July 2024 Horoscopes
July 4th, 2024

★ July First - Mercury in Cancer is Trine to Neptune in Pisces

 ★ July Second - Mercury Ingresses into Leo; Neptune Stations Retrograde

★ July Third - Mercury in Leo Opposes Pluto in Aquarius; Venus in Cancer is Trine to Saturn in Pisces

★ July Fifth - New Moon in Cancer

★ July Tenth - Venus in Cancer is Trine to Neptune in Pisces

★ July Eleventh - Sun in Cancer is Trine to Saturn in Pisces; Venus Ingresses into Leo

★ July Fiftheenth - Mars and Uranus Conjoin in Taurus

★ July Twentith - Mars Ingresses into Gemini

★ July Twenty-First - Sun in Cancer is Trine to Neptune in Pisces; Full Moon in Capricorn

★July Twenty-Second - The Sun Ingresses into Leo;  Mars in Gemini is Trine to Pluto in Aquarius

★ July Twenty-Third - The Sun in Leo Opposes Pluto in Aquarius

★ July Twenty-Fifth - Mercury Enters Virgo

This month, recognize that time isn’t the same for everyone and operates differently at various points in our lives. Queer people and cis/het people experience time differently. The timeline for cisgender and heterosexual individuals is defined and predestined—a legacy they are taught to uphold. They are expected to follow a societal script outlining key milestones such as education, career, marriage, and family in a linear and expected sequence.

In contrast, queer people may find themselves reliving their teenage years well into their 20s and 30s if they come out later in life. For many queer individuals, time is experienced in a more fluid and non-linear way, challenging the conventional expectations valued and upheld by their cis/het counterparts.

Time also differs for those experiencing loss. The process of grieving keeps you mentally stuck in a moment that has passed. It forces you to honor the pain of your mind with your whole body, fundamentally distracting the individual from being present in the moment. Grief compels you to imagine alternative scenarios and engage in hypothetical "what if" fantasies until these thoughts become too exhausting to sustain, forcing recognition that reality has continued on. When grieving, support from others is crucial as reality slowly shifts beneath us.

Everyone is subject to each unfolding moment, but the weight of that moment varies from person to person and situation to situation. For some, a moment may be fleeting and insignificant, while for others, it can be profound and life-altering. How we contextualize our lives depends on our personal experiences, which rarely fit into standard measurements of time's passage.

July begins in the middle of Cancer season, with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Cancer culminating in an inner-planet stellium. Mercury will ingress into Leo within the first week of the month, preceding the start of this year’s Leo Season. As Cancerian energy dissipates and adapts to fit into Leo’s domain, we will need to navigate Cancer’s wild river currents meeting the resistance of the dam.

The inner planets will begin moving into Leo and immediately oppose Pluto in Aquarius. This conflicting energy prompts us to consider how we embody progress and how evolving into ourselves shapes and sometimes challenges us. Our relationship with self-understanding on a personal level versus our presence in online spaces will become a focal point, raising questions about authenticity in self-expression and the development of online communities. In the age of the internet, it can be easy to become overly focused on optics while neglecting tangible issues. In an era that expects us all to participate in the surveillance state, the challenge of creating real community becomes more pressing. How do we create distinct experiences in our real lives versus those within the confines of our online interactions? The influence of social media is undeniable, especially as we witness human atrocities in real-time, yet what are its actual impacts on our lives and our sense of community? Often, we find ourselves entangled in drama that spills into our interconnected social webs, forcing us to take sides in situations that distract us from larger issues at hand.

Additionally, the opposition of the planets entering Leo and retrograde Pluto in Aquarius brings about growing anxiety about the future of AI and how it might displace us. This technological advancement brings both opportunities and challenges, forcing us to reflect on our roles and the evolving nature of human connection and progress.

July begins with Mercury trining Neptune in Cancer and Pisces, respectively. This energy corrects last month’s Mercury-Neptune square, which led to confusion or disruption in our trains of thought and a lack of discernment. In water signs, we can communicate our feelings and understand the inexplicable aspects of our inner world with more clarity.

The New Moon in Cancer, ruled by the Sun, will conjoin Venus but just out of reach of a conjunction to the Sun by degree. Retrograde Saturn in Pisces will trine all three planets in Cancer, and Mars in Taurus will simultaneously sextile Saturn and Venus.

This new moon offers new beginnings through deliberate planning and working through obstacles. As we reflect on how far we have come and recognize how much more work there is to do, we find ourselves working towards our goals. The tension in our bodies can guide us if we actively attune ourselves to our sense of intuition. This physical awareness helps ground us in reality and can assist in making practical decisions for ourselves. This effort is often mediated by the chips on our shoulders and our desire for a better world. It can be difficult to contain our passion for what we want as we envision a new world and transition from one state to the next. In this process, we bring ourselves fully into our endeavors, learning to value our own efforts and recognizing the cost of working towards something meaningful. We also face the challenge of sharing the weight of our burdens with others. The exhaustion from needing to succeed within inherently unsupportive systems can be overwhelming. We are forced to be selective in our actions because time, resources, and life are limited. This necessity for selectivity allows us to create structure in our lives but also raises questions about who defines this structure.

