August 2023 Horoscopes
August 1st, 2023

August begins in the middle of Leo season. This annual solar season brings energy to the Leo house within our natal chart. This fixed fire sign is assured of itself. Leo is friendly and ambitious; it cares about the way things are presented. This archetype can be mislabeled as superficial, but it simply understands the power of first impressions and the importance of projecting an image that reflects their inner strength and capabilities. They believe that if they present themselves confidently, the world will respond in kind and open doors of opportunity.

As we continue through the Sun’s transit through Leo, we will find it important to remain authentic to ourselves, especially in regards to the area of life associated with Leo in our natal chart. The core of this fixed fire sign deals with the need for authenticity and recognition. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be validated for the hard work we put into creating something. During the remainder of this year’s Leo’s season, we may encounter situations that challenge our authenticity or tempt us to hide parts of ourselves. It's crucial to resist the urge to play small or conform to others' expectations. Instead, let the bold and self-assured energy of Leo inspire you to be unapologetically yourself. It will move into Virgo in the third week of August. Virgo and Leo have many differences but also share many commonalities that contribute to a seamless flow of energies as we move from one sign to the other.

While Leo thrives in the spotlight, seeking recognition and admiration for its creativity and leadership, Virgo is more inclined towards the background, preferring to serve and support others through practical and analytical means. Both signs value self improvement and have the ability to see the ways in which things and people can be refined for the better. Despite these differences, Leo and Virgo both have a keen eye for detail. Leo's attention to presentation and aesthetics is complemented by Virgo's meticulous approach to organization and efficiency. As the Sun moves into Virgo, we carry the essence of Leo's authenticity and creativity into a more practical realm. This transition encourages us to integrate our self-expression into our daily routines and work towards tangible goals.

August is bookended by two Full Moons; one when the Sun is in Leo and another after the Sun ingresses into Virgo. Full Moons represent a culmination and a tipping point; they allow us to release our emotions and let go of situations that no longer serve us. Both Full Moons are super Moons, which occur when the Moon reaches its full phase at the nearest point in its orbit around Earth. This intensifies the emotional and transformative energies of these lunar phases and adds further layers of complexity to the transits of the month. The Full Moon in Aquarius at the beginning of August emphasizes the themes of individuality, and causes us to question our sense of self to better determine where we belong. As the month comes to its end, we will reach the Full Moon in Virgo, which calls for a more grounded and practical approach. Virgo's earthy nature encourages us to focus on self-improvement, organization, and attention to detail. This Full Moon urges us to assess what is working in our lives and what needs to be refined or released.

The majority of the transits this month are either opposition or a square; this prevalence of opposition and square aspects in the transits in August sets the tone for a period of potential challenges and tension.

These two aspects are considered difficult since they invoke feelings of being a part of a moment that is too altered from our past experiences to feel familiar or comfortable yet too underdeveloped to feel as if it is a clear part of our future. This can be disorienting and may lead to restlessness or a sense of stagnation as we grapple with the complexities of the present moment.

Oppositions, where planets are 180 degrees apart, represent a divide between two distinct energies seeking balance. This internal conflict may leave us feeling torn between opposing desires or facing external conflicts with others. This energy can manifest as a crossroad, causing us to be unsure which path to take, as we grapple with finding harmony between contrasting aspects of our lives. Squares, on the other hand, involve planets positioned 90 degrees apart, creating a sense of tension and friction. They challenge us to address issues head-on and push us out of our comfort zones. While squares can be unsettling, they also offer opportunities for growth and transformation as we confront obstacles and limitations. These energies can make us feel stifled and cause feelings of restlessness as we deal with feelings of stagnation.

The retrograde motion of Venus throughout the entire month contributes to the perceived stagnation of energy. When a planet goes retrograde, its energy appears to move backward in the sky from our earthly perspective. This phenomenon tends to draw our attention inward, prompting us to reflect on matters related to the planet's influence. During Venus’ retrograde phases, its energy invites us to reevaluate our values and the way we approach relationships, both romantic and platonic. This period may be a time of reassessment, where we confront unresolved issues and delve into matters of the heart that we may have previously overlooked. As Venus retraces its steps through Leo, the sign of self-expression and authenticity, we are specifically called to examine how we express our love and affection. Are we truly being genuine and showing our true selves to others? Are our actions aligned with our deepest values and desires? This retrograde will allow us to reexamine themes from the past month since it will make many of the same aspects to various planets as it did last month as it retraces its steps through this sign. Most notably, Venus will square both Uranus and Jupiter for a second time. Both planets are currently in two different decans of Taurus.

The cyclical nature of Venus's retrograde, with its approximately eight-year synodic cycle, allows circumstances from previous periods in eight year increments to resurface. Cultural events and styles from the summers of 2015 and 2007 might become relevant again. In terms of fashion, various trends from the early 2000s have been popular for a few years at this point, so we may see the return of popular 2015 styles for the summer.

For example, about a month preceding the Venus retrograde of 2007, Apple announced the first iPhone, and it recently announced the Pro Vision a few weeks before this current Venus retrograde. These additions to Apple’s catalog affect the way its brand is perceived, which Venus influences. These new inventions were also announced to launch after Pluto’s ingress into a new sign, which adds emphasis to their cultural impact. The introduction of the first iPhone in 2007 marked a groundbreaking moment in technology and design. It revolutionized the way we interacted with our devices and changed the landscape of mobile communication and computing. The timing of this announcement being close to the Venus retrograde could have inadvertently impacted how the public perceived this innovative product. As Venus stationed retrograde, people may have realized how desperately they wanted this new smartphone. It also forever changed the ways in which phones were designed- almost all modern smartphones have a touch screen. Similarly, Apple's recent announcement of the Pro Vision coinciding with the current Venus retrograde could carry a similar significance, even if we cannot fully understand the impact this device will have on the technological market.

