January 2024 Horoscopes
January 1st, 2024

★ January First - Mercury Stations Direct in Sagittarius; Venus in Sagittarius Squares Saturn in Pisces ★

The month begins with Mercury stationing direct after spending the past two and half weeks moving backwards through the early degrees of Capricorn and the last decan of Sagittarius. With the Gregorian new year coinciding with this direct station, we are more likely to maintain our new years resolutions (especially those related to the themes of your Capricorn and Sagittarius houses in your nativity).

Whenever a planet stations direct or retrograde it’s energy is intensified. With Mercury’s energy becoming more prominently productive, we are likely to experience more ease in communication or cognition. Mercury retrogrades are not necessarily bad, they simply allow us to take in more information at once, but processing all of it can be difficult. The internal focus of this mercurial energy can be overwelming and can lead to miscommunications, misunderstandings, and technical errors.

Now that Mercury will be moving forward, we can more easily parse information. It will be transiting through the degrees of its post-retrograde shadow, which will cause us to reflect on all that transpired during its retrogradity.

Mercury does not tend to do will in Sagittarius (one of the two signs of its exile), but it will be emboldened by this direct station. Sagittarius is naturally a Jupiter ruled sign, so it has an expansive persepctive which opposes Mercury’s natural tendency to focus on minute details. We may be eager to see things from too broad of a perspective and neglecting the importance of nuance until Mercury re-enters Capricorn later in the month.

The Venus-Saturn square on this day occurs in the earlier degrees of Sagittarius and Pisces, respectively. We may be particuarly burdened by our duties at this time or feel obligated to our relationships-even when we feel entrapped by them.

This transit can force us to recoil emotionally and become overly independent since we are more aware of the inherent cost of relationships as this transit becomes exact.

We may feel inclined to lean into macabre aesthetics at this time. This may be a good period to reconsider the ways in which you express yourself through fashion, but it is not a good time to spend money.

★ January Fourth - Mars Ingresses into Capricorn ★

In the middle of the first week of the month, Mars enters the sign of its exaltation—Capricorn. When a planet is exalted, it does exceptionably well as it is considered a guest in the domain of that particular sign. Exaltation is different than a planet being at home (in a sign over which it rules), although both are considered to be good positions for the planet. Both dignities allow the planet to excel at preforming its functions, but when domicile it is comfortable with the tools that sign allots, while when it is exalted, it becomes feverous in its pursuit to actualize its significations.

Capricorn is aware that all work must be done, and Mars represents our capacity to exert force onto the world. The combination of these energies allows to better handle issues by managing them in steps or as independent problems that constitute a larger obstacle. We are better equipped to preserve when Mars transits through this sign. Nothing can be done without exerting effort and Capricorn is innately aware of the effort, resources, and time it takes to create anything-espeically something long lasting-as a Saturnian sign.

Mars is now responding to Saturn, a planet out of its sect. This inherently challenges the power of the exhalation of this planet. Mars is destructive, while Saturn implements boundaries. The antagonym of these planets’ functions can frustrate Mars as it tries to meet Saturn’s strict expectations. Saturn is currently in Pisces, so the plants will sextile shortly after Mars enters Capricorn which can ease some of the tension that is inherent to this exaltation.

★ January Nineth - Mercury in Sagittarius Squares Neptune in Pisces; The Sun in Capricorn is Trine to Rx Uranus in Taurus ★

This is the third and final time Mercury will Square Neptune in its current cycle through Sagittarius. It initially squared Neptune when Mercury was direct and Neptune was retrograding through Pisces in November. Mercury then squared Neptune a second time during its retrograde through Sagittarius, after Neptune stationed direct in the beginning of last month. They are now square while both planets are direct. The forward motion of both planets can lead to a sense of unease in anticipation of events yet to unfold.

As Mercury meets Neptune in this tense aspect, we might be unwavering in our beliefs. What we have learned through Mercury’s retrograde last month might not have answered all of our questions or given us the peace of mind we may have wanted. Knowing something technically can be limiting when we become aware of all the facets that compose a complex situation. Mitigating issues with logic is not always helpful since the best solutions are created by those experiencing or who have experienced the issue at hand.

