March 2023 Horoscopes
March 1st, 2023

Pisces is symbolically represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions but tethered by a cord. This depiction shows the dual nature of Pisces. One fish is swimming towards spiritual enlightenment, and the other is swimming towards earthly pleasures. It is the last sign of the Zodiac, so it also represents the culmination of the entire Zodiac wheel before the cycle rebirths into Aries, which gives Pisces more of its mystic qualities. In both its depiction and its place on the wheel, it represents living in between two worlds at once, which makes Pisces sensitive to the things it experiences.

This is the mutable water sign of the Zodiac, so its energy is extremely fluid. As an archetype, it is a dreamer and a martyr. It can be difficult for Pisces to balance their fantasy with the reality of situations, hence the two divergent fish of the constellation. Every year during Pisces season, we tend to find ourselves feeling more compassionate for those around us, even strangers we may never meet again. Pisces is inherently connected to every other thing, and does its best to respect others. It is important to not lose yourself to Pisces’ idealism, and to remember to set boundaries for yourself before the Sun begins a new cycle by the end of the month.

This March, both Saturn and Pluto are moving into new signs. Saturn stays in each sign for about 3 years, while Pluto spends over a decade in each. The coalescence of the outer planets shape the current zeitgeist, and this month, two of the five are changing signs. This will indicate a cultural shift, one that several us have been sensing in the U.S. during America’s Pluto return, which has been exact by degree for the past year.

Saturn is moving into the sign of Pisces for the time since the mid-nineties. Saturn, the planet of restriction, regulation and confinement, will be moving through Pisces, the sign of spirituality and mysticism, our imagination, altered states of consciousness and drugs. Control over these themes will be prevalent over the next three years until Saturn enters Aries.

Pluto had been moving through Capricorn since 2008, which coincided with the U.S. housing market crash that devastated the global economy; demonstrating its powerful reconstructive nature. Pluto is by nature transformative and by the same token, it is disruptive. Now that Pluto is in the sign of Aquarius, we will see rapid change within this sign’s domain. Since Aquarius signifies innovation, technology, discernment, and rebellion. This sign exists to question the status quo as it is not content with the prescribed nature of things. It believes in reevaluating the current structures in order to make way for more efficient ones. This two decade long era will force us to question ethics regarding technology, including AI and the internet. As we create new inventions, we will have to more carefully regulate their use. Periods where Pluto was transiting Aquarius have coincided with revolutions, extreme technological advancements, and the spread of religion and various intellectual advancements. We will start to see the beginning of this new zeitgeist by the end of this month once Pluto enters into this new sign for the first time in over two hundred years.

Both transits correspond to new periods of spiritual revelation; there may be a new collective interest in the metaphysical. This will be a period for redlining religion and spirituality. Both Aquarius and Pisces are humanitarians in their own right, so there is great capacity for compassion and a focus on human rights during this time.

Saturn is just now making its first ingress since the Covid pandemic began. We will collectively feel the push into a new era. We will more clearly see the long-term effects of the pandemic as we move into this new period. While Saturn’s trek in Aquarius unraveled the current status quo, Saturn in Pisces will remind us what led us to this point and offer a softer approach.

This commences the first Saturn return for those born from 1993 to 1996 and the second Saturn return for those from 1964 to 1967– the last two times Saturn was in Pisces. Saturn makes its return to any given sign in about twenty-eight to thirty years given that it is the length of its elliptical period. When the transiting Saturn comes back to meet the Saturn placement in an individual’s nativity, Saturn has made its return, given the term. Those who were born in these two periods will face issues regarding the themes of the house in which their natal Saturn is placed in order to grow and mature holistically. Saturn returns are difficult, but should not be feared. Saturn teaches us through restriction and patience.

Pluto will now be opposite to the natal Pluto placement of many Baby Boomers who are still currently alive and were born when Pluto was transiting Leo from 1938 to 1957. This transit will challenge their extremely influential perspective. Pluto will also begin to square the natal Pluto placement of millennials since Pluto was in Scorpio from 1984 to 1995. Baby Boomers and Millennials make up a roughly equal percentage of the population, but Baby Boomers hold considerable more power in society. This transit will make a T-square between the natal Pluto placements between these two generations which will cause more tension in the upcoming two decades. We do not need astrology to understand that as millennials get older, they will begin getting elected as government officials, and start their own businesses as the older generations begin to retire. Pluto’s simultaneous opposition and square configuration symbolically represents the strife between the ideals of the older generation and the younger while each deals with the emerging culture and the unfolding zeitgeist. Pluto will conjoin Gen Z’s natal Uranus and Neptune placements, which were each in Aquarius from 1995 to 2005 and 1998 onwards, respectively. As Generation Zers fully enter adulthood, and into their thirties during the entirety of Pluto’s stay in Aquarius, they will be defining the attitudes and characteristics of the new paradigm.

