March 2024 Horoscopes
March 5th, 2024 

The astrology of this month forces us to question our position within society and reassess our genuine needs in a world that may not always accommodate them. Last month the inner planets were moving into Aquarius and over the course of March they will be entering Pisces. As the last two signs of the zodiac, both Aquarius and Pisces are concerned with society at large, but while Aquarius is concerned with innovation, technological advancement and restructuring society, Pisces exists to remind us that we are all connected to each other in ways we cannot always comprehend. Progress without concern for humanity leads to further control and alienation.

We are being pushed into new social backdrops this month as the planets still in Aquarius square Uranus before these inner planets move into Pisces. Although this may be initially stressful, this shift into March is easier than the shift from January to February. The compiling stress of February is slowing unraveling and as the dust settles and we can see our present situation with more clarity. Although there are no retrograde stations this month, Mercury will enter it’s pre-retrograde shadow by end of the second week of March and eclipse season will resume at the end of the month, both of which will bring some turbulence. This eclipse will echo whatever was happening in your life back in October durning the last eclipse season.

As planets made their way into Aquarius and made their subsequent conjunctions with Pluto last month, we were able to see how Pluto will transform us as it takes shape in this fixed air sign. Pluto symbolizes renewal, transformation, the destruction of old to make room for the new, and unveiling the hidden depths beneath the surface. Within the realms of Aquarius, Pluto deals with decryption of information, propaganda, understanding the distinction of who is apart of your in groups and who is not, bringing those at the periphery of society out of the margins, and the ethics surrounding developing technologies. Last month, Mercury, Venus, and Mars made their ingresses into Aquarius, thus conjoining this outermost planet. Due to its archetypal nature, it intesnifies whatever it touches, so each of the inner planets was put under a magnifying glass while conjoining this planet over the course of this past month. This contributed to the tension that propelled us into each new week of February. Now that planets are moving out of this sign, there will be less pressure until they begin making hard aspects to Pluto once they start making there ingresses into Taurus.

From March until June, all planets (apart from the moon which cycles through each of the zodiac signs every twenty-eight days) will be in Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus; these are the last two and first two signs in zodiacal sequence. The pileup of the planets in these four signs can lead to some tension as more planets are conjunct, square, or sextile with no means to be trine or opposed to one another. We will have to work on transmuting the tension of all the Aquarius-Taurus squares from last month into motivation as these planets move into Pisces and begin sextiling Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. Although the sextile is considered a postivie aspect, it takes more active work to harness than the trine, so we are still under pressure as we reap the benefits of what we sew over the course of these next few months. With planets exiting their square positioning to Jupiter and Uranus, there will be less pressure to keep us focused, so it will be necessary for us to maintain momentum ourselves and within our social groups.

★ March Third - Venus in Aquarius is Square to Uranus in Taurus ★

The opening transit of the month is a square between Venus and Uranus, both in fixed signs. This square will bring tensions regarding the stability of our relationships to the forefront of our awareness. Venus represents our desire and active participation in our relationships, while Uranus can bring about sudden changes or disruptions.

Last month, Venus conjoined Pluto upon entering Aquarius, which moved us into new directions, socially. Many of us are beginning to find the new social circles in which we now belong after struggling to find spaces that feel liberating. Now, a little over three weeks after this ingress, we will have to consider the true cost of all of our relationships. Uranus in Taurus reminds us that stability is actually ephemeral and expensive to maintain. We can lose more of ourselves trying to hold onto relationships that no longer support how we are growing than by distancing ourselves from them.

This energy can be channelled into developing new bonds that support whoever it is you are currently becoming. Your relationships should serve you, you should not serve the existence of a relationship that is not currently viable. It might be easy to severe ties to others under this transit, but it can be more wise to distance yourself form people who are draining or judging you at this time in order to reestablish this connection later.

★ March Eighth - Mercury and Neptune conjoin in Pisces ★

Mercury is currently in one of the two signs of its exile: Pisces. It has trouble managing itself in these two Jupitarian signs since Mercury focuses on minute details, while Jupiter is expansive and concerned with a broader understanding of things.