Jupiter in Taurus is ruling over both signs in this configuration, indicating that issues regarding how resources or fiscal matters are handled can come to the forefront. Specifically, we may experience compounded stress at the time this transit perfects in regards to how to manage our resources. There may be more awareness of the nebulous forces that obscure our ability to have agency over our own livelihoods. As we move through this confusion once this transit begins to separate, we will have to find new ways to change our circumstance. Together, we are able to construct cultures that foster our collective needs. We are able to define our communities by the ways we choose to work together to combat our struggles and oppression. Our needs either being met or not being met stem from how resources are allocated.

Issues regarding the inherent fallacies in the philosophy that proposes there can be infinite economic growth on a planet with limited resources can rise to the surface over the course of this transit. As Neptune in Pisces reminds us that we are all inherently connected, we may feel disconnected to the rest of humanity during this square aspect.

Additionally on this day, the Sun in Capricorn will become exactly trine to retrograde Uranus in Taurus. This is a more positive aspect that allows us to gain insight on our life’s purpose. The sudden insight offered by Uranus can help us to embody what we are meant to do at this time. We may have a new opportunity that suddenly presents itself at this time.

Over the course of this transit, our perception of our life's path may be illuminated by unconventional ideas and a willingness to break free from established norms. What is expected of us may not be what fulfils us and whatever fulfils us sustains our being. It is a good time to take calculated risks under the influence of this transit.

If you feel underprepared for the responsibility of any new opportunities that may appear at this time, remember to ground yourself by appreciating that we can never truly be prepared for anything. By working diligently, you create frameworks for yourself that will inevitably open doors you did not think were ever accessible to you.

★ January Eleventh - New Moon in Capricorn ★

This month’s new moon occurs when the moon conjoins the sun at 20° ****of Capricorn. Both luminaries will be square to the north and south nodes simultaneously, while trine to retrograde Uranus at 19° of Taurus. The intensity of this lunation is heightened, given this configuration.

When planets cross the bending of the nodes, they are caught in the vortex of the Nodal axis. We will find ourselves fed up with the systems in place over the course of this new moon. Our current societal structure overvalues individuation at the expense of our interpersonal relationships. This alienation makes it hard for us to define our sense of self outside of the confines of these social structures, and we will likely feel the pressure of simultanously wanting something better for ourselves and for others at this time. It can be hard to mitigate our feelings as we come to terms with the reality of our shared experiences.

The energy can be extremely intense and overwelming when planets meet in an angular position to the lunar nodes. Our place within these hierarches may seem to erode as we question the necessity of these structures and our complicity in maintaining them.

This new moon will be trine to Uranus, which amplifies the need for liberation from these structures. The disruption caused by Uranus encourages us to step outside the comfort zones of established hierarchies, fostering a collective exploration of new possibilities, both personally and societally.

The tension between the old and the new, the individual and the collective, prompts us to reevaluate our values and can ignite a collective longing for a equitable future.

★ January Twelfth - Mars in Capricorn is Trine to Jupiter in Taurus ★

When Mars and Jupiter are trine to each other, we are inclined to take action in the pursuit of our grander goals. It can also align fortunate circumstances that allow you to more easily achieve whatever it is that you are working towards.

With both planets transiting through Earth signs, we are more likely to be concerned with practical or material matters. we might begin to restructure our lives so we can be more efficient or save more money, for example.

The best way to utilize the energy of this transit it to become strategic. It is important to identify the areas of our life where we can streamline in order to better manage our time. When you are productive, the universe is aligns to support your endeavors.

★ January Thirteenth - Mercury Ingresses into Capricorn ★

Mercury briefly entered Capricorn during its pre-retrograde Shadow phase in November and will make its way back into this sign at the end of the second week of the month. Mercury will be refreshed once it enters this sign since it does not handle itself well while exiled in Capricorn’s preceding sign, Sagittarius.

Capricorn is an earth sign, so our focus will shift to practical matters over the few weeks Mercury is traversing through this sign’s domain. We can take the knowledge we learned by reflecting on our experiences when Mercury was briefly retrograding through this sign and appreciate that all of the grandness of our life extends beyond this moment. Every old thing that exists, exists because it was constructed from an idea. Ideas are the birth of societies, cultural norms, and every other man-made structure that influences our lives.

