July 2023 Horoscopes
July 1st, 2023

July marks the continuation of Cancer season which signifies the beginning of the Summer season in the western Hemisphere. Cancer, as a cardinal water sign, holds a significant place in the Zodiac wheel, initiating a period of nurturing, emotional depth, and connection to our roots.

As the Sun moves through Cancer, its energy influences us to focus on matters related to home, family, and emotional wellbeing. We may find ourselves drawn to creating a comfortable and secure foundation for ourselves and our loved ones. This can involve revamping our living spaces, spending quality time with family members, or engaging in activities that evoke a sense of nostalgia and emotional warmth.

The Sun's presence in Cancer also highlights the importance of self-care and nurturing the self. This is a time to listen to our intuition, honor our emotions, and prioritize our wellbeing. We may feel a deeper need to retreat to familiar environments, seeking solace in the sanctuary of our homes or natural surroundings. As we navigate July within the realm of Cancer season, we are reminded of the importance of emotional wellbeing, nurturing relationships, and finding a sense of belonging. This period encourages us to tap into our emotional depths, honor our heritage, and create a nurturing environment where we can express our authentic selves.

As one of the two signs ruled by a luminary body, Cancer's friendly and homely nature shines through its desire to uplift others. Cancer is known for its nurturing qualities and its innate ability to create a supportive and caring environment for those around them. This compassionate energy is a driving force behind Cancer's actions and interactions. About three weeks into July, the Sun will transition into Leo, the second luminary-ruled sign. Leo shares many similarities with Cancer, creating a smooth transition from one luminary-ruled sign to another. Both Cancer and Leo possess strong leadership qualities and have a natural inclination to shine and be noticed. Despite Leo’s more flamboyant nature, both of these signs want to see the best in others and are very supportive. The transition from Cancer to Leo in July provides an interplay of these energies. It allows us to carry forward Cancer's nurturing and compassionate qualities while embracing Leo's confidence and desire for self-expression. The corrective transition from Cancer into Leo represents the need to honor our family and those who value us and being authentic and self expressive. Likewise, this period each summer encourages us to find a balance between creating a loving and supportive foundation while also stepping into our unique gifts and sharing them with the world.

Venus began its pre-retrograde shadow period on June nineteenth, it will not reach a new degree of this sign until October seventh, which is about a month after it stations direct. The pre and post-retrograde shadow periods are the periods that a planet will remain within the degrees it retraces during its retrograde cycle. This is most useful for understanding Mercury, Venus, and Mars retrograde cycles considering their proximity to Earth and the geography of our solar system. The outer planets also tend to spend much larger spans of time moving backwards.

For this Venus retrograde, it will station direct at 28 degrees of Leo this month on the twenty-second and will continue to move backwards until it reaches 12 degrees of Leo on September third. It first reached 12 degrees of this sign during this current cycle on the nineteenth of last month, indicating the beginning of the pre-retrograde shadow phase; while the post-retrograde shadow period occurs from Venus stationing direct until it moves past 28 degrees of this sign in October. During the retrograde itself there will be significant influences on matters of love, relationships, and creativity. As Venus moves backward, it encourages us to reflect on our values, reassess our relationships, and reevaluate our approach to expressing love and affection. The preceding and following retrograde shadow periods will further influence the way this retrograde unfolds. The pre-retrograde shadow period that started on June nineteenth signaled the beginning of a subtle shift in energy, hinting at the themes and issues that would come to the forefront during the retrograde. It allowed us to start noticing areas in our relationships and self-expression that required attention and reflection.

July First - The Sun and Mercury Conjoin in Cancer while they Sextile Jupiter in Taurus

The month begins with a very positive transit between these three planets.

The monthly meeting of the Sun and Mercury heightens our mental experiences and logical awareness. This aided discernment allows for us to communicate more openly and express ourselves more freely. The Sun represents our core identity and vitality while Mercury symbolizes communication, intellect, and information processing. When these two celestial bodies align, their combined energy amplifies our mental faculties, allowing us to articulate our thoughts more effectively and express ourselves with greater confidence. We become more astute at recognizing patterns, making connections, and understanding complex concepts. It becomes easier to gather and process information, enhancing our ability to make sound judgments and communicate our insights to others during this monthly conjunction.

Within the realm of the Crab, we are more likely to shift our attention towards the home and our lineage. This period should be spent considering our needs in regards to privacy and honoring our family. Considering the watery influence of this alignment, we are being encouraged to speak our truth and engage in meaningful conversations. The home becomes a significant focal point, and we may find ourselves seeking comfort and security within our personal spaces. It is an opportune time to create a nurturing environment that supports our emotional wellbeing and provides a sense of sanctuary. This is especially true considering Jupiter’s positive influence on this aspect as it transits through Taurus.

July Second - Venus in Leo Square Uranus in Taurus

This is a traditionally challenging aspect, indicating issues and conflict. If the square between Venus and Uranus is integrated and handled well, there can be a silver lining.

