October 2023 Horoscopes
October 1st, 2023

This month is much more serious compared to the height of the summer. This November will be characterized by the rapid momentum and growth it brings considering the multiple transits to Pluto as well as both eclipses that occur during the middle and the end of the month.

This summer was characterized by its focus on fashion and aesthetics with Venus trekking backwards through the fixed fire sign, Leo. Focusing on maintaining the routines we began while Venus was in Leo, which can be difficult. As we devoted our attention to understanding the genuine purpose in our lives, over the course of this summer, the astrology of October forces us to reflect on the very essence of these inner drives that motivate us.

The Writers Guild of America (WGA) strike began earlier this year, coinciding with Jupiter’s ingress into Taurus. On the day Jupiter ingressed into Taurus, Variety published an online article titled WGA Argues Strike Will Cost Studios More Than Settlement. Taurus is known for its association with the material realm and the tangible rewards that stem from labour. Taurus is the fixed earth sign, ruled by the Planet Venus, making it a repression the value of work and effort Jupiter, often regarded as the planet of expansion and abundance, entering the domain of Taurus signaled a period where the concept of value, particularly in the context of work and labor, came to the forefront of societal consciousness. It invited a reflection on the worth attributed to creative endeavors and the financial considerations associated with them. The strike ended once Venus and Juptiter were no longer square to each other by degree after the third and final aspect these two planets were positioned to make to one another within these two fixed signs.

As planets move through Libra, they will begin to conjoin the south node, which moved into this sign in July. The south node represents all that we must let go of in pursuit of our desires. It also represents things that we are currently aware of or energies we currently posses. Specifically, the transiting nodes also indicate pent up energy related to our desires and ambitions may be unleashed during this period. The south node can purge uncessary energy that is holding us back from moving forward.

Additonally, there are two eclipses this month. The first eclipse occurs along the Aries-Libra axis; which marks the first eclipse within the sign of Libra since 2016. The second eclipse unfolds along the Taurus-Scorpio axis. Both of these eclipses represent new beginnings and endings since this is the first eclipse within the sign of Libra in the past seven years and this will be the last eclipse along the Taurus-Scorpio axis for several years. The first series of the Taurus and Scorpio eclipses transpired late in November in 2021. We will be evolving out of the transformative energies that the eclipses and lunar nodes represent within the realm of these two sister signs. The role of the north and south node will shift to adapt to the energies and significations of Aries and Libra. Eclipses will occur along this axis until March of 2025, so the themes of this months Solar eclipse in Libra coupled with the situations that occurred during the Aries eclipse earlier in the year on April nineteenth.

Parallel to this Eclipse season, Pluto stations direct in Capricorn, at the same degree of America’s natal Pluto placement. Pluto is placed within America’s second house, symbolizing the nation's ongoing journey of economic transformation, wealth dynamics, and the profound impact that financial matters have on its identity and evolution as a nation. Specifcally,  the presence of Pluto in the second house highlights issues related to wealth distribution and economic inequality. It symbolizes the power struggles and conflicts that have arisen over the control and distribution of resources within the country. Once transiting Pluto stations direct at this same point durning the second week of October, it will bring these issues to the surface.

This pivotal moment in Pluto's journey signifies a turning point in the transformative energies that have been at play in the realms of governance, authority, and societal structures, especially within the realms of finance and banking. As Pluto resumes its direct motion, it calls for a deepening of our awareness regarding the profound shifts occurring within these domains. In contrast to the preceding month, where Pluto witnessed just a solitary aspect with another planet, the current month presents four planetary aspects to Pluto, in addition to Pluto's direct station that occurs during the second week of the month. This notable increase in planetary aspects to Pluto underscores the intensified transformative energies that October brings.

It suggests that Pluto's influence is more palpable and dynamic, prompting us to confront deep- seated issues, power dynamics, and societal transformations within the different context of our individual lives and shared experiences. Pluto's direct station, occurring amidst these different aspects, serves as a focal point for these transformative energies. It symbolizes a turning point in our collective evolution, highlighting the need to release the past and to embrace the inevitability of change and growth.

This is especially true in America how that Pluto is beginning to end its return to the same degree in the sign of Capricorn it was at when the Declaration of independence was signed. Pluto is stationing direct at this degree, emphasizing issues regarding the United States’ current economic issues. With Saturn, the ruler of Pluto in Capricorn, retrograde in Pisces within America’s natal fourth house, these issues can relate specifically to the housing market.

✩ October Second - Mercury in Virgo Opposite to Rx Neptune in Pisces ✩

The opening of October presents us with an astrological opposition that challenges our perception of reality and calls for a deeper understanding of the interplay between the practical and the imaginative. Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect in its domicile sign, Virgo, seeks precision and analytical clarity. In contrast, Neptune, retrograde in Pisces, signifies the ethereal realms of our mind and the collective unconscious.

As Mercury and Neptune oppose each other on this day, the dissonance between what is pragmatic and what can be intensifies. We can find ourselves struggling to maintain focus and more prone to disorganization. This opposition invites us to self-reflect on to the extent to which we have too heavily relied on facts and our senses to alert us to things we probably already know on a deeper, more intuitive level. It intensifies the struggle between our desire for clear, factual understanding and our inclination toward the abstract and intuitive. We may find ourselves wrestling with distractions, confusion, and an increased susceptibility to disorganization during the first week of the month.

The watery influence of Pisces reminds us that not everything can be neatly categorized or explained. Sometimes, the most profound insights emerge from the depths of our subconscious. It can be difficult to embrace ambiguity during this time, but it is important to understand that things do not exist in the rigid outlines we have attributed to them given our limited and biased perspectives. While considering that, it is important to be wary of things that seem too good to be true as well. There is a delicate balance between respecting what is perceivable and what is not. The Neptune influence, especially when in retrograde, can sometimes cast an illusion that blurs the line between reality and fantasy.

