June 2023 Horoscopes

Mercury and Mars are direct this month. The only retrograde planet is Pluto, which is retrograde for about half the year, every year. This makes the energy of this month much more straightforward than May. Compared to the last few months, there are not many planetary ingresses this June. Apart from the monthly solar ingress and Mercury following the Sun and moving into Cancer shortly after the summer solstice, and Pluto moving back into Capricorn, the remaining planets (besides the Moon) are remaining in their current sign for the entirety of this month.

Pluto stationed retrograde last month; since then, there have been growing concerns with AI and technological safety. It began to move backwards on the first of May. In the U.S, this coincides with the beginning of the Writer’s Guild of America strike, Kevin McCarthy, house speaker of the US, accepted an invitation to speak with President Biden regarding the debt ceiling limit, Geoffry Hinton, an early pioneer of artificial intelligence, leaves Google due to ethical and safety concerns regarding AI, and the Federal Aviation Administration was sued by various environmental groups for the April SpaceX launch. These issues will continue to become more prevalent as people try to cling to the ways things were from 2008 to the pandemic.

Although the month begins during Gemini season, the energy of this June is very fixed. Since Pluto and Jupiter recently entered Aquarius and Taurus, respectively, any planetary ingresses into fixed signs will quickly aspect these two planets. The Nodes are moving backwards, getting ready to move into the Aries-Libra axis, which is putting them at earlier degrees of Taurus and Scorpio, and will create an intense grand cross between any natal or transiting planets within the first five degrees of any fixed sign. Aspects to the Nodes can indicate key, fated moments that we have little control over, but nevertheless, are extremely impactful. We may not even recognize it at the time since the nature of the eclipses (and the Nodes, by the same token) is obscurity of light- which symbolically represents knowledge. The North Node represents the hunger we feel that propels us into the pursuit of that which we desire, and away from the South Node’s magnetic pull. The influence of these two points will make this month very influential for longer than we can truly appreciate while we are existing in each moment.

The overwhelming amount of square aspects this month also contribute to the stubborn, stifling energy that plagues June. As things progress, it can seem as if nothing is really advancing in the ways we thought or hoped.

During the second week of the month, Pluto will move back into Capricorn, which is the cardinal earth sign of the Zodiac. This will take some pressure off the fixed signs, but will cause its own issues since the energy of the past fifteen years will be reactivated.

The Sun will move out of Gemini and into Cancer by the third week of June, which will help us to be more present and mindful of ourselves and others. Gemini has a habit of getting ahead of itself while Cancer likes to deeply consider things since it puts great importance on meaningful and sentimental moments.

✩ June Second - Venus in Cancer Trine Neptune in Pisces ✩

The month begins with a pleasant aspect between the two planets that rule over love; both Venus and Neptune represent the terrestrial and divine forms of love and appreciation that we can experience. When these planets make a positive relation to each other, they are able to enlighten us. This transit can heighten our aesthetic sensibilities and make us more artistically inclined. This is a good period to begin or finish any projects you have been planning.

The water signs represent the different facets of our spirituality and emotional connections to others, so this period allows us to freely connect with others in a really beautiful and transformative way. Using the days preceding and following it to spend quality time with your loved ones will be particularly rewarding. This can be a period of forgiveness if you have recently gone through a turbulent period in a relationship.

The main concern with these combined energies is that it can lead to overidealized ideas about love and other relationships. It is important to let things play out naturally and to not put too much emphasis on budding relationships during the first week of June.

✩ June Third - Full Moon in Sagittarius ✩

This month’s full moon occurs at thirteen degrees of Gemini and Sagittarius at 8:43 p.m. PST / 11:43 p.m. EST. This phase of the moon cycle represents an overwhelming fullness in the areas of life and energies that correspond to the sign in which the moon is located. With the full moon in Sagittarius, we will seek out new ways in which to experience the world around us. We have gotten bored of our familiar day-to-day routine and want to carve a new path for ourselves.