Venus in Leo is going to be at odds with Uranus in Taurus; both signs are fixed, meaning there will be stalls and obstacles preventing us from succeeding in the areas of life that correspond to the Leo and Taurus houses in our natal chart.

Venus naturally brings forth a desire for love, affection, and creative expression. It seeks recognition, appreciation, and a vibrant sense of passion. On the other hand, Uranus disrupts the status quo, emphasizing the need for freedom, change, and unconventional approaches to life.

Venus is in Leo, making it crave recognition and shifts its inclinations to that which is bold. We may have found ourselves gravitating towards vibrant colors, luxurious fabrics, and eye-catching accessories already during its stay in this sign. Our personal style becomes a statement since Leo needs to express itself. Leo’s desire for external validation is not necessarily bad, but can become an issue when planets within this sign begin to make challenging aspects to other planets. Uranus’s transit through Taurus has proven to disrupt our preconceived notions of stability, especially when it makes a difficult aspect to another planet.

As this square comes to a head, we can find ourselves flustered by our relationships. We instinctively want to break free of our dynamics or fantasize about exploring new ones. In a heightened state, it becomes imperative to consider the foundational reality of these fantasies, if there even is one. The energy of Uranus in Taurus adds a touch of unpredictability and a yearning for freedom and individuality to our relationships. It can lead us to question the status quo and seek unconventional ways of relating. Under this influence, we might be tempted to entertain fantasies of escaping the constraints of our current partnerships or envisioning new and exciting romantic prospects, especially those that may seem to make us feel more secure. Ultimately, this aspect serves as a reminder to value the solidity and commitment within our relationships while also acknowledging the need for personal growth and authenticity. It encourages us to find a balance between nurturing the existing connections we have and exploring ways to introduce fresh energy and excitement into our partnerships, without hastily discarding what we have built.

The clash between Venus and Uranus can stimulate innovation, pushing us to break free from stagnant patterns and explore new possibilities. It encourages us to think outside the box, embrace change, and approach our desires and relationships with a fresh perspective. The positive manifestations of this transit can pave the way for new artistic endeavors or the seeds of new budding friendships can be sown at this time. This period calls for us to find a balance between the desire for stability and the need for growth and liberation. By acknowledging and working through any conflicts or challenges that arise, we can transform them into catalysts for positive change.

July Third - Full Moon in Capricorn

The Moon will exactly oppose the Sun at 4:38 AM P.S.T. (7:38 AM E.S.T.) denoting this month’s Full Moon in Capricorn. During this phase, the energies and areas of life connected to the sign of Capricorn reach a peak of intensity and abundance.

The Full Moon in Capricorn brings a sense of culmination and achievement to the forefront. It shines a powerful light on the practicalities, responsibilities, and structures that govern our lives. This lunar phase invites us to reflect on our long-term goals, ambitions, and the efforts we have invested in them.

Capricorn is associated with determination, discipline, and our individual legacies. Under the influence of this Full Moon, we may experience a heightened sense of accomplishment and a desire to reap the rewards of our hard work. It urges us to assess our progress, celebrate milestones, and take stock of the foundations we have built.

We may have to let go of some limiting beliefs that are preventing us from succeeding or to reevaluate our sense of success at this time.

The annual Full Moon in Capricorn holds a unique dynamic this year, as the Sun in Cancer opposes its ruling planet, the Moon, which finds itself in the sign of its falls. This alignment adds an additional layer of complexity to the energy of this lunar phase, intensifying the challenges and highlighting the need for balance and self-awareness. The opposition between the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn represents a fundamental tension between our emotional needs and our sense of responsibility and authority. While Cancer encourages us to nurture and prioritize our emotional wellbeing and connections with others, Capricorn urges us to uphold our commitments, fulfill our obligations, and strive for success in the material realm. With the Moon in its fall in Capricorn, there may be a sense of discomfort or unease as we navigate the demands of external responsibilities while also tending to our inner emotional landscape. It becomes essential to find a harmonious integration of these seemingly contrasting energies.

The current astrological context adds another layer of significance to this Full Moon as we find ourselves in the second to last period of America's Pluto return in the same sign of Capricorn. This transformative cycle, which began in 2008 with the federal government's bailout of Wall Street, holds profound implications for the country's evolution and the redistribution of power and resources.

The Pluto return symbolizes a period of deep introspection, upheaval, and rebirth on a national scale. It calls for a collective examination of power structures, societal values, and the balance of authority. As we approach the conclusion of this Pluto return, the choices and actions the United States takes now carry heightened significance in shaping the next chapter of the country’s legacy. Furthermore, this period invites us to consider the intersection of technology with other pressing issues, such as climate change, social justice, and economic inequality since Pluto has already had a brief stay in the following sign, Aquarius earlier this year. We will revisit these issues more once Pluto re-enters this sign in January 2024 for a few months and then will re-enter Aquarius for the final time at the end of 2024, where it will remain for two decades.