With Neptune influencing Mercury, which is already debilitated in this sign, we might be more prone to confusion and believing too much before getting enough details. This is not an ideal time to share or believe all information you encounter as fact without adequate and reputable sources. Understand that all images and videos can be doctored and AI will only get better, making it difficult to find real information. Under this transit, we can find ourselves questioning the supposed truths that fuel traditional media outlets at this time.

Despite this illusionary influence, This is an ideal time to work on new creative pursuits, especially ones that involve world building, creating a unique narrative, or writing. It may be difficult to work on these projects while Mercury is still in Pisces, but Neptune’s influence will influence our creativity since Neptune is able to emphasize Pisces’s innate creative energy.

★ March Ninth - Mars in Aquarius is Square to Uranus in Taurus; Mercury Ingresses Into Aries ★

Following Venus’s square to Uranus in the first week of the month, Mars in Aquarius will make the same aspect to this outer planet. Difficult aspects between Mars and Uranus have the potential to be violent or destructive and can cause technological issues. Specifically, this can lead to car issues or problems with other mechanical devices.

Issues that began the week prior under the Venus-Uranus square may be exacerbated at this time, now that Mars is facing this turbulent energy. Mars in Aquarius asserts itself through its ideals and by creating useful networks for itself. When it is square to Uranus in Taurus, the stability these beliefs and communities offer is challenged.

It is important to assess the severity of any issues before acting at this time, since Mars can be reckless, especially when provoked by Uranus. If drama arises, you need to consider: what is the actual issue and what is the cost of ending that relationship? Sometimes it is necessary to take a step back to consider the bigger picture.

Also on this day, Mercury moves into Aries, freeing it from its debilitation in Pisces. Aries, as the first sign of the zodiac, symbolizes the inner impetus that propels us into action. With Mercury in Aries, our attention shifts towards our individual drives, ambitions, and innovative concepts.

Under Mercury in Aries's influence, we're encouraged to pursue our ideas with vigor, often without dwelling too much on their feasibility. The inherent audacity of Aries fosters a sense of liberation, enabling us to manifest our ideas; however, this can also generate tension, primarily due to the potential clash between our impulsive actions and the practical realities we may overlook.

For the first nine days of this transit, we will be empowered by Aries’s boldness, but it will enter its pre-retrograde shadow on the eighteenth, making it difficult to continue with this new momentum. It is best to get any Mercurial tasks finished before it enters its pre-retrograde shadow to ensure that they do not become issues during the actual retrograde.

We will have to revisit these themes as Mercury begins to slow down later this month, preparing for its retrograde station next month.

★ March Tenth - New Moon In Pisces ★

This new moon in Pisces offers new beginnings in our understanding of our position in the world. As the Sun and the Moon meet in this sign, we are confronted with the nature of our own egos. Both luminaries will be sextile to Uranus at the hour of this new moon. Last month’s new moon was square to Uranus, so this easier, more flowing aspect should ease tensions that arose around the ninth of February.

We contain infinite potential, mirrored back to us by the entirety of the universe. As the Moon meets the Sun on this day, it's important to remember that you are not confined to any singular experience. Your life is a continuation of all existence that came before you and that will come into the world after you. It can be easy to slip into nihilistic thinking when grappling with how small we are in comparison to everything else in the universe, but it's crucial to recognize that our interconnectedness with the universe reflects our boundless capacity for growth and transformation.

Since this new moon will be sextile to Uranus this month, we can harness our inner turmoil from last month’s new moon to better connect with others. We are offered a new beginning after this disruption. This alignment encourages us to embrace change and innovation, recognizing that even amidst uncertainty, there are opportunities for growth and advancement.

The ruler of both the Sun and the Moon in Pisces is Jupiter, at 12° of Taurus, which is approaching its exact conjunction to Uranus at this time and will be sextile to Saturn in Pisces within 1° of exactitude. When Jupiter and Saturn are sextile in these signs, we are able to see how to create something that will help us enact our aspirations, but it will still require some effort. The influence of Uranus in Taurus indicates that there might be an unexpected opportunity that arises at this time to help us in this endeavor.