✩ October Third - Mercury in Virgo Trine to Pluto in Capricorn ✩

This positive aspect gives power to communication and thinking. We can find ourselves more passionate about big ideas in the days leading up to this trine’s exactitude. This synergy encourages us to tackle practical matters with precision and intensity, considering that both planets are transiting through earth signs. During this free flowing trine, Mercury's influence in Virgo enhances our ability to analyze and communicate. Combined with Pluto’s intensifying nature, adds depth and intensity to our cognitive functioning during this time.

Our ability to scrutinize information, pay attention to details, and convey our ideas with clarity is heightened during this period. It's also a good time for negotiations, business discussions, or making important decisions, especially in areas related to long-term planning. Pluto's presence in Capricorn also brings an emphasis on matters related to survival, power dynamics, and the hidden aspects of life. It compels us to explore taboo subjects, especially those relating to hierarchies and power imbalances.

Our thoughts may gravitate toward contemplations on political intricacies or thedirect manifestation of these events in our individual experiences. With Pluto making its way back through Capricorn, Americans are dealing with the end of the United States’ Pluto return, a transformative astrological event that occurs approximately every 248 years. This signifies a time of intense transformation, upheaval, and regeneration for the country. It prompts a deep reevaluation of power structures, governmental institutions, and societal norms, all of which fall under the domain of Capricorn. When planets staion retrograde or direct they have greater influence and power; this Pluto is stationing direct at the same degree of America’s natal Pluto placement, making this an extremely pivotal period for the country.

In Mundane Astrology, Mercury governs a wide array of crucial facets such as: the literary world, all forms of communication, general trade and commerce, scientific organizations, and computer programming. News regarding these aspects of American markets could be announced during the first week of October. Although this trine is considered a positive aspect, Pluto’s return to Capricorn has ignited anxieties and concerns among Americans about the future. Specifically, anxieties about shifts in political power, changes in leadership, and the overall trajectory of the nation's governance can weigh heavily on the collective consciousness.

✩ October Fourth - Mercury Ingresses into Libra ✩

Mercury enters the cardinal air sign within the first week of the month, where it will stay for about two and a half weeks. When Mercury travels through this sign, it becomes focused on the Venusian themes associated with the sign of Libra. This planetary shift infuses our communication style with a touch of diplomacy and harmony. Conversations take on a more balanced and cooperative tone, as we find ourselves naturally gravitating towards peaceful resolutions and fair compromises. It is ruled by Venus, which is currently transiting through Leo on this date. Our communication style is driven by a need to express ourselves authenitically at this time. 

Under the influence of Mercury in Libra, our minds become finely attuned to the art of negotiation and the nuances of human relationships. We're drawn to consider both sides of an issue, seeking equilibrium and justice in our discussions. This period is marked by a heightened sense of empathy and a desire to bridge any divides through open and considerate dialogue. During this eighteen day long period, we may find ourselves appreciating the art of expression, whether through poetry, visual arts, or elegant prose. Our words take on a certain grace and charm, making it an excellent time for expressing affection, compliments, and romantic sentiments.

Every year, when Mercury leaves Virgo and enters Libra, it sheds both its domicile and exalted statuses. Mercury has no essential dignity in Libra, which can still feel like a stark contrast to how well it performs in the preceding sign. As it transitions from the meticulous and detail- oriented realm of Virgo, where it's in its domicile, to the more balanced and relationship- oriented territory of Libra, Mercury faces a shift in its expression.

During this transition, Mercury's emphasis shifts from the minutiae of life to the art of conversation, negotiation, and finding common ground. While it may not have the same power in Libra as it does in Virgo, Mercury's presence in this sign invites us to refine our communication skills, foster harmony in our relationships, and appreciate the beauty that words can convey. So, while Mercury may lose some of its precision in Libra, it gains the ability to navigate the intricacies of human connection with grace and finesse. It reminds us that there is value in both the meticulous analysis of Virgo and the harmonious discourse of Libra, each contributing to our growth and understanding in its own unique way.

✩ October Seventh - Venus In Leo’s Post Retrograde Shadow Period Ends ✩

The transit that defined this summer finally ends by the end of the first week of the month. Venus will enter a new degree of Leo that it has not entered during this current Venus cycle before it stationed retrograde earlier this summer, marking the end of its post-retrograde shadow period.  

Venus exiting its post retrograde shadow phase brings an end to the shift in energy and perspective regarding how we understand what brings value into our lives that occurred during the retrograde period. During the retrograde period and its subsequent shadow phase, we were prompted to reconsider what it is about what we crave and desire so intensely that is actually important to who we are.

This period of introspection and self-discovery compelled us to examine the deeper motivations behind our desires. It wasn't merely about being aware of what what we want, but also why we want it. We were encouraged to peel back the layers of superficial longing and dive into the core of our values and identity. Our presences and inclinations do not exist in a vacuum; they are a response to what we have experienced and learned.

One of the prominent features of this Venus retrograde was its recurrent squares to Jupiter and Uranus, both situated in Taurus. This aspect occurred three times over the course of this summer—initially while Venus was direct, then during its retrograde phase, and finally as it retraced its celestial footsteps through the sign of Leo—which introduced the persistent dynamic between Venus and these two planets currently transiting through Taurus. The repetitions of these configurations challenged us to confront our desires and aspirations in the context of abundance, innovation, and unexpected shifts.

We have collectively learned to value our autonomy and sense of creative self-expression over the course of this past summer. Throughout the retrograde phase and its subsequent shadow period, we found ourselves confronted with a compelling invitation to reevaluate the profound essence of what holds value in our lives. These three square aspects Venus made to Jupiter this summer served as a catalyst for the exploration of the deeper motivations that underlie our desires.

✩ October Eight - Venus Enters Virgo; Mars in Libra Square to Rx Pluto in Capricorn ✩

The day after Venus exits its post retrograde shadow, it immediately enters Virgo. Venus has now ended its extended stay in the sign of Leo and enters the sign of its fall. This planetary shift marks a transition from the grandeur and flamboyance of Leo to the practical and meticulous energy of Virgo. This four week long transit can be difficult since Venus is uncomfortable within the realm of Virgo. The meticulous and analytical nature of Virgo may pose difficulties for Venus, as it seeks to find pleasure and aesthetic appreciation within this sign's framework.