Both of the planetary rulers of Gemini and Sagitarrius are in Taurus at the time of this full moon, and both rulers are conjunct two disruptive transits; Jupiter, which is ruling over the Moon in Sagittarius, is conjunct the North Node, while Mercury (the ruler of the Sun in Gemini) is conjunct Uranus. Since Taurus is a sign that sticks to its goals (given its associated with the fixed modality and earth element), this can indicate planning or actually beginning a new education (whether it be college, or devoutly studying something new, yet meaningful to you) or traveling in order to gain a grounded, multidimensional perspective of the world. Though the combined conjunctions of Uranus and the North Node can make this full moon feel particularly frustrating.

The Uranian influence on this full moon can lead to shocking yet potentially exciting news. The combination of Uranus and Mercury creates a mental restlessness that can be aching and ultimately exhausting. It is best to not overthink things during this full moon, and to let things play out as they will.

With Jupiter conjunct the North Node ruling over the Moon, we can be driven by our desires to a point where it is agitating and gnawing at us. This can be a period of considerable envy and can lead to a detrimental mindset if it is not mitigated. It can feel like we have to do so much to get the things we want (of which there will be plenty since Jupiter represents abundance). We will need to sit with ourselves to consider what it is we want, and why we want it. What perceived absence are we experiencing that is compelling us to desire so much all at once?

The North Node represents the area of life in which we will never be satiated. As a transiting point, it signifies the collective desires and blind spots. The North Node coupled with Jupiter in Taurus brings great focus onto the material realm and our concern for our own safety. Taurus is also known to value comfort as it likes to indulge its senses and experience the environment around it. This frustration can manifest as a general desire and greed which can fuel protests for income equality, or lead to the general populations fighting amongst themselves about who is more oppressed than whom. This especially rings true considering that Jupiter is still moderately square to retrograde Pluto in Aquarius.

✩ June Fourth - Mercury and Uranus Conjoin in Taurus ✩

Mercury was within a few degrees of Uranus when it initially went retrograde in April which made the beginning of that Mercury Retrograde particularly hectic. Now it is exactly conjunct to Uranus, which can reignite some of the drama caused around the beginning of the third week of April.

Conjunctions are powerful aspects since they merge the energies of two planets into one. The transformation of Mercury and Uranus can bring about new ideas and sudden insights that aid us in our ability to problem solve. We can be particularly social or interested in technology at this time. Although this transit can be very positive, this mental energy can be draining or even uncomfortable.

The coupling of these planets' significations can cause technological malfunctions or accidents related to any sort of electronic device so it is important to be mindful of that as this transit profects.

This transit was almost exact right before Mercury stationed retrograde last month which shows that this transit can tie up the loose ends that were left undone in the wake of Mercury beginning its descent back through Taurus. This resolution may only come after dealing with a tricky situation or by learning something shocking. It is important to maintain a realistic understanding of these events to manage any issues that may become apparent.

✩ June Fifth - Venus Ingresses into Leo, becoming Opposite to Rx Pluto in Aquarius ✩

Venus is now in Leo, joining Mars. They will not conjoin exactly, but will be moving in tandem through the sign of Leo for the entirety of the month. When Venus and Mars come together in a sign, they create a palpable energy that is hard to ignore. Both planets represent our fundamental, earthly desires. Venus is the more feminine or attractive manifestation of this energy, while Mars is the more forceful or masculine presence.

Within the context of Leo and its zodiacal significations, we can collectively be craving more attention and admiration at this time. As an archetype, Leo is a cheerleader- it will uphold all of its friends, but it expects the same level of commitment and applause in return. It can be difficult to not feel overly eager in regards to how much attention we believe we should be receiving, especially considering that Venus will be square to Jupiter at this time as well.

This connection between Venus and Mars can also cause general hyper-sexuality, especially when they join together in a fire sign. This energy can be harnessed well, or it can be a time of bringing to light latent sexual issues. 

When Venus enters Leo, we can feel invigorated by our creative aspirations since Leo rules over the arts and creative expression. This can be a great period for heightened creativity. It is important to not become over involved with yourself since Leo tends to be concerned with itself.

Both of these planets conjoined during the summer of 2021, so themes and situations from that period may resurface during this time. 