Mercury’s transit through Capricorn can help us to expand on our ideas and to create cognitive structures for ourselves to go out into the world and create things. Capricorn’s mind and imagination is best utilized to actualize what is to come. You are allowed to create something that seems insignificant and maybe it will evolve into something greater than the moment in which it was constructed, or maybe it will become a relic of its time. Both realities can be important to honor and memorialize.

★ January Nineteenth - Mercury in Capricorn is Trine to Jupiter in Taurus; Venus in Sagittarius Squares Neptune in Pisces; The Sun and Pluto Conjoin in Capricorn ★

Venus will be square to Neptune on this day, indicating disharmony in our expectations and the potential that exists within relationships and overactive imaginations. Both planets are in Jupiter ruled signs (Sagittarius and Pisces, respectively), so they share a sense of grandiosity and tenacity to conflate insignificance with true potential.

It is easier to see the divine reflected in the material world and others as this transit perfects, which can lead to delusion in relationships. This romantic idealism can be used to benefit established relationships, but its not ideal to make big decisions about any budding romances.

Mercury was trine to Jupiter last month just prior to its retrograde station. At that time of this previous aspect, Jupiter was retrograde and Mercury was transiting through it’s pre retrograde shadow. Now, both planets are direct after completing their respective retrograde cycles, allowing us to revisit this energy one last time in this configuration. We are able to more easily apply the lessons that we have learned over the course of each retrograde.

Jupiter, ruling over both Venus in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces, will be trine to Mercury in Capricorn on this day. When Mercury is trine to Jupiter, we are able to understand the complexities of the grander themes of life and synthesize truths from a broader understanding of situations. This alignment emphasizes a methodical approach to understanding the complexities of life, with a focus on focus on practical, tangible matters.

Mercury in Capricorn is concerned with the long-term implications of our thoughts and ideas, while Jupiter in Taurus emphasizes the need for security and stability. The expansive nature of Jupiter seeks to amplify the fruitful outcomes of our practical pursuits, and when this energy combines with that of Mercury, we are likely to receive good news regarding anything related to communication-such as publication, mail, or written legal matters.

The Sun and Pluto conjoin in the anorectic degree and minute (29°59’) of Capricorn on this day as well. This transit is tense given that the last degree of any sign represents the compilation of that sign’s energy. The totality of Capricorn’s energy, being simultanously harnessed by both the Sun and Pluto, represents the end of existing hierarchies. As we begin to enter this Pluto in Aquarius era, we will see a shift in how societies operate. This conjunction bleeds into the following day when both planets enter Aquarius, further emphasizing the new, emerging ways the powers at be will be put under scrutiny by the general public. In mundane astrology, the Sun represents the ruler or figurehead of a nation. It’s influence in this conjunction can indicate that governments will try to continue to control the people before Pluto inevitably gives power back to the Populus.

★ January Twentieth - The Sun and Pluto Ingress into Aquarius; Mercury in Capricorn Exits its Post-Retrograde Shadow ★

This year’s Aquarius season begins with Pluto also entering this sign just after the Sun and Pluto conjoined in Capricorn the a day prior. Pluto entered Aquarius for the first time in over two centuries in March of 2023, it then retrograded back into Capricorn for several months later in the year. After this ingress, it will eventually retrograde back into Capricorn for a second, and final time later this year before it embarks into a two decade long transit through Aquarius by the end of 2024. This is emphasizing the last wave before we fully enter this new Pluto in Aquarius era, it’s energy is more defined with it being conjoined to the Sun in the last degree of Capricorn and the first degree of Aquarius on this date.

When the Sun makes its ingresses into Aquarius, it enters the domain of its exile. This luminary represents our drive and will to exist. It is the principle that dictates our life’s purpose. This energy is hard to manage within the realm of Aquarius, since this sign signifies the collective as a network of individuals; our individual purposes do not always serve what is it needed by our communities at large. We may find it harder to define our sense of self during this solar season, espeically those with major fixed sign placements.