This month, Mars will finish retracing the shadow it cast while it was retrograde. Once a planet stations direct, it must retrace the degrees it reversed through while it was moving backwards. Now that it is not burdened by its retrograde status, it can more effectively handle itself, but we must face the issues brought about during the retrograde. Many of the issues we struggled with during the past few months will be resolved, and things will start to fully simmer down in regards to this planet’s influence.

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*ੈ✩ On the third of the month, Mercury will enter Pisces, the sign of both its exile and its fall. Pisces and Mercury represent two different modes of existence in the world, which makes it difficult for Mercury to operate well in this sign. Pisces is idealistic, sensitive, and imaginative. While Mercury represents our logical mind. Although Mercury spends a considerable amount of time speculating, it is much more rational than the Pisces archetype tends to be. Pisces is focused on its inner world, and tends to operate based on its intuition, which does not always condone logical reasoning. This placement can rely on escapism in order to process situations in order to avoid dealing with external problems.
    It can be easy to have miscommunications and misunderstandings as Mercury travels through this sign. We may find ourselves trusting our own perspective, rather than the external reality. We may be more prone to daydreaming than engaging in intellectual pursuits at this time. We can be more prone to justifying people’s bad behaviors which can exacerbate toxic cycles, since Pisces is compassionate and Mercury is able to rationalize things in order to seem logical. 
    It is important to actualize the interesting ideas you develop during this time to prevent them from being forgotten. This can be an ideal time for spiritual self-reflection. This three week transit can be used to further hone your creativity if you manage your time well. 

*ੈ✩ On the sixth, the Sun in Pisces will be sextile to Uranus in Taurus. Uranus in Taurus signifies upheaval in regards to our livelihood, finances, and material surroundings. With the Sun making a positive aspect to it, we may experience positive changes in these areas of life. This transit stimulates our creativity and makes it easier to consider things from new perspectives. It can be difficult to stay organized during this routine with the combined energies of Pisces and Urnaus. 

*ੈ✩ The Full Moon in Virgo will occur at 4:40am (PST) on March seventh. Virgo’s analytic and objective nature will be able to balance out the combative energies of Mars in Gemini and the collective of planets in Pisces. Virgo is able to fact check the ever daydreaming Pisces and can reason with its Mercurial sibling, Gemini. Mars in Gemini can exacerbate anecdotal evidence or incomplete data, whereas Virgo wants to understand the energy of the data set it’s investigating. Virgo shares Pisces’ compassionate nature, but as an earth sign it has a much more practical approach. This is a good Full Moon for reconsidering how you honor yourself and others.

*ੈ✩ Saturn will ingress into Pisces shortly after the Full Moon is exact, marking this new three year era as Saturn finishes its current cycle in the sign of Aquarius. Saturn is the last visible planet in the solar system, and it aptly represents the literal boundaries of things. It signifies rules, restraint, discipline, and structure. The Piscean themes of idealism, humanitarianism, and spirituality will be reshaped during Saturn’s three year long transit through this sign. There will be new collective interest in religion, spirituality and philosophy. Since Pisces also represents drugs and altered states of consciousness, there are likely to be more pharmaceutical developments. Perhaps more states will follow Oregon and Colorado's trail and legalize psychedelic mushrooms by 2026. In 1993, the U.S. passed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which prevents Congress from passing laws that prevent U.S. citizens from freely practicing their religion.

*ੈ✩ On the tenth, there will be a Venus-Mars sextile in the signs of Aries and Gemini, respectively. Both planets rule our relationships and how we exert our energy. While Venus signifies what we actively collect and curate, Mars represents how we exert our force in the world. When the two planets make a beneficial aspect to each other, we feel driven to spend time with others. This is an especially good weekend to go out with your friends. This can be a good time to work on creative projects, especially ones that involve physical action or need problem-solving capabilities. It is easier to push your creativity at this time in order to achieve something new.