Venus will station retrograde next month. Its shadow period begins on June nineteenth. It will make many of the same aspects it does this month, multiple times as it moves backwards and then forwards after it stations direct. 

✩ June Ninth - Mercury in Taurus Sextile to Neptune in Pisces ✩

This transit has the tendency to be positive, given that it is a sextile between two neutral planets. Sextiles allow the energies between both planets to transform each other freely. Mercury rules over the logical part of our mind that actively filters and assesses external stimuli and our reactions to them.

It is much easier to analyze and rationalize an issue than it is to deeply feel and connect to the ways in which we are contributing to the issues that Saturn is unearthing. These problems are either relatively new issues or have been compounding into a larger issue that has recently presented itself since Saturn entered Pisces earlier this year.

✩ June Eleventh - Mercury Ingresses into Gemini; Retrograde Pluto moves back into Capricorn; Venus in Leo Square to Jupiter in Taurus ✩

Mercury will enter Gemini, one of the signs over which it rules. Mercury had spent much of its time in Taurus retrograde or its pre or post retrograde shadow periods, which hindered its ability to function properly.

Mercury is at home in Gemini, so it is able to function much more effectively than it can in other signs. These annual Mercury cycles increase our mental energy and capacity which allows us to more diligently solve. We can find ourselves enjoying a light-hearted debate during this time in order to see both sides of an argument with more clarity and understanding. Time can fly by when Mercury is in this sign since our thoughts are buzzing, and we can savor and truly enjoy taking mental moments to ourselves as well as sharing our ideas with others.

Since Mercury is currently ruling over the Sun, this ingress will further shape the remaining period of this Gemini season.

Pluto moves back into Capricorn this day as well. Pluto ingressed into Aquarius for the first time in over two centuries earlier this year then went retrograde shortly after, and is now moving back into Capricorn for several months. This period will force us to revisit the issues and themes of Pluto’s significations in the sign of Capricorn. It specifically deals with hierarchical issues and the issues that stem from this form of inequity.

With Pluto moving back into Capricorn, people will try to ignore the ways in which the culture is shifting, in a vain attempt to uphold the ways things were pre-pandemic, pre-lockdown, and pre-AI. This will only present more issues since you can never go back to anything. Our lives are forever changed and ever evolving as new things are invented and new circumstances shape the ways in which we live.

America will be unable to pay its debts by June fifth, about a week before this transit. Capricorn occupies America’s second house— the house that represents its resources and economy. The solution to the debt ceiling issue in the United States is much bigger than either raising or not raising it. We will have to do a lot of work as a country to fix the fiscal inequality that plagues our ability to operate as an interconnected nation.

Capricorn exists to uphold the status quo while Aquarius questions it with this last dip back into Capricorn before it moves into Aquarius for the next two decades; we will have to really feel the pressure that comes with trying to uphold something that does not serve us anymore. Our lives are moving too quickly for the bureaucratic systems in place to move with us, and to bring us into the new era that we are entering.

The Post-Watergate budget reforms were enacted due to the Nixon administration of President Richard Nixon that began when Pluto was shifting out of Virgo and into Libra. Pluto’s shift from a practical earth sign into an air sign that is more concerned with theory can pose issues for things regarding finances. These new innovations need to be assessed and reassessed after some time to ensure they are not being abused. The budget reform from this era has proven to cause a lot of the current issues by putting the power of the U.S. budget into Congress. Prior to Richard Nixon, the president had the most control over the budget which allowed for a certain level of predictability. This increased government spending has put the most pressure on everyday citizens. Historically, when Pluto traverses through Aquarius, a rise in revolutionary action  occurs due to bubbling tension. 

On this same day, Venus is now making the same square aspect to Jupiter that Mars made to Jupiter last month. This can bring about similar situations that originated during that previous alignment.

This square represents indulgence and opulence, especially so considering that Jupiter is in sensual Taurus, and Venus is transiting through the most extravagant sign in the Zodiac, Leo. This period will represent a desire for popularity which can lead us to becoming overly aware of our social backdrop. The week that encompasses this transit can bring out latent superficial nature. It is important to not let yourself become too judgemental or catty leading up to this Venus-Jupiter square. It is okay to value and crave the finer things in life, but do not take for granted the stability of your everyday existence. It is also important to be wary of how much emphasis you are putting on your own appearance or the appearance of others. If you find yourself being overly pedantic, take a step back and focus on the reality of the situation. Your life goes on no matter how much you wish for something different.

