naoise (nee-shah) is a los angeles-based astrologer whose practice focuses on electional astrology and helping their clients understand the undercurrents of their own existence.

their interest in astrology began as a child when their mom explained to them the traits of their sun sign which deeply resonated with them. this fascination with astrology persisted throughout their life and they have used it to contextlize much of their own existance as well as to understand greater global matters.

being adopted and later recognizing that they are queer, naoise always grappled with identifying themselves and justifying their own existence through the use of these labels.

through astrology, they hope to help others find solace in knowing that what consititues the foundation of their life, and even the cultural and political context in which they live, is infinitely bigger than their scope can even imagine.

naoise has taken to studying hellenistic astrology and works to find the underlying energetic meanings of the symbolism that exists within the language of astrology. by finding the consistencies between these approaches, they hope to tease out the universal truth of these archetypes to alleviate the tension of living in a world that is sometimes outside of our control.

there is freedom in accepting that existance is random, and during one random moment in all of histroy, you were born. making sense of your place in the vastness of existance is one of the greatest tools astrology offers.

you can find more of their work on instagram: @bodiedreflection