Novmeber 2022 Horoscopes
November 1st, 2022

Scorpio season brings about a sense of change and calls for us to be more discerning. The Scorpio Archetype is that of the person who is always anticipating what will unfold. At its worst, this energy manifests into brooding suspicion but at its best, it can create an adaptable quick learner. Scorpio season can bring about a heightened sense of intuition, as well as anxiety.

This year the transits for the month of November indicate feelings of isolation and restlessness. It can be hard to feel connected to others personally and as a community durning this month. Taking time to yourself and regaining your power is important, but removing yourself from social settings out of fear will quickly snowball into paranoia. This month will teach us to be partially discerning of our own anxieties and fears of intimacy.

As the Sun moves into Sagittarius towards the end of the month, there will be a sense of catharsis as the pressure of the Scorpion’s intensity subdues. We can stop being overly investigative and focus on the bigger picture. Sagitarrius respects the multifaceted nature of all things. Situations will seem less intense since the archer reminds us that none of what seems stressful is usually that important in the grand scheme of it all.

The month begins with a Moon-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius and a Sun-Mercury-Venus stellium in Scorpio. The waxing moon combined with domicile Saturn in Aquarius will cause us to self reflect on the structures in our lives— do they serve us, do they help us fulfill our own needs, do they protect us? Who is actually in control? Am I giving my power away to someone I trust to help me? 

This conjunction Square to the stellium in Scorpio can indicate feelings of frustration or helplessness. These feelings will subside as the moon moves into Pisces within a few days, but that does not mean that it is okay to remain in situations that make you feel powerless.

There are only three retrograde planets this month— Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune. As the many of the planets from October went direct towards the end of last month. There has been a shift from thinking about past to the present moment. Focusing on the reality of situations and taking the knowledge we know know about our past experiences is crucial to moving forward. It is important to apply the lessons of these retrograde cycles as they move back through each degree of their respective sign as they move ahead.

There is a mutual reception between retrograde Mars in Gemini and Mercury in Scorpio, until Mercury ingresses in Sagittarius in the latter half of the month. There is a general motivation to see past the superficial and mundane. This transit can lead to paranoia and anxiety, but can also lead us to dig deeper to understand events holistically. Gemini does not like to quickly judge, while sensitive Scorpio relies on their gut instinct and internal sense of direction to assess others and situations. This shared energy can help us to be discerning and impartial but can lead to gossip and self-isolation if it is not harnessed for your own benefit.

On November 5th, Saturn in Aquarius is Square Venus in Scorpio and the Sun conjunct is Mercury in Scorpio. The Moon in Aries is sextiling Saturn at this time as well. This configuration can lead to tension and hostility. It is easy to misunderstand others for the next few days— until the Moon moves into Taurus. Remaining calm and being aware of the need to control your feelings durning this time can aid in mitigating conflict before it becomes virulent. This can be a great time to focus on your responsibilities to take your mind off of unproductive stressors. We all require a differing baseline level of stress in our lives to feel accomplished, so it is important to understand the positive ways we can create stress in our lives to feel satisfied with ourselves.

There is a Venus-Uranus opposition this month. This transit has occurred on the Scorpio-Taurus axis about once every year since Uranus entered Taurus in May of 2018. Venus in Scorpio is domineering and weakened by its lack of essential dignity, while Uranus in Taurus is eruptive and unpredictable— this transit indicates strong feelings and explosive reactions to unexpected situations. It can seem as if things are impossible to improve or as if we have no control over our feelings. Retrograde Mars in Gemini can make speaking our mind durning this time seem like the best way to mitigate our internal stress, but it is important to take a step back and reflect before saying anything that cannot be taken back.

Themes from the first week of November of 2021 are likely to resurface durning this transit since that is the last time these planets were opposite each other. Taurus signifies the environment, and Uranus transiting through it coincides with new information regarding environmental degradation. Venus in Scorpio indicates an insatiable need to understand things. This persistance can lead to new studies, given that Scorpio needs to verify anything before it can trust it. A study from James Cook University indicates that 98% of the coral in the Great Barrier Reef has been bleached due to climate change was published last November— when these two planets were opposed to each other. Another example of Taurus’s environmental signification is the IPCC classifying 2018— the year Uranus ingressed into Taurus— as a pivotal year for global warming.

There is Venus-Saturn square coupled with a Venus-Uranus square configuration on the 6th. It can be easy to feel overwhelmed durning this time and it is easier to lose control of our feelings. Being vigilant regarding our feelings can prevent us from lashing out at others as this configuration begins to break away.