The Full Moon in Capricorn occurs when the Sun is also trine Neptune in Pisces. The moon is inherently uncomfortable within this sign, making this a difficult combination of planetary energies to handle. We had a Full Moon in Capricorn last month, on June 21st, and this lunation will bookend that one, allowing us to revisit these themes and make necessary revisions. This brings reflections on how we come to understand ourselves through our somatic experiences and how our feeling state pushes us into new versions of ourselves. Transformation of the mind through bodily experiences can feel alien and uncomfortable because we can never quite fully grasp them.

We must consider how we build up problems and learn to let go of the fear we feel compelled to hold onto to keep us safe. Questions arise regarding what exactly we are striving towards, the capabilities of our bodies, and the fleeting nature of our lives. These reflections force us to confront our vulnerabilities as human beings.

How do we contextualize time to make it something that actually matters to us? How do we measure the length of a day or a week? We use these arbitrary systems of time management to structure our lives to be convenient for systems that do not always align with our biological or psychological needs. Our lives might be profoundly different if we used the systems within our bodies to guide us to where we need to be in each moment rather than relying on clocks and calendars. This approach would foster a more intuitive and organic way of living, in harmony with our natural rhythms and true needs.

With the beginning of Leo season and other planets making their way into this sign, those planets that were last conjoined to Jupiter (which entered Gemini a few months ago) will now be sextile to it. Sextiles are typically considered a positive aspect but less positive than the trine. This aspect offers potential through active effort. The struggle within this sextile comes with understanding that we are more shaped by circumstance than we as individuals can overcome on our own. We must recognize that through genuine community, we can create a better world. The world is random; entropy will chew up and digest all our plans for the future, no matter how hard we try to fight against it. Our bodies are mortal. We don't achieve greatness by doing great things alone; we achieve greatness through collaboration and codifying rules together.

Mercury will enter Virgo this month and later retrograde through this sign and back into Leo next month. Virgo is the sign of both Mercury’s exaltation and domicile; this double essential dignity allows Mercury to excel in this sign, even when it is in its pre-shadow period and later retrograde. Virgo’s energy helps Mercury streamline processes, making it an ideal time for dissecting complex issues and cutting away what is not relevant. This transit encourages a focus on clarity and efficiency, allowing for a deeper understanding of intricate matters. This placement enhances our ability to break down complicated information into concise, understandable pieces since Mercury in Virgo excels at identifying and articulating difficult concepts. It has a knack for stating the obvious in such a clear and succinct manner that it often feels like a novel revelation. The precision and analytical prowess of Mercury in Virgo help us see things more clearly and communicate more effectively. This period is ideal for tasks that require careful planning, detailed analysis, and thoughtful communication, whether organizing, editing, or analyzing.

I suggest reading the horoscope for your rising sign. Hellenistic tradition also recommends that those born in the day read their Sun sign’s horoscope, while those born at night read their Moon sign’s horoscope.

Cancer, this month, you are recognizing the importance of supporting yourself since nothing is guaranteed. You can take precautions and ensure you always have a backup plan, but nothing is ever promised to work out.
    Your efforts are not in vain, even when things seem like they are falling apart. You might find yourself intellectualizing the secrets your body tells you in order to regain a sense of control over yourself.
    Putting your mind before your somatic response can throw you off balance. It is important to let yourself feel your emotions to place yourself within the context of your own existence, rather than justifying your feelings as they naturally occur.

you have been contemplating a lot over the past month, trying to determine what is even worth your energy. You've spent a considerable amount of time defining what is valuable by recognizing what is worth the effort to keep around and what is better to let go.
    This introspection has led you to realize just how much time and effort it takes to create and maintain something important to you. You've been getting a lot of attention lately, which might conflict with how you are orienting yourself in the world currently.
    Managing this influx of recognition, alongside considerable social drama, can distract you from your current focus. At this time, you find yourself wanting to be known for something outside of what is going on in your orbit. The immediate chaos around you can feel like a vortex that you are trying to escape. You might feel more comfortable at home than around others until you feel confident enough to create whatever you are striving towards at this time.

, you are cultivating place and purpose for your art. It can be uniquely isolating to feel as if what you make feels pointless or meaningless to others. Art is a conversation that anyone can respond to at any time.
    Your projects are the result of compiling references and experiences over the course of your entire life. You contribute to the richness of this vast, never-ending conversation by creating your work. The human experience is infinite and will remain a mystery that we try to unearth as long as humanity is alive.
    You are the connective tissue that helps to keep your social circles interconnected. It can be hard to recognize the strength and responsibility in this role when you allow yourself to exist in a state of humility. However, granting yourself the freedom to have autonomy in your social circles is especially empowering for you this month. Embrace this by acknowledging your vital role within your extended social network, as it will allow you to more deeply understand yourself and your art.

