November 2023 Horoscopes
November 1st, 2023

Last month, the energy shifted from the grandiosity of the summer, and it marked a significant transition into the fall. This month can be tense, but offers room for growth as we dissolve ties to situations that hinder us.

The final eclipse within the Taurus-Scorpio axis was late last month, concluding the two-year-long series of eclipses in these signs. We have been forced to question our values and what is worth indebting ourselves to. To learn from this, we must acknowledge the valuable lessons that have come our way during this period.

Closing out a chapter, these eclipses have encouraged us to reevaluate our priorities, both in our personal lives and in the wider world. They have prompted us to confront the consequences of our choices and rethink the importance of our connections, resources, and desires.

Mars in its domicile of Scorpio is driving the momentum of this month. It rules over several inner planets before they begin to enter Sagittarius. Scorpio can be judgmental and quick to assume the worst. The intensity of Scorpio's energy may cause us to leap to conclusions without taking the time to delve deeper into the underlying truths of a situation, despite this signs innate drive to get to the absolute bottom of things.

Scorpio deals with the awareness of the ever shifting present moment which can make this energy difficult to manage. This acute awareness that the past is continually abandoned as each moment evolves into the next can make it difficult to reconcile transgressions we experience during periods of intense Scorpio transits. It is important to remember that although circumstances change, we can control our reactions to them. The fixed signs are troubled with trying to battle entropy in order to ensure stability within the realm of their elemental association.

Scorpio, the fixed water sign, needs to manage its emotional depth as well as its connections to others. This sign finds its strength in its emotional resilience, but the mismanaged energy of intense emotions can sometimes become a double-edged sword.

As these planets in Scorpio oppose the planets in Jupiter —the planet of wisdom and expansion— during the first three weeks of the month it is important to consider what is actually worth fighting for. Scorpio is dogmatic and can insist on coming to a consensus with others, which is the pitfall of this sign. We may not want to compromise or let go of situations that do not sere us if we are too emotionally invested in them.

Additionally, The oppositions between these planets transitioning out of Scorpio this month and aligning with Uranus may introduce financial challenges, regardless of the specific positions of these signs within your natal chart. The weight from this precarity can cause tension in other areas of life and cause us to question the stability in these parts of our lives. Specifically in America, citizens are worried about inflation given that student loan payments have resumed last month.

Saturn stations direct early in the month after a five month long retrograde period in Pisces. It is at the zeroth degree of this sign, so we will be reflecting on events that transpired around the time it initially entered this sign in March of this year.

Later in the month Mercury will enter its pre-retrograde shadow phase. This two week long period indicates the point in Mercury’s current cycle it will have to retrograde back to over the entirety of its retrogradity, but it is also the moment it begins to slow in its forward movement.

By the end of the month three planets will be in Sagittarius. Transiting Sagittarius stellium. As each planet moves into Sagittarius, they will immediately become square to Saturn in Pisces, dampening this signs fiery spirit. Both signs ruled by Jupiter. Despite the square aspect, there's an underlying affinity between these two signs, as both are traditionally ruled by Jupiter, the planet of growth, wisdom, and abundance. Jupiter is currently retrograding through Taurus, causing both signs to focus on practicality and material matters.

✩ November Second - The Sun in Scorpio Opposes Rx Jupiter in Taurus ✩

The month begins with Sun opposite to Jupiter, which is still trekking backwards through the sign of Taurus. In astrology, when two planets oppose each other they are able to equally aware of and able to influence each other, which can make the energy of these periods tense or hectic.

The transiting Sun represents the collective focus and directs our executive function. Each year, the Sun in Scorpio shifts our mental faculties to become more discerning and helps us to be more shrewd. This astrological transit encourages us to become more insightful, and perspective in our thinking and decision-making processes.

Scorpio's influence on the Sun highlights the sign's natural talent for delving deep into complex matters. This sign underwrites each situation to assess the potential threats and losses that can come with committing to something not sustainable. During this time, we're encouraged to go beyond the surface and scrutinize situations, relationships, and opportunities.

Jupiter has been in Taurus for several months and is currently making its way backwards through this sign. When this planet —which represents expansion, abundance, and rules over philosophy thought— retrogrades in Taurus it arranges situations that cause us to question the very merit the systems we uphold and if our work actually support us. The sun is directly illuminating ways in which we are being drained by our contributions.

The difficulty of oppositions stems from the need to reconcile these opposing forces as they manifest in out reality. Specifically, this Sun-Jupiter opposition amplifies our awareness of our plans, and can make us insecure about our ability to actualize them. We might find ourselves expectant of others at this time or frustrated by the limitations of our own resources available to us at this time.

Although oppositions are considered challenging, much can be learned from them. When two planets face each other in this aspect, they become completely aware of each other, which can be difficult since the opposing sister signs share many similarities given their modality but have distinct differences in perspectives and archetypal expression.

Being able to understand what is shared between these two energies can bring way for new solutions and success. What Taurus and Scorpio share is their ability to evaluate the true value of things. Both fixed signs are concerned with the cost it takes to get something they want, and they appreciate the value of thorough consideration before committing to a course of action.

Scorpio is a sign that deals with the awareness that each moment is changing and that the past is dead as soon as you recognize its transience. Negative transits to planets within this sign can pose challenges, as they may evoke a feeling of powerlessness and an inability to exert control over circumstances.