Cillian Murphy, who is a Leo rising, has had two prominent movies released just prior to Venus station retrograde at this point in its synodic cycle. In the summer of 2007, Sunshine debuted just prior to the Venus retrograde of that year. It featured Cillian Murphy, and he recently starred in Oppenheimer, which debuted a few days to this current Venus retrograde in Leo. The recurrence of such synchronicities across different Venus retrograde cycles within his first house demonstrates potential astrological connection between Cillian's career milestones and the positioning of Venus. Venus, as the planet of beauty, artistry, and aesthetics, plays a significant role in the realm of cinema and entertainment.

On a personal level, Venus stationing retrograde in Leo is causing us to reflect on our own desires relating to self expression and authenticity as well. Mars is no longer upholding Venus, which can make the effects of this retrograde more intense and disorienting for some. It can be difficult for us to articulate or recognize what it is that we actually want, and we may go about achieving our desires in a more hesitant or uncertain manner. The absence of Mars's direct support may leave us feeling less assertive and driven, making it challenging to take decisive action towards our goals. As we navigate the influence of this Venus retrograde, we may find ourselves grappling with a sense of restlessness or ambiguity in our pursuit of what we want. The uncertainty caused by Mars' lack of direct support might lead us to question whether our desires align with our deeper sense of purpose and self-identity.

Alternatively, we may know exactly what we want at this time, but circumstances can be making it difficult to actualize our goals given that Venus is reapproaching a square aspect to Jupiter. While Venus retrograde already encourages introspection and reevaluation of our values, the square aspect to Jupiter intensifies the need to consider the bigger picture and potential consequences of our actions. The square aspect between Venus and Jupiter can highlight a conflict between our immediate desires and our long-term goals. Jupiter's expansive influence may tempt us to chase after grand visions and opportunities without fully considering the practicalities or potential pitfalls.

Both Mercury in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus will retrograde later in the month. Mercury's retrograde, being much shorter and occurring several times a year, tends to have a more pronounced effect on our daily lives and communication.

The retrograde motion of Uranus in Taurus, on the other hand, lasts for approximately five months each year. Uranus' retrograde encourages us to break free from rigid patterns and outdated beliefs, especially those related to our possessions, finances, and comfort zones. This time may bring surprises or unexpected shifts in areas that we thought were stable, urging us to be adaptable and open to change. We may see more strikes later in the year as other planets aspect retrograde Uranus.

The combination of difficult transits and retrograde planets during this Summer calls for a patient and persistent approach. As we navigate the various challenges and introspective energies, it becomes evident that this is a period of preparation rather than immediate gratification. Instead of rushing headlong into endeavors, it's essential to take a step back, assess the situation, and plan thoughtfully. The presence of three retrograde planets - Venus, Mercury, and Uranus - invites us to look inward and reevaluate our desdirection.This summer becomes a fertile ground for planting the seeds of our aspirations, knowing that we can reap the fruits of our labor in due

☆ August First - Full Moon in Aquarius; Mercury in Virgo Opposite to Rx Saturn in Pisces ☆

The month begins with the first of two Full Moons at 11:31 A.M. (PST) / 2:31 P.M. (EST). This one occurs when the Moon in Aquarius is opposing the Sun in Leo. This annual lunar phase allows us to disconnect from our feelings and experiences to analyze them more objectively. The Sun finds its domicile in Leo, making it more powerful than the Moon in Aquarius, which is ruled by Saturn in Pisces. Leo operates by injecting itself into new situations and taking control, while Aquarius, which is ruled by the farthest visible planet in our solar system, prefers to watch things unfold from the periphery.

This Full Moon brings situations to light that underscore the significance of authenticity and staying true to our own purpose. We will be confronted with all the things we do to try to fit in in places we do not naturally belong. It's a moment of revelation and self-awareness, prompting us to examine how we present ourselves to the world and whether it aligns with our genuine essence. Leo's desire to take charge and express itself fully may have led us to adopt certain roles or masks in various social settings. However, under the glow of the Aquarius Moon, we are able to more carefully discern the origin of these desires and the harm they can cause to us.

Similarly, the Full Moon in Aquarius may also bring attention to power dynamics and authority structures in our lives. We may question why we submit to certain individuals or institutions and whether it aligns with our values and personal growth. This questioning can lead to a reevaluation of the systems that influence us and the choices we make based on these influences. As we meditate on these unfolding situations, it's essential to maintain a sense of self-empowerment and autonomy. Instead of blindly adhering to external authority, use this Full Moon's energy to take charge of your own life and decisions. By reclaiming our personal power and aligning with our authentic selves, we can create more meaningful connections and experiences.

This Full Moon also offers an opportunity for collective awakening and understanding. Aquarius, as the sign of the humanitarian, emphasizes the importance of embracing diversity and recognizing the value of each individual's contribution. It calls us to challenge outdated beliefs and work towards a more inclusive and compassionate world.

Given Aquarius’s analytical nature and elemental association with air, this is also a good period to examine the other ways in which our friendships and social circles affect us. Are they draining or uplifting? Are we surrounded by individuals who encourage us to be our true selves, or do we feel the need to hide certain aspects of our personality to fit in? The Moon in Aquarius is relying on Saturn in Pisces for guidance. This mutable, water sign is adaptable and flexible, making this a period of healing any social wounds we have been nurturing. As the Moon in Aquarius encourages us to objectively assess our connections, Saturn in Pisces provides the guidance and wisdom needed to address emotional wounds that may have arisen within our social circles.

