February 2023 Horoscopes
February 1st, 2023

The archetype of Aquarius is that of the non-conformist, and is stereotyped as an “alien” for its aloof, intellectual nature. Aquarius can be a bit of an outsider, but they ostracize themselves just enough in order to observe how groups function.

Each year, during Aquarius season, we are confronted with our ability to accurately place ourselves into the social backdrop. The Sun has difficulty managing the Aquarian need to alienate itself in order to better understand the collective, so this time of year is particularly difficult for feeling connected to your sense of self. It is easy to get lost in thoughts about why society operates the way it does during this time.

Although all planets are direct this month, Mars and Mercury are still retracing their retrograde shadows. They are not moving through new degrees of the signs in which they stationed retrograde quite yet— this still causes confusion since things are not happening at their normal rate but there is an increase in energy. We have a more nuanced understanding of the events that unfolded as these planets were moving backwards, but we are not quite able to manage the discord brought about durning their retrograde periods.

After the first week of February, Mercury will begin traversing through new degrees of Capricorn for this Mercury cycle and then will move into Aquarius later in the month. This will help elevate some of this mental tension we have been experiencing for the past few weeks. As less things go wrong in our lives (due to Mars’s retrograde motion in Gemini), we are better able to adapt to issues.

Things will still be difficult as Mars retraces its shadow since nothing seems to actually be productive. The energy is stifled until Mars reaches a new degree of Gemini and this will not occur until the twenty-fifth of March. While Mars was retrograde, things seemed to happen too quickly for us to catch up to them; now things are less hectic, but nothing seems to be working out quite as planned still. This month, and most of next month, will be difficult for this reason.

Despite the continued impediment to Mars, this month will be relatively easy. There is some drama during the first week with hard aspects to Uranus and the full moon in Leo, but after that things will be more light hearted than they have been.

On the third of February, the Sun in Aquarius will be square to Uranus in Taurus. This transit can bring about unfolding situations that test our self concept. It can feel easier to succumb to our drive to act in ways that are not dignified. Obstacles that make us lose sense of our life’s purpose are likely to manifest during the first week of the month. Overcoming them can improve our confidence and reinforce our ideas about ourselves, though it can be difficult to recognize this in the moment.

Since the sun is weakened in Aquarius, this can make us more confrontational and anxious in anticipation of imminent change. Aquarius already isolates itself, so it can feel easy to feel particularly alone or misunderstood during the time the Sun spends in this sign every year. This can also lead to emotional outbursts due to wanting to express yourself. Aquarius is adept at making their perspective seem like the most rational, and will try to convince everyone of that. Being a bit more stoic than usual can be helpful in handling the disruption of this transit; although it is a cliché sentiment, there are very few things you can change in life and your perspective is one of them. This transit can also cause feelings of restlessness; important to not inevitably cause issues by acting out of boredom.

These situations may arise at work (or with other people in positions of power over you) since in mundane astrology, the Sun signifies any person that holds power over others. There might be a communication of tension between tenants and their landlords (since Taurus signifies land and Uranus signifies disruptions) during this time. These people in positions of power can be causing the disruptions in your life that are causing you to doubt yourself; for example, your boss may make you feel incompetent during this first week of the month.

On the 31st of January, Los Angles, City Council underwent a second to the final round of voting to  pass an ordinance that will require landlords to pay relocation fees to tenants who move out due to rent increases of 10% or more. They also voted to end the COVID-19 state of emergency on the 1st of February. Although this can help some tenants who are affected by extreme rent increases, it cannot help everyone. This can lead to further tension in the city since tenants relied on the COVID-19 state of emergency to protect themselves from eviction.

There will be a simultaneous Venus-Mars square (in the signs of Pisces and Gemini, respectively) and a separating Moon-Mars sexile as the Moon approaches its opposition to the Sun (hence, the month’s full moon in Leo) on the fifth. Venus squaring Mars causes tension— this tension can be cute (and necessary) for some circumstances —such as flirting— but can make it difficult to feel a sense of stability within your interpersonal relationships as a whole. Venus is in the sign of its exhalation, so it is more influential than Mars at this time, but in the context of this aspect, it may feel easier for us to convince ourselves nothing is wrong and to try to move forward without addressing any underlying issues.