, you are feeling the weight of your need for both privacy and recognition. You want to be acknowledged by your peers, yet you also crave the solace that comes with being unseen. Balancing what is spiritually and emotionally rewarding with what you are comfortable being recognized for can help you manage these incongruent rhythms you are trying to balance at this time. There is potential for being misunderstood by your peers this month, since it can be hard for you to articulate your more difficult experiences. This can lead to feelings of isolation or frustration. Recognize that you are able to define your own boundaries this month and use your time in ways that you see fit for yourself in each moment.

you are in a phase of detoxing and purging relationships, which can leave you feeling vulnerable. Amidst this, you are searching for meaning in the connections you choose to maintain. Sometimes, people hurt us in ways they cannot ever truly fix, and there are moments when we must remain unforgiving to honor ourselves. Often, what matters most is not the direct actions against us but what was neglected in terms of respect and consideration. In turn, you might also be feeling the pressure of being under scrutiny in the court of public opinion as you decide to redefine your relationships this month. It can be challenging to find peace and relaxation when it feels like the whole world is watching. Despite this, it’s crucial to prioritize your well-being and seek solace in relationships that reinforce your sense of self.

it's hard to focus when you feel like a stranger in your own home. Displacement is a difficult feeling to navigate, as it forces you to focus on your baseline needs while managing the rest of your life. Grounding yourself in a routine will be essential during this period as you begin to break up stagnation in your life. You are coming to the realization that you can't push yourself through reality to make time speed up or make the world move faster. You have to sit with it, and this waiting can be challenging when you are eagerly anticipating something. There is no rushing anything, and everything takes as long as it will.

you are working on relinquishing the need to validate yourself through attention from others. This is inherently challenging for you since you often feel as if you are being closely watched while trying to express yourself. You are shedding old layers to feel more embodied in what you want to share with the world. As you explore new facets of self-expression, there is potential for imposter syndrome to arise. This is a natural part of stepping into uncharted territory. You might also fear getting close to what you fear losing, which can create inner conflict. Allow yourself the freedom of raw, unfiltered self-expression. Your feelings will gnaw at you until you embody them.

you are feeling the need to hide from your relationships, struggling with the vulnerability that comes with being truly seen. This frustration is pushing you to articulate yourself through your art, seeking recognition for what you create rather than who you are. It can be easier for you to connect with others through collaboration this month. Invite others to make art and work on your projects with you. This is a type of vulnerability that can be easy for you to manage at this time and can help you feel understood.

you are becoming more in tune with the needs of your body, even when it feels like your body demands too much from you. This journey involves prioritizing time spent doing what you need versus what you want, which can be a delicate balance to achieve.
    Learning how to live in your body takes time and is not always a linear process. There are moments of progress and setbacks, but each step brings you closer to understanding and harmony. Figuring out how you want to organize your time is a dynamic process, subject to change as your life unfolds.
    Your priorities and desires will evolve, reflecting the changes and growth you experience along the way. Embrace this fluidity and allow yourself the grace to adapt as you continue to discover what truly matters to you.

it's okay to waste resources. To learn how to do anything, you need to sacrifice time, energy, and create waste. Progress requires us to make concessions, and we cannot improve without moving forward.
    Moving forward, in and of itself, takes energy and time. This vulnerability can be scary. Taking this risk is a gamble that might not pay off, but you are already not getting your time back, so you might as well do something with it.
    Embrace the uncertainty and trust that each step you take, even if it feels like a waste at times, is part of your journey toward growth and achievement. You should not completely identify with everything you have created in the past. What you make is a reflection of where you have been, and life takes us to surprising places.

your individuality is what binds you to your social circles. You can't escape who you are, no matter how much you try to wrestle your way out of embodying yourself. Hiding away only makes it worse, as it allows you to focus more intensely and scrutinize yourself further.
    Embracing your true self and showing up authentically in your relationships is essential. Confidence allows you the liberty of feeling safe within yourself. When you accept and celebrate who you are, you create a stronger, more genuine connection with others and foster a sense of peace.

the world might feel weirdly small at times during this month as you realize your scope has far surpassed that which you possessed as a kid. Nostalgia can hurt. The awareness that years separate you from a memory can be jarring. Years are gone in an instant once you begin to recall them, and the time passed by leaves no proof besides our memories.
    Sometimes it feels as if we wasted time doing nothing important at all, but regretting your life is rarely productive. Nostalgia can hurt because we realize just how much we have changed and suddenly feel alien to ourselves. You can’t go back to the way things once were, but you can appreciate the journey and growth that have brought you to where you are now. Embrace the present and the person you have become, finding comfort in the knowledge that change is a natural and necessary part of life.