July Seventh - Mercury in Cancer Sextile to Uranus in Taurus

The positive aspect between Mercury– the planet of communication and mental agility- and Uranus- the planet of innovation and sudden changes- opens us up to new ideas and sudden insights during the end of the first week of the month. This alignment opens up our minds to new ideas, sparks innovative thinking, and invites unexpected revelations into our lives. The combined energy of Mercury and Uranus encourages us to break free from mental constraints, habitual patterns, and rigid thinking. It invites us to question assumptions, explore uncharted territories, and welcome the unexpected. This alignment supports intellectual breakthroughs and encourages us to think outside the box.

Mercury is in Cancer while Uranus is in Taurus. Both signs value comfort and stability. While these signs may approach these values in different ways, the alignment of Mercury and Uranus offers a unique opportunity to explore new ways of planning and experiencing our sense of comfort. Mercury in Cancer brings forth a focus on emotional intelligence, nurturing connections, and creating a safe and secure environment. This placement encourages us to consider our emotional wellbeing and the comfort of our loved ones. On the other hand, Uranus in Taurus emphasizes a need for stability, practicality, and groundedness. This placement invites us to rethink traditional approaches to comfort and explore unconventional methods of finding security. It prompts us to consider how our material possessions, finances, and physical surroundings contribute to our overall sense of wellbeing.

During this transit, we may find ourselves drawn to innovative home decor, sustainable and eco-friendly practices, or exploring alternative approaches to financial planning. It's a time to experiment with new ideas that can enhance our comfort levels while still aligning with our values of emotional wellbeing, practicality, and stability.

Although this is a positive aspect, Uranus is disruptive by nature, so some may experience great changes to their perceived sense of security during this time. During this transit, the changes and disruptions that Uranus brings might initially feel unsettling or uncomfortable. It may feel as though the ground beneath us is shifting, and the familiar routines and structures that provided a sense of security are being shaken. This can evoke feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, or resistance. However, it's important to remember that Uranus acts as a catalyst for growth and evolution. The disruptions it brings often pave the way for breakthroughs, innovation, and personal liberation. While the process may be challenging, it can ultimately lead to a greater sense of authenticity, freedom, and expansion.

July Tenth - Mars Ingresses into Virgo; Mercury in Cancer Opposite to Rx Pluto in Capricorn

Mars enters Virgo on this day, leaving Venus to transit through Leo alone until the Sun and Mercury join it later in the month.

With Mars entering Virgo, our focus turns toward practicality, attention to detail, and a desire for efficiency. Virgo, known for its analytical and organized nature, influences Mars to approach tasks and goals with a methodical and systematic approach. During this transit, we may find ourselves motivated to streamline our routines, tackle projects with precision, and strive for excellence in our work. While Mars in Virgo can bring a productive and disciplined energy, it's important to be mindful of potential pitfalls. The meticulous nature of Virgo can sometimes lead to perfectionism or becoming overly critical of ourselves and others. It's crucial to balance the drive for improvement with self-compassion and the recognition that progress is more important than achieving absolute perfection.

On this same day, Mercury in Cancer will oppose Pluto in Capricorn. Oppositions can be challenging, but not as difficult as squares. This aspect represents the culmination of the combined energies of Mercury and Pluto. In its more negative manifestations, this opposition can present mental turmoil and obsessive thinking. Given Pluto’s rulership over power and its current retrograde transit through Capricorn, we are likely to focus on issues regarding the structures in place, both personally and on a larger scale. This opposition also highlights the tension between personal emotions and power dynamics within these structures and institutions. It calls for us to examine the ways in which power is wielded, both internally and externally, and to question our beliefs and assumptions regarding authority, control, and influence.

While this opposition can be intense, it also offers an opportunity for profound insight, growth, and empowerment. By engaging in self-reflection, seeking emotional honesty, and engaging in open and respectful dialogue, we can navigate the transformative potential of this aspect. This aspect invites us to dive beneath the surface, to engage in introspection, and to explore the deeper motivations behind our thoughts and actions. It encourages us to question power imbalances in our personal lives and society at large, and to seek transformative solutions that honor the greater good.

July Eleventh - Mercury Ingresses into Leo

Mercury joins Venus as it enters Leo by the second week of July. Mercury is energized by Leo’s fiery and creative nature, bringing a surge of vibrant energy to our thoughts, communication style, and creative expression. Mercury's entry into Leo infuses our thinking with confidence, enthusiasm, and a desire to be seen and heard. Our words become infused with passion, and we are more inclined to speak from the heart. This transit encourages us to express ourselves boldly, share our ideas with conviction, and take pride in our unique perspectives.

Mercury's entry into Leo infuses our thinking with confidence, enthusiasm, and a desire to be seen and heard. Our words become infused with passion, and we are more inclined to speak from the heart. This transit encourages us to express ourselves boldly, share our ideas with conviction, and take pride in our unique perspectives.