Venus in Leo will square to Jupiter three times this year since it goes retrograde next month. This initial square can present situations and obstacles that will remain apparent for the rest of the summer.

✩ June Fifteenth - Mercury in Gemini Square to Saturn in Pisces ✩

Mercury is domicile in Gemini, so it has the capacity to manage itself well in this sign, giving it more power over Saturn in Pisces (since it has no essential dignity in this Pisces). We can be overly critical of ideologies that are unfamiliar to us during this time.

Mercury is not well equipped to deal with or troubleshoot Piscean issues. Additionally, Mercury can be too superficial for Saturn at this time which prevents us from adequately problem-solving. Mercury can be providing too many facts and ideas that do not actually remedy the entire scope or source of the issue at hand. We can find ourselves using the tools associated with the Gemini house in our natal charts to solve a problem occurring within our Pisces house. This mismatch of energies is not conducive to solving the problem at hand, so it is best to avoid troubleshooting to avoid unnecessary miscommunication or drama (something these signs can be prone to when they are unable to manage themselves properly).

✩ June Seventeenth - New Moon in Gemini; Saturn in Pisces Stations Retrograde ✩

The Moon and Sun will conjoin at twenty-six degrees in Gemini at 9:37 p.m. PST / 12:37 (next day) a.m. EST. The annual new moon in Gemini invites us to embrace a new beginning in discerning and communicating. Gemini is a translator of sorts and aspires to be able to effectively communicate its own ideas and the thoughts of others. This fresh energy in the Gemini sector of our individual natal charts will invite us to be more open and light-hearted in our speech and to joyfully unravel the patterns of thought we find our minds contemplating.

Both the Sun and the Moon are ruled by Mercury in Gemini, which is one of its two domicile signs. This creates a jovial environment for the Sun and Moon in which to bask. Although the aspect goes exact the following day, the new moon is tightly square to Neptune in Pisces. The atmosphere surrounding this lunation is mostly positive, despite this strong square aspect. This challenging aspect can help make things feel fantastical and draw us deeper into our daydreams, but it is difficult to be realistic during this new moon. Spend this time journaling or engaging in stories that excite us. On that same note, do not believe everything you hear at this time. Neptune has the power to sweep us into different states of consciousness and confuse us, and considering it will be working against the new moon, now is not the best time to make important decisions.

Saturn is retrograde for about four and a half months each year, every year. When it stations retrograde, Saturn calls on us to do deep inner work to understand the lessons we are learning within the context of the sign it is occupying. It will make sure we are doing our due diligence as it begins to trek backwards though Pisces.

Saturn is a very strict teacher, so despite it being a malefic, it is not evil (in fact, none of the energies in astrology are “good” or “bad”), but it does not show sympathy to those who do not help themselves. If you are having issues following the guidelines Saturn is setting out for you— based on the house in which Pisces is placed in your chart— you may have a lot of inner work to do. Healing comes before learning. As we have experienced with this month's Gemini squares to Saturn in Pisces, the logical knowledge we can superficially learn will not influence us until we begin to heal ourselves at our core. This will further influence the house that is associated with Pisces in your natal chart.

Although it recently moved into Pisces, it will not be dipping back into the domain of the Water Bearer. It will remain in Pisces for the remainder of this cycle.

✩ June Eighteenth - Sun in Gemini Square Neptune in Pisces ✩

This square greatly influenced the new moon on the previous day, but the Sun and Neptune will be exactly square on the eighteenth.