Additionally on this day, Mercury enters a new degree of Capricorn, signifying the end of its post-retrograde shadow. Mercury is no longer bogged down by the last phase of it’s most recent retrograde cycle—which began back in November. We are no longer bogged down by the lingering retrograde energy and Mercury will be able to move forward with clarity.

★ January Twenty-third - Venus Ingresses into Capricorn ★

By the third week of the month, Venus enters Capricorn for about the next four weeks. When this planet (which rules over social decorum, civility, and aesthetics) is transiting through this Saturnian, cardinal, earth sign, we are more inclined to focus on longevity in our relationships.

When Venus transits through Capricorn, we are likely to see love as the work that it is. Capricorn is often miscategorized as a workaholic, when in reality Capricorn is concerned with potential.

Our connections to others are taxing, and can easily become too much work to handle. When Venus enters this sign, it becomes concerned with the inherent risk in relationships. In the worst manifestation of this influence, we may waste time and energy trying to make things that do not work, work.

Capricorn is aware that all relationships are inequal. No two people have the same gifts and faults, make the exact same amount of money, have the same net works or family, et cetera. With this, each relationship is balanced in its varying inequities. As Venus transits through this sign, it is important to be aware of how you give and what you take in your relationships in order to make sure your expectations do not become demands.

★ January Twenty-fifth - Full Moon in Leo ★

This month’s new moon occurs when the moon transiting through Leo opposes the Sun in Aquarius. This full Moon can be difficult given that the Moon in Leo is ruled by the Sun in its sister sign, Aquarius. The Sun has difficulty expressing itself within the restraints of the Aquarius.

At the time of this opposition, we are confronted with what compels us to live in accordance to what emotionally fills us. It may be difficult to accurately assess all that makes us feel aligned with ourselves since we may be overly attuned to the expectations of others.

The Sun is conjunct to Pluto within in 5° of exactitude, allowing Pluto to influence this full moon. Pluto is transformative; it rips things apart to expose what is hidden within the underbelly of any situation and then we must put it back together in a way that is better suited for the inevitable new era this planet heralds.

With this Sun-Pluto conjunction, and consequently the Moon-Pluto opposition (which will last many more hours than the Full Moon will), we will be forced to vivisect and scrutinize what we are. What defines your very existence? What differentiates you from everyone else? What inside of you is clawing its way from the inside out, begging to be seen and upheld?

Everything you are is definable and can be experienced, but is also completely unknowable-even to you. Your body gives you clues as to what is good for you. Your gut instinct alerts you to what is good and bad, being able to differentiate between anxiety and anticipation can help you to better understand yourself.

★ January Twenty-seventh - Uranus Stations Direct in Taurus; The Sun in Aquarius is Square to Jupiter in Taurus; Mercury and Mars Conjoin in Capricorn ★

Towards the end of the month, Uranus will station direct in Taurus. It has been moving backwards through this sign for almost half of 2023 and with it now finally stationing direct in the new year. We are likely to have an abrupt new ideas or revelations regarding how we maintain a sense of security in our life. This energy can be jolting, which can benefit some and be challenging for others.

The outer three planets influence our lives with less momentum than the innermost planets which can make them seem less forceful. This direct movement of Uranus can be unpredictable, so events that transpire on this date are likely to be abrupt, regardless of how beneficial they may be.

The Sun and Jupiter are square to each other in fixed signs on this day as well. We may find ourselves particuarly impulsive on this date. We may sacrifice a sense of security for something that aligns us with our purpose. This energy is tense, but not necessarily bad. Squares force us to reconcile with a moment that is transforming into the next. Sometimes it is important to make a bold decision for ourselves, just make sure it is not at your own expense or demise to do so.

Mercury and Mars conjoin in Capricorn are re-meeting in a new sign—after conjoining in Sagittarius last month—indicating a refresh in these combined Mercurial and Martian energies. When these planets come together we are able to actualize our ideas and bring them into the world manifest. Within the realm of Capricorn, we are likely to be extra diligent and organized, allowing us to start new or complete ongoing projects and focus on work as well as other obligations.