★ March Eleventh - Venus Ingresses into Pisces ★

Venus moves into the sign of its exaltation on this day. Venus represents our desire for companionship, our tastes, and our innate need for harmony. Pisces is the most free-flowing sign of the zodiac, considering its elemental association and its modality, making it prone to cultivating relationships with others. It is also associated with the innate threads of life that weave us together, given its positioning as the last sign of the zodiac.

Over the next four weeks, we can embody this energy by seeing ourselves in others and extending goodwill. Pisces represents the values of idealism and romanticism, and this sign wants to see the best in others. Harnessing this energy requires us to be accepting of others and forgiving.

Pisces has an eclectic taste and can see beauty in everything. We might find ourselves more inclined to wear styles that we normally would think are too quirky or odd and interested in art that we otherwise would not enjoy.

★ March Fifteenth - Mercury Enters it’s Pre-Retrograde Shadow ★

By the second week of March, Mercury will reach the degree to which it will have to retrograde back next month. This day marks the beginning of Mercury’s slowed rate of movement, which will force us to slow down and consider our trains of thought and our words with more scrutiny.

Events that transpire around this time—especially those related to the themes of your Aries house in your natal chart—will be revisited once Mercury begins moving backward next month.

We might find ourselves using a lot of energy to maintain our momentum, which can lead to burnout for some and a sense of urgency for others.

★ March Seventeenth - Sun and Neptune conjoin in Pisces ★

Just before the Sun makes its way into Aries, it will conjoin Neptune at the last few degrees of Pisces. This energetic coupling is dreamy and expansive. We can see ourselves in others more clearly, which can help possess us with a certain level of humanity and compassion. Our dreams may shift to the collective desires under the influence of the conjunction.

It is important not to get lost in the collective unconscious or to be overly understanding at this time. Although your being is shaped by others, you are equally capable of shaping yourself. Holding onto boundaries and restrictions for yourself is necessary for maintaining your self-concept. This energy is best used to work on personal projects and to create art, but it is not ideal to get overly involved in drama at this time.

★ March Nineteenth - Sun Ingresses into Aries ★

The astrological new year will begin by the end of the second week of March. Each solar Aries ingress represents the zodiac being born again. While Pisces represents the water of the womb and the nebulous existence outside of our material awareness, Aries signifies our first breath and the will to exist. Aries is curious and loves to learn; in return, it loves to teach others about what it knows. This archetypal force can be quite impetuous, but that boldness allows it to function. Without a need to move forward, we stagnate and become complacent. This energy is best harnessed by moving diligently and by listening to your gut. Acting on impulse is beneficial when you know yourself well enough to understand and enforce your own boundaries; not everything can be planned, but we are always making decisions.

The Sun is exalted in this sign, which allows it to better assert itself. This luminary gives context to the entire sky and enables us to perceive all the other planets; symbolically, it represents our rational mind, our ability to discern, and our life force. When the Sun is at its most capable, we are endowed with vigor and reason.

★ March Twenty-first - Venus and Saturn conjoin in Pisces ★

Beginning in the third week of March, Saturn will constrict Venus over the course of their conjunction. This outer malefic can impose some constraints on Venus’s romanticism, but it also provides boundaries for Venus’s idealism.

This transit can be isolating if we do not accept our need to express ourselves. Saturn's influence may amplify feelings of isolation or restriction if we suppress our authentic voice and emotions. However, by honoring our need to express ourselves authentically, we can cultivate a sense of inner alignment and connection with others.

While navigating this transit, it's wise to practice moderation and financial discipline, especially given Venus's association with money. Avoiding overspending and focusing on long-term financial stability can help mitigate the potential challenges posed by Saturn's influence.