Last Venus-Saturn square was from the end of May to the end of June of this Year. Venus was cohabiting in Taurus with Uranus, which caused issues regarding our interpersonal relationships. Instability of emotions are likely to be triggered by resurgence of the outcomes of events that happened early this summer. This transit will be especially impactful for those with fixed ascendants.

The total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus occurs on the 8th. Mercury closely Conjunct Sun durning this eclipse. Events will unfold around this time that will force us to reconsider our sense of stability in our lives. These eclipses disrupted our sense of safety and taught each of us a new appreciation for the areas of life in which the Taurus-Scorpio axis falls in your personal natal chart.

This completes the current Eclipse season, it may seem as if a veil has been lifted— especially for fixed rising signs. Recognizing that your needs are meet will help you feel satiated and appreciate the freedom that you have. Although these eclipses sparked several changes and upheavals in each of our lives, they also provided for us. This last eclipse will bring about positive changes compared to the initial pair of eclipses last November. Whatever you lost then will be regained now. Everything you learned through suffering without will teach you to cherish all that you gain in return.

There will be no more eclipses until springtime. The next set of eclipses will be in the Aries-Libra axis with the north node in Aries and the south node in Libra. Fixed signs get a break as the eclipses move into their cadent houses. Those with cardinal risings will be put under pressure as the eclipses occur in their angular houses.

The Sun-Mercury conjunction in Scorpio is exactly opposite Uranus on the 9th. There is tension between how we want to express ourselves at this time and the ways in which we feel as if we should. The standards we need to uphold in whichever area of life corresponds to the Scorpio house in your chart is constrained by Uranus in Taurus’s influence over the transiting Sun and Mercury.

This transit can make it is easy to feel defensive if you sense someone is challenging your authority or intellect. It is likely a misunderstanding that has gotten blown out of proportion.

There is a configuration between the Sun, Saturn, Venus and Neptune on the 10th. The Sun is conjunct to Mercury and Venus while squaring Saturn and trining Neptune. Uncertainty builds anticipation, what is expected goes unappreciated. It is go with the flow, u may be handed things that you do not recognize as beneficial, try to not get too carried away with your personal desires). The Sun in Scorpio square to Saturn in Aquarius can make it easy to feel the weight of your own identity + destiny. Trying to live up to your own standards without appreciating how much progress you have made in your life will cripple your self concept. Taking the time to think of all of the things you have once wanted and now achieved can help you harness the benefits of this transit.

On the 14th the Sun-Neptune will be trine in Scorpio-Pisces while Venus-Jupiter also be trine in Scorpio + Pisces at different degrees. This simultaneous trine between cohabitating planets in Scorpio and Pisces may make things seem more conspicuous than they actually are. The two water signs can get carried away with over romanticizing things that would normally be unfulfilling or even toxic. The ordinary will be more exciting and we may find ourselves rationalizing behaviors we normally would not tolerate. It is important to remain realistic and to set boundaries for yourself.

Venus ingresses in Sagitarrius on the 16th, quickly followed by Mercury joining in Sagitarrius on the 17th, ending the mutual reception between Mars and Mercury.

Moving out of the sign of Scorpio, Venus gets a breath of fresh air, no longer restricted by its detriment status. Venus in Sagittarius is quick to act— you may feel compelled to send the first text durning Venus’s stay in Sagitarrius. It is natural to feel driven to cultivate more experiences for yourself or to change your sense of aesthetics at this time. This is a very positive, light hearted energy.

Mercury is now in a sign in which it is uncomfortable. Mercury focuses on the minutia, while Sagittarius aims to see the bigger picture. As Mercury travels through Sagittarius, the world can seem much bigger than usual and it will easy to get lost in things— time can seem to not matter as much. It is important to remain grounded and focus on things one at a time and to not live too externally. This transit can make it easy to forget how to practically manage our thoughts and ideas.

On the 28th, Mercury and Mars will be opposite one another, making it seem difficult to act on what we need or even want to do. Things can seem much more complicated than they already are and events from the past may resurface causing more confusion.

Mars and Neptune are exactly Square beginning on the 19th. There will be more conflict between differing ideologies at this time. Many will believe that their perspective triumph over others, regardless of merit or mortality.

The last Mars-Neptune square in Gemini and Pisces respectively was the summer of 1849. In August of that year, Hungary surrendered to Prussia durning the Hungarian revolution and was placed under Austrian rulership, America sent ships to Japan to re-establish trade between Japan and the Western world (purely for America’s own benefit), and the French invasion of Honolulu occurred at this time.

Things that seem auspicious or worth the effort may not be. The Gold Rush of 1849 happened durning this transit. Many people moved to the West Coast in order to seek gold. They attacked and killed or forced indigenous communities off their land in order to pan and excavate for gold. Many moved in order to get rich, but the vast majority of gold-rushers did not make any profit at all. People deluded themselves into believing that they could get rich and harmed indigenous people in vain due to their own self-interest.