As the lesser benefic, Venus signifies what we desire. It broadly indicates our earthly pursuits as well as our aesthetics tastes. However, Virgo's penchant for precision and its inherent focus on details may at times seem at odds with Venus's more indulgent nature. Virgo is careful and does not want to overindulge itself, which is in stark contrast to Venus’s pure, unadulterated energetic influence.

Venus represents comfort, luxury and the pleasure of life. We are ending a three month period of Venus transiting through Leo. During this time, we may have sought and indulged in opulent experiences, prioritizing self-expression, creativity, and the pursuit of joy. With this Summer ending, and Autumn beginning, we are being forced to understand the true cost of recognition, especially in the context of our desires and pleasures.

The pursuit of enjoyment and the appreciation of our pleasures must be balanced with an awareness of the compromises we may have made along the way. While this transit may pose certain challenges due to the inherent discomfort Venus experiences in Virgo, it also offers opportunities for growth and improvement. It calls us to refine our tastes and to find beauty in the precision of everyday life.

We must learn the importance of discernment. The departure of Venus from Leo serves as a reminder that while acknowledgment and applause are gratifying, they should not overshadow the intrinsic worth of what we hold dear. It encourages us to seek a harmonious balance between the pursuit of personal joy and the responsibilities that come with recognition.

This can also be an ideal period to create works of art or finish projects that require diligence and meticulousness. While considering the potential benefits of this transit, it is important to remember to actively appreciate what we have. This act of mindful appreciation allows us to maintain a healthy sense of satisfaction and gratitude. Without the boundaries of understanding what it is that we truly crave, we will have difficulty achieving anything meaningful. It will be easier to recognize the bigger picture that shapes these motivations once Venus begins to trine Jupiter later in the month.

Venus and Mercury are both situated in signs of their mutual reception—Venus in Virgo ruled by Mercury in Libra and Mercury in Libra ruled by Venus in Virgo—which allows them to create a closed circuit of shared energy. Mutual reception is a potent and dynamic connection that occurs when two planets are each placed in the signs ruled by the other. This alignment imbues both Venus and Mercury with a heightened sense of collaboration and resonance. This can aid Venus as it makes its way through a sign it has little support in. This planetary synergy will be prevented throughout the month since Venus in Virgo will be ruling over both eclipses that occur this October.

This challenging alignment between Mars and Pluto, also occuring on this day, underscores our inherent human need to belong and find harmony within changing cultural landscapes, yet it also accentuates the challenges and tensions that arise in this pursuit. The tension between Mars in Libra and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn may give rise to situations where our sincere efforts to promote social harmony and cooperation are met with resistance or misconstrued intentions. It is as though our pursuit of justice and equilibrium is overshadowed by the undercurrents of power struggles and the need for profound societal transformation.

This configuration gives rise to a complex and intense energy that stems from our collective need to belong, despite that drive being potentally self destructive. Mars in Libra brings a focus on social harmony, cooperation, and the pursuit of justice. However, when squared with Pluto in Capricorn, a clash of energies occurs that can manifest as a sense of feeling stuck or trapped. In this context, it becomes essential to navigate these energies with a heightened sense of awareness and discernment. 

We must recognize that while our intentions may be rooted in the pursuit of justice and balance, the influence of Pluto at this time may unearth deeper and often uncomfortable truths about the power dynamics at play within our social structures. With Mars conjunct the south node, it can be easy for us to overlook the ways in which we unnecessarily assert our authority over others. We are influenced by deeply ingrained, subconscious behavioral patterns that originate from our past experiences. It is important to let go of the need to control the narrative at this time and let situations evolve as they will. 

✩ October Tenth - Venus in Virgo Opposite to Rx Saturn in Pisces; Pluto Stations Direct in Capricorn ✩

Shortly after Venus enters Virgo, it will oppose Saturn, which is currently retrograde in Pisces. This Venus-Saturn opposition deals with feeling incapable of change. It can be easier to identify what is wrong with the foundations of our lives than it is to do anything about it. There is dissonance between our ability to achieve what we want within the confines of our current reality. We can feel as if we are immobilized by circumstances. We are accurately aware of the looming presence Saturn in Pisces represents— especially now considering Saturn’s retrograde motion in this sign, which can accentuate a feeling of being unable to enact change.

During this alignment, it may seem more straightforward to identify the shortcomings in the underpinnings of our lives than to take concrete steps toward remedying them. With Venus being naturally uncomfortable in the sign of Virgo, this opposition can underscore the tension between our desire for refinement and the emotional boundaries that Saturn imposes. We may grapple with a sense of limitation or the need to address responsibilities that encroach upon our desires for comfort and relationships.

Simultaneously, Pluto stations direct in Capricorn, amplifying the overarching awareness that the past is unobtainable. There is nothing to go back to. Pluto's direct motion compels us to recognize that the past is no longer attainable— that there is no returning to what once was. Pluto is currently retrograde in Capricorn after briefly entering Aquarius for the first time in over two centuries earlier this year. This ingress coincided with Saturn’s entrance into Pisces. Pluto's brief visit into the realm of Aquarius provided a glimpse into the themes of innovation, rebellion, and the reformation of societal structures.

Within the context of the United States' natal chart, Pluto is stationing direct at the same degree of Capricorn. This alignment holds profound implications for the nation's current economic standing. It signifies a reckoning with issues tied to Capricorn's domain, particularly matters of governance, authority, and the structures that underpin society within the context of America’s natal second house. This house is intricately linked to matters of wealth, resources, and the financial foundations of the country.

The Pluto in Leo era, marked by themes of self- expression and individualism have laid the groundwork for the transformations that are occurring at this time, given that we are headed into the era that zodiacally opposes this period of history. These issues will exacerbate more once Pluto reenters Aquarius. The current transiting planetary ruler of Pluto is Saturn, positioned in Pisces. Pisces is the sign that occupies America's fourth whole sign house, which pertains to matters related to home, family, and, significantly, housing.