*ੈ✩ The moon is sextiling Mars for part of the early morning on the fifth, which helps alleviate some of the tension caused by the Venus-Mars square. As the moon moves into the degree of its opposition to the sun (at 10:27 am PST), both planets will be tightly squared to Uranus in Taurus. Full Moons are emotional, and indicate the need to release anything that is not serving you at this time. Occurring along the Leo-Aquarius axis, the full moon shows a need to prioritize understanding the self over understanding others. Perhaps you have been spending too much time trying to pathologize your friends’ issues instead of accepting the fact your friendship needs a bit of a break during this time so you can focus on your personal projects.
    This full moon can be particularly dramatic considering that the Moon and Sun are both square to Uranus. The disruptions that culminated on the third are likely to still be prevalent at this time, but there is more of a drive to overcome these issues. The moon in Leo wants to be heard and understood— this can inspire us to talk about how we feel, but considering its opposition to the Sun in Aquarius and square to Uranus, we may not get the recognition we feel we deserve at this time. It is important to not feel defeated by this.

*ੈ✩ On the tenth of the month a Mercury-Pluto conjunction will occur in Capricorn. This is the last Mercury-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn before Pluto’s initial ingresses into Aquarius next month. Tensions are becoming high as Pluto gets ready to reenter the sign of Aquarius for the first time since the eighteenth century.  This transit can ignite revelations regarding the current zeitgeist, and specifically how things are not working for us, holistically. Mercury has since finished retracing its retrograde shadow which aids in the ability to think clearly.
    This transit also invigorates our analytical mind. We will feel more inclined than usual to validate what we are thinking. This combination of these two planets’ energies makes us investigative and curious. It is important to not get carried away on what you are focused.
    This transit can bring secrets out of the dark, both on a personal and mundane level. Although it can be a difficult time if you realize you have been deceived in some way, it is important to recognize the merit in knowing. What you know, cannot hurt you as long as you protect yourself by enacting boundaries.
    Pluto is still conjunct to America’s natal Pluto in its second house of personal finance. Further issues with the IRS delays may be revealed and further delays may be announced. There may also be announcements regarding national spending.

*ੈ✩ On the following day, Mercury will ingress into Aquarius. As Mercury is in Aquarius, our thoughts will begin to shift to our communities. We will feel compelled to spread awareness about humanitarian issues during this time as we recognize the need for social justice.

*ੈ✩ Venus and Neptune will conjoin in the sign of Pisces on the fifteenth. This is a cute transit, to put it simply. It will bring about feelings of love to others which can feel divinely inspired. Both Venus and Neptune are welcomed in this sign, and they are able to operate powerfully. Venus signifies our relationships to others, while Npeune represents our relationship to the source. This is extremely influential for our perception of others at this time. We will recognize how important our love for our friends and family is and the strength in extending goodwill to everyone.
    Although this aspect is exact on the fifteenth, it is still strongly applying on the fourteenth. This will be an exceptionally sweet and romantic Valentine’s day for everyone— whether you are spending it with your partner or your friends.
    All the tension from the Venus-Mars square from the first week of the month will seem like water under the bridge. It can be very easy to have difficult conversations during this time and very easy to forgive. Since Pisces can be unrealistic, it will be important to heed your expectations of others at this time.
    Our connection to others is spiritual in nature, but you do not need to connect with everyone in order to tap into that energy. You can accept situations with grace and dignity without ever needing external confirmation from anyone. Everything you are capable of feeling comes from within— you are your own connection to the universe.

*ੈ✩ Following this conjunction, there will be a Sun-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius. This transit can put pressure on us to meet our own expectations. Being patient in regards to your goals is helpful— nothing good happens overnight. In order to align yourself with where you want to be, you have to make changes daily. This transit will test our ability to recognize what is important to us in order to show us what it is that we actually want. Saturn tends to put us in universe appointed “time-outs” which can become useful periods of self reflection. Recognize that not getting what you think you want can lead you to getting what you need. This is the last conjunction in Aquarius for this Saturn cycle since Saturn moves into Pisces next month. We will collectively reflect upon the past three years that Saturn has been moving through Aquarius.