It is important to consider why you believe what you do when you are confronted with a differing perspective. For our day-to-day lives, this transit can be agitating and make it easier for us to get lost in the effort to win petty arguments and to succumb our own arrogance.

Sagitarrius season begins on the 22nd when the Sun ingresses into the sign of the centaur. Sagitarrius is optimistic and moves swiftly in order to achieve its goals. Sagitarrius season brings a much more light hearted energy than Scorpio season does. This Jupitarian sense of limitless expansion can feel extremely motivating. Now is a good time to start new projects, though Sagittarius’s mutable energy can make it difficult to want to complete them. The carefree mutable fire sign is high spirited so it is hard to feel held back by anything durning this time.

Jupiter stations direct on the 24th, leaving only Mars and Neptune in retrograde. Jupiter will be at home in Pisces until it moves back into Aries for the final time this cycle. Until then, Pisces will embolden Jupiter with more clarity. It is easier to understand the ways we have been deluded into believing things that simply are not good for us. Pisces will move out of its cohabitation with retrograde Neptune next month, making it easier to see things as they are.

On the 28th, Mars and Saturn will be trine to one another. Saturn can help slow down Mars’s typical rapid pace, allowing us to focus on what it is we are are working on. Saturn’s essential dignity in Aquarius makes it well equipped to help guide us to shift our perspective from what distracts us to what invigorates us. The two malefic planets can work in tandem to help us achieve our goals.

The last time these two planets were trine was the end of September. Events or projects from this time can be brought back to the forefront of our mind. Completing things we started then can feel especially rewarding durning this time.

I suggest reading the horoscope for your rising sign. Hellenistic tradition also recommends that those born in the day read their Sun sign’s horoscope, while those born at night read their Moon sign’s horoscope.

Scorpio, as the Sun transits through your sign, you are felling the pressure to balance your need for privacy and intimacy. Cultivating your inner world is extremely important to you, but during this month you may feel the desire to simultaneously have time to yourself & to spend time with those who you cherish most.
    It is important to not let this lead to over-controlling behavior. Just because you want two potentially conflicting things at the moment does not mean you have to act upon your impulses.
    You may feel the need to defend yourself over the course of this month, but be careful how you go about honoring yourself. It is important to consider what you say, since you can never take anything back. It can be easy to feel as if you are alone durning this time. Since you are usually not the type to ask for help, now is the best time to teach yourself to recognize when you need help and be patient with yourself.

Sagitarrius, you are spending this month uncovering the roots of your attachments to those closest to you. You are finding it difficult to settle and are becoming restless. You typically find it easy to abandon things that seem hopeless, but you should be reluctant to do that this month. Working through problems can be fruitful and worth the effort it took to see them through.
    Reminding yourself of all the reasons your intimate relationships became so strong can help you preserve them. The past is a mystery to be unearthed when we need to remember why we should appreciate everything we have. Although clues from the present shift our perspective of our memories, there is power in the subjectivity of our memory. It proves that we are able to self reflect and change our understandings as we need to in order to grow. Running from the past can seem rational to you, but being sentimental can be just as reasonable.

Capricorn, November is teaching you the relationship between your community and your daily-life. It can be easy to escape the monotony of your day-to-day routine by surrounding yourself with friends. Do those with whom you choose to surround yourself uphold your routine or distract you from it? Do they plan into the fantasy of yourself or help you create the reality in which you want to live?
    Escaping into the drama of others to avoid your own life will only cause you more problems than it will solve. November is not the month for you to get over involved in socializing and gossiping.
    Taking the time to self reflect on your daily rituals. You should integrate habits that are healthier for you and push you to align yourself with your idealized self.

Aquarius, how do the the things you create align with how you want others to recognize you? November is a good month to create things that represent your most public self. You will find it especially beneficial to put the things you have made into the public. You should post the art you have worked hard on.
    Spending too time trying to perfect your craft will prevent you from trusting other’s perceptions of your work. Are you afraid that people will not like what you have spent so much time creating? Are you worried they will think less of you for not meeting their subjective standards?
    You may notice it is easier for you to balance your need for privacy and recognization. You have come out of a year long period of wrestling with your personal needs and your need for notoriety. There is clarity in your vision for yourself and it will be easier to plan your vision you have of yourself knowing you do not need to succeed at everything at once.

Pisces, there is a lot to be learned about the world through your own family. Take time this month to connect with your family and learn about your linage, this will help put the entire world into perspective when it seems to be weighing you down. Staying grounded by organizing your room can help lead to new epiphanies. November should be a month of rest and finding your understanding of the world at this time through your home.
    It is fine (and even freeing) to not know anything for certain if you have the time and place to collect yourself. You have a family (wether blood or chosen) who will help you teach you about yourself.
    The communities you do not choose for yourself will seem more familiar after this month. You have been spending the past several months trying to understand the way in which the characters in your life operate.