This period can lead to great creativity but can cause us to be less organized than usual. This is not the best period to plan or attempt to follow a complete itinerary, but rather this energy should be used to move with the momentum of the universe. It is better to exist within what is happening than to try to define it.
✩ June Nineteenth - Jupiter in Taurus Sextile to Saturn in Pisces ✩

This is the first time both planets will be aspecting each other since their conjunction within Aquarius in the spring 2020 (which coincided with the COVID-19 lockdowns). Conjunctions between planets shape the ways in which further aspects between those two planets will play out, until they meet again and conjoin at a new point within the Zodiac wheel. This sextile is the waning sextile of Saturn and Jupiter, indicating a positive buildup of their shared energies. We will have more clarity regarding global events that transpired during the spring of 2020, as well as the intimate events of our personal lives. The continued effects of supply chain issues and strained economies will become more apparent, and so will their solutions.

When Jupiter and Saturn observe each other in a positive, free-flowing aspect, we are more easily able to find the common ground between the good and the bad of a given situation. This especially rings true for cultural and social matters since these two planets are considered the “social” planets given their distance from the Sun. During this time we will be endowed with the ability to see the reality of a situation without letting it depress us.

Since Saturn in Pisces has set a precedent of managing drug use, we can find ourselves (individually and collectively) questioning how damaging the pharmaceutical industry is. Related issues, such as overdoses, can culminate and inspire us to take action as well.

This is a good time to make an informed decision on important matters. We will not be so blinded by our wishful thinking to not carefully consider the fine print of what is being offered to us. This does not have to pertain to any legal contracts if that does not apply, but the energies will definitely be helpful for deciding how you would like to proceed.

✩ June Twenty-First - The Sun Ingresses into Cancer; Mercury in Gemini Sextile to Mars in Leo ✩

The summer solstice denotes the first day of Cancer season in tropical astrology. Cancer is the cardinal water sign. It is the first sign of the summer and the first water sign in the Zodiac. Cancer is the archetypal mother and provider. It values creating and maintaining a safe, homely place for all and is skilled at making everyone feel heard and special. This sign is one to remember all important dates and details about everyone else.

When Mercury and Mars make an efficacious aspect to one another, we become more successful and confident at communicating. With Mercury at home in Gemini, it is already extremely competent at the time of this transit. Mars in Leo is able to assist Gemini in its pursuit of knowledge and aid in its ability to express itself clearly. Leo can help bring out the flamboyant side of Gemini during this transit, making communicating much more engaging and fun.

✩ June Twenty-Fifth - Mercury in Gemini Square Neptune in Pisces ✩

The Sun made this aspect to Saturn about a week prior. Now Mercury will follow the Sun’s path and make the same grinding square to Neptune.   This transit will spark our innate need to assess threats and patterns. This can be great for doing some healing shadow work, or working on creative projects.

The negative manifestation of this transit can lead to confusion and great miscommunications as well as mental block. This is not an ideal time to discuss the terms of an agreement or to solidify any grand plans. This can also lead to delusional thinking and the inability to make informed decisions. Be mindful that you are not making decisions to honor your fantasy self that do not actually suit your lifestyle or current reality.

✩ June Twenty-Sixth - Mars in Leo Square to Uranus in Taurus ✩

This is the next hard aspect in the combined Mars and Uranus cycles after Mars’s conjunction with Uranus early August 2022. When Mars and Uranus meet at a difficult angle, situations can reach their breaking points, leading to outbursts and destruction. This restless energy can make us feel on edge or even agitated. Mars in Leo wants to see its impact on the world around it. It wants to experience the results of its own actions. Uranus in Taurus is much more fickle; it may not be so easily tested. It can feel as if we are waiting for something to happen, but it is still unexpected since Uranus is unpredictable.

This can lead to more car accidents or accidents involving heavy machinery or technology in general. There may be more fear around AI , potentially as the issues with it begin to present themselves as actual problems (rather than hypothetical issues). This can make the future feel very real and unsettling.

It is important that problems can and should be solved. We cannot uninvent anything so it is crucial to handle issues as they arise and to be as proactive as possible.

Mars was situated in a T-square late last month between Jupiter in Taurus and Pluto which was in Aquarius at the time. Shortly after this was exact, the LA City Council voted to accept the donation of a robot dog from the Los Angeles Police Foundation to the LAPD. This was at the direct opposition of the council’s constituents who feared for their privacy and physical safety. Jupiter played a more abundant role in this aspect, while Uranus is more disruptive. This square can lead to potential issues with this specific technology or others. 