Pisces' influence opens the door to empathetic understanding and forgiveness, helping us release any past hurts or grudges we may have been holding onto. This healing process allows us to move forward with a sense of emotional liberation, free from the burdens of old wounds and emotional baggage.

Mercury moved into its domicile, Virgo, last month, allowing it to operate more effectively. On the first of the month it will oppose Saturn in Pisces, which is currently retrograde. This aspect creates a dynamic tension between the logical and practical nature of Mercury in Virgo and the dreamy, introspective qualities of Saturn in Pisces.

In general, oppositions have a similar energy to Full Moons (which happen each month when the Moon becomes opposite to the Sun). They can be tense, but ultimately rewarding. Any hard aspect involving Mercury can affect our ability to communicate directly and without miscommunications. With the appearance of Saturn in this aspect, we may experience feelings of mental burden or be obligated to communicate with others.

☆ August Third - Mercury Retrograde Pre-Shadow Period Begins ☆

The pre-shadow period of a retrograde indicates the point at which Mercury begins to slow down compared to its normal rate of movement. It is also the exact degree that Mercury will last reach once it is done with its retrograde period. This initial degree that Mercury reaches during the pre-shadow phase is significant because it serves as a focal point throughout the retrograde journey. Once it begins its retrograde motion, it will eventually backtrack to this degree before moving forward again. This degree acts as a reference point, representing the themes and issues that demand our attention during the retrograde period. As Mercury begins to slow down during the pre-shadow phase, its influence becomes more pronounced; events occurring from this day will continue to affect us as we enter the retrograde period.

☆ August Sixth - Sun in Leo Square to Jupiter in Taurus ☆

As we reach the middle of Leo season, the Sun will be square to Taurus. Other planets have already made square aspects to Taurus as they have transited through Leo this summer; the themes from these transits will be revisited during this square and the subsequent two square aspects Venus will make later this season.

Squares are a difficult aspect that prevent the energies of the planets involved from transforming each other freely.

Both signs are fixed, making them committed to upholding the values of their elemental associations. Fire and earth do not easily mix, preventing Leo and Taurus from understanding each other's perspectives, despite them sharing many similarities. Leo, being a fixed fire sign, embodies the passionate and enthusiastic nature of fire. They are driven by a desire for self-expression, while Taurus, as a fixed earth sign, is grounded, practical, and focused on material stability and security. Both signs share a commitment to their values and morals, but they prioritize different aspects of the human experience. Leo's fiery and bold nature might clash with Taurus' more cautious and reserved demeanor; the fire sign’s need for attention and admiration might appear egocentric to this fixed earth sign, who prioritizes stability and consistency over attention-seeking behaviors.

Within the context of the planets transiting these signs, we are likely to have impulses that drive us to expand without proper foundations set in place to ensure the success of our endeavors. The Sun represents our soul’s drive, and within the realm of Mundane Astrology, it signifies authority figures (such as rulers of a region or landlords), while Jupiter rules over our opportunities and fortunes and in a broader sense it signifies courts of law and the justice system of a given society as well as banks and bankers.

☆ August Eighth - Rx Venus in Leo Square to Uranus in Taurus ☆

This is the second time Venus will be square to Uranus during its current transit through Leo. It initially aspected this planet early last month when Venus was direct. During this initial meeting between Venus and Uranus on July second, both planets made our relationships more difficult. With Venus in Leo and Uranus in Taurus, both being fixed signs, the themes of stability and authenticity in our partnerships are magnified. This transit encourages us to question the true foundations of our creative self-expression within our connections with others.

Now, as Venus revisits its square aspect to Uranus in its retrograde phase, the dynamics within our relationships come under scrutiny once again. This recurrence offers us a chance to gain deeper insights into the dynamics within our relationships and understand how we can navigate the changes and challenges that have emerged. During Venus retrograde squares to Uranus, we may find ourselves questioning the stability and authenticity of our partnerships. Uranus, the planet of revolution and unpredictability, often brings sudden and unforeseen events that can rattle the foundations of our connections. Within two combating fixed signs, we can start to question the true foundations of our creative self expression. It can be especially cathartic to try new styles during this time or to spend time with new friends if you are experiencing tension within your social circles.

As Venus revisits the square aspect to Uranus, it gives us the opportunity to gain insights and clarity about any issues or challenges that emerged during their initial meeting in July. Rather than resisting the changes, we can use this time to reflect on the lessons and embrace the transformations that are unfolding. This transit can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth and transformation within our relationships. By embracing the energy of change and self-expression, we can navigate the Venus retrograde square to Uranus with a deeper sense of empowerment and alignment with our true desires and aspirations.

☆ August Ninth - Mercury in Virgo Trine to Jupiter in Taurus ☆

This transit is more overtly positive than not, given that Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, aligns with Jupiter, the greater benefic, which expands and enhances the qualities of whatever it touches. Both planets are in Earth signs, giving this period of time a more practical and grounded atmosphere. Additionally, this aspect allows for ease in communicating and allows us to gain a broader perspective. During this favorable transit, our ability to plan and strategize for the future is amplified.

The foresight granted by the Mercury-Jupiter trine enables us to make decisions with a long-term perspective, planting the seeds for future growth and success. The alignment of these two planets in Earth signs empowers us to approach our choices with practicality and realism, ensuring that our endeavors have a strong and stable foundation. This can be a good day to travel or plan future trips, given Mercury and Jupiter’s joint association to traveling and transportation. Whether it's for business or leisure, this period offers a favorable environment for exploring new horizons and broadening our experiences.

