
✮ natal chart consulation 

($100 - sliding scale pricing avilable)

This service includes an hour and a half long delination of your natal chart in order to help you better understand the energies under which you were born. For this reading I will need your exact time + date + location of birth to ensure your birth chart is accurate.

electional astrology consultation 

($50 - sliding scale pricing avilable)

Electional astrology provides insights into the optimal timing for initaing events or projects. It can be used for anything ranging from planning a party, a release or launch date, to scheduling important meetings or signings, ensuring that the astrological signatures align with your intentions to help ensure success. 

astrological tutoring

($40/hour - sliding scale pricing avilable)

Let me help you to learn astrology. I am well-versed in Hellensitic astrology offering personalized tutoring sessions tailored to your learning style and pace. Whether you're a beginner or seeking to deepen your understanding, I provide comprehensive guidance to navigate the complexities of the celestial realm with clarity and confidence.

✮ sliding scale pricing 

I am committed to making my practice accessible to individuals who have faced systemic oppression based on various aspects of their identity, including race, gender, sexuality, religion, socioeconomic status, disability, sex work, immigration status, and other marginalized identities. I believe that astrology can benefit everyone, and I strive to create a safe and inclusive space for self exploration and understanding. The sliding scale pricing for natal charts is $60-100, for electional charts it is $25-50, and for tutoring it is $25-40 an hour. 

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To schedule a consulation or tutoring, contact me by email at