This alignment brings public awareness to the financial challenges surrounding housing, highlighting a growing crisis of elderly homelessness. The trend of elderly individuals —spefically over the age of 65, making them born during the last Pluto in Leo period— experiencing homelessness at an accelerating rate is a poignant manifestation of these issues. The atomization of families, characterized by the outsourcing of labor and emotional care for both children and the elderly, has contributed to this complex issue. The cost of housing, coupled with longer life expectancies, further compounds the challenges faced by this germination that was born when Pluto was transiting Aqaurius’s sister sign, Leo.

✩ October Twelfth - Mars Ingresses into Scorpio ✩

The transition of Mars from Libra, where it was debilitated due to its exile, to Scorpio —one of the two signs over which Mars rules— is a significant shift in the ability of this planet to channel its energy. Mars has not transited through a sign over which it rules in over a year given its retrograde in Gemini last year. This ingress into Scorpio can propel us into an extremely focused state of mind.

When Mars transits through the sign go Scorpio, it encourages us to handle situations with determination and intensity. Although this can be an extremely vigorous period, it can also be challenging to navigate situations with finesse and diplomacy, as Scorpio's influence is often characterized by its unapologetic and sometimes brutally honest nature This unyielding commitment to uncovering the deeper layers of reality leaves little room for superficiality or pretense.

Mars's movement through Libra may have felt somewhat challenging since its natural qualities of action and aggression were somewhat subdued. Libra, with its emphasis on balance, diplomacy, and harmony, may have tempered Mars's direct and confrontational energies, sometimes resulting in a sense of frustration or restraint. Now that Mars has ingressed into Scorpio by the middle of the month, there is a distant change in the way this energy manifests. Mars is at home in Scorpio making its influence notably more potent and focused. Scorpio is known for its intensity, depth, and unwavering determination, characteristics that align with Mars's natural expression.

During this approximately two-month-long transit of Mars through Scorpio, there is a heightened ability to concentrate on our goals and manifest our intentions with unwavering determination. Given that Mars in Scorpio is ruling over the north node in Aries, it may be difficult to handle situations diplomatically after this ingress, especially since Mars overpowers the south node’s planetary ruler, Venus in Virgo. The house associated with Scorpio in each of our natal charts will be active during this transit. It is important to consider the way that your actions over the course of the rest of this autumn can benefit or hinder the area of life associated with this house.

This transit can also bring feelings of loneliness and isolation. The weight of responsibility and the need to manage tasks alone may be palpable during this period. It can lead to a sense of self-reliance and a determination to overcome obstacles, but it's essential to balance this independence with the potential for seeking support and collaboration when necessary.

✩ October Thirteenth - Mars in Scorpio Trine to Rx Saturn in Pisces ✩

This Mars-Saturn trine occurs within the realms of the two water signs Scorpio and Pisces allows these two planets to powerfully influence one another. This period can enable us with a strong sense of determination and discipline. With Mars in the sign of its domicile effectively influencing Saturn in this aspect, it can provide the stamina, rigor, and vigor needed to pursue your long term goals relentlessly. The impulse to construct new things is strong as this trine perfects on this date, driving us to delve deep into our passions and transform them into tangible achievements.

Scorpio, as the fixed water sign, is known for its intense, passionate, and transformative qualities. When Mars, the planet of action and desire, is in Scorpio, it becomes deeply focused and determined and is enabled to act according to its natural planetary drive for intensity, transformation, and unwavering perseverance. It’s a placement that encourages individuals to explore their inner depths, confront challenges with tenacity, and pursue their desires with unwavering commitment. Mars in Scorpio brings a strong sense of purpose and the ability to harness one’s emotional and psychological resources to achieve their goals. This intensity can be both an asset and a challenge, as it may lead to power struggles or a tendency to be secretive and guarded.

On the other hand, Pisces, the mutable water sign ruled by Jupiter, is known for its dreamy, compassionate, and empathetic nature. When Saturn, the planet of structure and responsibility, is in Pisces, we begin to understand the core necessity of the significations of this sign. This placement reminds us that even in the realms of imagination and empathy, there is a need for structure and a responsibility to channel these aspects of the subconscious into practical and meaningful actions.

Retrograde Saturn in Pisces can bring a sense of introspection and a willingness to revisit past emotional experiences that have altered the foundations of the current moment. It encourages a more compassionate and forgiving approach to dealing with limitations and responsibilities. However, there can also be a tendency to daydream or escape from reality when Saturn is retrograde in Pisces, making it essential to find a balance between dreams and practicality.

This tendency to fixate on the past during this transit can cause frustration stemming from how prior experiences may limit your actions. Since water signs are known for their deep emotional sensitivity and intuition. While these qualities can be immensely valuable, they can also sometimes lead to a tendency to self-victimize. This can lead us to dwell on past mistakes or missed opportunities, which can make us feel more inclined to daydream rather than taking concrete actions. It's crucial to strike a balance between your ambitions and the practical steps required to achieve them.

Alternatively, this aspect can also lead to impulsive behavior. The desire to push forward may cause you to rush into things without contemplating the solid foundation they require. It's essential to harness the discipline of Saturn in Pisces to ensure that your actions are well-planned and rooted in reality, avoiding hasty decisions that could lead to setbacks. Since Saturn is currently retrograde, it can be more productive to focus on goals, specifically those that originated after Saturn’s ingress into Pisces in March of this year.

✩ October Fourteenth - Solar Eclipse in Libra ✩

The precise moment when the Moon aligns with the Sun at its exact degree, occurring at 9:20 am (PST), brings a powerful celestial event near the south node. In Vedic astrology, this south node is known as Ketu and symbolized by the image of a decapitated dragon demon, signifying the release of energies that are no longer essential for our spiritual growth.

This alignment prompts us to recognize where we may be losing valuable energy that should be directed towards nurturing our own well-being in our pursuit of harmonious relationships with others. It raises questions about the areas in our lives where we may be expending excessive energy on external dynamics, possibly at the expense of our own inner balance and growth. If the north node represents our desires and aspirations, the south node, in contrast, signifies the energies we need to release or let go of.

Pluto’s presence at the bending of the nodes creates a square aspect to both the Sun and Moon that have conjoined in Libra. This configuration intensifies the transformative energies at play, amplifying the need for profound change and renewal in our relationships and self-expression. The square aspect challenges us to confront power dynamics and issues related to control and transformation within our interpersonal connections.