Using the combined energies of the Sun and Jupiter, it is possible to recognize the effort it has taken you to get to the point you currently are. The energies of these planets encourages a shift in focus from dwelling on potential negative consequences to embracing the equal amount of potential positive outcomes. Recognizing that the past does not entirely define what is possible can help alleviate any deterministic thought patterns that can develop under the influence of this transit.

✩ November Third - Venus in Virgo Opposes Rx Neptune in Pisces ✩

This opposition, which occurs almost annually, brings mutual awareness between Venus, currently in the sign of its fall, Virgo, and Neptune, which is retrograding backwards through the sign of its contemporary domicile, Pisces. As Mercury begins to reach the point in the zodiac that directly opposes Neptune, our tendency to be overly critical in relationships can become heightened. When Venus is in Mercury-ruled Virgo nuances and imperfections within our connections are more visible than ever before.

During this time, we may find ourselves more harshly judging the traits in others that we had previously accepted or overlooked. These qualities, which may have once appeared endearing or forgivable, may now loom in our awareness, potentially triggering a shift in our perception of them. In some cases, these newfound realizations may even make us question the viability of the relationship itself. Given that Neptune can blur our better judgement, it is best to not make hasty decisions at this time.

Alternatively, during the influence of this Venus-Neptune opposition, we might find ourselves tempted to abandon actual romantic prospects in favor of idealized fantasies. Neptune has the ability to obscure the boundaries between reality and dreams, and we become captivated by the allure of what we imagine a relationship could be rather than what it is. This inclination to renounce the present for the allure of the ideal can lead us down a path of longing and dissatisfaction.

Given Venus’s domain of aesthetics and inclinations, this opposition can influence are tastes as well. Tapping into our creativity can be a more positive way to channel the energy of this transit’s influence. Venus in Virgo's critical eye can be harnessed for refining and perfecting creative works, while Neptune's influence can inspire us to utilize aspects of our imagination we may not otherwise consider.
✩ November Fourth - Mercury in Scorpio Opposes Rx Uranus in Taurus; Saturn Stations Direct in Pisces ✩

The third aspect of the month is another opposition which is a continuation of the tense energy of the initial week of November. This Mercury-Uranus opposition within the signs of Scorpio and Taurus puts emphasis on the mental cost of cognition; we are likely to realize that profound realizations or epiphanies may come at a price during the peak of this transit.

While Uranus, the planet of innovation and sudden change, is retrograding through the sign of Taurus, which is associated with stability and material concerns. This juxtaposition within this Uranus transit amplifies the potential for unexpected and disruptive thoughts and revelations of this opposition.

The upheaval and sudden shifts in perspective that can occur under this influence might be mentally taxing or emotionally challenging. It is possible to learn about something that fundamentally changes how you once viewed a specific situation as this aspect perfects on this day.

Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, finds itself in the deep and transformative waters of Scorpio. This placement intensifies our thought processes and rejects the notion of superficiality. During this period we are naturally inclined to explore the hidden and the unspoken aspects of our thoughts. This obsessive thinking and desire to get to the bottom of our own cognitive processes can be overwelming.

The mental clarity and understanding that may emerge during this period can arrive through unexpected or even disruptive events. We might find ourselves discovering something that occupies our thoughts, particularly in connection with occurrences from the initial week of November. This can lead to obsessive thinking, which Mercury in Scorpio is prone to.

When confronting these realizations, it is important to not let the compulsion to dissect every minutiae of the situation to preoccupy you. It can be healing to think more deeply regarding these issues than you may otherwise would, it is not necessary to become over involved with whatever transpired. Nothing can change what you now know after this event, and over analyzing it can potentially hinder your overall well-being and ability to move forward effectively.

Saturn stations direct in Pisces on this day as well, after spending five months moving backwards through this sign. This will intensify the energy of this planet, given that all planetary stations make their energy more pronounced. This station prompts us to reflect on how we've evolved since March, when it initially ingressed into this sign, and to consider how these shifts during its retrograde phase have influenced our perception of reality.

As the outermost visible planet, Saturn represents the boundaries. The furthest limits of Pisces’s realm are constraints imposed by being apart of a complex network that includes all other aspects of existence. The subconscious and collective are ruled by this mutable water sign, which is the last sign of the Zodiac and represents the rebirth all things experience as they move through stages of existence.

It has directed our attention onto the ways in which we define peace while managing our relationships to others during its retrograde period in this sign. Pisces, often associated with boundless compassion and spiritual exploration, doesn't naturally uphold hard boundaries. It embraces the fluidity of existence and the interconnectedness of all things. Saturn, on the other hand, is a planet that enforces limits and structures. Its presence in Pisces forms containers for our imagination and gives structure to our shard responsibility towards others.

We may realized how entangled we truly are with others. The direct station of Saturn in Pisces compels us to confront the practicalities of our interconnectedness and the role we play in the lives of those around us. It encourages us to recognize the weight of our responsibilities not only to ourselves but also to the greater community of which we are all apart.

This heightened awareness of our obligations to others can bring a newfound perspective on compassion, empathy, and the need for structure in our relationships. It reminds us that our actions have ripple effects and that, in order to create a harmonious and balanced existence, we must take accountability for ourselves.