★ January Twenty-eighth - Mercury in Capricorn is Trine to Uranus in Taurus ★

Directly following Uranus stationing direct, Mercury will meet this outer planet in a trine aspect. Both planets are currently residing in earth signs, allowing us to more clearly assess our material reality and responsibilities at this time.

Mercury influences our cognitive abilities while Uranus provides sudden insight or unforeseeable shifts. Under this transit, we may have a sudden change in what we believe or how we interact with the material facets that uphold our life. Mercury in Capricorn's disciplined and strategic influence combines with Taurus's grounding and stable nature, providing a practical lens through which we can assess our material reality and responsibilities.

Given earth sign’s practically, they can be expectant given their intuitive understanding of the limitations that underscore our place in the universe. Our ability to grow and evolve requires us to have stability in our lives. Having a stable foundation gives us a level of predictably that we can use to assess new information. Nothing in life is ever truly stable or predictable, but by being able to assess what it is that we want, we can create the necessary rules and limitations for ourselves that allow us to prioritize what we want and need.

★ January Twenty-ninth - Venus in Capricorn is Trine to Jupiter in Taurus; Mars in Capricorn is Trine to Uranus in Taurus ★

Venus in Capricorn will be exactly trine to Jupiter in Taurus, while Mars in the second decan of Capricorn will be trine to Uranus at 19* of Taurus as the month comes to an end. Both transits are considered to be positive, given the free-flowing nature of trine aspects. With all planets involved in these two configurations being in earth signs, our material stability and livelihood are being supported through new opportunities leading into February.

When these two planets meet in a positive aspect, they bring about a sense of general optimism, friendliness, and generosity. We might feel more inclined to connect with others under the ten day long period this transit is active.

Additionally, we may be especially lucky at this time, as if the universe is conspiring with us. This is an ideal time to collaborate with others to achieve our collective goals. The universe rewards expansion, since moving outwards mirrors the infinitely expansive nature of the universe.

Given that both benefics are working together, they may go unchecked which can lead to romantic overindulgence or overspending at this time. It is important to harness this energy to not let it overwhelm you and allow you to succumb to your own hedonist impulses.

In world events, we may see news regarding the fashion world at this time given that the shared significations of these two planets rule over the fashion industry. Laws may be passed i favor of sustainable efforts in the textile industry or new legislation supporting works rights in the garment production sectors.

Mars makes a trine aspect to Uranus on this date as well. This transit can give us the necessary momentum to strive for autonomy. We may find ourselves rejecting things that hold us back in order to make space for new endeavors. This is a period that is ideal for doing things that you may be embarrassed or nervous about since Uranus allows us to break away from restrictions.

Taking calculated risks allows you to develop a sense of self direction. It is important to do things that you want to do, even if others do not entirely relate to your innate drive. You know yourself best and you know what you need out this life time better than anyone else.

Mercury is still influencing Mars given that they are still conjunct within one degree of exactitude. This can give us strength in articulating our desires and plans. We may realize what it is that we want to do then quickly take action to achieve it.

I suggest reading the horoscope for your rising sign. Hellenistic tradition also recommends that those born in the day read their Sun sign’s horoscope, while those born at night read their Moon sign’s horoscope.

Capricorn, after unearthing the depths of your psyche and making home there, you are able to face yourself and all that you are this month. It can be hard to recognize that your entire being ripples out from your mind into the material world and is then revibrated back to you. Your entire being ripples from your mind out into the material world. Your existence is expansive and creates abundance in the world—even when you take time to yourself. The world still renders with of without you observing it.

Aquarius, you are recognizing your need to maintain relationships that uplift you this month. Your potential is sacred. Your potential represents all of the dreams you had as kid that you can now actualize as an adult. Who you spend time with is ultimately a reflection of your. The boundaries you set in place for yourself and uphold allow others to understand you. By restricting access to yourself, you let others know what it is you stand for and how you define your sense of self based on your experiences.