*ੈ✩ The Sun in Pisces will be square to Mars in Gemini on the fifteenth. Mars is finally at a new degree of Gemini in its current cycle. This denotes a new energy for Mars in its current cycle, since it is no longer burdened by the lingering incompetency of its retrograde cycle from the previous months. This is still a challenging aspect, but it will be regarding novel issues.
    There may be a pause put on some situations since Mars in Gemini is ready to take on new challenges and instigate new intellectual pursuits, while the Sun in Pisces is contemplative and imaginative. This transit can be tense and cause feelings of restlessness since Mars feels inhibited. You may find mental roadblocks regarding projects or work, and you may try to outthink your emotional nature during this time. It is difficult to combat feelings of inadequacy, but sometimes it is important to understand the core reasons causing these emotions– for example, are you overworking yourself at this time? Perhaps authority figures are not acting as quickly as needed in order to achieve what you need to do— since the Sun signifies those in leadership positions (i.e. landlords, government officials, and bosses). This can cause more issues than we sometimes reasonably give credit for. It is important to focus on what you can actually change and manage during this time in order to not overexert yourself.

*ੈ✩ On the following day, there will be a Sun-Mercury-Neptune conjunction in Pisces. This triple conjunction will still strongly square to Mars in Gemini, within one degree of exactitude. This configuration can lead to difficulty in communication, since Mercury does not handle itself well in Pisces, it will mismanage Mars’ instinct motivation and need to release energy. This stifling energy can lead to irritability, especially since both signs are mutable and can be impulsive. If you are feeling rushed at this time, you can start to feel overwhelmed, or if you are feeling stuck, you may get agitated. It is important to consider the external situations that are amplifying the stress of your specific scenario at this time in order to handle it gracefully.
    With Mars square to Neptune, we can get caught up in our own perspectives and become preemptively defensive and argumentative. It is important to take a step back and self reflect on the root issue you are experiencing if you are combative during this transit. With the Sun in Pisces’ influence, it can be easy to get lost in your own idea of how things should be and this can lead to being overly contrarian.
    Venus in Aries square to Pluto in Capricorn on this day as well. Venus is weakened in this sign, and has trouble with impetuousness and self-assuredness when it is exiled, making it hard for Venus to fulfill its instinct need to connect with others. Pluto in Capricorn craves predictability and stability in the 3D world in order to honor the collective need for structure. When these two energies clash, they can bring about power struggles in our relationships, intensify our emotions, and lead to obsessive behavior.
    Venus in Aries is freedom-seeking, while Pluto in Capricorn attempts to control its surroundings to its benefit; this can lead to conflicting feelings regarding safety and stability versus the need to be spontaneous and untamable. We may feel burdened by our environment and obligations to society during this time. It is important to not make any rash decisions during this transit, especially considering Venus moves signs the following day.
    Things might seem tense regarding women’s rights and diplomacy at this time since Venus signifies women and Pluto signifies power imbalance. Venus quickly moves into its home sign, Taurus, which is much more favorable for handling these issues. At the time of writing, many states in the U.S. are considering banning gender-affirming care for minors. There can be issues regarding this specifically as this aspect begins to apply on March eleventh.

*ੈ✩ Directly following these transits, Venus in Taurus, sign of its domicile, will be sextile to Saturn in Pisces. This transit makes it easier to balance our need for comfort and our need for fantasy. This is very romantic and a good time for a date night or a dinner party.

*ੈ✩ Mercury moves into the sign of Aries on the nineteenth. It is now freed from the shackles of its essential dignity and begins a new cycle. Mercury in Aries is bold and decisive, it needs to understand the immediate effects of things. It tests the limits of communication by being unapologetic and borderline argumentative. This three week period is good for debates and starting new projects. There will be ease in actualizing your ideas and plans. It can be easy to be impatient during this period since Aries likes to see things manifest quickly. Being able to focus on solutions for long-term success is ideal since Aries is great at problem solving and is not concerned with obstacles. 

*ੈ✩ After Mercury's ingress, Venus will be conjunct to the North Node in Taurus. The North Node represents the lessons, and it also represents our uncoiling destiny. The possibility of things do not happen in our known reality, they are limitless and sometimes unpredictable. The transiting North Node can be disruptive, similar to Uranus, but overall less destructive. The North Node signifies the current point of growth for the collective and it shapes the planets it aspects.
    When it is combined with Venus, we may develop new friendships or deepen the bonds of our existing relationships. This is also a period of newfound creative interest, or it can be a time of developing new perspectives and values. It is possible to find a newfound respect for your material possessions and your need for stability.