Scandals regarding companies' unethical use of AI could come to light during this time. Since Pluto is no longer in Aquarius, and it is not involved in this aspect, this tension can manifest in ways that are aligned with Taurus and Leo’s significations, specifically. These contesting energies would deal with issues on resource management and allocation. Perhaps there will be another round of mass layoffs coinciding with this transit.

✩ June Twenty-Seventh - Mercury Ingresses into Cancer ✩

Mercury enters the domain of the Crab by the end of the month. Our topics of interest will shift from those that are mentally stimulating to topics that are nurturing and comforting. We will feel the need to be more considerate with our speech and to connect with others on a deeper level. Cancer is adept at making others feel understood. While Mercury is in this sign for the next few weeks, it can be helpful to practice patience and to extend a bit more goodwill than usual. Communication will be used as a tool to connect ourselves to others, not as a way to propel our thoughts into new ideas, which starkly contrasts Gemini’s desire to think and communicate for the sake of novelty.

✩ June Thirtieth - The Sun and Mercury Conjoin in Cancer and are simultaneously Trine to Saturn in Pisces ✩

The conjunction of Mercury and the Sun will be trine to Saturn in Pisces. Trines allow for the energies of the involved planets to flow more smoothly. Saturn is able to transform the combined spirit of Mercury and the Sun. When these two planets join together, we are acutely aware of our speech and thought patterns. Within the context of Cancer, we will be more focused on expressing ideas related to its significations of family, the home, ancestry, and the past. With Saturn in Pisces uplifting this conjunction, we can be experiencing a healthy level of nostalgia. It is fine to relish in old memories, as long as you recognize that the past is behind you and likely didn't even exist in the ways you remember. Taking the time to honor all the places you have been and all the people who have known can be emotionally rewarding during this period.

This transit can help us to maintain self-discipline and can be an important period for gaining new life experience. It is possible that by experiencing new, important moments in your life, you are called to remember all the times you wished for are what you now have. This can help you to understand the deeper truths about your life purpose. This may be somewhat sobering since you may not be excited about these new revelations given that they are more practical than fantastical. You will be able to have a more realistic and well rounded understanding of the world and your place in it after this transit passes.

I suggest reading the horoscope for your rising sign. Hellenistic tradition also recommends that those born in the day read their Sun sign’s horoscope, while those born at night read their Moon sign’s horoscope.

Gemini, June has the potential to be a very social and invigorating month for you. You might be craving healthy levels of drama, against your better judgment. While you feel particularly inclined to hone your connection to yourself, you are potentially struggling with FOMO. Making space for yourself doesn’t have to be uninteresting; you do not have to barricade yourself within the confines of your mind to seek the inner alignment you need at this time. You should use these conflicting drives to learn to set boundaries for yourself in order to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself and others.

Cancer, as you rejoice in your friendships this month, you may find yourself feeling insecure or unsure of yourself. You may find yourself feeling tethered to your sense of safety which prevents you from being as social as you’d like this month. Perhaps an unexpected expenditure has come up that you have to pay off which prevents you from having the energy or funds required to go out. If that is not the case, you may be struggling with anxiety regarding your quality of life. This lack-mindset can be draining but it is important to understand where those unresolved feelings stem. This conflict should be resolved by the middle of the month, allowing you to more freely connect with others.

Leo, you can be struggling with cultivating a sense of self during June. You have always known you are destined for something greater than from where you came, and this month you are truly sensing that to be true. Despite this innate knowledge about your existence, you are not being perceived in a way that is aligned with this. This dissonance can take a toll on your confidence which can make you feel trapped in your current moment. Be patient and mindful that not every moment has to be grand and exciting in order for it to take you where you want to be.

Virgo, you might decide to isolate yourself this month in order to rediscover your worldly perspective. You have been drained from upholding your reputation for the past few weeks. Now you are in need of some rest to recalibrate your understanding of the world and the social affairs that are happening around you. It will be helpful for you to observe as things unfold around you while you take the necessary and much needed space to yourself. You will feel much more outgoing around the second half of the month which will be rewarding if you have taken time to yourself during the first two weeks of June.