It's a beneficial time to invest in learning, expand our knowledge, and acquire new skills that align with our long-term goals. The earthy influence of this aspect helps us stay grounded and realistic in our endeavors, avoiding impulsive decisions or overextending ourselves.

☆ August Thirteenth - Sun and Rx Venus Conjoin in Leo☆

This Venus cazimi in Leo will force us to further reflect on all of the things we once wanted and to assess if they still align with our current momentum. We will be called to question our relationship to our desires while Venus is at the heart of the Sun. As we reflect on our desires, we may come across long-held dreams or ambitions that we once passionately pursued. The Venus cazimi serves as a catalyst to reexamine these aspirations and assess if they still hold meaning and relevance in our lives. Are they aligned with our higher calling, or have they evolved into something different? Are they an expression of our authentic selves, or were they shaped by external influences?

☆ August Fifteenth - Sun in Leo Square to Uranus in Taurus while Mars in Virgo is Trine to Uranus in Taurus ☆

As we reach the middle of Leo season, the Sun's square aspect to Taurus highlights a period of tension and potential challenges in the areas governed by these signs. Taurus represents stability, material possessions, and the practical aspects of life, while Leo is associated with creativity, self-expression, and individuality. The square between these two signs creates a clash between the desire for personal expression and the need for stability and security. Other planets have already made square aspects to Taurus while transiting through Leo this summer. These square aspects act as catalysts, bringing the themes of each corresponding planet and issues to the forefront of our awareness. With the Sun joining in the square, the energy intensifies, calling our attention to the interplay between our desire to shine and express ourselves authentically and the practical demands of our everyday lives.

The square aspects, being difficult and challenging, prevent the energies of the planets involved from flowing harmoniously. With the Sun in Leo being square to Uranus in Taurus, we may feel conflicted with our need to be recognized (Sun in Leo) and the current cultural shift to appreciating routine by having our sense of stability disrupted (Uranus in Taurus). The ever-changing situations unfolding around us may make us feel forgotten. Uranus, as the planet of revolution and unpredictability, challenges the traditional notions of stability that Taurus represents, urging us to embrace change and innovation, which can feel especially difficult at this time. This conflict can create inner turmoil and a sense of insignificance, as we navigate the tension between our personal desires and the external expectations and cultural shifts. We may question whether pursuing recognition and self-expression is still relevant or valuable in a world that seems to prioritize stability and conformity.

Uranus is also being aspected by Mars in Virgo on this day. This trine is a cooperative aspect that allows both planets to transform one another. This puts some ease on the Sun-Uranus square, and releases some of the tension. Mars in Virgo brings a practical and diligent approach to assertiveness and action, while Uranus in Taurus infuses an innovative and progressive spirit into our pursuit of stability and material comfort. We may find ourselves realizing what next steps we need to take in the Virgo area of life in our natal chart on this day. With Mars in Virgo's practical and detail-oriented nature aligning with Uranus in Taurus' desire for practical innovative change, we can find inspired solutions to the challenges presented by the Sun-Uranus square. This can open us up to considering new opportunities that push us into pursuing a new life direction. The cautious and analytical approach of Mars in Virgo allows us to navigate changes and disruptions with a level-headed perspective, seeking practical and feasible strategies to address any conflicts and can help to mitigate any irrational fears that plague us at this time.

☆ August Sixteenth - New Moon in Leo ☆

The Moon and Sun conjoin at the same degree of Leo at 2:38 A.M in the middle of the month, representing a new beginning in the ways we express ourselves in relation to the corresponding area of life within our own natal chart. Both the Sun and Moon are strongly square to Uranus in Taurus given the Sun’s exact aspect to this planet just the day before. This can make this New Moon particularly unpredictable or explosive, and we can find ourselves breaking free from the significations and themes of the Taurus house within our personal natal charts.

New Moons mark the beginning of a lunar cycle, signifying fresh starts, and can be used to set intentions, but that is not necessarily recommended considering Uranus’s negative impact on this conjunction. The energy of this New Moon is electrified and dynamic and can lead to emotional outbursts. The Sun's exact square positioning to Uranus just prior to the New Moon suggests that the theme of disruption and transformation is already in the air. This influence may stir restlessness and a desire for change, prompting us to break free from limitations and embrace newfound perspectives.

With both luminaries being ruled by the Sun in Leo, this annual New Moon causes us to embark on new means of authentic self-expression, which has been a major theme of the summer considering all of the planets that have transited through this sign so far.

☆ August Twenty-First - Rx Venus in Leo Square to Jupiter in Taurus ☆

This is the second time Venus in Leo will be Square to Jupiter in Taurus this summer. Under this square aspect, there is a temptation to seek validation and a sense of worth through material possessions or romantic encounters. Specifically, we may find ourselves overindulging in romantic pursuits, especially those involving old flames given Venus’s retrograde motion. For some, this transit can negatively affect our better judgment when it comes to our personal spending and budgeting habits.

Leo's desire for self-expression and recognition can be influenced by Jupiter's magnifying effect, potentially causing us to overextend ourselves to impress others. Meanwhile, Taurus's appreciation for luxury and comfort may tempt us to splurge on material possessions in an attempt to fill an emotional void. Embracing our authentic selves, regardless of external validation, is a powerful way to address the root insecurities that this square brings to the surface.