The Libra Sun and Moon, both ruled by Venus in Virgo, emphasize themes of harmony and balance in our relationships. Venus in Virgo encourages us to approach our connections with discernment and attention to detail, ensuring that they align with our values and contribute positively to our overall well-being. In traditional astrology, Venus is considered to be in its detriment in Virgo, meaning it may not express its harmonious and pleasure-seeking qualities as freely as it does in other signs like Libra or Taurus.

With both the Sun and Moon in Libra ruled by Venus in Virgo, we are encouraged to balance the ideals of harmony and balance with the practicalities and attention to detail that Venus in Virgo brings. It’s a time when we assess our relationships with a discerning eye, seeking to ensure that they align with our values and contribute positively to our overall well-being. While this placement may bring challenges, it also offers opportunities for growth and improvement in how we relate to others and ourselves, ultimately fostering more balanced connections that serve us more than we serve the expectations of perfection or idealization. Venus in Virgo may have a tendency to hold itself and others to high standards, which can create a sense of pressure or dissatisfaction in partnerships.

This initial Solar Eclipse in Libra signifies a pivotal moment when we may realize that we cannot sustain an overwhelming number of social obligations, especially in the context of the eclipse’s moderate square positioning to Pluto.

During this time, we contemplate whether it’s in our best interest to release some of these social contracts. The eclipse prompts us to assess whether our commitment to mitigating issues within our various relationships genuinely benefits our individual growth. It raises questions about whether cultural or societal pressures have pushed us to be overly generous with our time and energy, even when we may be struggling ourselves. It’s a period of discernment, where we evaluate which connections truly nurture our well-being.

Secrets or revelations related to power dynamics within our interpersonal relationships may come to the surface. This eclipse encourages us to consider whether it’s time to let go and liberate ourselves from relationships that no longer serve our potential we are currently realizing for ourselves.

✩ October Twentieth - Sun and Mercury Conjoin in Libra while Square to Pluto in Capricorn ✩

The Sun and Mercury are conjunct in Libra, while simultaneously squaring Pluto in Capricorn on this day. This configuration challenges us to balance our desire for harmonious communication and diplomacy with the need to confront power dynamics and hidden truths in our interactions and relationships.

The conjunction of the Sun and Mercury in Libra heightens our mental impulses and communication abilities. It fosters a greater focus on speaking, articulating ideas, and transmitting information. During this time, you may find joy in sharing your thoughts and concepts with others, making it an excellent period for negotiations, diplomacy, and enhancing your social skills.

However, this conjunction is square to Pluto in Capricorn, which can bring up issues related to power dynamics. You may find yourself wrestling with the need to uncover hidden truths or secrets, which could lead to intense confrontations or power struggles in communication. It’s important to be cautious about oversharing or prying too deeply into others’ affairs during this period.

The square aspect with Pluto may trigger feelings of being dominated or manipulated by others. In response, you might be tempted to exert your will over them, potentially leading to conflicts and control issues. Be mindful of power plays in relationships and strive for a healthy balance of influence.

On a more positive note, this aspect can be transformative. It can help you understand the motives of others more clearly, even if these insights are uncomfortable. This understanding can be healing, as it allows you to detach from relationships and circumstances that no longer serve your growth and well-being. By confronting power struggles and uncovering hidden agendas, you have the opportunity to create healthier, more authentic connections and communications in your life.

✩ October Twenty-second - Venus in Virgo is Trine to Rx Jupiter in Taurus; Mercury ingress into Scorpio and becomes Trine to Rx Saturn in Pisces ✩

Venus in Virgo is trine to Retrograde Jupiter in Taurus. This is a harmonious alignment of both benefic planets in earth signs, offering a positive and stabilizing influence.

Both Venus in Virgo and Jupiter in Taurus are in earth signs, which are associated with practicality, stability, and groundedness. This earthy synergy emphasizes the importance of material and physical concerns, making it an excellent time to focus on financial matters, self-care, and nurturing relationships with a practical approach.

Despite Venus not being entirely comfortable in Virgo, the retrograde Jupiter in Taurus helps channel the discerning and critical energy associated with Venus' nature in this sign. This alignment encourages a balance between attention to detail and a desire for beauty, making it an excellent time for refining our tastes and refining our relationships.

One noteworthy aspect of this aspect is its potential to prompt a period of self-reflection. It can serve as a time when we recognize any overindulgent tendencies we might have indulged in during Venus in Leo's square to Jupiter in the summer. This recognition can lead to a corrective period where we genuinely assess how much we've spent and perhaps wasted during those months. It encourages a more practical and measured approach to our resources and relationships.

Overall, this trine aspect between these two positive planets promotes friendliness and a desire for socializing, but it also provides an opportunity to ground ourselves and make more thoughtful choices in matters of love, finances, and personal values. It's a time when we can learn from past excesses and embrace a more balanced and responsible approach to life's pleasures.

Mercury’s entrance into Scorpio, also occurring on this day, shifts in how we communicate and think. During this transit, conversations tend to become more profound and probing as Scorpio is known for its intensity and desire to dig deep beneath the surface. We may find ourselves interested in the macabre or more curious about taboo topics given this sign's association with exploring the depths of human nature and the hidden aspects of life.

Mercury is highly secretive and strategic in its thought processes when it is in this sign. It encourages careful consideration of words and a preference for keeping certain information concealed. Being one of the two zodiac signs closely linked with finances, Scorpio's inherent shrewdness and calculated nature amplify Mercury's strategic influence on our thought processes and decision-making.

Scorpio being a water sign, this transit encourages communication with emotional depth and authenticity. Conversations may touch on subjects that evoke strong feelings, making it essential to handle sensitive topics with care. This can be especially true considering how blunt Scorpio can be.

This transit favors research and investigative work. It’s a great time to engage in deep study or uncover hidden information. Our analytical skills are refined durning this transit, and we are motivated to get to the bottom of complex issues. We might also notice ourselves being more prone to paranoia during Mercury’s stay in this sign.This heightened sense of suspicion can be a side effect of Scorpio’s intense and investigative energy, causing us to scrutinize situations and interactions more intensely than usual. It’s important to balance this heightened awareness by being trusting.