More legistation regarding martime corperations and business is likely to be drafted now that Saturn is direct in this water sign. With Saturn, the planet of structure and discipline, moving forward there may be a heightened focus on creating more comprehensive and stringent regulations within the maritime industry. There may be an emphasis on addressing environmental concerns, ensuring the sustainability of maritime practices, and fostering cooperation between nations for the responsible management of ocean resources.

In astrology, Pisces is associated with transcendence, the mystical, and even the realm of altered consciousness. It's the sign that often blurs the lines between the material world and the spiritual or ethereal realms. When Saturn, the planet of boundaries and structure, enters this domain, it brings with it a focus on understanding and defining the boundaries that should exist within altered states. This includes a profound shift in attention to drug use. Saturn's influence in Pisces forces us to grapple with the implications and responsibilities surrounding the exploration of altered consciousness, pushing us to define the limits and responsibilities associated with such experiences.

As the greater malefic planet, Saturn exerts a powerful force that seeks to dismantle what is no longer sustainable or beneficial, making way for new, more authentic experiences and structures. In this way, it acts as a catalyst for change. As Saturn stations direct, its energy y compels us to reevaluate what we've been clinging to, shedding light on what is no longer viable or supportive in our lives. This planet rewards hard work and dedication; diligently persevering toward our goals can have a positive outcome when working with Saturn.

In mundane astrology, dates when Saturn stations direct indicate a change in global or political affairs. When Saturn initially stationed retrograde, back in June of this year, the United States’ debt surpassed $33 trillion, META lowered the age requirement for its Quest headset users from thirteen to ten, and Putin claimed that “Ukraine’s armed forces have no chance.” Themes from these events are likely to resurface around the time of Saturn’s direct station in Pisces early in the month.

✩ November Sixth - Venus in Virgo is Trine to Pluto in Capricorn; Mercury in Scorpio is Trine to Rx Neptune in Pisces ✩

Two simultaneous trines are occurring this day, making it a more positively influential end to the first week of the month compared to the earlier transits this November.

Venus in Virgo forms a trine with Pluto in Capricorn. This planetary alignment combines the analytical and discriminating qualities of Virgo with the transformative and powerful energy of Pluto in Capricorn. Although Venus struggles in this sign, Pluto is able to help it contextualize the resources Virgo offers this planet.

Instead of focusing solely on the perceived imperfections or critical details, this alignment encourages us to recognize the inherent value in Virgo's analytical and discriminating nature. Virgo can be quite judgmental, but this Venus-Pluto trine enables us to read between the lines and grasp the unspoken emotions and intentions that often linger beneath the surface of our interactions.

Pluto, with its transformative influence on Venus, is able to peel back the layers, revealing the deeper truths that underlie our relationships and experiences. It offers an opportunity to embrace the complexities and nuances in our interactions, and can lead to an understanding of any hidden dynamics at play.

At the same time, Mercury in Scorpio forms a trine with retrograde Neptune in Pisces, marking a transition from the recent opposition to Uranus. The easing of the mercurial tension allows us to harness the change in perspective that arose from the separating Mercury-Uranus opposition. Instead of experiencing cognitive tension as a source of disruption, we can now be inspired by it.

While Mercury is making a positive aspect to Neptune, we can more easily channel this energy into writing. Given that both planets are within water signs, this trine also encourages us to release any grudges or resentments that we may have been holding onto in our relationships. Neptune's influence allows us to approach forgiveness and understanding. This is a good period to either work on creative projects or to journal.

It's important to remain aware that the influence of Neptune, while inspiring, can also lead to idealization and illusion. The more challenging manifestation of this energy may create a sense of confusion or disillusionment, as the boundary between reality and fantasy blurs. It is important to remain grounded and aware of what is realistic and reasonable as this aspect perfects.

✩ November Eighth - Venus Ingresses into Libra ✩

By the second week of the month, Venus departs the sign of its exile and enters Libra, one of the two signs over which it has planetary rulership. It will remain in this sign for the rest of November. Once Venus, the planet that governs love, aesthetics, and our interpersonal relationships, enters its domicile sign, it will be able to conduct itself much more easily than in Virgo.

Venus in Libra encourages us to focus on diplomacy and the cultural development of beauty, emphasizing the importance of maintaining harmony and balance in our connections with others.

We can expect a tonal shift in the area of our natal chart governed by Libra, bringing with it a sense of equilibrium and fairness. This transition marks a positive aspect of the month, fostering a balanced perspective on our relationships and interactions with others.

Venus’s entrance into Libra can heal some of the social tensions that occurred during the eclipse season last month. This transit encourages us to seek compromise, prioritize understanding, and embrace fairness in our connections with others, which can remedy any social disruptions that occurred during the eclipse in this sign in the middle of last month.

On the twenty-ninth of November, Venus not only joins the same degree as the South Node but also conjoins the partile point of Israel's ascendant. This indicates the potential for a shift in Israel's approach to the situation in Gaza or in how other countries will handle Israel’s attacks on Gaza. There may be attempts for negotiations regarding Israel’s attack on the Palestinians Gaza.

Venus, associated with diplomacy and conferences, entering this alignment with the south node and Israel’s ascendant, suggests that there may be further consequences to how Israel is perceived by other nations, especially considering that the UN has called for a ceasefire during an emergency meeting on October twenty-seventh.