In Leo, Mercury enhances our ability to captivate and inspire others through storytelling, public speaking, or engaging conversations. We may find ourselves drawn to self-expression through writing, performing arts, or any form of creative communication.

It can be easiest to understand things through our own experience at this time. Leo operates by injecting itself into situations to better understand itself and those around it. Within the context of Mercury’s significations, we will be learning and processing things via our experiences. Although this energy is self-centered, it is not inherently selfish. Considering this, it is essential to listen to others and create space for their voices to be heard. As we express ourselves, let us also be open to different perspectives, engage in respectful dialogue, and encourage the authentic self-expression of those around us.

July Fourteenth - Sun in Cancer Sextile to Uranus in Taurus

This lesser positive aspect between the Sun and Uranus has the potential to ignite a powerful awakening within us, particularly in relation to our life's purpose. In the midst of distractions and stress that may have clouded our vision, this aspect acts as a gentle yet impactful reminder to refocus our attention on our higher calling.

The Sun in Cancer represents how our core essence is being shaped during this solar period. It asks us to focus on our emotional well-being and our connection to our roots as well as our sense of belonging. Uranus, on the other hand, embodies the energy of innovation, individuality, and breaking free from traditional norms. Within the context of the Bull’s realm, Uranus focuses on breaking free from preconceived ideas of safety and our environment. It can be disruptive and hectic, but within a positive aspect the effects of this transit are more likely to be instrumental to our growth unless this energy is mishandled. When these two energies harmonize, they create an opportunity for us to tap into our truest selves and align with our authentic life's purpose.

During this period, we may experience a sense of clarity and insight regarding our deeper desires and aspirations. The distractions and stresses that previously hindered our ability to focus on our own ego needs are now being lifted, allowing us to see beyond the surface and delve into the depths of our true calling. We are likely to find ourselves prioritizing our sense of safety and security both physically and socially.

This transit can manifest negatively through restlessness, and need for change. This can cause manic or erratic behaviors which can thwart our ability to plan long term goals for ourselves that would ultimately help us to create the reality we want for ourselves. It is crucial to exercise caution during this time and avoid making hasty decisions that may have long-term consequences. The need for change should be balanced with thoughtful consideration and a focus on long-term goals. It is essential to strike a harmonious balance between embracing the urge for change and maintaining a stable foundation that supports our growth and wellbeing.

Rather than succumbing to impulsive actions or erratic behaviors, it is advisable to channel this restless energy into constructive outlets. Engaging in introspection, exploring new perspectives, and seeking innovative solutions can help us find more sustainable and fulfilling ways to manifest the changes we desire. Finding a healthy balance between embracing change and maintaining stability allows us to navigate this transit with greater ease. It is crucial to approach the need for change with a clear vision, strategic planning, and a realistic understanding of the steps required to manifest our desired outcomes. By consciously harnessing the transformative potential of this transit, we can steer ourselves towards a more balanced and purposeful path. It is through a mindful integration of change, thoughtful decision-making, and a focus on long-term goals that we can manifest the reality we truly desire.

July Seventeenth - New Moon in Cancer; North Node Ingresses into Aries; Mercury in Leo Square to Jupiter in Taurus

The convergence of multiple transits on this date creates a heightened atmosphere. The abundance of transits occurring simultaneously can bring about a potent mix of energies, offering both opportunities and challenges for personal growth and transformation.

The New Moon in Cancer is exact at 11:31 am P.S.T. (1:31 pm E.S.T.). With the arrival of the New Moon in Cancer comes a profound sense of renewal, heralding the beginning of a new lunar cycle. Normally New Moons offer the time and energy to set a deliberate intention, but that is not advisable considering the shifting of the nodes into two of the other cardinal signs of the Zodiac. This will not be an exact square between the New Moon and the Nodes, but the symbolic energies are still conflicting.

The Sun in Cancer, ruled by the Moon in Cancer, enhances the significance of the second lunation phase within this month. The close connection between the Sun and the Moon amplifies the lunar energies, emphasizing the nurturing, intuitive, and emotional aspects of our experience.

As the Sun represents our conscious self and our ego while the Moon represents our sensory body and how we maintain emotional homeostasis, their harmonious alignment in Cancer brings a deep integration of our animus and anima. This period is best used to appreciate all the places we have been and how our past experiences have shaped us. We are better able to recognize the impact of our past on our present reality during this time, and we become more aware of how our experiences have shaped our identity.

The lunar Nodes play a significant role in astrology. They are not physical celestial bodies, but rather they are technically the points where the Moon's orbit intersects with the ecliptic, which is the apparent path of the Sun as seen from Earth. There are two nodes: the North Node (also known as Rahu) and the South Node (also known as Ketu). They are always placed in opposite signs along the Zodiac wheel, creating a polarity between the two. The movement of the Nodes is continuous, as they are always in motion, moving backward along the Zodiac wheel due to the precession of the equinoxes. This backward movement is known as retrograde motion and reflects the cyclical nature of life, inviting us to revisit and reevaluate past lessons before moving forward.