*ੈ✩ On the nineteenth, the Sun moves into Pisces. It will shed its essential dignity and regain neutral composure in this sign. Both Aquarius and Pisces are non-conventional humanitarians who care about the greater good of others, but while Saturn-ruled Aquarius is comparatively callus and pessimistic, Pisces is softer and more optimistic. Taking our revelations during the Sun’s month in Aquarius about what needs to be done to better help others, and applying it in our day-to-day lives.
    Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of outward expansion, like Sagitarrius. Both signs are optimistic, creative, and free-spirited. Sagittarius is a fire sign, so it diverts its energy to starting things and it needs to see how its actions affect the material world in order to best understand itself, while Pisces gets stuck daydreaming. Both signs are mutable, so it can be difficult for them to direct their energy on a single task, so as the Sun traverses through this sign we may feel more sensitive to the needs of others and as a result more inclined to help them.
    The negative side of Pisces’ grand outlook on life is that it can be delusional and abuse forms of escapism to cope with stressful situations. When this energy is misappropriated, we may feel defensive and lack critical self reflection in order to understand how we can be the source of some of our own problems. It is easy to use hope for a better future to sedate ourselves into inaction. We need to be self-assured about our futures, but we also need to be practical in the moment.
    The New moon occurs at 11:06 pm PST on this day as the Moon joins the Sun in the first degree of Pisces. This is a great time to start something new, especially something creative and fulfilling. If it is true to your soul, you should engage with it during this time. New moons indicate prosperous new beginnings, and this one can be particularly abundant if its energy is harnessed effectively.
    Venus is separating from its conjunction with Neptune in the later degrees of Pisces at this time, but this energy is still influential to the new moon. Creating artwork allows us to tap into our deeper spiritual nature— it is easy to feel overly self critical about what you create when we are expected to commodify every aspect of ourselves to survive. Being able to take the time to feel vulnerable with yourself and create something without self judgment or the anticipation of showing it to anyone else can be especially healing during this new moon.

*ੈ✩ Directly following the full moon, Venus will ingress into Aries. It will lose its exaltation and become exiled in this sign. Venus in Aries is impatient and individualistic. This makes it difficult for Venus to feel comfortable in this sign— Venus signifies harmonious relationships to others and earthly pleasures and Aries wants to spearhead situations and see the immediate results of its actions. When Venus is in this sign, it wants what it wants in that moment— it is short sighted.

*ੈ✩ On the twenty-first, Mercury in Aquarius will be Square to Uranus in Taurus. This transit is difficult, but can be rewarding.
    Whenever Mercury makes a hard aspect to Uranus, it is easy to accidentally say things that are offensive. Uranus can be shocking and offensive, and during its Square aspect to Mercury, it can influence our communicative habits. You may receive news you did not want to hear or just feel general unease at this time. On a positive note, it can be easier to see things from other perspectives at this time which can ignite new revelations.
    On a mundane level, This can lead to more car issues since mechanical issues coincide with negative aspects to Uranus (signifies anything mechanical and technology), especially aspects involving Venus (signifies our possessions) or Mercury (signifies travelers in Hellenistic astrology). Venus was Square to Uranus for the middle of last month, which I associated with my own anecdotal observation of increased car issues among my friends and on social media.
    As Mercury leaves its square positioning to Uranus, it will become trine to Mars in Gemini on the following day. This transit provides insight into the practical measures we can take to enact our ideas. Any problems that may arise during the Mercury-Uranus square may seem easy to overcome with the aid of Mars. This aspect makes problem solving easier and helps our flow of creative energy. Since Mars is in a sign that is ruled by Mercury, this aspect is especially influential.

*ੈ✩ On the final day of this month, Venus and Jupiter will be conjunct in Aries. This is an auspicious pairing, but we can feel impatient during this time and try to rush outcomes. Venus represents the things we want and curate for ourselves, while Jupiter brings about pleasurable circumstances.
    In Aries, both planets are driven to move forward but Venus has issues managing this energy. We will be focused on our own goals, but may lack the foresight to make effective decisions in the present. It is important to maintain clarity and to be level headed at this time in order to succeed in your endeavors.

I suggest reading the horoscope for your rising sign. Hellenistic tradition also recommends that those born in the day read their Sun sign’s horoscope, while those born at night read their Moon sign’s horoscope.

Aquarius, this month you are facing the reality about how stressful the external world is, and reckoning how much mental and emotional energy it takes to be a part of it. You may feel tethered to others. Although the world is not moving any faster than normal, you may be feeling the weight of everything pushing down on you at once. You will have to regain your sense of self to break out of this frustrating cycle, but that is not easy. You can feel confused about your sense of self at this time— you are well aware of the fact of how badly we need others to survive, but you also may feel like you have not been able to meet many of your own needs recently.
    Cultivating inner peace while navigating an ever changing world is difficult; you may feel as if you do not have time to do any of the things you would like and you can lose sense of how to direct your energy at this time.Being able to see the bigger picture is difficult. You may have doubts and feel pressured to do things you don’t want to this month which will cause you to have to be honest with yourself about how much you can handle.
    Recognizing the tangible ways you can help yourself while you feel stifled by and being able to faith solace in your ability to be resourceful is important this month.