Mercury in Scorpio forming a trine aspect to retrograde Saturn in Pisces creates a harmonious alignment that allows both planets to influence each other positively.

Under this celestial influence, our thinking is marked by a profound sense of purpose and lucidity. We possess the capacity to organize our thoughts and ideas with a methodical precision, which allows us to approach situations and challenges with a pragmatic and grounded perspective. This clarity of thought empowers us to make well-informed decisions and navigate complexities with confidence.

Within the shared realms of Scorpio and Pisces, this trine can manifest in various ways. Individuals under the beneficial influence of this transit can possess a natural inclination to explore intricate matters, whether in the realms of psychology, spirituality, or esoteric knowledge.  

Generally, it empowers us to assess information objectively, leading to well-informed decision-making. Methodical thinking becomes a guiding principle, as they approach challenges and projects with a systematic mindset. It empowers us to embrace challenges with a well-structured mindset, making it easier to unravel complex matters and make decisions based on a balanced blend of insight and pragmatism.

✩ October Twenty-third - Sun Ingresses into Scorpio ✩

Directly following Mercury’s entrance into this sign, the Sun’s ingress into the fixed water sign, beginning this year’s Scorpio season. This astrological transition signifies a shift from the harmonious and balanced sign of Libra to the deep and mysterious waters of Scorpio.

During this annual season Scorpio’s natural enigmatic, passionate, and determined nature come to the forefront, influencing our collective focus and energies. Emotions become more intense and complex during Scorpio season, prompting us to explore the depths of our feelings, confront unresolved issues, and seek emotional catharsis.

Transformation is a central theme of Scorpio season, as the sign is associated with personal growth and rebirth. The Sun’s illumination of Scorpio’s energies encourages us to release what no longer serves us and to emerge from this transformative process free from what restrains us.

Roughly every two years, Mars reaches its cazimi when it is positioned very closely to the Sun within the same sign. In this case, with both the Sun and Mars in Scorpio, the intensity and determination associated with this sign are amplified even further.During Mars’ upcoming cazimi in Scorpio, we can expect an even stronger focus on themes related to power, transformation, and assertiveness. Mars’ energy becomes incredibly potent and aligned with Scorpio’s attributes. This combination can manifest as a heightened drive to confront challenges, a desire to delve deep into our passions, and the courage to face situations that require courage and resilience.

This is in stark contrast to Mars’ two-month-long transit in Libra that preceded its journey into Scorpio. While in Libra, Mars took on a more diplomatic and harmonious approach, focusing on balance, cooperation, and compromise in our actions and decisions. Libra’s influence sought to avoid conflict and prioritize relationships.

Now, as Mars enters Scorpio and aligns closely with the Sun, we experience a shift from Libra’s emphasis on external harmony to Scorpio’s drive for inner transformation and assertiveness. It’s as if we’ve transitioned from seeking external peace to addressing inner challenges and making bold moves with unwavering determination.

The shift from Libra to Scorpio in Mars’ transits symbolizes a change from the need for external validation to a more internalized sense of empowerment. During this Scorpio season, we’re encouraged to delve deep into our desires, confront any lingering issues or power dynamics, and emerge from this intense period with a stronger sense of self and a clearer path forward. It’s a reminder that balance and assertiveness can coexist, depending on the circumstances and our personal growth.

✩ October Twenty-fourth - Sun in Scorpio is Trine to Rx Saturn in Pisces ✩

The Sun in Scorpio trining retrograde Saturn in Pisces combines Scorpio's determination with Saturn's structured discipline. This alignment offers a unique opportunity to harness Scorpio's persistence for long-term plans and goals, giving us the drive to focus on objectives we've desired for an extended period, especially since Saturn moved into Pisces back in March of this year.

This aspect is typically positive when energies are managed effectively. It empowers us with self-discipline, organizational skills, and the ability to structure our lives, aligning with the shared themes of these two water signs' significations. It encourages us to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions, fostering a sense of personal accountability rather than falling into a self-victimizing mindset.

✩ October Twenty-eighth - Mercury and Mars Conjoin in Scorpio Opposes Rx Jupiter in Taurus; Lunar Eclipse in Taurus ✩

Mercury and Mars meet in Scorpio while also opposing retrograde Jupiter in Taurus. The combined effect of Mars and Mercury in Scorpio results in a surge of mental energy, enhancing the sharpness and agility of our minds. During this period, tasks requiring mental acumen become more manageable, and our ability to think quickly and decisively is notably enhanced.

However, this boost in mental energy can sometimes escalate to uncomfortable levels, leading to tendencies of mental restlessness and even slight manic behavior. This may manifest as heightened mental irritability, argumentativeness, or an inclination toward oversharpness in communication. It’s a phase when our thoughts may outpace our ability to experience them, and our thinking could become excessively aggressive due to this cognitive stress.

The overarching themes during this period revolve around work and energy expenditure. Both Scorpio and Taurus are signs that deal with the varying forms of resources, including time, energy, and emotions. Therefore, managing these resources wisely becomes crucial. The heightened mental energy and assertiveness should be balanced effectively to avoid overcommitment or the risk of burnout. Additionally, this transit can lead us toward a proclivity for embracing change as a means of coping with future instability rather than fully appreciating the abundance of options before us. Scorpio’s influence, intensified by Mercury and Mars, prompts us to confront the unknown and seek transformation in response to external uncertainties.

However, the intensity of Scorpio’s energy can sometimes lead us to overlook the richness of options available. In our eagerness to embrace change, we might inadvertently narrow our perspective, focusing too closely on a single path or mode of transformation. This tunnel vision can limit our exploration of alternative avenues and prevent us from fully appreciating the diversity of possibilities at our disposal.

Scorpio’s forward-focused nature can make it emotionally challenging to reflect on the past. The desire to constantly push forward and confront the unknown may overshadow the value of retrospection and learning from our history. We might be tempted to bury or detach from past experiences, particularly if they evoke intense emotions or discomfort.