The Nodes change signs about every eighteen months, but they tend to flip flop between pairs of sister signs as they move into the next pair of signs. For example, the nodes have been placed in Taurus and Scorpio for the past year and a half but we still have two more eclipses within these signs this year despite the Nodes now being in Aries and Libra.

With the North Node retrograding into the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries, we will aspire to be bold and to pioneer our own lives. The North Node is depicted as the hungry head of the dragon which harbors a deep hunger for growth and fulfillment that is never fully satisfied. This hunger can lead to the more destructive energy Aries possesses.

Aries is decisive which can make it difficult for this sign to maintain relationships given this aspect of its personality. Similarly, Aries's energy can sometimes be self-centered or impatient, focusing primarily on individual goals and ambitions. The commitment to being unwavering and refusing to accept defeat will influence us to honor ourselves and to put our needs first via the North Node’s transit through this sign. Given this change in the collective desire, it becomes even more important to balance the desire for personal growth and independence with consideration for others and the impact of our actions on our relationships.

The Mercury-Jupiter square within the fixed signs, Leo and Taurus presents challenges regarding our expectations and communication. We can find ourselves prone to exaggerating at this time and overpromising. This combination can lead to a tendency to exaggerate and over-promise as well as a propensity for grandiose ideas about ourselves and our capabilities.

With Mercury in Leo, our thinking and communication style is bold and expressive while Jupiter in Taurus amplifies our desire for abundance and expansion. We may feel a desire to be seen and heard, and we may feel an urge to impress others with our words, leading us to overestimate our own abilities. The Leo energy encourages us to shine and be noticed while Jupiter's influence in Taurus fuels our desire for success and material rewards. As a result, there is a risk of inflating our abilities, overestimating the potential outcomes of our endeavors, and painting a rosier picture than reality.

To navigate this transit effectively, it is essential to find a balance between enthusiasm and practicality. We can harness the optimistic energy of Jupiter in Taurus by setting realistic goals and working diligently towards them. By avoiding the temptation to overextend ourselves, we can cultivate a reputation for reliability and credibility.

July Twentieth - Sun in Cancer Trine to Neptune in Pisces; Mars in Virgo Opposite to Saturn in Pisces

There are simultaneous aspects to the two planets in Pisces on this day. These transits are separated given that Saturn and Neptune are in different decans of this sign.

The trine between the Sun in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces has the potential to be a positive aspect considering both planets are able to freely influence each other. The Sun represents our core identity and consciousness while Neptune symbolizes spirituality and our connection to the divine and the material universe. This aspect allows us to more easily identify our deeper, spiritual nature and better attunement to our intrinsic artistic and creative nature.

The Sun in Cancer brings forth nurturing and emotional depth, allowing us to explore our emotional landscape and connect with others on a deeper level. We may feel a stronger desire to create a safe and supportive environment for ourselves and those around us. Neptune in Pisces enhances our artistic and creative abilities, inspiring us to express ourselves through various creative mediums.

Indulging in art during the trine between the Sun in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces can be especially rewarding and meaningful. Neptune's influence heightens our sensitivity, intuition, and connection to the realms of imagination and creativity. As a result, our ability to appreciate and connect with art is enhanced, making this a great time to go to an art museum or to watch an intriguing film.

July Twenty-first - Sun in Cancer Opposite to Rx Pluto in Capricorn

The Sun is opposite Pluto, annually. The energy of this aspect within Pluto’s synodic cycle has a mirrors the intensity often associated with Full Moons. This powerful transit can be mismanaged leading to undesirable manifestations of this shared energy between our collective wills (the Sun) and the power that compels for radial change and transformation (Pluto).

Pluto is currently retrograde, which is usually not that impactful since it is retrograde for six consecutive months out of each year, but Pluto is making its way out of Capricorn and into Aquarius. This will take some time given its long retrograde periods. This is the first of the two times Pluto will dip back into Capricorn after making its official entrance into Aquarius earlier this year.

This opposition will be perpendicular to the Nodes which recently ingressed into Aries and Libra. Transiting planets that are at the bending of the Nodes get sucked into the vortex of this self-feeding loop. Specifically, with the Sun-Pluto opposition aligning with the nodal axis, the intensity and transformative nature of this opposition are further amplified. The power struggle between personal will (Sun) and deep transformation (Pluto) is intertwined with the lessons of the North and South Nodes.

July Twenty-second - Sun Ingresses into Leo; Venus stations Retrograde in Leo

The twenty-second marks the beginning of Leo season. Each year, during the peak of the Summer, the Sun ingresses into this fixed fire sign, it encourages us to embrace our individuality, showcase our talents, and pursue our passions. Leo strives to be authentic to itself and to continuously go after its pursuits. Like Cancer, this sign is ruled by one of the two Luminaries, but their archetypes differ in many ways. As we exit Cancer season, we will feel less inclined to honor and reflect on our past and more motivated by our personal desires; Cancer values the family and seeks to honor its legacy while Leo represents the need for individualization.