Libra, you have the gnawing desire to meet new people, but are being held back by a fear of change. You naturally attract others and are inclined to make new friends wherever you go, but recently you have started to worry about how quickly the world is changing. Perhaps you feel left behind or unequipped to keep up with this rapid pace. You could possibly be comparing yourself to others (especially on social media) but remember that what people share publicly hardly details their entire existence. It can be helpful to recognize how fruitful change is since opportunities are the key to having an exciting and fulfilling life.

Scorpio, beginning last month, you have been feeling optimistic about where you are headed. You may have started a new job or taken on a new leadership role of some kind, or perhaps you are just getting more attention than usual. This can make you insecure or put tension on your closest relationships if you have been busier than usual. It is also possible that you feel frustrated by your partnerships if you are not being given the credit or opportunities to which you feel entitled. You might catch yourself competing with others, but what is it that you think you are winning? Your success and the achievements of others are not a game that can be lost or won. Be mindful of this if you start acting petty or feeling resentful.

Sagittarius, you need adventure more so than the average person, but this month you might have to balance your routine with your need to escape into another world. Now is not the time for spontaneous trips if you have obligations that need to be taken care of. Letting your responsibilities to yourself waver can have more long-lasting consequences this month compared to others. You can either supplement your desire to explore by taking new interest in those around you or planning sustainable ways for you to travel (either literally or mentally). Spontaneity is not the only key to entertaining yourself. You do not have to put yourself in unfamiliar situations to learn and grow since each moment is unique no matter how many times you believe you have done something.

Capricorn, you are spending the first half of June drained creatively and worried about our future. In May, you got a burst of inspiration that is still fueling you artistically, but it is challenging to maintain that momentum now that you are daunted by your own future. You might find yourself questioning how sustainable your passions actually are. You are a very practical person, so it can be difficult for you to justify spending time or resources on something that doesn’t provide immediate results. Things can be fun and still support your future; life doesn’t have to drain you in order for you to provide for yourself now and in the future. Make these anxieties productive by utilizing them to inspire you to take calculated action to secure a stable future for yourself.

Aquarius, you are desiring to deepen your closest connections this month. You naturally have a lot of friends and acquaintances, but  you have very few close partnerships. You can find yourself wishing you spent more time with particular friends but feeling insecure about being seen in a way that you cannot control. Not that you aspire to dictate the narrative, but you understand the value in keeping your private matters private. Alternatively, you may be neglecting your need for personal space or privacy in order to sustain certain relationships. You should take the time this month to assess the ways in which you sacrifice yourself for others since that is not sustainable long term. You deserve to live authentically as well as to take time to yourself.

Pisces, you are going to find enjoyment serving yourself this month. This can be a great time for genuine self care. You can find yourself going through old mail or cleaning out your email’s inbox and romanticizing every moment of it. You might have some anxieties about being stuck in a boring life forever the first half of June, but those anxieties will dissipate by the third week of the month. Every person, no matter how interesting or flamboyant, has to do at least the bare minimum to care for themselves. Do not feel bogged down by the time it takes to maintain your existence.

Aries, you are feeling extra creative this month, but can experience burnout due to your new resolution to live a more stable and productive life. You might sense the discordance between your aspirations and what you know to be practical and productive. The first few weeks of the month can be disappointing since you may not be able to plan or execute your creative plans in the ways that you had hoped due to financial constraints. Your time is not wasted even when things do not go as you had planned or hoped they would. We have little control over extraneous circumstances but that should not completely thwart your ability to express yourself.

Taurus, you’re spending this June homesteading. You will find it relaxing to rearrange or redecorate your space. This can be a more private month since you will also be preoccupied with getting your finances in order. You will spend the first two weeks of the month exploring the ways in which you have evolved and reminiscing on all the places you have been. Perhaps instead of feeling nostalgic, you will be grateful for how far you have come. It can be healing to intentionally remind yourself of all the things you once wanted that you now have. Your abundance stems from your dedication and hard work, savor that as you continue to grow and evolve.

Edited by Zaina, xyzygote