Pisces, you may find comfort in the nebulous realm of ambiguity this month. Although it is important to take time away from over-intellectualizing your own experiences, you also do have to carve yourself out from the collective unconscious. Coming out of this hibernation may take some active effort on your part. You may find it particuarly helpful to ground yourself in your body this month. Your body allows you to explore the world and cultivating this relationship to it can help you to navigate the external world. Without your body, your mind cannot be tethered to this realm, and you would have no reason to exist in the material world.

Aries, you cannot live an authentic life without creating art. How you understand the world should be transmuted into something outside of your mind and brought into the world for others to observe. It can be scary to be vulnerable in this way, especially if you have been suffering from artist’s block. Sometimes we take parts of other people’s stories to understand the narrative of our life. This can be used in our art, even when it feels deceitful. All art is give and take and no genre or style develops because a single artist had a monopoly on that sound or aesthetic. Learning from observation is normal and healthy, as long as it does not lead to comparison or theft.

Taurus, what lies in the darkness will eventually be unearthed. You are allowed to take up space. You are allowed to be proud of all that you have accomplished. Trying to suppress the core aspects of your being only leads to shame and resentment. This isolates you from others and prevents you from appreciating your ability to create new worlds.

Gemini, the constant waves of change in your life may seem grating by the time we enter the new year. The incessant and never-ending tide of life can be stifling and seemingly impossible to manage. You are naturally adaptable and tend to enjoy change as a challenge, but in the first few weeks of the month you may just be tired and in need of some predictability. As January progresses, you are likely to find solace in defining how you fit into society. No matter how much of an outsider or black sheep you think you are (espeically when you feel helpless dealing with compounding stress), there is a place for you and there are people who see you. Sometimes life is just hard and then it isn’t and that breath of fresh air can elevate the stress of existence.

Cancer, you are calling all of your relationships into question this month. You are beginning to recognize what can be lost to others that you could’ve been giving to yourself this year. You love and love and love but sometimes you think that loving others is an act of self service. Developing a strong defined sense of self can save you from the demands of others. It can be hard to not get frustrated with others for not supporting you the way you support them, but you have a hand in objectifying yourself when you put your needs last.

Leo, you more than others understand the importance of developing the persona. The persona allows you to place yourself in situations without being too vulnerable. It is a tool that can be used for your benefit as you navigate the world and all the strangers that occupy it. With this focus on how you are perceived at large, you may find yourself applying for jobs or receiving an anticipated promotion. Just remember why you are working so hard; you may have to peel back the mask you feel so comfortable wearing in order to confront yourself by the end of the month. What you achieve does not always define success and what you accomplish may not even be what you truly need in the long run.

Virgo, your mind can be explored by externalizing and immortalizing it through your art. The process of creating art is a ritual; it is your own microscopic culture that you can share with others if you please, or it can be a secret you keep. Art is precious and it is an investment into yourself. You may need to remind yourself why it is worth it to project your inner being onto the material world over the course of the month in order to keep creating, but creation is only monotonous when you are not celebrating what you are. You exist in every moment and that moment is changing and you are fluctuating with it, even when you reject the passage of time.

Libra, this month you are understanding that no one has a version of themselves that exists deep down, is more prominent than the version of themselves they use to interact with the world; including yourself. It may be jarring to recognize that people are who they appear to be and that your imagination can run wild creating narratives for people you do not even know that well. Why does it make you feel more secure in your relationships to make up unsubstantiated stories to justify the actions of others? Is it because you want those around you to peer deeper into your soul to try to understand you better?

Scorpio, your culture needs you as much as you need it. There is wisdom in your ancestry that can help you to better understand how you fit into the world. You may find it healing to talk to your family about where it is you come form and all the ways your ancestors survived so you could exist now. Modernizing the truths of your lineage is powerful and can help you to feel secure in who and what you are. Your existence is not random, it is proof of everyone and everything that existed to create space for you.

Sagittarius, it is okay to indulge. Your life is meant to be lived, and money is meant to be spent as much as it is meant to be saved. You might be particularly motivated to make more money this month, but it is important to not become fixated on it. Sometimes we make bad investments, sometimes we waste money in hindsight. As long as you are not being negligent with your finances, it is okay to live your life. You might be coping with feelings of inadequacy that are driving you to strive for more, but understand that money comes and money goes.