Venus also goes retrograde on this date. Venus, as the planet associated with beauty, aesthetics, and social harmony, holds significant influence over our collective tastes and preferences. When Venus begins its backwards motion, it has the power to shape the general consensus on what is considered attractive, fashionable, and culturally desirable.

Venus goes retrograde in about the same place within the Zodiac wheel roughly every eight years, given its synodic cycle with the Sun. The last time Venus retrograde occurred in Leo was in 2015, and now, with its current retrograde phase in Leo, we have the opportunity to revisit and reassess the themes and lessons that emerged during that time. Venus conjoined Jupiter that summer and it was under that Venus cycle when the U.S. Supreme Court declared same-sex marriage as legal in every state in the nation. Venus in Leo will square Jupiter in Taurus two more times this year, which can bring about issues regarding this ruling or other LGBT issues. During its pre-regorade cycle, the Supreme Court ruled that employers can discriminate against LGBTQ employees. Jupiter rules over judges and courts of law-making making its influence on Mars powerful. When Mars, the planet associated with action, courage, and assertion, is influenced by Jupiter in a positive aspect, it can amplify the sense of righteousness and the pursuit of justice, but when these planets are opposed or square to one another, it can hinder Jupiter’s ability to facilitate justice.

Venus retrograde periods often coincide with the emergence of new fashion trends and artistic expressions. As the status quo is reshaped, we may witness the rise of innovative and unconventional styles that challenge traditional norms. It is a time when what was once considered fringe becomes more popular and mainstream. This can be especially true within the sign of Leo considering it associated with self-expression, creativity, and individuality.

The energy of Venus moving backward can create an atmosphere of heightened desire and allure. Things that were previously mundane or unremarkable may suddenly become enticing, leading to a sense of excitement. We will find ourselves more carefully ruminating on what we once thought we enjoyed as well as reconsidering the things we believed to be tasteless. This is true for both our sense of aesthetics and others since Venus rules over both domains. However, this intensified magnetism can also provoke drama and tension in relationships, as passions and emotions run high. It is essential to navigate these dynamics with awareness and conscious communication to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

During Venus retrograde, it is advisable to reflect on our personal values and relationship dynamics. It is a time to reassess what truly brings us joy, fulfillment, and harmony in our interactions with others. By exploring our desires and evaluating our aesthetic inclinations, we can consciously shape our own preferences and make choices that align with our authentic selves. As Venus stations direct and move beyond its retrograde degrees, the lessons learned during this period will continue to inform and influence our collective aesthetic sensibilities. Although it can be hectic during the retrograde period, embracing the transformative power of Venus retrograde allows us to participate in the co-creation of cultural shifts and fashion trends while staying true to our individuality and personal values.

July Twenty-third - Mercury in Leo Square to Uranus in Taurus

Just before Mercury ingresses into its home sign, Virgo, it makes two exact aspects to Uranus and then Venus later in the week. As Mercury forms these two aspects, first with Uranus and then with Venus, it amplifies the potential for unexpected shifts and surprises in communication, relationships, and our thought processes.

The Mercury-Uranus square on the twenty-third will pose challenges that can lead to auspicious outcomes if the energy is mitigated and handled well. Squares create tension that can be frustrating and prevent us from moving forward as we had planned or hoped.

During this square, we may encounter disruptions in our plans, unexpected changes in our routines, or sudden shifts in our perspectives. It can be a time of heightened mental activity, with flashes of insight and unconventional ideas. However, the square aspect can make it challenging to integrate these ideas smoothly into our communication and actions. Given that Mercury is in Leo, the sign that embodies creating and upholding the self, it is at odds with Uranus in Taurus which signifies changes in our sense of security and our environment.

July Twenty-seventh - Mercury and Venus Conjoin in Leo

Shortly following the Mercury-Uranus square, Mercury conjoins Venus in Leo. This aspect brings a more harmonious and cooperative energy to our communication and relationships. Planetary conjunctions share a similar energy to that of the New Moon. Like the monthly New Moon, conjunctions represent the merging and blending of two planetary energies, resulting in a potent and unified force.

This combination of harmonious energy and underlying tension can manifest in various ways. It may lead to passionate exchanges, lively debates, or a heightened sense of self-expression. It can also bring forth a need for authenticity, where individuals express their true selves even in the midst of dramatic or challenging situations. This is not necessarily bad, and can be beneficial to those who struggle with setting boundaries, but it is important to consider the ways in which we communicate and how it may come off to others. This period can be mentally overstimulating, especially when we are considering the topics over which Venus rules, such as friendships and our aesthetic inclinations. Be mindful of your thoughts and words during this time to ensure you are not contributing to your own mental fatigue or adding stress to your relationships.