*ੈ✩ March twentieth is the beginning of Aries season, this is the astrological new year. As the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries is driven and endows us with great motivation and energy to initiate new projects and represents a new annual cycle as the Sun makes its way through the Zodiac wheel again. Aries embodies the archetypal leader, working to inspire others.
    Pisces is compassionate and is naturally understanding of others, while Aries loves to see people achieve their goals and push themselves. Both signs want to see others succeed, but have two different means of expressing their concern. Aries season will remind us to push ourselves a little harder to see what we are capable of and raise our expectations of others. This month we will feel more motivated to achieve our goals than to fantasize about the endless possibilities. Aries season calls us to give our Piscean daydreams substance and meaning, rather than letting them remain fantasy.

*ੈ✩ The New Moon in Aries occurs directly ensuring the Sun’s ingress into Aries, on the twenty-first. New Moons are new beginnings. This New Moon gives way to new excitement and impulse. We may feel independent at this time which can lead to feelings of overconfidence. The Aries New Moon energy represents making your own path through our own sheer willpower. We are spearheading into a new era in our lives, individually and as a collective. It is important to remember that we are not alone in what is unfolding for each of us. With Pluto’s imminent ingress into Aquarius at this time, we will feel particularly charged by the shifting social current.

*ੈ✩ On the twenty-third, Pluto will ingress into Aquarius after being in Capricorn for the past fifteen years. The last time this planet was traversing this sign was during the late eighteenth century; it coincided with the French and American revolutions. Pluto will be in Aquarius until June, then it will briefly regress into Capricorn while it is Retrograde. During the next few months, we will preview the upcoming two decades once Pluto reentered Aquarius in 2024.
    Pluto’s time in Aquarius signifies technological advancements, reconstructing of gender norms, and new understandings of religion and humanity. The industrial revolution occurred during the last Pluto in Aquarius era. Although it began when Pluto was in Capricorn, there were more extreme developments made once Pluto entered Aquarius in 1778. We are going to see further improvements in AI and the internet during this period.
    Aquarius is the second sign in the Zodiac that is ruled by Saturn, the planet of boundaries and restriction. The first is its preceding sign, Capricorn. As an archetypal energy, Capricorn upholds structures in order to serve the greater good, while Aquarius looks to understand how those structures actually benefit us. This is the same impulse that makes those with prominent Aquarius placements in their nativity unconventional and obstinate. This energy coincides with Aquarius’ dissolving of traditional gender roles as well as its inclination to look past hierarchies. Aquarius does not disregard hierarchies completely, but instead it values the actual social structures that bring us together rather than the imagined ones that keep us opposed.
    With Pluto in Aquarius, we will collectively realize that we do not do anything alone. Over the next two decades, we will develop stronger kinship with those in our chosen communities.

*ੈ✩ On the twenty-sixth, Mars moves into Cancer. It is debilitated in this sign, and it lacks energy. Cancer is a water sign, making it sensitive and more accepting of the things happening around and to it. When Mars experiences tension in this sign, it flounders since it anticipates defeat. It is hard for Mars to persevere and take action for its own benefit. Cancerian energy helps be willing to compromise and understand that it can be best to lose something in order to achieve peace. Mars does not handle itself well with this conflicting mode of existence.
    This two month transit can leave us feeling uninspired and unmotivated. We may not have the energy to move as quickly as we need to. Planets in the sign of their fall are desolate and uncomfortable. They are not necessarily the manifestation of that Zodiac sign’s worst qualities, they are simply a lack of any characterics of that sign, apart from the ineffective, depressed manifestation of that archetype.
    Despite Mars’ dissatisfaction in Cancer, this might be somewhat of a relief since the last several months were so hectic with Mars going retrograde in Gemini, which also extended its typical stay in the sign by six months. 
    This transit will likely lead to issues regarding America’s debt since it is transiting through the country’s natal eighth house– the house of investments, shared finances, debt, legal outcomes, and death. Congress may be apathetic and ineffective in taking action regarding the debt ceiling limit and deaths of U.S. citizens at the time of this transit.