✩ November Tenth - Mercury Ingresses into Sagittarius and becomes to Square Saturn in Pisces ✩

Once Mercury enters Sagittarius it will be in one of the two signs of its detriment. A planet is considered to be in its detriment in a sign where its energies and characteristics are less naturally attuned and expressed, making it difficult for Mercury to function within the confines of this essential dignity.

Sagittarius, which is ruled by Jupiter, is known for its optimistic and philosophic nature which causes this sign to think expansively. This expression is notably distinct from Mercury's inherent qualities.

Mercury, the planet governing communication and thought processes, is inclined toward detail-oriented, analytical thinking. It thrives on the systematic and comprehensive understanding of information. In contrast to Sagittarius' wide-ranging approach to communicating, Mercury's typical process involves breaking concepts down into smaller, more manageable components.

Now that Saturn has retraced its steps back to the zeroth degree of Pisces, Mercury will immediately become square to it once it enters Sagittarius. Both signs are mutable and ruled by Jupiter —the planet of expansion and growth— so they share an inherent adaptability and a readiness to embrace change and remain open to new opportunities.

Despite their similarities, these two signs manifest their mutable qualities in differing elements and are apart of opposing polarities.

Sagittarius, as a fire sign, exemplifies the qualities of enthusiasm, initiative, and an active approach to life. It embraces the yang or outward-oriented polarity, which emphasizes assertiveness, forward momentum, and a desire to conquer new horizons. This sign is driven by the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, and it thrives on exploration and intellectual expansion, specifically. In contrast, Pisces, as a water sign, embodies the attributes of empathy, receptivity, and a more inward-oriented perspective. It belongs to the yin polarity, which places a strong focus on introspection, emotions, and the inner realms of the subconscious. Pisces encourages us to explore the depths of our emotional and intuitive experiences and to embrace the interconnectedness of all things.

The tension of these two planets placed ninety degrees apart during the second week of November can lead to difficulty in communication and this misplaced energy can cause us to overthink. Our tendency to overthink under the influence of this transit can cause slowness in communication.

The square between Mercury and Saturn can lead to difficulty in conveying our thoughts and ideas. The channels of communication become strained by Saturn’s inclination to impose restraint, making it harder to express ourselves with the ease we might desire. We may find ourselves trapped in certain thought patterns or rigid beliefs, making it challenging to embrace new perspectives or adapt to changing situations.

Despite the inherent challenges posed by the Mercury-Saturn square, there are positive qualities that can be cultivated during this period. The tension between Mercury and Saturn can motivate us to refine our thought processes and communication skills. We may develop a greater capacity for mental discipline, focusing our energies on tasks that demand sustained mental work.

The influence of Saturn can bring a sense of responsibility and order to our mental pursuits, ensuring that we approach our tasks with thoroughness and precision. It is also a good time to get to the bottom of the problem in order to create new solutions.

✩ November Eleventh - Mars in Scorpio Opposes Rx Uranus in Taurus ✩

Mars, in one of its two natural signs, is exactly opposite to Uranus in Taurus on this date. This challenging transit gives us awareness of the ways in which our environment is changing, which can affect our sense of stability during the second week of the month.

This energy can be difficult to manage and can cause feelings of restlessness and impulsiveness. Mars in Scorpio is especially invigorated, as it brings forth a passionate and intense energy that's deeply invested in transformative pursuits. Mars, the planet that indicates how we exert our authority, is extremely efficient in this sign. Scorpio is determined and can become all-consumed by its desires and need to achieve its goals in relation to them. As Mars transits though this sign, we are possessed by a profound sense of purpose.

Although Mars is powerful in Scorpio, it is being challenged by Uranus in the opposing sign, Taurus. This alignment between Mars and Uranus heightens our awareness of the shifts occurring in our surroundings, especially those related to security, possessions, and resources – areas closely associated with Taurus. This tension between our sense of security and our capacity to exert control over ourselves can lead to impulsive behaviors.

The influence of Uranus on Mars can lead to sudden insights and epiphanies, which can bring about a sense of instability if we become aware of something that challenges the perceived foundations on which we rely for a sense of security.

Additionally, we might find ourselves frustrated at the rate at which events are progressing. Alternatively, we may find ourselves feeling powerless in regards to situations that abruptly end during the time of this opposition. Ultimately, this pressure might compel us to make decisions for which we don't feel adequately prepared in the moment.

We may feel inspired to take action on things that came into our cognitive awareness around the fourth of the month when Mercury in Scorpio was making this same aspect to Uranus. The restlessness and drive for transformation that this opposition signifies can lead us to confront limitations and break free from routine. It is important to consider the long term implications of our actions at this time and to avoid impetuous reactions to situations that are outside of our control.

✩ November Thirteenth - New Moon in Scorpio in Scorpio Opposes Rx Uranus in Taurus ✩

Shortly after the Mars-Uranus opposition, the Sun will make this same opposition, extending the ongoing restlessness of this configuration. Although Mars has started to move away from its opposition to Uranus, it still remains in strong aspect to it while simultanously forming a conjunction with the Sun, over which it rules.

This New Moon marks the end of this past Eclipse season that transpired last month, given that the eclipse season completely concludes by the time of the next lunation. 