Over all this square deals with our root insecurity of not feeling good enough. Leo calls for us to express ourselves authentically, while Jupiter in Taurus values bespoke craftsmanship and prides itself on working hard in order to secure a stable reality for itself. We may feel like we have to work harder to secure a comfortable life at this time, but it is essential to also take a step back and consider the broader context of the major cultural shifts that are unfolding around us. Pluto's movement in and out of Capricorn before its final entry into Aquarius in 2024 signifies a significant transformative period in societal and global structures. This period calls for a holistic approach to our lives, combining the practicality of Taurus with the awareness of the greater collective journey. As we work towards securing stability and comfort for ourselves, let us also be mindful of the broader shifts taking place, and use our efforts and resources to contribute to a more sustainable, just, and compassionate world. It is important to not compare your work and creative self-expression to others during this transit and to learn to value your own unique gifts.

☆ August Twenty-Second - Mars in Virgo Opposes Neptune in Pisces ☆

These contrasting energies of Mars, the planet that represents our assistive force in the world, and Neptune, the planet of illusions and the innate interconnectedness of all things, can cause bold and impulsive behaviors as well as conflict-avoidant tendencies. Mars in Virgo seeks to apply practicality and precision to its endeavors, aiming for efficiency and productivity. However, Neptune's influence in this opposition can blur the lines, leading us to act without proper foresight and getting carried away by grand illusions or wild fantasies.

The boldness that arises from this opposition may be driven by a desire for escapism or an idealized vision of the future. Neptune's influence can heighten our imagination and stir feelings of inspiration, making us eager to pursue our dreams without fully considering the necessary, material steps needed to achieve them. While this enthusiasm can be uplifting, it's essential to ground these aspirations in reality and take measured actions to ensure tangible progress. On the other hand, the feminine quality of Mars in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces can result in a conflict-avoidant approach. We may find ourselves hesitant to confront challenges head-on or assert our needs and boundaries in fear of disrupting harmony or facing potential discomfort. This passivity could lead to decreased motivation or a sense of stagnation, as we avoid addressing issues that need attention.

Given that Mars is ruled by Mercury, which is currently about to station retrograde in the same sign, we may feel unsure of our logical and communicative abilities to achieve what we want. Virgo’s analytical nature is stifled by its own commitment to perfection; making Mars unable to take inspired action during this time. Doubts and second-guessing may arise, as we question whether our actions will even lead to the desired outcomes. Virgo's commitment to perfection can also be balanced with self-compassion. Accept that mistakes and imperfections are a natural part of the growth process. By releasing the need for absolute perfection, you can free yourself from the constraints that might have been hindering your progress.

There may be issues with how we recognize the power we hold in some situations and various others. We may be quick to self-victimize or to victim-blame others to avoid taking responsibility for our own effect on certain situations. It is crucial to think critically about how we affect others at this time and to act responsibly when we take action to do anything during this transit.

Last May, Mars and Neptune were conjunct in Pisces. During this time, Sweden considered joining NATO, which would end their 200 years of neutrality. Last month, Turkey’s president, Tayyip Erdogan, approved Sweden’s NATO application. We may hear more news about this process during this opposition, given that oppositions shed light onto the previous conjunction of any two planets. There is no given date for the further necessary steps needed to approve the application, so perhaps a date will be given around the time of this transit.

☆ August Twenty-Third - Sun Ingresses into Virgo; Mercury Stations Retrograde in Virgo; Mars in Virgo Trine to Pluto in Capricorn ☆

During the third week of the month, we enter Virgo season. This solar season is categorized by the shift from creative self expression, to honoring the self through practical measures and prioritizing our health and wellness. Virgo is an earth sign known for its meticulous attention to detail and its desire to be of service to others. During this solar season, we are encouraged to pay attention to the finer points of our daily lives and take practical steps to improve our overall well-being.

Virgo season is an opportune time to evaluate our routines, habits, and daily practices. We may find ourselves seeking ways to streamline our schedules and create more efficiency in our day-to-day activities. This energy supports decluttering our physical and mental spaces, making room for a sense of order and organization. Attention to diet, exercise, and mindfulness practices can be particularly beneficial during this time.

Virgo season encourages us to embrace a more humble and modest approach to life. Instead of seeking external validation or recognition, we find fulfillment in the process of self-improvement and contributing to the well-being of others.

On this same day, Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo, and will remain retrograde until the fifteenth of September. The majority of this year’s Virgo season will be affected by the Sun’s ruler making this backwards retrograde movement through the same sign.

Each Mercury retrograde phase heralds a period of introspection and reflection, as the planet of communication, intellect, and organization appears to move backward through the Zodiac. Mercury retrograde in Virgo brings a unique blend of energies that may both challenge and enlighten us. With Virgo's analytical nature and Mercury's influence, we find ourselves deeply attuned to the details, seeking to understand and evaluate various aspects of our lives. This retrograde period encourages us to review our routines, thought patterns, and the practical aspects of our daily existence.

Although Mercury traditionally has dual essential dignity in Virgo– the sign of its exhalation and domicile, this can be a hindrance to it, especially during this retrograde. When planets are exalted, they become expected and over-zealous, making them difficult to harness or work with. Now that Mercury is retrograde, we may be blind to the ways in which we are overlooking crucial details or aspects to problems that present themselves to us at this time. There is a risk of becoming overly focused on minutiae and losing sight of the bigger picture. We may find ourselves getting caught up in perfectionism and becoming overly critical of ourselves and others, which can hinder progress and creativity. Additionally, Mercury retrograde amplifies the potential for miscommunications, misunderstandings, and delays. With Mercury's exalted nature, these communication issues may become more pronounced, leading to an increased risk of crossed wires and mixed messages.