In some areas of our life, we may find ourselves exceptionally disappointed by others after expecting too much from them. It is easy to be let down when Saturn influences this socially oriented planet since Saturn imposes responsibility. We might find ourselves resisting closeness when we need it most.

★ March Twenty-second - Mars Ingresses into Pisces ★

Once Mars enters Pisces, our drives will shift from innovating to understanding. Mars in Pisces allows us to derive passion from the collective experience. This energy prompts us to reflect on what it means to give and to take.

Despite Mars lacking essential dignity in Pisces, its presence serves a vital role, offering a counterbalance to Venus's exaltation in the sign. While Mars may not exhibit its typical proactive nature in Pisces, it brings a unique perspective to our actions and motivations; Mars in this sign is not proactive in the ways we may expect from this forceful planet.

In astrology, Mars represents how our will is actualized in the world manifest. We see the imprint of our actions in the world through Mars. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and it is a mutable water sign. This archetype is completely fluid, and when Mars is harnessing this energy, it understands how to avoid conflict and escape stressful situations. Pisces does not like to disrupt, and this sign finds it hard to comprehend that people can exert their will onto others. With Mars in this sign, conflict may best be resolved through forgiveness.

During this transit, our energy is best channeled towards collective goals and initiatives that benefit the greater good. By aligning our actions with the collective welfare, we can harness the transformative power of Mars in Pisces to foster empathy, and unity.

★ March Twenty-fifth - Lunar Eclipse in Libra★

The energy of lunar eclipses is parallel to that of full moons, but with greater intensity. The Moon in Libra will oppose the Sun in Aries while the Moon is conjunct the south node and the Sun, the north node.

As the Moon turns a dull red under the eclipse by absorbing the Sun’s light, we are going to have to accept certain aspects of our relationship patterns to move away from these dynamics. As we do this, we may find that we are changing in ways that make us incompatible with our past selves and those who hold onto seeing us in that way.

A week prior to the first solar eclipse in October—when Mars in Libra was at the south node and square to Pluto, which was still in Capricorn—Israel began its genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza. The killing and bombing have not ceased since it began. The moon, representing the people, will be activated in this eclipse, taking over the Sun’s place in this past eclipse.

Venus, the ruler of the Moon and South node in Libra, is still actively conjoined Saturn at the time of this eclipse. Mars, the planetary ruler of Aries, has moved into Pisces a few days prior to the eclipse as well. The Pisces area of our charts gives context to this tension and in what area of life we will be directing this energy as we release it.

With Pisces influancing both halves of this eclipse, we are reminded that we are not that different from anyone else. With the Moon in Libra being actived by this lunation, we are reminded that we serve our relationships and our partners should serve us. 

I suggest reading the horoscope for your rising sign. Hellenistic tradition also recommends that those born in the day read their Sun sign’s horoscope, while those born at night read their Moon sign’s horoscope.

Pisces, you are in the process of creating containers for yourself this March. You deserve to have boundaries. You deserve rest and the ability to slow down. Serving yourself is your greatest honor right now.
    You are also letting go of the ideas you have about others. There is no need to hold onto a fantasy of someone who does not show up in reality the same way you perceive them to be. Despite your big heart and desire to see the best in everyone, this is not always feasible or realistic and can end up becoming a hindrance to your development.

Aries, you are retreating back into your cocoon this month. This shift from socializing to resting will allow you to better understand your needs and how you need to be supported at this time.
    Your routine and the environments you occupy shape your sense of being. If you are feeling lost or have self-doubts, you may find it helpful to reestablish a schedule for yourself. How you take care of yourself reflects your state of mind. You might struggle to recognize what it is that you need, so reaching out for help from others can be helpful.

Taurus, you are craving a community that connects you to something beyond the mundane. This month, you should work on communal projects that benefit your communities. Given this shift, you might reconsider the work you have been doing up to this point.
    What is the point of working solely for yourself or for others who do not align with your vision for the future? You get to create the meaning of your own life, and a part of that is choosing who is important to you. Being a part of groups is difficult, but it is also rewarding to work on things larger than yourself.