As the Moon meets the Sun at its exact degree in Scorpio, it will also simultanously become opposite to Uranus. This configuration of the new Moon in Scorpio opposing retrograde Uranus in Taurus can lead to emotional volatility and a sense of instability.

When the Sun opposes Uranus, our intrinsic will to exist confronts the very nature of sudden transformations. The restless need for incessant change that this opposition embodies can lead to a compulsive sense of rebelliousness. We may find ourselves compelled to challenge the established norms and seek out innovative approaches to channel our life's direction.

This energy can create a powerful creative impulse, but it may also bring challenges in sustaining a single direction long enough to see a task through to completion. This transit, which begins around the tenth of the month, perfects on this date, and continues for about three more days, invites us to balance our need for change and personal expression with the practical aspects of life.

Given that Taurus and Scorpio reside along the financial axis within the zodiacal wheel, the opposition between the Sun and Uranus will cause us to confront the the scarcity of our creative drive and the limitations of our personal identity.

The main resource by which all other resources derive value is time, so although this series of oppositions between the planets in Scorpio and Taurus can deal with the physical resources available to us, they could expose the ways we waste time on things that do not benefit us. This seven day period in which this transit is activated offers an opportunity to harness the creative and innovative potential of this opposition while also managing the need for consistency and follow-through in our pursuits.

The new moon in Scorpio occurs when the Moon joins the Sun at the twentieth degree of Scorpio at 1:26 am PST (4:26 am EST). Each month's new moon provides us with an opportunity to initiate new beginnings, particularly within the realm of life associated with the zodiac sign in which it occurs. In the case of the new Moon in Scorpio, Scorpio's deep and intense emotional nature is magnified.

Scorpio is traditionally said to be a challenging placement for the Moon, given that the Moon is considered to be in its fall when it is in this sign. The Moon struggles to fully express its natural qualities within the realm of this fixed water sign; this can make the annual lunations in this sign comparatively more difficult. The Moon represents our emotional responses, intuition, and how we process sensory information. Scorpio's drive to focus onto the past and to understand it as a means of navigating the future can create a sense of being caught between what was and what might be. This focus on the past and future can make it difficult for us to exist fully in the present moment, as they are often preoccupied with what has transpired and what is yet to come when the Moon transits through this sign.

As the Moon aligns with the Sun in Scorpio, it prompts us to explore the depths of our emotional nature. Scorpio's energy deals with transformation and rebirth, and it encourages us to confront our fears, obsessions, and unresolved issues. This experience is exacerbated considering both luminaries will meet at the opposing zodiacal point to Uranus in Taurus.

Uranus's influence on the New Moon can bring unexpected insights and sudden changes, often challenging our established routines and beliefs. When it opposes the Scorpio new Moon, it can trigger a sense of urgency in addressing deep-seated emotions, fears, and unresolved issues.

The combination of Scorpio's emotional depth and Uranus's disruptive influence can cause internal tension and turmoil as we try to reconcile with the reality of our emotions and the past we have to leave behind. With the conclusion of the recent series of eclipses along this axis, the absence of further eclipses underscores the need for self-guided introspection and transformation. It's a moment to reflect on the lessons and experiences of the two past years.

Fixed rising sign individuals find themselves facing a crucial period in which they reassess their relationship with external perceptions. With a strong sense of determination and consistency, they may be more focused on maintaining their current image and reputation. For those with cardinal ascendants, the emphasis is on stability and grounding. The cardinal signs naturally lead and initiate, but they may now find themselves questioning the pace at which they are moving forward. Mutable sign individuals are prompted to address how they relate to others, as their adaptability and changeability may have made them quite versatile but also prone to indecision.

✩ November Seventeenth - The Sun and Mars Conjoin in Scorpio while they are Trine to Neptune in Pisces ✩

As the Sun and Mars conjoin in Scorpio, their powerful union is complemented by a positive trine aspect to Neptune in Pisces. This celestial alignment adds a mystical and spiritual dimension to the already intense Scorpio energy, making it a particularly transformative alignment.

Shortly after the new Moon in Scorpio, the Sun and Mars meet in this sign. This Mars Cazimi is especially powerful since Mars rules over itself and the Sun. During this transit our inner drive and determination are heightened and we are likely to feel the need to assert our will onto reality.

Given the beneficial trine to Neptune in Pisces, this trine allows us to transmute our assertiveness with a deep understanding of our emotions and a heightened connection to our inner selves and with sensitivity to the reality of others.

There is potential for controversy due to boldness during the course of this alignment. When The Sun and Mars converge in a sign, they can inflate the ego and our sense of self importance. This can make us overly assertive and insensitive, creating a combustible environment where conflicts can arise. This can lead to anger or resentment when situations do not bend to our whims.

This Cazimi serves as a reset point for the Mars cycle, marking a new stage in the Mars synodic cycle, which typically spans two years. As the last Mars-Sun conjunction occurred on October 8, 2021 in Libra, this marks the initiation of a fresh Mars synodic cycle. There's a palpable need for change in our circumstances as this conjunction becomes exact. This energy will shape the next two years of this Mars cycle.

As the Sun and Mars meet in Scorpio, both planets will be trine to Neptune in Pisces. With this configuration, we might find ourselves drawn to the spiritual and mystical aspects of life, particularly those related to the mysteries of the unknown. This can be a period when we explore our intuition and delve into spiritual practices. The alignment encourages us to seek deeper meaning in our actions, which can be as mundane as setting intentions for yourself through the day or as profound as beginning to incorporate esoteric practices into your daily life.