This second eclipse of the month is the Lunar Eclipse, occurring in Taurus, which activates the Taurus-Scorpio axis one final time for the next several years. This eclipse serves as the culmination of a chapter that began in 2021 when this axis was initially set in motion. The themes that have been entrapping us since that inital eclipse in 2021 will come to a close as this energy shifts into the Aries-Libra axis within our charts.

The Taurus-Scorpio axis is known for its themes of stability, security, transformation, and intensity. Taurus represents our material and financial security, our values, and our connection to the physical world. Scorpio, on the other hand, delves into the depths of our emotions, our desires, and our ability to undergo profound transformation.

Since 2021, we’ve been navigating a journey that has likely involved reevaluating our values, financial situations, and personal security (Taurus) while simultaneously undergoing deep emotional transformations, confronting hidden aspects of ourselves, and examining power dynamics within our lives (Scorpio).

As we approach this Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, we find ourselves at the conclusion of this particular narrative. Eclipses often bring turning points, revelations, and a sense of closure. It’s a time when we can gain a deeper understanding of the lessons and changes that have unfolded over the previous few years.

The lunar nodes shifted into Aries and Libra in July, and are now being activated. With the end of the eclipse series within the realm of Taurus and Scorpio’s dual significations. The recent activation of the lunar nodes during this month suggests a shift in the underlying themes that direct our attention. We will shift towards new experiences and opportunities of growth. It’s a time to integrate the wisdom gained from the issues and opportunities that arose within the Taurus-Scorpio axis of our natal charts and apply it to our evolving journey along the Aries-Libra axis. This may involve reevaluating our relationships, asserting our individuality, and finding a new balance between self-expression and cooperation within those two pairs of houses.

✩ October Thirty-first - Venus in Virgo is Trine to Rx Uranus in Taurus ✩

On Halloween Venus in Virgo is positioned in a harmonious trine aspect to retrograde Uranus in Taurus. Under the influence of this transit, we find that our appreciation for the extraordinary is heightened. Things that may not be entirely practical suddenly hold a special allure when Venus and Uranus meet.

This is a time when we’re more inclined to explore and appreciate what’s unconventional or unconventional twists on traditional themes, making it an ideal transit for Halloween.

Apart from its influence on our aesthetic tastes; this aspect opens the door to newfound freedom through love and personal relationships. It encourages us to break free from old patterns and embrace a more liberated approach to matters of the heart. If there were any previous reservations or hesitations in our relationships, this transit encourages us to approach them with more curiosity.

It’s worth noting that this trine follows a Venus-Uranus square that occurred in the fixed signs Leo and Taurus the previous month. While the previous square aspect may have presented challenges or conflicts in matters of love and values, this trine offers a more harmonious and smoother flow of energy.Even though Venus may feel somewhat uncomfortable in the pragmatic sign of Virgo, this trine allows for a more graceful integration of Venusian qualities, making it a comparatively easier and more enjoyable moment in its transit.

I suggest reading the horoscope for your rising sign. Hellenistic tradition also recommends that those born in the day read their Sun sign’s horoscope, while those born at night read their Moon sign’s horoscope.

Libra, the way you navigate the world is undergoing a transformation. As your sense of self evolves, those around you may perceive you differently, and this change can create dissonance between you and those who think you should be different.
    You are likely adapting to the new realizations regarding your more passive role in certain relationships, but now is the time to actively understand and define who you are. Cultivating a stronger sense of self is a crucial step toward developing more meaningful and authentic relationships in the future.
    Avoidance won’t serve you well during this period. Instead, confront tension and conflict head-on. By the second week of the month, you will gain clarity on the new direction you’re headed in. While you may be tempted to keep this revelation to yourself, consider the value of sharing your thoughts and feelings with those you trust. It may not be wise to share all your plans publicly, but you should be able to relay on those closest to you for support during this process.

Scorpio, as October unfolds, you’re in the process of establishing new friendships driven by a deep need for community. This pursuit of connection is a reflection of your innate desire for meaningful bonds and a sense of belonging.
    However, this month may bring an increased awareness of how much you give to others, which can make it challenging not to take it personally when people seem distant.
    Towards the end of the month, you’ll find yourself undergoing profound changes in your sense of self. This transformative period highlights the importance of not compromising your identity to please others. It could involve something as simple as altering your style to align with your authentic self or as intense as realizing you’ve been denying yourself the freedom of self expression. Recognizing and honoring your true self will ultimately lead to more fulfilling and authentic relationships, where you can be appreciated for who you genuinely are.
    You might have been struggling with this for the past few years and this month can free you from the pressures of conformity.

Sagittarius, you are finding yourself needing to create distance from you and any communities that you not allow you to express yourself creatively. Your freedom-loving spirit yearns for spaces where you can explore and innovate without constraints.
    As the month begins, you’ll face the task of balancing your strong desire to be seen and acknowledged with your domestic responsibilities. There might be moments when you have to allocate considerable time to fulfill your duties and obligations at home.
    By the end of the month, you will likely gain a clearer understanding of the dynamics at play in your life. This newfound clarity will help you make more informed decisions about where to invest your time and energy, allowing you to strike a harmonious balance between your creative aspirations and your responsibilities. This will also help you to effectively detach from any social obligations that hinder your self expression.
    You might recognize that your current job does not support your mental wellbeing and begin to question how exactly you have own grown your workplace. You may crave a more stable career or if you feel too strained at work you might consider a work environment that gives you more freedoms.

Capricorn, you are becoming frustrated by your relationship to authority. It is becoming impossible for you to not recognize the inherent power structures that dictate your life.
    You might recognize how little your career is actually worth in comparison to worldly knowledge. You might be considering prioritizing school or travel during this month as it is becoming more apparent that your sense of self you derive from your work is not sustaining you at this time.
    You should focus on long term strategies for your goals rather than getting involved in interpersonal drama this month. You have yet to figure out who you want to be in the world and how you want to be recognized —which can make it easy to rely on others for guidance— but your ambitions should be your priority at this time.
    By the end of the month, you will be carefully considering who in your social circles supports your creative visions and you will likely decide to focus your energy on social networking than socializing for the rest of the fall.

