understand themselves and others, while Leo puts itself into situations in order to understand them, Aquarius takes a step back and watches from afar. The Sun does not do well in Aquarius for this reason, since the sun represents each individuals personal desires and mode of operating to achieve what they want.
    Aquarius season makes it difficult to understand how we fit into social situations because we are too busy getting caught up in understanding the broader picture of the social situations in which we find ourselves. Although the Sun is in its fall in Aquarius, its ruler, Saturn, is at home at this time in the same time, alleviating some of the stress the Sun experiences trying to operate under the Aquarian paradigm.

*ੈ✩ The Moon will enter Aquarius directly following the Sun’s ingress into this sign, indicating January’s New Moon. The new moon in Aquarius will occur in first decan of Aquarius (associated with Saturn). There is a coinciding Venus-Saturn conjunction in the third decan of Aquarius.
    The third decan of Aquarius is associated with Venus and Saturn is the traditional planetary ruler of Aquarius, auspicious. Both signs are working together in this conjunction and their ability to function is aided by these rulership associations. Venus and Saturn will bring structured, auspicious new beginnings during this new moon. This new moon is good for detailing planned steps in order to achieve what you want. Set ambitious creative goals for yourself.

*ੈ✩ Uranus will station direct on the twenty-second. At this time, no planets will be retrograde. Things will seem a lot more coherent for this period of time. All planets will be moving forward until April, when Mercury goes into retrograde again.
    All of the outer planets are retrograde for about half of the year, each year, so their retrograde motions do not affect us as immensely as the inner planets’. Uranus’ five month long annual trek backwards indicates a stronger desire for stability. Uranus categorically signifies upheavals and epiphanies. Events brought about by aspects to retrograde Uranus, remind us how badly we crave stability.

*ੈ✩ On the twenty-fourth, the Sun in Aquarius sextile to Jupiter in Aries, which will bring collective feelings of confidence and provide clarity regarding our individual self concepts. Jupiter is the benefic planet that signifies luck, and abundance.
    Although Jupiter is abundant, it can also be gluttonous and delusional. Be mindful about your ego during this time. Aries can get carried away with new opportunities and has a habit of bulldozing through things to get to where it wants. It is important to recognize that things take time; this is a good time to let your inspiration motivate you to plan new projects. The sign of Aquarius signifies friendships and social groups; working with others at this time can be especially helpful for managing your plans.

*ੈ✩ Venus gains essential dignity on the twenty-sixth, when it moves into Pisces, the sign of its exaltation. Venus in Pisces  is emotional and sensitive; it is sweet and values romance. As Venus traverses through this sign, ordinary events will seem more magical, and we will feel more sociable— especially compared to Venus in Aquarius.
    Pisces is creative and values seeing the best in every opportunity. It is spiritual, but can place too much emphasis on the metaphysical and undervalue practicality. It is important to be mindful of how you perceive people during this planetary transit. It is essential to maintain a healthy level of excitement for the mundane while also being realistic about your creative endeavors and relationships to others.

*ੈ✩ At the end of the month, Mercury retraces it steps and forms another trine to Uranus, this time while stationed direct. This is the third and final time this aspect will occur during this Mercury cycle.
    This aspect will help us gain more clarity regarding situations brought about around the seventeenth of December. When Mercury is retrograde, it has a harder time of accessing information because it is absorbing too much at once, this makes it easy to overlook importantly details that can cause miscommunications. Now that Mercury is direct, it can more easily focus its attention on relevant information. As it is trine to Uranus, it will help us reflect on the past month and a half, helping us to assess what boundaries we need to set with others and what precautionary steps we need to take for our stability.
    As Uranus moves through the sign of Taurus, it will continue to challenge our ideas regarding stability and security. Mercury in Capricorn helps us discern what is necessary for us to feel safe. It will be exceptionally beneficial to consider what you should actually depend on during this transit.

*ੈ✩ As we reach the end of the month, there will be another moon mars conjunction, first once since it was stationed directly. This will provide clarity regarding our feelings and the actions we take in order to maintain emotional homeostasis. We will collectively revisit the themes from the beginning of the month. It will be easier to understand our frustrations at this time now that Mars is stationed directly. Gemini is a more cerebral sign, so it prefers to think through and talk about their feelings in order to understand them. This period can be emotional, but the force of these planets will make us prone to petty disagreements that can turn into arguments rather than make us feel overly sensitive.
    This conjunction will be trine to the Sun in Aquarius. This aspect can help alleviate the vulnerability of the Moon-Mars conjunction as it provides clearer insight into our struggles. The Sun does not handle itself well in Aquarius, so it may not manage the conflict brought about by this aspect well, but it will not actively contribute to the tension.
    This transit can help teach us to mitigate conflict through open conversion and collected rationality. Being able to communicate your feelings while also balancing other’s perspectives is a crucial skill to develop.

I suggest reading the horoscope for your rising sign. Hellenistic tradition also recommends that those born in the day read their Sun sign’s horoscope, while those born at night read their Moon sign’s horoscope.