When this conjunction in Scorpio forms a trine with Neptune, it amplifies our ability to project an idea onto reality, making it a time when our creative and visionary energies are heightened. This aspect allows us to manifest our desires with a certain charisma and magnetism. It's important to note that, while this energy can be used for positive and inspiring purposes, it can also have a deceptive quality. When trying to convince others of something, be sure that it is out of passion and not a latent drive to manipulate them. 

✩ November Twenty-second - The Sun Ingresses into Sagittarius and becomes Square to Saturn in Pisces ✩

As we enter the third week of November, Sagittarius season begins once the Sun moves into this sign. This marks the end of the fall and the weeks leading up to the beginning of winter.

This transition from Scorpio to Sagittarius signifies a shift in energy from deep introspection and transformation to a more expansive, adventurous, and optimistic outlook. While Scorpio is inherently untrusting, Sagittarius corrects this quality by having faith in the just order of the universe.

Sagittarius, the mutable fire sign ruled by Jupiter, is associated with exploration, freedom, and an innate drive for new sources of knowledge. This sign is concerned with matters of higher education, politics, and logistics. It trusts its innate value and worthiness of good things to navigate through challenging situations.

Like the other fire signs in the zodiac, Sagittarius possesses a strong individual will and sense of autonomy. Sagittarius is concerned with exploration and expansion of ideas. During this month long period, we are likely to find ourselves more interested in new realms of thought and concerned with political matters.

The Sun's immediate square aspect to Saturn in Pisces, however, introduces a note of caution and discipline into this fiery energy. Saturn's influence emphasizes responsibility, structure, and the need to confront reality. The square aspect often signifies a tension between the energies of these two planets, suggesting that our desire for expansion and freedom may be met with limitations or challenges.

There is a shared commonality between Sagittarius and Pisces since they are co-ruled by Jupiter —the planet of growth, abundance, and wisdom, which is currently making its way backwards through the sign of Taurus. We may feel unequipped to resolve large issues during this time despite being able to see the need for solutions given that both signs associated with this planets are at odds during the initial days of the Sun’s ingress into Sagittarius.

✩ November Twenty-fourth - Mars Ingresses into Sagittarius and becomes Square to Saturn in Pisces ✩

Following the beginning of this year’s Sagittarius season, Mars will also enter this sign and like the Sun, it will become square to Saturn in Pisces.

When Mars moves through this mutable fire sign our energy stores seem boundless. We can find ourselves driven by a need for enlightenment and scholasticism. Our ambitions and desires become fueled by the seemingly limitless potential this transit offers.

We might be more excited during this time due to increased optimism and enjoyment of existing in the moment. We will be more driven to pursue things that algin with what we believe in.

It is easy to get distracted by the allure what has yet to come when Mars is in this sign. Despite this sign’s ability to live in the moment, it is also existing in anticipation for what will become of the current moment.

The difficult aspect to Saturn in Pisces introduces a layer of restraint and caution. We are going to have to confront what we are incapable of changing at the onset of this ingress due to its square positioning to Saturn in Pisces. Saturn's influence in Pisces can highlight our emotional and spiritual boundaries, reminding us of the responsibility of our dreams and aspirations. We may be paralyzed by the abundance of options and things to do during the initial onset of this ingress.

✩ November Twenty-fifth - Mercury Pre-retrograde Shadow Period Begins in Sagittarius ✩

Mercury begins to lose its foreword momentum now that it has entered its pre-retrograde shadow period on this date. The events that transpire over the course of the next two weeks before Mercury begins moving backwards, will shape its upcoming retrograde.

During this time, the pace of our thoughts and new ideas are slowed given the change in Mercury's foreword momentum.

This date also signifies the degree within Sagittarius to which Mercury will eventually retrace its steps before the retrograde concludes on January first of next year. This degree acts as a focal point for revisiting and reevaluating matters related to Sagittarian themes, such as belief systems, higher education, and foreign travel.

Mercury has difficulty managing itself within the confines of the Sagittarius archetype. Sagittarius is known for its expansive, free-spirited, and philosophical nature, while Mercury governs communication, thought processes, and information. Mercury in Sagittarius may find itself challenged to narrow down its focus, as this placement encourages broad thinking and exploration of thought. The change in Mercury's typical rapidity slows down our mental processes, encouraging us to take a more deliberate and contemplative approach to our thinking, which can be difficult for this fire sign. It is important to exercise caution in our communication and decision-making as Mercury prepares for its retrogradity next month.

✩ November Twenty-seventh - Full Moon in Gemini; Mercury in Sagittarius is Square to Rx Neptune in Pisces ✩

As the month comes to an end, the moon will become full in Gemini. Full moons are always prominent moments in the lunar cycle, marking a culmination, a release, or a time of awareness of what to let go. With the Sun shining directly onto the moon in Gemini, our focus will shift to matters of communication and cognition. Gemini acts as a translator and believes in sharing information freely.

This dynamic can be seen as a reflection of the broader societal dynamics. The Moon, symbolizing the people in mundane , is in opposition to the Sun, representing the government. Mercury's square to Neptune may indicate a heightened awareness of the potential for propaganda, misinformation, and the manipulation of truth in public discourse.