Mars, in the last decan of Virgo, will be trine to Pluto in Capricorn before embarking into Libra a few days later. This trine can inspire us to take action on deeper issues and to harness our assertive energy. It is important to not get blindsided by any misinformation that Mars’s ruler, Mercury, may be attuned. We can find ourselves fixated on issues, which can cause mental overexertion at this time.

Pluto's influence in Capricorn adds intensity and power to this trine, urging us to confront and transform aspects of our lives that may have been previously hidden or overlooked. This alignment empowers us to take action and make profound shifts, both on personal and collective levels. We may become more aware of how we are affected by the overall zeitgeist. Currently Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn, calling us to revisit themes from the Pluto in Capricorn era, which spanned from 2008-2023. We may find ourselves reflecting on the profound transformations that have taken place within institutions, governments, and societal structures. Pluto's influence in Capricorn has been associated with themes of power, authority, and the restructuring of systems that govern our lives.

As Mars moves into Libra a few days later, we will need to be mindful of how we direct our assertive energy in our relationships and interactions. Libra, an air sign ruled by Venus, seeks harmony and balance. Mars in Libra can bring a diplomatic approach to conflict resolution, but it may also incline us towards avoiding confrontation or becoming indecisive.

☆ August Twenty-Sixth - Sun in Virgo Opposite to Rx Saturn in Pisces ☆

Shortly after the beginning of this new solar season, the Sun will make its first aspect. This is a more challenging transit and can cause feelings of loneliness or isolation, given that Saturn is the planet of constraint. We may feel out of place or as if our efforts are not worthwhile. Overall, Saturn's influence can create a sense of limitation, responsibility, and seriousness, which can be in stark contrast to the Sun's desire for self-expression, creativity, and vitality.

During this opposition, we might experience a clash between our desire to shine brightly and Saturn's tendency to hold us back. It's as if we are torn between expressing ourselves freely and conforming to the expectations or restrictions we perceive. This can manifest as a conflict between our ambitions and the obstacles we perceive in our path.

However, it's important to remember that oppositions also offer the opportunity for balance and growth. While the tension between the Sun and Saturn can bring challenges, it can also prompt us to evaluate our goals and ambitions more critically. This is a time to assess whether our efforts align with our long-term vision and responsibilities, espcially considering that Saturn is retrograde.

☆ August Twenty-Seventh - Mars Ingresses into Libra ☆

By the end of the month, Mars will enter the sign of its exile, Libra, where it will stay for the next two months. we enter a phase where the assertive and action-oriented qualities of Mars may clash with the diplomatic and peace-seeking nature of Libra. Mars, the planet of drive and initiative, finds itself in a challenging position in Libra, as it is considered to be in its exile in this zodiac sign.

Libra, as a cardinal air sign, values balance, cooperation, and compromise. Its focus on harmonious relationships and fairness is not an effective enough approach for Mars, which values a more direct and confrontational approach to achieving its goals. This combination can lead to a sense of frustration and inner conflict, as Mars struggles to find an outlet for its assertiveness within the context of Libra's diplomatic tendencies.

During Mars' stay in Libra, which extends over the next two months, there may be a sense of hesitancy or indecisiveness in taking assertive action. The desire for harmony and cooperation might lead to a tendency to avoid confrontation or delay making tough choices. This could potentially lead to unexpressed frustrations and simmering conflicts in various areas of our lives as well as more tension and conflict. Avoiding issues usually exacerbates existing problems.

We may find ourselves over-compromising and neglecting our needs for the sake of moving past conflict without proper resolution during this time. Although compromising is important, it should be done to the benefit of everyone involved.

On a collective level, this transit may bring attention to matters of justice, fairness, and diplomacy on the global stage. Conflicts and tensions between nations or political entities might be handled with a focus on finding common ground and peaceful resolutions. Though these treaties and offerings may be difficult to uphold or make other issues worse.

☆ August Twenty-Eighth - Uranus Stations Retrograde in Taurus ☆

This retrograde is less impactful than that of Venus or Mercury since all the outer planets spend about half the year, every year moving backwards through the Zodiac. This five month long period will call us to assess our sense of stability and to make necessary adjustments to our reality given new unfolding circumstances.

As the planet of revolution and change, Uranus often prompts unexpected and transformative events that can shake the foundations of our lives, particularly in the areas ruled by Taurus in our natal charts. During this retrograde, we are called to assess the structures we have built and the systems we rely on for security, questioning if they still serve our highest good. The journey of Uranus in Taurus, which began in 2018 and will continue until 2026, focuses on revolutionizing our relationship with material possessions, finances, and our overall sense of stability. While this retrograde may not be as intense as other inner planet retrogrades, its long-lasting impact allows for a more profound examination of the changes and adjustments needed in our lives.

As Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus, stay open to the potential for positive change, even if it initially feels unsettling. Trust that the adjustments you make now will lead to greater alignment with your true self and a more fulfilling and authentic life ahead.

☆ August Thirtieth - Full Moon in Pisces ☆

This is the second Full Moon of the month, indicating that the Moon in Pisces is now opposite to the Sun in Virgo. This opposition will be exact by degree at 6:35 P.M (PST) / 9:35 P.M. (EST).

Pisces is a creative water sign that is extremely adaptable divine its mutable energy. This Full Moon can make us particularly sensitive given the water sign’s ability to detect subtle cues and shifts. It can be important to channel our sense of spiritually through creative outlets during this time. The heightened sensitivity brought on by this Full Moon can also lead us to have a deeper appreciation for the beauty and wonder of the world around us.