Capricorn, your personal responsibilities are necessary in order to preserve yourself. By nature, you are focused on maintaining structure in your life, but what happens when you become overwhelmed— which of your responsibilities are the first to go once they begin to pile up? You have spent much of the last few months contemplating your priorities and reevaluating how you handle the obligations you have for yourself.
    Stress regarding your day-to-day life forces you to prioritize your basic needs before you need to cultivate your sense of self. After long periods of time experiencing this pressure, it is easy to lose track of your identity and operate without much consideration to how you want to align yourself. January will be less hectic, allowing you to regain your autonomy, rather than acting as a tool to fulfill your own material needs. Although it is difficult to regain your sense of self after a period of stress, you exist beyond serving your basic obligations to yourself; your routine should serve you and give you the freedom to explore yourself.

Aquarius, January is a period of reconnecting with what inspires you after a period of lack of creative fulfillment. As you exit this mental haze, you are beginning to understand how much it truly costs to create something. The amount of time, effort, and thought put into your creations, and the energy it takes can never be replaced. Perhaps you have been trying to conserve your efforts for when you feel particularly creative and ready to create something, but you are beginning to recognize that you have to continuously train your imagination. 
    It is much easier to put off working on creative projects, but it is important to consider how much you benefit from being artistic. Your creative outlets can help you understand yourself.
    You may feel overwhelmed for the first few weeks of the month by other people’s reliance on you. This is understandably taxing, and further contributing to your artist’s block, you can come out of this period with a better understanding to whom you should be loyal. You cannot be there for everyone, and you can use this period to better understand your connection to others. It may be difficult to see the bigger picture while you are in the midst of several stressful situations that depend on your patience.

Pisces, how do you honor yourself when you take time to be alone— do you decompress in meaningful ways, or ways that seem easy? This January is an ideal time to spend time with yourself in order to be more productive. It is easy to hide from others when you are overwhelmed, but do you use your privacy as a crutch when confronted with problems? Alternatively, you may feel tension when you spend time at home. You can feel stifled and restless when you try to stay in.
    These past few months may have brought issues that are forcing you to reflect on your childhood. You are coming out of this period of familial pressure with a new perspective regarding issues stemming from how you were raised.
    You have taken a brief step back from socializing recently due to stress, but by the end of the month you will begin to feel the desire to reconnect with your friends. You possibly have attempted to french exit on some of your social circles, but as the month concludes, you may find yourself reconsidering this. Understanding how stressful it is to maintain multiple meaningful connections can help you better assess your own need for belonging. Were you rejecting people to persevere your relationship with them? By the end of the month you may re-evaluate your relationships to others with more clarity and dignity. It takes great discipline to manage relationships and it can become difficult to manage them when situations get overly complicated.

Aries, you have spent a considerable amount of time the past few months teaching yourself how to communicate effectively. You likely have been dealing with situations that make you feel unheard. It can be difficult for you to articulate your needs, perhaps you are unsure as to what you need at this time. This can make you feel unsupported by your community. The more you communicate your thoughts and ideas, the more people recognize the version of yourself you want to be perceived and validated. You should not hold yourself back from opening up since that makes it easier for miscommunications to occur and will only make you feel invalidated.
    January makes it easier to more carefully analyze your feelings in order to understand the confusion around conversing. This will aid in your ability to articulate what you need. You deserve the space you occupy and your words hold meaning. Being able to communicate your ideas and needs allows you to externalize your inner experience. You are worthy of the time and space your loved ones make for you to listen to you.  You tend to be self-reliant, but January will help soften your edges and make you comfortable realizing you don’t need to manage everything yourself.

Taurus, how has your ability to rely on yourself affected your broader perspective? A strong moral compass is needed in order to guide your ability to make decisions, even the mundane choices needed in your day-to-day life. Your world philosophy should help ground you. You tend to be practical, but recently you have found yourself confronting the theoretical aspects of life. It can be easy to get lost in ideas regarding things that are not substantiated by what you are experiencing in the material world, which can be frustrating since you are motivated by your desire to enhance the 3d space around you.
    This time was not wasted, even though it felt limiting. You can come out of this period with a better understanding of how your conceptions about the world help to center you. By the middle of the month, you will feel less constraint regarding your sense of security. You will feel more capable of providing for yourself, which will help you overcome this pattern of over analysis. Listening to other people’s and perspectives can be especially helpful for overcoming any feelings of anxiety or inadequacy durning this unstable time in your life.

Gemini, how do you regain control of your identity after feeling lost from yourself for so long? You have been in a two and a half month long period of being pulled in so many directions, by so many people that you feel alienated form your own individuality. This influence can be difficult for you because you want to understand others perspectives and are moved by other people’s perspectives.
    January will offer you time for self exploration. You need to continuously foster who you want to become. Balancing who you want to be with who you are at this moment. It is important to maintain a strong sense of self in order to navigate complex, ever changing situations— you are your only constant. If you let your self concept get distorted by outside influence, it will be difficult for you to remain centered as the world moves around you.
    Take the time this month to consider all that you have once wanted that you now have and how long it took to achieve any of that. How long did it take to get there? What have you learned regarding these past goals that are now a part of your reality?