Gemini, sometimes you have to work really hard for what you want. It can be easy to get lost in the fantasy of it all, but actually grinding away and doing the work is difficult, especially if what you want to achieve does not necessarily exist for you at this current moment.
    It is easier to fantasize than it is to push yourself in new directions. You might find that you need to cultivate new networks to actualize whatever it is that you are pursuing. Just because things have not unfolded yet does not mean your work is aimless.

Cancer, for you, March is a period of scrutinizing information. How do you know that is true? What do they gain from selling you on that idea? It is super easy to believe something just because it was said in a convincing way.
    You will benefit from reading this month. Read about history and philosophy. Explore topics you have never even heard of before. Then make up your mind about which ideas you want to hold onto from what you have learned.

Leo, you are naturally so self-assured, but it is okay to not know everything. In fact, it is impossible to know it all. Your existence should not be boiled down to that of a computer, where you must analyze every facet of your life and process it without experiencing it. Sometimes it is wiser to float along with the current than to try to actively navigate it.
    Your life is much grander than you can even imagine. You should not ever truly desire to map the entirety of it because then you get lost in defining yourself rather than living and being.

Virgo, this month you are learning to accept others as they are. You can be expectant and get disappointed when people do not show up how you imagined they should. Sometimes the idea of a person is much more interesting, caring, or funny than they actually are.
    You are able to breathe life into your relationships by developing a deep understanding of others, but your connections should not rely solely on you being generous with your emotional capacity. You deserve for others to see the best in you in return and for them to prove it by treating you well. Relationships require continual effort from both people to be sustainable; they are not just an idea that exists solely within the realms of our minds.

Libra, you are being called to create this month. Make things for the sake of making something. Explore new mediums, reject the limitations you put on yourself when you try to seem cool. Marketability and profit incentives do not make for good art. Sometimes you have to spearhead your ideas into existence if nothing is resonating with you.
    You can define how you are recognized by others by embodying your own work. This may lead you to want to take clients for your work by the end of this month. Any sense of imposter syndrome prevents you from learning. Yes, there is always someone better or more well-recognized for their work, but does that mean you should neglect what is gnawing at you, trying so desperately to get out and be seen?

Scorpio, you are no stranger to shedding your past self in order to evolve into a new version of yourself. You naturally reject the boxes in which others try to confine you and can be sensitive to being told what to do. You might find that you are put into situations where you feel infantilized this month, which can prompt you to remember all the times you were too powerless to advocate for yourself.
    As you grow and adapt, you further develop your pools of knowledge and can better contextualize your own experiences. This allows you to assess risks with more ease and to pick up on toxic behaviors of others before they have a chance to hurt you.

Sagittarius, in order to tame your restlessness this month, you will need to collaborate with others. Your creativity is heightened this month, which can feel overwhelming as you try to act on all your creative impulses. It is okay to start projects that you cannot finish. Working with others helps us to bring our art into the world manifest.
    It is important for you to be around those who validate your modes of creative self-expression. You might notice you become more involved in projects with others, which can lead to you working. This can cause you to take a step back and become independent as you try to ground yourself in what is familiar.

Capricorn, this month you need to be resourceful. You might be burning through your energy and recognizing the importance of rest, or perhaps you might be financially constrained this March. This need for recuperation can lead you to spend more time at home and contemplate in private.
    Existing within constraints can feel creatively stifling, but the best artistic ideas come from limitations. Being able to use what you already have to create something new is alchemic. Working with the resources available to you in this moment allows you to connect to the source of your inspiration with fewer distractions. As you work on what inspires you, events will unfold in the background and opportunities will present themselves to you, allowing you to be recognized for your talent.

Aquarius, you are assessing what is of true value to you this month. You might have new opportunities from which to choose, but you are also concerned with stability at this time. Testing the viability before committing to anything new will help you feel comfortable with whatever decisions you make. You might feel the need to hide yourself away in private while you work on new projects. This space that you carve out for yourself can allow you to work diligently.