The Moon is moving away from a conjunction to Saturn, giving this a stronger level of depth. We can find ourselves inspired by striking, awe inspiring experiences. We are respecting the ways we are changed by restraint. It reminds us that sometimes limitations and challenges can lead to growth and transformation. Just as water can shape and mold its surroundings over time, our profound emotional experiences, even those marked by restraint, can shape and mold us into more resilient and compassionate individuals.

I suggest reading the horoscope for your rising sign. Hellenistic tradition also recommends that those born in the day read their Sun sign’s horoscope, while those born at night read their Moon sign’s horoscope.

Leo, despite your self-assuredness, you may find that you are doubting yourself a lot more this month. You are questioning the ways in which you present yourself and our outlook on life. This is a period of reconsidering the ways in which you have been neglecting planning ahead for yourself. 
    As you reflect on all of the things that you have craved and wanted to validate your sense of self, you are starting to realize how many things you have successfully manifested and how many things no longer align with your current self. This is causing you to reflect on the ways you can begin to support your future self. This can be as literal as beginning to put more money away into your savings or in a more spiritual sense, coming to terms with the ways you need to nurture yourself as you are constantly evolving. There is no shame in accepting the ways in which you have failed yourself in the past and moving forward with the knowledge and insight that you have gained from your lived experiences. Your existence and perspective is valuable to others as well as yourself.

Virgo, as August unfolds, you may find yourself feeling empowered and driven to make a positive impact on others. Your critical thinking abilities and analytical nature often push you to overthink situations and become overly concerned about how you appear to others. While your desire to help and support those around you is admirable, it's essential to strike a balance between being of service and taking care of your own well-being.
    You may feel as if you are burdening others by prioritizing cultivating a fresh sense of self. Perhaps you are feeling inclined to try new styles, but are overwhelmed by what others may think of you if you indulge in a new summer wardrobe for yourself. AIteratively, you may feel the need to change your outlook on life given the previous circumstances of this summer. You have to allow yourself the opportunity to explore different roles and experiences without feeling confined to one specific identity. You do not exist to serve others, even though you pride yourself in doing so.
    As the month progresses, and we enter Virgo season, take the opportunity to harness your analytical abilities in a constructive way. Use this time to assess your goals, reevaluate your priorities, and make practical plans for your personal growth and well-being.

Libra, you are beginning to appreciate the true extent of your friends' influence on your life. You are naturally very social and like to know and befriend lots of people, and there is nothing inherently wrong with that, but it is important to not get overly-involved in the lives of others nor is it wise to let them affect your life too heavily.
    August offers a period for you to reconsider your social obligations and to focus your energy on yourself. You deserve time to properly assess the things that have happened so far this summer and to properly comprehend all of your feelings. You may find yourself rediscovering the importance of maintaining your schedule and taking care of your material responsibilities. This can be quite zen as you begin to unpack all of the complexities of your closest circles to better understand your own relationship with your friends.
    By understanding your boundaries, you can ensure that your connections with others remain healthy and nourishing. This phase of your life is not about distancing yourself from your friends, but rather cultivating a deeper awareness of how their presence impacts your life. This period of reflection can lead to deeper, more meaningful connections and a greater appreciation for the balance between your social life and personal well-being. Use this time to prioritize your own needs and aspirations, allowing yourself to flourish within your social circles while maintaining a strong sense of purpose.

Scorpio, you are grappling with the fear that your ability to express yourself is not enough. You may have already found yourself questioning your career while you have indulged in your creative outlets. At this point you feel stuck in your current trajectory, with no way out and dissatisfied with your work since it does not reflect the person into which you are evolving. Perhaps you don’t feel fully supported at this point, but that may be because you have not started outwardly expressing yourself any differently.
    Although these concerns do have practical merit in protecting you from self-sabotaging professionally, it is important to recognize that they are alerting you of something deeper within yourself. If you feel called to make a change in your career, it is important for you to assess how to make effective changes in your current situation to actualize that reality for your future self. Your circumstances will not be the same forever, and it is important to recognize that yes, you need to have a stable foundation, but that you cannot always rely on this current moment to uphold the rest of your future.

Sagittarius, this month finds you driven by a powerful desire to pursue something greater than yourself. You have embarked on a journey of growth and expansion, seeking knowledge and wisdom from the experiences of others. As a naturally curious and adventurous person, you find inspiration in the stories and achievements of those who have ventured before you.
    You are using this newfound knowledge to propel yourself into a new stage of your life. Perhaps, you are seeking to pivot careers or are looking to apply for that promotion. For some, you may be ready to release or announce new projects. It is important for you to overcome self doubt and worry that you may not be good enough for this new chapter of your life.
    This new era may bring a mix of excitement and uncertainty, but trust in the journey and the wisdom you have gained. The experiences of others have shown you that growth often requires stepping out of your comfort zone and taking risks. Despite what you have learned from others, there is room for infinite possibilities and which allows you to do something unprecedented.

Capricorn, this August brings a period of reflection and self-appreciation as you look back on the profound transformation you've experienced in recent months. The changes you've undergone have pushed you into a new version of yourself, and it's important to take the time to honor and recognize the growth you've achieved.
    These relevantly recent experiences have shaped your perspective, values, and priorities, leading to a profound shift in the way you perceive and navigate life. Embrace this metamorphosis as a testament to your resilience and determination. You have a strong drive for success and achievement, and it's natural for you to set high standards for yourself and to always strive for more. However, in this process of reflection, it's crucial to avoid falling into the trap of always wanting more and overlooking what you've already accomplished.
    During this time, it can be helpful to release any lingering doubts or self-criticism. Growth is a continuous and ever-unfolding process, but it is not linear. Recognizing this truth allows you to appreciate the mundane aspects of your life, which can be relaxing at this time.