Cancer, this month offers you relief from operating on your hind brain impulses. You have been in a limbo period, unsure as to how things have been developing the way they have and being frustrated by not being able to understand the events that have led to your current position. You may have too many people relying on you, when you feel as if you cannot support yourself. The transits of the past few months may have made it hard for you to feel secure in yourself, which can aggravate the stress others are putting on you since this can cause dissonance regarding your understanding of yourself. This can be particularly challenging for you, since you pride yourself on being able to provide for your loved ones.
    January provides you comfort in intimacy. You will feel more connected to yourself as you spend time with those you love the most; you partner or closest friends. It is important to be around those with whom you can comfortably set boundaries, since boundaries allow us to honor ourselves. This will help you recalibrate after a period of feeling lost from yourself.

Leo, how much stress will you endure for the sake of your social circles before you reconsider how much these relationships are worth to you? You have found yourself considering the cost of maintaining friendships over the past few months— is it because your friends offer you genuine companionship, or have you found yourself in a comfortable position up until recently? Reconsidering how important familiarity is in order to understand your own boundaries for intimacy is beneficial to you during this time. Have you neglected your responsibilities in order to show up to events? How much does this cost you in the long term? It can be easy to lose your sense of daily routine when getting involved in drama.
    You are starting the new year reconsidering your priorities. You need to adequately provide for yourself while also maintaining beneficial, symbiotic friendships. Being social is important to you and you learn about the world by injecting yourself into situations in order to better understand them. You will come out of January with a new perspective regarding socializing and sustaining friendships. You need to provide for yourself before you can subject yourself to (health levels) of stress by going out to events.

Virgo, during these past several months you have been trying to decide for what you want to be recognized. This has been causing you to have trouble cultivating your public identity. You may have been shying away from public recognition due to feelings of insecurity, but January will make it easier to understand your influence.
    This month, you will begin to understand yourself by considering what it is you want to create. You have been sensing that things are missing and possibly feeling suppressed because of the lack you are perceiving. Although it is stressful and easy to fall into a creative rut, the absence of what you want to see makes way for opportunities. Perhaps you have been creating stressful situations because you are feeling patricianly tense during this time. It is important to channel that energy into your artwork.
    You have a unique perspective that no one else fully shares, which allows you to see the ways in which the material world is lacking for your point of view. It is up to you to decide how you want to execute your creative projects. You are able to mirror yourself in what you create, so how will you manage to reflect who you are in what you are creating?

Libra, you have been in a phase of redefining your ideals and refreshing your worldly knowledge since you have been craving a deeper understanding of things. It takes effort to cultivate the mental space that is needed for spiritual and philosophical exploration. You have been developing a perspective that is different from those around you, which can feel isolating. Maybe you have been spending more time by yourself to process your new assessments of the world. This can lead to a positive feedback loop in which you feel misunderstood, and then you feel forced to isolate yourself.
    You should take the time to learn from others. You do not have to prescribe to everyone’s ideas completely, but it is important to get multiple perspectives. You are driven by your innate desire to be as fair to everyone as possible, which helps you to be open minded. But you do also need to consider your own beliefs and ideas with equal weight as you do others.

Scorpio, you will be learning how compromise can help you to get what you want this month. You have been having difficulty communicating your needs since things seem to be shifting too quickly for you to manage mentally. You are under so much pressure that you are resorting to relying on yourself, since you tend to be solitary anyways. You may feel as if your expectations cannot be met by anyone, but how do those expectations of others actually serve you? Does your foresight prevent you from living in the moment? Yes, it is important to plan ahead, but it is impossible to predict everything— despite your desire to do so.
    You cannot conserve your relationships by assuming the worst out of everyone. This makes it impossible to cultivate meaningful connections with your friends. This aggravates your stress and can cause you to put yourself in further taxing situations because they feel familiar. This pattern can cause you to be overly analytical of others without actually seeing the root cause of these issues in yourself. Being able to rely on yourself makes it easier to rely on others when you need to. Once you can prove to yourself that you can be accommodating to others, you can understand the ways in which your loved ones show up for you when you are struggling.

Sagittarius, you tend to be free-spirited, but that does not mean that you find it easy to set boundaries with those you love. Your interpersonal relationships are important to you; you love to learn from others, so you may give people one too many chances. This can make your interpersonal relationships stressful. Without boundaries, any dynamic can become toxic. Being able to set boundaries helps ensure the longevity of your relationships, rather than smother them. 
    The past few months have presented issues regarding your closest interpersonal relationships. You have been forced to reconsider what behaviors you are willing to tolerate, and which are not worth the cost it takes to manage.  You should surround yourself with those who help you feel secure in whatever ways you need, which may be different than they ways they need.  Communicating with those you love should make you feel balanced, not be demanding.