Aries, it is important to understand what compels you to communicate the things you do and to truly understand why you think what you think. The mind operates by interpreting stimuli and reasoning with itself based on past experiences. It can be easy to operate on autopilot, especially when you are distracted by your own goals. Actively listening your inner monologue can give you clues as to why you are thinking and feeling what you happen to be experiencing in any given moment.
    Are there any instincts you have developed that you know do not serve you? What can you do to better help yourself? What have you not fully healed from?
    It is crucial to your wellbeing to forgive yourself and to learn from your mistakes. If you find by the end of this month that you have been monopolizing conversations or being overly sarcastic, it is okay to accept that about yourself and change it.

Taurus, are you cultivating space for yourself or for the perceived needs of those you cherish. You are naturally inclined to provide for others in very practical ways. Relationships are built on trust and consideration, but you need to prioritize taking care of yourself this month.
    You will strengthen your relationships by setting boundaries. Boundaries allow us to be one with ourselves, without them we begin to lose sight and feeling of who we are and become victims to those around us. November will teach you to be your own person & to live for yourself. It is okay to be a little selfish. You can be there for others while making enough time for yourself.
    You are feeling more connected with yourself. It is important to harness this feeling of self assurance in order to maintain strong boundaries with those you love so you can best provide for them.

Gemini, you cannot construct yourself without a routine on which to base your life. You know better than any of us that we are all as metaphysical as we are physical, but getting lost in defining yourself without taking action in the real world can lead to feelings of inadequacy. Being overly cerebral about your self-concept is not sustainable.
    You should not rationalize inaction this month. Pushing yourself to do the things you need will remind you of who you are. Although our day-to-day lives are boring and tiring, they are the foundation of all of the memorable moments we can possibly have. By parenting yourself, you are making time for you to do the things you would like to do.
    You should practice understanding yourself through your external experiences rather than your internal processes this November. Taking a step back from self monitoring will help you adjust your self image for the better. 

Cancer, working through creative blocks can be relieving. It is important to have an external outlet, so you do not get overwhelmed. Even when creating does not seem to be pleasurable, it is necessary for your ability to self regulate. Self expression gives us an external experience by which to understand ourselves. What we make and the delight we experience help us feel whole.
    Even if it seems tiring, boring, or useless, being able to work past your doubts this month will teach you that everything you need is contained within yourself. You do not need anyone’s permission or guidance to take care of yourself. Training yourself to find meaning in the mundane will help you find pleasure in more situations which will then help you appreciate all that you are & all that you have.

Leo, you may feel confused as to why your friendships are not satisfying you this month. Taking time to yourself and reconnecting with yourself in the privacy of your own space can remind you that you need yourself as much as you need others. There is no need to get upset when you miss out on plans when you have more than enough within you to entertain yourself.
    Take time this November to revisit that book you have yet to finish or to purge your belongings. It is important for you to learn to live with yourself so you can maintain your relationships to others.
    You tend to fear those you love may not love you as much if you fail to provide for them— that simply is not true. No one who genuinely cares about you expects you to show up for them 100% of the time. This month, you should exercise your right to say no and to realign yourself.

Virgo, the legacy you are constructing for yourself is tied to those by whom you are surrounded. You would not be were you are in this very moment had you not grown up the way you did or knew all the people you know. honoring all of the steps it took to get you to where you are can alleviate the pressure you put on yourself to make yourself palatable to others. You are notable because you are upheld by others perceptions of you.
    You can broaden your general understanding of the world by reflecting on how you fit into your own community. How others identify you can help you understand how you navigate your life. Your understanding of yourself is more vast than anyone else’s understanding, but it is still one of infinite perceptions of yourself. Do not spend too much time trying to control the narrative— sometimes people will see things in you that you will never see in yourself, but you do not need to uphold their realities.

Libra, you are the basis for your own understanding of the external world. November can be a philosophical and spiritual month for you. You should take time to yourself to reconnect with your ideas and perceptions of the world. Journaling your thoughts can help tether you to the external world in a very healthy and enlightening way.
    You have a tendency to overvalue other’s perceptions, but this month will teach you to value yourself as much as you value others. You are learning who is worth your time, energy, and patience and who is not.
    When we become close to others, we develop a shared lore of how the world works. You trust the perceptions of your friends and they do the same for you. As important is it is to balance your inner world to satisfy your emotional needs, you need to consider the realities of your friends to maintain mental homeostasis.