Aquarius, you are undergoing many changes this month that may cause you to reflect on the ways your past self prepared for your current situation. You may be lamenting all the things you could have done if you had known more, but that is not a reasonable standard to uphold for yourself. You are constantly learning and evolving into a new version of yourself as you grow and adapt.
    Your ability to recognize your past shortcomings is a testament to your ability to grow and adapt. Your innate curiosity and open-mindedness lead you to constantly seek new knowledge and explore different perspectives. Embrace this aspect of yourself and trust in the process of continuous evolution. You do not want to do things the way everyone else does, but it can be helpful to follow some guidelines if you feel as if you have not taken the necessary actions to ensure a stable future for yourself so far.
    Ultimately, it's more beneficial to release any self-imposed expectations or regrets about the past. Instead, focus on the present and the exciting opportunities that lie ahead. Embrace the uncertainties with a sense of adventure, for it is in these moments of change that you have the chance to redefine yourself and manifest your true potential.

Pisces, you are learning to accept that you crave recognition for the ways you show up in the world this month. As you unlearn the need to uphold other people’s standards, you are realizing how important it is to be given proper credit and to receive accolades when warranted. As a compassionate and empathetic individual, you often prioritize the well-being of others, prioritizing others individuality over your own.
    You tend to shy away from positions of authority since you value every person’s autonomy. It is important for you to understand that recognizing your own worth and the impact you have on others is not an authoritarian act but an act of self-empowerment and self-love. Needing acknowledgment doesn't mean you're seeking validation from others or sacrificing your values of compassion and empathy. Instead, it's a natural expression of your desire to be seen and appreciated for the genuine and heartfelt contributions you make to your relationships and communities.
    This month presents an opportunity for you to break free from any limiting beliefs that have held you back from fully embracing your need for recognition. It's time to let go of the notion that seeking recognition is selfish or egocentric. Embrace the fact that valuing yourself and being valued by others is an essential part of your journey toward self-fulfillment and self-realization.

Aries, you are spending this month reviewing your commitment to your morals and your need for creative outlets. The internal energy you've been carrying may have been building up over time, and now is the perfect moment to channel it into your creative endeavors.
    You may find yourself frustrated in your ability to connect with others around the first week of the month, which can propel you into creating something new for yourself. Allow yourself the freedom to express your ideas and emotions authentically. Embrace vulnerability as a powerful tool for connection and self-expression, especially when you are feeling overwhelmed by others.
    You are a naturally very determined and principled person, but you should reconsider the ways you have potentially been taken advantage of by others and to reevaluate certain friendships. Perhaps it is the way you have been presenting yourself that has been drawing a certain type of people into your life. Remember that healthy relationships are built on mutual respect and genuine care for one another.
    Perhaps you are recognizing the need to spend time with people who inspire you to be bold and creative. If you have been suppressing your creative impulses in order to spend time with others, find the time to connect with others who are also seeking creative outlets.

Taurus, as the month unfolds, you might find yourself in a bit of a balancing act between your desire for creative pursuits and the fear of missing out on social activities. At the beginning of the month, you may feel torn between the urge to immerse yourself in your artistic endeavors and the worry that you might be missing out on social events or opportunities to connect with others.
    As the month progresses, you will gradually shift your focus towards your creative passions, finding solace and fulfillment in your personal sanctuary. You are beginning to appreciate the value of having a space of your own where you can retreat and fully express yourself without any external pressures or distractions. During this time, you may choose to be more selective about the company you keep, opting to spend time only with those who genuinely uplift and inspire you. Your close connections become even more meaningful, and you recognize the importance of surrounding yourself with people who support your authentic self-expression and encourage your creative pursuits.
    You are learning the ways in which you express yourself are inherently tied into the people you know, which can feel stifling at first, but it is important to appreciate that you are partly a collection of everyone you have ever loved and known.

Gemini, you are feeling motivated by your need for privacy this month. You are enjoying the time you spend with yourself, but at the beginning of the month you may worry that you are hiding from your obligation to express yourself confidently. It is important for you to recognize that all the secrets you keep about yourself, create the foundation of your existence.
    You might have concerns about hiding or holding back parts of yourself, which makes it important to consider the reasons you keep parts of yourself hidden. You may not keep secrets out of shame, just for practical reasons, which prevents you from appreciating that you are just as dynamic as when you are being perceived and when you are not.
    Your ability to adapt and thrive in various social settings stems from your capacity to embrace both your public and private self. While you enjoy the company of others and thrive in social interactions, it is equally vital for you to honor your need for introspection and solitude. You do not need everyone to know every single detail of your life in order for them to appreciate what you offer and to be recognized for who you truly are.

Cancer, you are beginning to appreciate the fact that you are the source of your own security. Although you will find some comfort in others this month, you are focusing on the ways in which you provide for yourself. This is not an inherently lonely experience, although it may seem that way at times. However, it is essential to remember that being self-reliant doesn't mean shutting others out.
    While your nurturing and caring nature may often lead you to seek comfort and security from others, you are now recognizing the immense power within yourself to provide for your own needs. You are capable of providing for yourself and finding solace in your own company. Embrace the ebb and flow of emotions, as they are an integral part of your journey towards greater self-awareness and self-assurance.
    As you cherish your own security and well-being, you radiate an aura of strength and authenticity that attracts others who appreciate and admire your nurturing nature. By cultivating a deeper relationship with yourself, you create a solid foundation from which your relationships can thrive, allowing you to find comfort in both your independence and the connections you form with others.

Edited by Zaina, xyzygote