*ੈ✩ There will be a Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in Aries on the twenty-eighth of the month. This is another transit that ignites our passion and motivation. Jupiter is expansive and prosperous, and when it transforms a planet, it rubs its luck onto that planet as well. Mercury governs over our communicative and logical mental processes. When it is coupled with Jupiter, we are able to think clearly and communicate more effectively. This is a good day for having luck in regards to anything communication based including writing, publishing, and debating.

*ੈ✩ Directly following this conjunction, there will be a trine between the malefic planets, Mars and Saturn in Cancer and Pisces. When the two malefic planets make a positive aspect to one another, they are inspired to obtain success within the realms of the signs they are placed. Saturn is able to guide Mars since Mars is afflicted by its movement through Cancer. Within the context of the signs of Cancer and Pisces, we will feel compelled to set boundaries for our emotional wellbeing in order to achieve overall personal success. We may find ourselves moving past things without much thought to it in order to get onto the next thing. The process of letting go and moving on is somber, but can be spiritual. Being able to practice detachment allows you to live a more fulfilling life in the long run, as long as you do not become completely apathetic and nihilistic.

*ੈ✩ At the end of the month, Venus will meet Uranus in Taurus. This transit can be turbulent for relationships and social harmony. Since Uranus is the instigator among the planets, it can cause issues with other planets’ natural mode of being when they begin to conjoin in the sky. It is possible to feel distinctly agitated if your relationships to others feel stagnant. There may be a general desire to spend time with others, but with no focus or care, which can put strain on your connections to others. This transit can cause feelings of limerence for some, so it is important to be critical of any overly romantic feelings. It is particularly important for those with fixed rising signs or prominent fixed sign placements to be mindful of any unsettling feelings regarding their relationships during this transit, since they are most affected by this conjunction’s influence.
    We collectively may be more drawn to the perverse and unconventional during this time. You may find inspiration in darker aesthetics and the macabre or avant garde. This can be a good time to research unfamiliar artists or go to a new gallery in order to broaden your tastes.
    It can also indicate more car issues since Venus rules our possessions and Uranus is disruptive and governs mechanical objects. The sign of Taurus also represents the things we own, as well as our finances, so there may be a collective financial burden during this week.
    Venus was cohabiting in Taurus with Uranus last year from the end of May to the third week of June. During this period, the Supreme Court voted to impede the Environmental Protection Agency's ability to regulate carbon emissions. This correlates to Uarnus’s disruptive power and the themes of Venus’ and Taurus’ significations. Taurus, on a mundane level, signifies the environment as well as resources.
    This transit is occurring while Mars is inept, traversing through Cancer which is the United State’s eighth whole sign house. The eighth house signifies death, change, shared resources, and debt, so America may be slow to intervene in a concurrent environmental issue at this time. Perhaps more issues regarding the Ohio railway derailment from last month will unfold.

*ੈ✩ The Moon will be opposite Pluto on the thirtieth, highlighting our collective feelings regarding the new themes of the shift in our culture. On a personal level, this can intensify drama within the context of our relationships. This opposition is occurring along the Leo-Aquarius axis which is the axis of social understanding. Leo understands others by putting itself in the middle of situations while Aqaurius watches from afar, avoiding intervention. We may feel isolated from others at this time, unsure of our identity within our communities. It is important to work against these instincts and to come together with others when it seems the most difficult to do so.
    In mundane astrology, the Moon signifies the common people and issues regarding the general public. The moon will be America's ninth whole sign house of higher education and worldly knowledge, while Pluto is now in America’s third house of communication. There may be issues of America withholding information from the public, or light about government deceit will come to light by the end of the month. Following the themes of Leo and Aquarius, U.S. citizens may feel alienated from the government and disapprove of how the president or other elected officials try to relate to their constituents.

I suggest reading the horoscope for your rising sign. Hellenistic tradition also recommends that those born in the day read their Sun sign’s horoscope, while those born at night read their Moon sign’s horoscope.

Pisces, relish the fact that you are the only person responsible for yourself. You are going through a radical period of self reliance. It is important to handle all the versions of yourself and to treat them with care, but to ultimately discard the unhealthy habits you have.
    Self forgiveness is key in this process. To forgive someone means that you a) accept that they are sorry and will not do the specific, outlined behaviors again or b) that you accept that they are like that and tolerate it because you love them. The ladder stipulation is difficult since we want to forgive the people we love even when they hurt us in order to maintain that connection. Usually we justify their bad behavior on account of our own shortcomings.
    Being able to forgive yourself and accept that you have done things you are not proud of and to move on from it will allow you to develop a stronger sense of self and in turn, you will be able to more strictly set boundaries for your own sake. You do not exist as a vessel to simply maintain all the relationships you currently have. You do not have to live a life for anyone but yourself.