July Twenty-eighth - Mercury Ingresses into Virgo

Before the month ends, Mercury will enter into its domicile sign, Virgo. This transit brings a shift in focus towards practicality, organization, and attention to detail. Virgo's influence on Mercury enhances analytical thinking, precision, and a desire for efficiency. This transit of Mercury through Virgo invites you to pay attention to the practical aspects of your life. It is an opportune time to fine-tune your routines, streamline your processes, and seek improvements in your work or personal projects. You may find satisfaction in getting organized, decluttering, and bringing order to your surroundings. This transit of Mercury through Virgo invites you to pay attention to the practical aspects of your life. It is an opportune time to fine-tune your routines, streamline your processes, and seek improvements in your work or personal projects. You may find satisfaction in getting organized, decluttering, and bringing order to your surroundings.

July Thirty-first - Mars in Virgo Trine to Jupiter in Taurus

The month ends with a trine between the lesser malefic, Mars, and the greater benefic, Jupiter. Trines are generally considered positive aspects, as they create a flow of supportive energy between the planets involved. In the case of Mars and Jupiter, this trine can amplify your drive, motivation, and confidence, allowing you to take decisive action and pursue your ambitions with enthusiasm. Though if this positive energy is not sustained, it can present issues regarding the significations of these two planets within these earth signs.

The synergy between Mars and Jupiter inspires a sense of adventure and a willingness to take risks. This aspect encourages us to embrace new opportunities for growth. This can be an ideal time to start or launch a new project.

However, it is crucial to sustain the energy and momentum provided by this trine. Be mindful not to become overzealous or impulsive, as the high energy can also lead to restlessness or impatience. Maintain a balanced approach and ensure that your actions align with your long-term goals and values.

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I suggest reading the horoscope for your rising sign. Hellenistic tradition also recommends that those born in the day read their Sun sign’s horoscope, while those born at night read their Moon sign’s horoscope.

Cancer, you are facing circumstances that are forcing you to reevaluate your relationship with your finances as well as your values. As a nurturing and security-oriented sign, you naturally seek stability and safety in various aspects of your life, including your financial wellbeing. Financial matters play a significant role in our lives, and they often reflect our underlying values and priorities. It is through our values that we create a framework of acceptable behaviors for ourselves and others, providing us with a sense of stability and emotional security. Use this period as an opportunity to reassess how secure you feel within yourself. If you have been overspending, you are likely trying to use spending as a form of escapism to avoid your current reality, and if you have been overly frugal, it is okay to spend money on yourself without feeling guilty. Striking a balance between desiring and saving is an important lesson for you to learn this summer.

Leo, this month you are beginning to construct your persona. You will find yourself contemplating your perspective as well as all of the facets of your being that contribute to who you are. This will allow you to better align yourself with how you wish to be perceived. You have a strong sense of self and a desire to shine brightly in the world, which has allowed you to understand how to project different versions of yourself when needed. Beginning this month, you will be prompted to take a closer look at your perspective, values, and beliefs, and how they align with the image you wish to project. This theme will continue throughout the course of this summer. As you engage in this introspective journey, remember to embrace all aspects of your being. You should not ever feel embarrassed for having lived a full life; you are a multifaceted and dimensional being, and the construction of your identity never stops.

Virgo, you may feel isolated this month as you struggle to discern what you want and need out of relationships. It is natural to feel the ebb and flow of connections, and during this time, you might find yourself grappling with understanding your interpersonal needs. You might feel left out, or perhaps people are distancing themselves at this time. You have a nurturing nature, often putting the needs of others before your own. However, it is crucial to prioritize your emotional wellbeing and ensure that your relationships are mutually supportive and fulfilling. You do not need to keep everyone in your life, and losing friendships is painful but sometimes necessary. Now is the time to carefully evaluate which relationships truly contribute positively to your life and align with your values and aspirations.

Libra, as a naturally social and harmonious sign, you thrive in the company of others and place great importance on your friendships and social connections. However, this month may present some challenges and strain on your relationships, leading to potential drama. Your diplomatic nature and desire for peace often make you a mediator and a bridge between conflicting parties. While this is a valuable quality, it can also put you in the midst of interpersonal dynamics and conflicts, causing additional stress and emotional strain (which you will be particularly prone to this summer). Similarly, you may feel tethered to the communities to which you willingly belong. This sense of obligation can make these connections, which should be liberating, feel draining. You may find it necessary to take a lot of time to reflect on your current friendships and social circles in order to understand how they influence your long term goals.

Scorpio, you are questioning how others perceive you this July. As a naturally perceptive and introspective individual, this is not an uncommon concern to cross your mind, but you may begin to find yourself caught in a web of self-doubt and speculation, agonizing over imagined perceptions that others may have about you. However, it's important to remember that these perceptions are often products of your own intense scrutiny. It is natural to be concerned about your reputation, though you may find that you are comparing yourself to others too often. You can be a bit competitive, but it is important to only compete with the past version of yourself that you have since outgrown. Other people do not exist as a barometer to measure your own worthiness. Use the circumstances from this summer to assess and honor your own merit.