Sagittarius' energy encourages a search for higher knowledge and the truth, while Neptune, retrograding in the sign of Pisces, can represent a tendency to over-sympathize with others and sometimes fall victim to idealistic illusions.

We will also need to determine how many conflicting perspectives can we uphold. Gemini does not shy away from seeing both sides of any issue, but this can complicate our interpersonal relationships under the new moon. It is possible that we will have to validate someone’s experience at the expense of a mutually exclusive perspective of anther.

There is room for issues to develop our of misunderstandings, especially within the Gemini sector of your natal chart. It is important to empathize with the perspectives of others, but it's equally important to avoid getting entangled in situations where you lack all the facts on the matter. Full moons tend to heighten emotions and tensions, making it more likely for us to seek ways to release pent-up energy.

At this time, the Moon’s ruler —Mercury in Sagittarius— is square to retrograde Neptune in Pisces, making it difficult for Mercury to make distinctions between things and sifting through accurate information. It can be challenging to process things with lucidity during this lunation.

In astrology, squares are aspects that create tension, and when Mercury, the planet of communication and thought, is in a square aspect with Neptune, the planet that signifies illusion, it highlights the potential for confusion and misinformation. Sagittarius, where Mercury resides at the time of this lunation, is known for its pursuit of truth. However, the square to Neptune in Pisces can challenge our perception of reality, making it more difficult to discern fact from distortions of the truth.

Both planets in Sagittarius are ruled by Jupiter in Taurus at this time, which is retrograde and making no aspects on this date. This can indicate that conversations will focus on material matters and our sense of security.

The Moon's close proximity to the USA's natal Uranus placement, housed within its seventh house, carries historical significance, often associated with times of conflict in American history. In this context, the Moon symbolizes the collective sentiment, while the United State’s seventh house is linked to open or known enemies. The consensus of American citizens are likely to greatly differ with that of the government as the Moon and the Sun oppose each other on this date.

The fallout from these dissonances is apparent, given that President Biden's approval rating has recently experienced a decline according to a Gallup poll after the beginning of the Israel-Hamas war on October seventh.

With the planetary ruler of both the Sun —representing the government in mundane astrology— and Mercury —symbolizing the press and news— retrograding in Taurus suggests that the government is striving to convey the message that its association with Israel is consistent with the values and the widespread desire for stability among the population, that is currently struggling with increased poverty rates.

The financial motivators influencing both the Sun and Mercury underscore the pivotal role of economic factors driving these governmental decisions and media coverage. It's a period when fiscal matters carry substantial weight in shaping policy and news narratives, highlighting the enduring influence of monetary stability on public affairs.

I suggest reading the horoscope for your rising sign. Hellenistic tradition also recommends that those born in the day read their Sun sign’s horoscope, while those born at night read their Moon sign’s horoscope.

Scorpio, does it heal you to comprehend yourself or does it sting to know that being yourself will always alienate you from others? You will never be enough for everyone and this month you are prioritizing your drive and need for autonomy over making yourself palatable for others.
    Your confidence is at its peak this month, which is making you more bold and daring. You can find yourself taking calculated risks for your own benefit and growth. You are not willing to compromise for the sake of maintaining relationships with others. You might find yourself distancing yourself from those who do not understand the truths about reality that you already know. You are finding power is distancing yourself from any situation that does not invigorate you.
    Relationships can be difficult for you to manage this month so it is best to avoid gossip. Your energy is finite and is better invested in self-expression than focusing on others. Conversations that can be used against you should be avoided to ensure you are not getting wrapped up in circumstances that do not foster your development.

Sagittarius, in order to help others, you have to be aware of how you can become your own undoing. You are driven by your sense of faith that things will work out in the end, and you know that despite how random the universe seems to be, it is somehow just.
    You may realize that the solutions to your path ahead are found in self-sufficiency. Your self-assured nature is one of your many strengths, and discovering comfort in diligence can alleviate the burden of planning every detail leading into the future. What will come is already on its way, and focusing on each moment you find the freedom to embrace what will be without the weight of worrying too much about it.
    It may difficult for you to let go of lingering resentment in regards to unfolding circumstances during the first half of the month. You might feel trapped by where you are, and frustrated by your inability to anything about it. It is important to not blame others for things that are also outside of their control as you grapple with these feelings of isolation or confinement.

Capricorn, you might be deliberately seeking out new experiences to estrange yourself from your friends this month. Exploring new avenues of self expression is important, but do not expect others to understand or embrace what you are going through in the same way you do.
    The tension within your social circles may stem from wanting more recognition or from remaining steadfast in your convictions. It may feel unnatural to ask for more praise since you recognize the merit in value of earning it through your actions, but it can help to express your feelings to your closest friends this month. If you find yourself in disagreements with others, it may be best to take some time to yourself to reevaluate those friendships.
    Pivoting from situations where you do not feel understood can make way for new opportunities that align with your changing goals. You may feel inspired by new people and wanting to collaborate with them. These new relationships and projects and lead to new career opportunities.
    The energy of this month can also be utilized to close any skill gaps you may have become aware of recently. You have new insight into how your daily habits are helping or harming you, so prioritizing practicing these skills can be especially rewarding.