Aries, you are more carefully considering how exactly you cultivate your inner world. What beliefs do you have about yourself? Where did they come from? What repetitive thoughts are you having? The background chatter of your mind is exhausting if it is not productive and harmonious with your external reality.
    You are still in the process of shedding others' expectations of you and redeveloping your self concept. You will find it easier to have more confidence this month, but it is important to not allow yourself to become overly independent. If you have been struggling with your attachments to others, you may find it difficult to be vulnerable with them. It can be helpful to round yourself by focusing on your routine and your personal responsibilities. Taking care of yourself is the only true act of self love. You do not need to shun others in order to provide for yourself and providing for yourself does not mean you have to live your life alone.

Taurus, it is important for you to recognize how much you give of yourself in order to maintain your social connections. There is an innate cost to everything and you find yourself in a periodic pattern of neglecting your needs in order to fulfill your social needs. If you are going out more often than you can financially and physically afford it is important to take a step back. By the end of the month you may feel drained and disillusioned by your social scene and friend groups. There may be drama occurring amongst your friends that you have or want no part in, but you are getting roped into. The things you say have more merit that you can give yourself credit for, and it is important that you remember that if you feel compelled to intervene.
    Ultimately, as cliche as it is, you must be responsible for yourself before you can help anyone else. If people expect too much from you, you should not alter your expectations of yourself to meet theirs. You will find virtue in articulating your beliefs and needs to your friends by the end of the month which can help ease any rising social tensions.

Gemini, how do you organize and structure yourself in order to be perceived by others? Do you catch yourself changing how you interact with certain people? This is normal, but why are you doing it? It is to honor your core belief of politeness, or is purely beyond manners> Is it to spare their feelings? Being blunt is not the solution, but figuring out on whom to spend your cognitive energy is.
    You are cerebral and put a lot of consideration into other’s feelings, even if you come off as insensitive more regularly than you are comfortable with. But this is a part of the problem, are you being seen for what you are?
    Being able to understand why you interact with certain people in different ways will ultimately help you understand yourself. Perhaps you should take some time alone this month to explore the pressure you experience to act in any particular way. Are you bending yourself in too many ways to accommodate too many conflicting ideas of who a person should reasonably be? You must align your self concept with the external concept of who you are in order to make more mental and emotional space for the people and things that matter the most to you.

Cancer, events that will cause you to broaden your perspective will begin unfolding this month. You will start to analyze the ways in which you understand the world in order to more profoundly understand yourself. You have been going through a long period of self reflection and deep contemplation; carefully analyzing how you show up for others and how they perceive you. It is important to you to be able to be reliable to others, but it is also worth considering how healthy that self concept is. How much can you provide for others before you are stretched too thin? It can be difficult to sit with yourself during this time, but it is essential to your overall well being.
    You need a solid understanding of yourself in order to have a healthy general perspective. Perhaps you are spending too much time on social media or listening other’s opinions, and it is negatively feeding into the narrative you have about the world and how you view your own value. Being able to take a step back from anything or anyone that is adversely affecting your inner monologue is important for your development at this time.

Leo, you sense that you can no longer wish away the negative things in your reality. As situations around you have evolved, they have reached a point of over-complication and cannot be subdued easily. You are being called to handle these problems rather than continue to ignore them.
    You have been going through a several month long period of instability in your relationships which has caused you to question the entire foundation of several of your friendships. You will be having further realizations regarding your social life as you experience a multitude of changes, causing you to focus on being responsible and practical for yourself. If you have been neglecting complicated financial matters, now is a good month to start investing or paying off debt, before your financial situation exacerbates.
    Overall, this spring represents a period of maturity and mental recalibration, starting with how you choose to handle yourself this month. It is important to recognize the cost of things and what you lose when you say “yes” to one thing. What things are you prolonging as you say “no” to them? Are they important? You must consider the root causes that lead you into the situations you are trying to fix beginning this month and continuing into the future.