Pisces, you have been pushed to reassess your understanding of how you fit into social groups and question if you feel uplifted by the social circles in which you engage. Being able to sit with yourself and reflect on what it is you need from the people you actively choose with whom to surround yourself and question your own motivations is exceptionally important this month. You may feel frustrated by how your friends and colleagues are acting and your inability to do anything about it. How much do you actually need from others-- are you relying on your friendships to escape the realities of your day-to-day life?
    Considering exactly how much time you need to recalibrate emotionally, and how demanding maintaining friendships can be is key to handling this stress that continues from last month’s transits. You might be reconsidering situations that you put to rest out of necessity for your own emotional needs. You instinctively want to see the best in everyone, but might experience difficulty with reconciling your own needs this month.

Aries, how much freedom can you have when you are concerned with how people perceive you. Although you are intrinsically motivated, you may find yourself realizing the full extent of pressure you feel to live up to certain expectations of yourself. How deeply others' ideas of you become ingrained into your own concept of yourself.
    This February you are recognizing that you are not as independent as you think you are. Do you think of yourself as self reliant because you are, or because you believe the world cannot help you better than you can help yourself? Be aware of how you think about your core identity, and the motivations you assume others have— being able to bridge the gap between your understanding of yourself from your perspective as well as the perspective of others can aid in your ability to understand the world with more nuance.
    Consider what ambitions do you have for yourself-- are they representative of what you actually want to do, or what you think is achievable? You may have more success understanding this about yourself when you spend time with your friends, rather than considering how you generally show up in the world. Being able to accurately recognize what you want to work towards will help you be more diligent in achieving your goals.

Taurus, how does your philosophy of life open you up to new ideas and experiences? You tend to value stability-- which includes the notion of believing in the things you have witnessed more strongly than the intangible. You may find yourself in positions this month where you rely on your sense of spirituality in order to ground yourself.
    You may be inclined to consider expanding your worldly knowledge in order to better understand the root cause of the situations brought about this month. Although you are diligent and like to solve problems, not every problem is immediately solvable or has a clear solution. There is a new need for spiritual understanding and growth, do not limit yourself to your current judgements about the world if they are not suiting you. Being able to connect to your spiritual side can help you ground yourself, even if it does not seem to be constructive.
    Connecting with your higher self, and understanding of the universe is not a waste of time. It may feel impractical to do so, but revelations are key to being self reflective and to understand others. Not every moment should focus on your material reality. Reading about any unfamiliar topic would be especially enlightening for you this month. You may find yourself particularly moved by listening to the experiences of others within your community. You should let yourself be moved by the perspectives of others this month.

Gemini, your ability to overcome change and grow from it will be tested this month. Although you are adaptable by nature, how much genuine enthusiasm do you have for continuous change? You are a fan of variety and embrace change, but recently. things can feel as if they are shifting too quickly for you to keep up. You may feel particularly nervous this month.
    Although it is predictable (which can seem boring) you need a break from your ever-evolving situations in order to have more stability. Feeling secure is necessary, and this month, you may have to rely on others and ask for extra help. You do not need to be completely self reliant, if you are struggling in one area of life right now, that is understandable. You do not need to completely provide for yourself, especially when things seem to be confusing and uncertain. You strive to maintain a level of levity in your connections so it can be difficult for you to open up to others (for fear of depressing others). No one can know how to help you if you do not explain what it is you need.

Cancer, you should not submit yourself to a construct that you have created for yourself-- including the connections you build with others. Relationships involve effort and limitation since there are many rules to maintaining them. You recognized the need for improved boundaries last month, and you are called to continue being discerning within your relationships this month.
    When you become emotionally close to someone, you begin to create a shared understanding of the universe in order to foster a relationship with them. This requires trust and mutual understanding. You can only prioritize so many people before you stretch yourself too thin. It is important to not overly intellectualize people’s behaviors and to understand them as they are.
    If you are not getting what you need from others, you have to turn inwards to understand what it actually is that you are asking for. You are recognizing the need for new foundationing for your interpersonal relationships at this time. You have the tendency to put a lot of effort into your connections, so you have to be careful to not lose your sense of personal identity to whom you commit yourself.