Sagittarius, you might find yourself frustrated by the limitations of your circumstance during this month. The feeling of being held back or unable to explore and expand as freely as you would like can be particularly challenging for you. However, it is important to remember that limitations and challenges can also present opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Instead of dwelling solely on what you cannot do or where you cannot go, focus on what is within your control and the possibilities that exist within your current situation. Redirect your energy towards seeking new perspectives and learning experiences. You may find the time to finish that book you left abandoned on your nightstand or to enroll in that class you kept talking about.

Capricorn, you are likely to experience many changes in your current reality this month. Some may be more fruitful than others, but ultimately you must adapt to these changes over the course of the summer. You are practical and resultant and some of these changes may be long overdue, but it can still be difficult to navigate this month. During this period, it is essential to maintain a sense of groundedness and stability. As the external circumstances fluctuate, rely on your ability to discipline yourself. Use these new lived experiences as a source of inspiration for your artwork or other creative endeavors. Being able to transform your challenges into meaningful expressions is humanity’s gift. When we find ourselves lost in the ever-changing current of life, we can express ourselves through art when we can hardly even articulate or comprehend what we are going through.

Aquarius, you sought out to strengthen your connections last month which has evolved into the need to assess your closest friendships and partnerships. It is natural for your curious and independent nature to lead you towards questioning the dynamics and significance of your relationships. You tend to have many friends, but few close friends since you understand the complexity and innate politics of being involved in many social circles. Perhaps you need to distance yourself from some of these select important friendships if they are not serving you. Embrace the opportunity to align your relationships with your authentic self and prioritize those connections that nurture your unique qualities and shared values. While it can be tempting to maintain connections out of a sense of loyalty or familiarity, it is important to prioritize your emotional well-being and personal growth. You may find that you have outgrown a number of your friendships as you mature into a new chapter of your life.

Pisces, as a naturally compassionate and empathetic individual, you may often find yourself drawn to upholding the structures and expectations set by others. This month, it is essential for you to reevaluate and reassess the aspects of your daily routine that may be draining or unfulfilling. Take the time to reflect on whether your current routine aligns with your personal values, passions, and aspirations. Ask yourself if the activities you engage in on a daily basis truly bring you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose. If you find yourself overwhelmed by things you must do out of obligation to yourself, consider the ways you can change those aspects of your life. If you have been giving too much attention to the needs of others, consider incorporating moments of solitude and introspection into your routine. Furthermore, don't hesitate to seek support and guidance from those who understand and appreciate your sensitive nature. Surround yourself with individuals who uplift and encourage your unique perspective. Engage in conversations and interactions that inspire and nourish your soul. Your friends are an aspect of your routine and they should make you feel validated but also help you to see the sides of yourself you do not see. It is also important to be open to exploring new experiences, hobbies, and paths that resonate with your authentic self during this time.

Aries, you can connect to your inner child through creative channels this month. It may feel unnecessary, but being able to express yourself authentically, without the need of external validation, can be very healing in ways you didn’t even recognize you needed. This exploration can also serve as a means of self-discovery and personal growth. By engaging in creative activities, you may uncover hidden talents, interests, and aspects of yourself that have been dormant. Embrace the opportunity to learn more about yourself and embrace the unique gifts and strengths that you possess. Remember, the creative process is not about achieving perfection or meeting external expectations. It is about embracing the joy of self-expression and embracing the journey.

Taurus, as an earth sign known for its grounded and sensual nature, you often find solace and pleasure in moments of solitude. This month presents a wonderful opportunity for you to fully embrace and appreciate the moments you have to yourself. Create a sacred space within your home that you can dedicate to yourself. Curating candles and other elements that add atmosphere to your space will be a good use of your Venusian instincts this month. By honoring your own wellbeing and nurturing yourself, you create a solid foundation for overall contentment and balance in your life. This will allow you to further grow into yourself. By appreciating the moments of solitude, you are fostering a deeper connection with yourself and creating a harmonious balance between your inner world and external experiences. When we have a comfortable baseline standard for ourselves, we can more easily keep track of and appreciate our personal development.

Gemini, this July presents the opportunity for you to reconsider what needs to be said and to hold space for new ideas to take the place of old ones. Your natural curiosity and ability to see multiple perspectives make you an excellent communicator and mediator. However, it's essential to remember that true understanding goes beyond accumulating knowledge. This month, make the attempt to approach conversations with a deeper intention to understand others. Your ability to synthesize diverse perspectives and ideas will be enriched by your capacity to truly understand and appreciate the people behind them. Spend the summer embracing the beauty of human connection and the richness of interpersonal experiences. Approach conversations with a genuine curiosity and a desire to connect with others on both an intellectual and emotional level. This can help you to express your own emotional needs to others more freely, as well. As you engage in meaningful conversations and genuinely connect with others, you create a safe and supportive space for open communication and emotional sharing.

Edited by Zaina, xyzygote