Virgo, become comfortable in seeing the reality of your relationships. You tend to see the potential in everything, which is a great gift but also a huge oversight. The reality of your relationships is only partly within your control. It is impossible to compel people into acting the way that you want, no matter how much you explain or how many chances you give them to improve.
    It is crucial for you to start understanding the merit in believing that people have a version of themselves that exists “deep down” within them. You do not need to do any digging to find people who are worthwhile. Realistically, do you have enough time to do the things you want to do -all the things that you need to do to ensure that you are building a future for yourself- and to carry around a shovel in order to excavate the hidden parts of people who don’t honor themselves enough to be self reliant and considerate? You now have to learn to leave some people behind, for your own sake.

Libra, how much time do you actually have? This month you will begin to feel pressured in regards to the seemingly little time you have to manage your obligations. You may “manage” your stress by ignoring it, but ultimately your mind will catch up in otder to collect the interest you are accruing by denying yourself catharsis.
    It is easy to lose sight of the grand scope of things when you are divulged in the minutiae of your own personal matters, but this can make you question the point of anything you do. It is important for you to consider the larger picture in order to place yourself in it. This does not mean that you have to find merit in all things, since life is extremely difficult for most people right now, but you need to have a grand perspective in order to appreciate yourself at this time.
    You get to make the meaning of your own life. Rediscovering your values and learning how your perspective has changed can alleviate stress by showing you how far you have gotten in life. You are capable of great things, it is important to honor that even when life seems monotonous.

Scorpio, after a hectic past several months, you are finally feeling comfortable in accepting where you are. It can be troubling to handle ever-changing situations and after situations, but now things are starting to settle into what they are, which is a single moment followed by another single moment. You are the first to isolate yourself when you are stressed since you understand the true cost of things and what it takes to completely lose something important. By the end of the month you can more easily feel yourself in each moment and welcome the next.
    This is an especially good time to reach out to the people who you could not see during these past few months while you were managing your chaotic life. Being with others can help ground you, even if you can provide for yourself.
    You will come out of this period fully acknowledging how important it is to do things that are just enjoyable. No need to multitask if you can savor whatever it is that you are doing. March will indicate a fresh new cycle in which you are able to take things more slowly.

Sagittarius, spend this March reflecting on your childhood and how all the places you have lived up until now reflect you. You are an explorer, and your focus is shifted to the unfamiliar, but you should not become a stranger to yourself in your quest for higher knowledge.
    Being so externally motivated can make you crave relationships that are predictable, since it will free up mental space that could better be used expanding your mind. If you do not pay enough attention to all the steps that lead you to this current moment, you could be operating on autopilot more than you’d like to believe is capable. THis is why you must retrace your steps and understand all of the younger yous that came together to bring to you this moment and who introduced you to all the people you know and no longer know. If you do not understand where you have been, you cannot reasonably discern where it is you are going.

Capricorn, you are developing a much more realistic perspective of how relationships between individuals form into communities; this will ultimately affect your general worldview. This is building upon your self reflection from last month, shifting from feeling ordinary to considering how inexplicable it is that we are all interconnected. This new curiosity could have been sparked by your self exploration in regards to your own singular interpersonal relationships. In order to better understand your connections, you are broadening your perspective in order to understand the foundational way humanity is intertwined.
    While exploring yourself and your connections to those to whom you are closest, you can gain better sympathy for acquaintances and strangers which can help you become more involved in your community. Perhaps you have been questioning your relation to your community, since it has not been serving you, but you may feel more compelled to reconnect with members of your community since you have less choice in your belonging to it than you’d like to believe. These social backdrops are constructed through shared values and experiences and no matter how much you try to separate yourself from it, you need to feel a sense of belonging somewhere.

Aquarius, you are entering an era of renewed respect for your own need for stability. You tend to be more sporadic and spontaneous than others, but during this month you are going to recognize how important it is to maintain a healthy level of predictability in your life.
    Being able to know that you are able to meet your own basic needs is a foundational necessity for all other things in your life. You might notice a desire to budget more and cut back spending in order to ensure that you are adequately taking care of yourself. Money is a tool and a necessity and your use, or misuse, of it can drastically affect your quality of life.
    You will be fixated on your interests at this time as well, but struggle to dedicate time to your hobbies while trying to maintain a sense of personal responsibility. Being able to practically balance your curiosity while maintaining self awareness can be difficult for you at this time. It is important to appreciate the time you can dedicate to yourself, which will ultimately help reinforce the value you give to your own stability.

Edited by Zaina, xyzygote