Aquarius, you are reassessing your relationship to your own worldviews this month. You might recognize the structure that change can offer once you accept that your circumstances are constantly evolving.
    During the first week of October, you may be stressed about financial matters or worried that you do not have enough time to do the things you want to, especially if you are traveling or going back to school. You might feel drawn in too many directions for the first half of the month.
    Though, by the middle of October, you will be more secure in your understanding of the world and how your perception of the world can change your reality.
    As October comes to an end, you might experience a sense of disconnection from your current surroundings or circumstances. This feeling of being out of place can stir a desire for change, whether it’s a physical move to a new location or simply a profound appreciation for how much you’ve evolved as a person. This can be jarring, but it is important to appreciate the changes you have made to yourself.

Pisces, you might find yourself frustrated that those around you are not evolving at the same pace you are. This disparity in personal growth may lead to moments of impatience or even isolation, but remember that everyone experiences things differently than you do.
    The agreements and social contacts you make in October can have far-reaching implications. As you navigate your interactions, you may come to realize that you’ll be more intertwined with certain individuals than you initially thought. This realization isn’t necessarily negative, but it’s a factor to consider when assessing your commitments and relationships.
    You might find more peace in taking time to yourself this month to evaluate your priorities. It can be important for you to journal in order to recognize what new frameworks you are creating about the world. You also need to he more honest with yourself about the state of your relationships and how much work it takes to maintain them, especially since this month is inviting a lot of profound change for you.

Aries, this month you are recognizing the ways in which you have become a pillar of other people’s realities, making it crucial to balance your selflessness with self reliance. You are beginning the process of actively reinventing yourself after realizing the ways in which you have been taken advantage.
    It’s it’s easy to underestimate just how much effort goes into maintaining healthy connections with others. While your enthusiasm and energy can be infectious, it’s essential to acknowledge that it’s okay to ask for support and to set boundaries when necessary.
    You may need to sever relationships this month that do not serve you, but be careful to not be overly critical of others. You should prioritize distancing yourself for your own peace rather than harboring resentment or blame. When you are not focused on upholding relationships that do not serve your best interests, you make space for new connections.
    If you have already been purging relationships prior to October, by the middle of this month you will begin to have more closure regarding these old connections.

Taurus, as you navigate the challenges of this month, it’s become apparent that you might be ineffectively managing your responsibilities, and these burdens have compiled over time. This realization might have manifested in your growing awareness of just how busy you are, to the point where you’re finding it increasingly difficult to allocate time for personal projects and creative pursuits. Ultimately this month requires you to commit to new, healthier habits.
    Creativity also requires careful planning, foresight, adaptability, and a commitment to the consequences of your actions. This connection between creation and responsibility can be both challenging and rewarding, as it requires a delicate balance between pursuing one’s passions and being accountable for the outcomes.
    The demands of your responsibilities can serve as a source of inspiration, driving you to find innovative solutions or creative outlets to cope with the pressures. The practical downside to this situation is that when these responsibilities are left unmanaged, they can overwhelm you, suppressing both your creativity and your personal growth.
    Finding balance between creating time for your creativity as well as your responsibilities is on going and does not have to be structured within an all-or-nothing binary. Instead of viewing it as a rigid choice between one or the other, consider it a continuous process of adapting and reevaluating your priorities.

Gemini, you are removing yourself from spaces that no long reflect the person you are becoming. This process of letting go of environments can be difficult but it is necessary.
    Despite how isolating it may feel to purposely alienate yourself for your own growth, It’s a sign of maturity and self-awareness to recognize when something no longer serves your best interests.
    In the beginning of the month, Gemini, you might experience a subtle tension between how you are perceived publicly and your desire for relaxation and authenticity. There could be moments when you feel pressure to maintain a certain image or meet certain expectations in your public life, which can be at odds with your yearning for privacy.
    These feelings will dissipate later in the month, and the later part of October may offer opportunities for you to express yourself more authentically in your public roles.

Cancer, you are a natural homebody and strive to create comfortable places for others, no matter how far from home you are. Your deep sense of care and nurturing extends beyond physical places.
    This month you are experiencing change in regards to domestic matters and sense of privacy. This can be difficult and uncomfortable if your sense of security is challenged this month, these changes can open up new opportunities in regards to this area of life.
    You might be experiencing issues related to your family or roommates. This could be a period were you have to reset these relationships in order to alleviate stress in your home.
    This could be impacting your relationships. You may realize you do not share the same philosophies of life with these important relationships. For some, you might learn to detach by letting go of expectations but for others, you may reconsider relationships that embody these themes more seriously during this month.

Leo, you find yourself pondering the true depth of authenticity. You are beginning to realize that the cost of being yourself is often linked to the willingness to let go of societal expectations and norms that may not align with your genuine self.
    You may be acutely aware of the way you are perceived day-to-day. This heightened awareness is a natural consequence of the introspection and self-discovery you’re undergoing. Instead of being bound to the ideas you imagine people think about you, it is important to understand how upholding all of these hypothetical beliefs about yourself actually benefits you.
    The framework others use to judge you stems from their own complex relationship with how they believe they should act based on how they assume others perceive them. As you begin to reject the framework that has been imposed upon you, you will begin to realize whose judgment is actually worth your consideration.
    As you continue to explore your sense of self and seek communities that align with your values and that reflect the identity you want to be validated, you must appreciate that you are able to continually cultivate your sense of self. You might find power in communicating your needs, even if they are complex and difficult this month, to ensure you are being understood.

Virgo, this month is urging you you to confront your relationship to stability. As the weeks progress, you’ll find that by the second week, new opportunities emerge, offering you the chance to create a greater sense of stability in your life.
    However, it’s crucial to recognize that to fully embrace these opportunities, you must be willing to let go of old, limiting ideas about how to create your livelihood. You might have been unknowingly holding yourself back by underestimating your own capabilities. This month is a reminder to shed those self-imposed limitations and have confidence in your skills and potential.
    The prospect of new sources of income may also become apparent this month. These shifts might initially feel daunting, but they have the potential to lead you to a more stable and fulfilling path.