Aquarius, you will have to question the nature of your friendships this month as you face the need to change how you want to be perceived. You may reach a point where the responsibilities you once accepted leave you feeling disillusioned, as you become increasingly aware of the direction in which you truly aspire to be.
    You might be feeling confident given this newfound awareness of your trajectory, but this might cause issues relating to your home life or your family. This can feel destabilizing, but is ultimately a necessary aspect of your circumstances this month.
    This can prompt you to truly understand the value of money as you struggle to manage these conflicting responsibilities. Anything that allows you freedom may seem like salvation during this time. Creating art or working on passion projects can help to ease the tension and provide an outlet for your creative energies as you navigate the month of November.

Pisces, your conversations are guiding you this month. You are learning more about yourself by communicating with others.
    You're directing your attention towards creating your self-identity. You are able to more clearly understand yourself through the values of your community. You may not be respected for your unique perspective by everyone, but it is not your responsibility to try to make your reality meet their emotional needs. This can alter the dynamics of some of your relationships, but you will have a more defined sense of self the more you remain true to what you know.
    Additionally, you might be dealing with family issues stemming from your work obligations. You might have to mitigate family drama while dealing with your responsibilities at work, or perhaps you are unable to take time off to be with them.

Aries, you taking embracing change as it gives you the means to escape where you once were. This month, you are recognizing the importance of creating stability for yourself in this moment as a foundation for your future.
    Your focus is directed to material and financial matters this month. You might have the impulse to spend money as you are saving it, but it is important to consider your long term goals. Restraint is key to managing your resources.
    Ultimately, you are dealing with debt this month. What you owe yourself in the present represents something you indebted yourself to in the past. Coming to terms with the fact that, in some part, you helped to create these limitations for yourself can actually help you to free yourself from them.

Taurus, you are dealing with your relationships to others this November. This can be exciting, since you are working on maintaining new relationships, but you may also find yourself comparing yourself to others at this time.
    Despite your focus on relationships, you may develop issues if your long term goals may conflict with the consensus of your peers around this time. You might want to start something new, while those around you are content with what already is.
    This can leave you feeling as if your talents are not being supported. It's essential to strike a balance between your own aspirations and the desires of those close to you. While seeking support and validation is natural, staying true to what you know you want is equally important.

Gemini, your career is your focus this month as you begin to recognize how much you have lost by overextending yourself to others. This could’ve lead to recent burnout, leaving you uninspired in your work.
    You might be working harder now to overcompensate for your lack of innate drive in this area of your life. Now you could be dealing with poor health or letting your own routine slip as you try to manage your responsibilities to your workplace.
    It is important to be there for those you love, and to help your colleagues when you can, but it should never come at the expense of your own limited energy. You might need to overcome anxieties relating to isolation in order to better manage your own needs this month. This can lead to some tension with others by the end of the month, but taking care of yourself first allows you to be of better service to them.

Cancer, you are learning to make things work for yourself, but there is no need to tend to your wounds alone while you are remaining busy. You have the opportunity to be recognized for all that you have been working towards.
    Do not let your drive and passion prevent you from connecting with others. You are able to create thing from very little, given your resourcefulness, but this may be exhausting. You might find that you have minimal room to explore new avenues given how busy you have become.
    Balancing your need to feel self-actualized and taking care of yourself is difficult, but necessary. Any time you take away from creating or working diligently is time spent refreshing yourself when you are ready to get back to work.

Leo, you are learning to guard yourself after recognizing the value in privacy. You love to be seen, but you've come to understand the power that comes from occasionally concealing your true self.
    Perception is all about control, and the ability to choose when you reveal yourself is an asset in it of itself. You may be working on your long term business goals in private this month. You could be hesitant to discuss things that haven't yet materialized to shield them from premature judgment, which may prevent them from happening at all.
    This new superstitious outlook can lead you to being more self expressive in other ways. You may be more driven to work on thing to eventually share them. This internal shift can serve as a source of motivation, encouraging you to invest in your creative projects and hone your talents, knowing that you will be prepared to present them when you are ready to do so.

Virgo, it might be time for a reality check if you haven't been entirely honest with yourself about your connection to your home and your relationships with others. Perhaps your focus has been primarily on ensuring everyone else's needs are met, leaving you uncertain about how to express your own feelings.
    It is possible that a stranger can help you better than your best friends can at this point. What are you trying to run away from in your search of finding a place where you belong?
    You are recognizing that you have more clarity in relationships this month, but you might be help back by your anxiety of being deceived by these new people in your life. You need to focus on trusting others this month. Sometimes relationships are not meant to last longer than the impact of knowing the person, but you are not responsible for carrying the burden of other people’s issues with you.

If others are not supportive of where you are headed, you do not need to pander to them. You are capable of carving out a space world for yourself and make it bend to your needs. You do not have to dull yourself for anyone who does not respect what you offer to the world.

Libra, your jealousy is as natural as it is self defeating. You are feeling deserving this month, but perhaps you are unable to quit compulsively comparing yourself to others.
    What works for someone probably would not even suit you. Your life is yours to live and what you make of it is a reflection of your unique lived experiences. Be careful to not attach your sense of self worth to your perceivable material reality this month, but to recognize your current surroundings as the embodiment of your past manifestations and desires.
    What you once wanted you likely have or recognize you never even truly wanted. Anything that you crave with your entire being now is either coming to you or does not fit with the future you are creating.