Leo, you are learning to honor how much time and energy you have to yourself. You may need to take a step back and reconsider with whom you spend your free time. Perhaps you are doing other things to streamline your schedule, such as decluttering and becoming more organized. There is a newfound sense of personal responsibility that has changed your perspective regarding how much time you actually have. You are realizing how much it costs you to mismanage your own schedule and to not properly honor yourself by maintaining your sense of personal responsibility.
    Being able to recognize the importance of your own time, and how much can be done with it is empowering for you this month. You need to prioritize yourself in order to set boundaries for yourself-- how many times can you justify eating unhealthily before it catches up to; how often can you go out after work before you feel exhausted, how much time do you want to spend with people who you just end up complaining about? Your time is yours, and you are feeling the need to take control over yourself this month. It is not selfish to do the things you need to do, and you will not miss out on the things you want to do, in fact you will be able to clear your schedule to fully enjoy yourself.

Virgo, continuing from the themes of last month, you are reflecting on how much effort it takes to improve your talents. You are deeply considering how much effort and the sacrifices that are necessary to improve anything you do. You are also more carefully examining what it is you attract for yourself. Your thoughts have power over your reality, so it is important to balance a  positive yet realistic outlook on life.
    You might be suppressing feelings of resentment and reconsidering your connections to others because you feel that you have been typecast in a way that does not align with your conceptualization of yourself. Although it is important to distance yourself from people who do not understand you, you may want to consider what is being identified within you if you are having doubts in this area of life.
    You do have the power to change your circumstance if they are not suiting you. You do not need to change how you function in order to serve anything that is below you. You should be critical about what behaviors you rationalize in others as well as yourself this month. It is important to outgrow situations that do not reflect who you are trying to become.

Libra, it is natural to withdraw, especially when you are overwhelmed by your social obligations. Being able to make time for yourself is important. You may be particularly fixated on staying in-- this is a good time to rearrange your room or buy new decor if there is anything you need. Being able to optimize your personal space this month would be a good way to preoccupy your mind if you are feeling overly stressed.
    It is necessary to be a homebody from time-to-time, but it is important to not use your need for privacy as a form of escapism. You should take this time to explore what you enjoy. You should remain focused on your creative goals at this time-- which requires self-restraint. You should find inspiration in the changes you will experience this month, rather than letting yourself feel defeated by circumstance. It is important to be diligent when working on your personal projects, since they are necessary for you to feel fulfilled.
    Recognize your creative talents this month and honor them. You may not create anything that you feel is worth sharing, but the process is more important than what it is you are making.

Scorpio, you are having a period of pause this month to reflect on your thoughts. You may be frustrated that no one seems to care about what you have to say or you may just be generally apprehensive about connecting with others.
    If you are feeling misunderstood, you have to open up and express yourself; you should not dull yourself to maintain superficial connections. You understand the merits but also the cost of intimacy better than most. When you open up to others, you do not have to completely share yourself with them. Keeping your thoughts and feelings bottled up is only detrimental to yourself-- you will grow resentful of those around you if you do not feel comfortable enough to share even just your opinions about the world with them.
    If you find yourself holding back, consider what it is you are actually losing and what you have to gain by connecting with others through sharing your ideas. If someone shows you that they continuously disagree with you or does not value what you have to say, maybe you should reconsider your relationship with them, but anyone who cares about you will hold space for you.

Sagittarius, you have been understanding the gravity of your presence in the material world more strongly. In February you will come to understand the importance of your livelihood. You may be overwhelmed by others at this time, so it is especially important to appreciate the ways you provide for yourself.
    It is important to not go to extreme measures to keep your peace; you do not want to completely self isolate as an extreme reaction to escape the feeling of being restrained. You may want to take some time for yourself and go on a trip to escape the noise of any drama you have been sensing. Working on your limiting beliefs about being able to provide for yourself can be helpful when you are confronted with feelings of self doubt.
    You do not need to be a pillar for everyone, all the time, but it is important to consider how you show up for those you love. You are connected to everyone else, so when you are able to provide for yourself, you are capable of providing for those around you.

Capricorn, you are going through a period of uncovering new understandings of yourself and how difficult it is to maintain your identity. It can be sobering to recognize that you are just another person, doing mostly the same things as everyone else you know, with the same wants and needs as anyone else. That does not mean that you are incapable of anything you want to achieve or lack innate worth. You should become more sympathetic to the needs of everyone, since we are all inherently the same. It is the achilles’ heel of the ego to think that being the same as everyone else is a bad thing. The ego is important for maintaining momentum and to be autonomous, but it can cripple one's ability to connect with others if it goes unchecked.
    Last month you gained confidence and cultivated new perceptions of yourself. This month you need to embrace your humanity through humility. You can more deeply understand the world by learning to understand yourself through others. It is natural to go through periods of focusing internally and then periods of focusing externally to balance your perception of both aspects of time.