October 2022 Horoscopes
October 1st, 2022

This Libra season may not be as extroverted or flirty by as past Libra seasons. This year, the planets align in ways that make it easier to shift our focus away from the external world and pour our energy inwards to self reflect. There is a general sense of restlessness this month, but also freedom through catharsis. It is an ideal time to let go of feelings that no longer serve us regarding situations that are cemented in the past.

That being said, it is not a completely socially desolate period. Time with friends can be beneficial when processing our feelings during these transits. The archetype of the scales is one who loves to chat and reason with others to better understand its own inner world. Libra takes its experiences with others, to maintain a balanced perspective of themselves. Ruled by Venus (which is at home in Libra for the majority of the month), the typically debilitated Sun in Libra transit can regain some of its power through socializing. Just be wary of getting lost in being overly considerate of circumstances out of your control.

The month begins with six planets in retrograde, though Mercury stations direct after the first day of the month. The common misconception is that retrograde planets are bad for our day to day lives— this is not necessarily true. Even though they bring up some confusion (especially Retrograde Mercury being associated with miscommunications and misunderstandings), they mostly just dig up feelings about our past experiences with the themes of that planet and sign(s) in which it is traversing. A lot can be learned from retrograde cycles.

It is important to self reflect and look inwards before speaking during the beginning of the month, as Mercury is opposite Neptune and simultaneously square to Mars and square to the Moon.

It can be easy to get lost in details without seeing the bigger picture of situations during this configuration. This transit brings awareness to how our feelings affect our sense of autonomy, and to be mindful of how we communicate our frustration— this is especially true for those with mutable ascendants (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces).

Saturn and Mars are both trine to the Sun-Venus conjunction in Libra. This Grand Trine within the air signs makes it helpful to communicate and work on solving intellectual problems. This configuration is balanced and focused. The Mars-Saturn aspect within this configuration makes it easier to resist the urge to act. This can be beneficial in the sense that it can help us be conflict-avoidant, but in the same vein, it could hinder our ability to self-motivate.

Saturn is also closely squaring Uranus exactly for the entirety of the month. Both planets are retrograde until Saturn goes direct and begins to break away from this aspect on the 22nd. This transit can cause feelings of unrest and disruption.

The last time these planets were squaring each other this closely, was the summer of 1999. Uranus was in Aquarius and Saturn was in Taurus. Woodstock ‘99 took place during this transit. The initial Saturn-Uranus square of this decade coincides with the initial global Covid-19 lockdowns in March of 2020. Uranus disrupts the boundaries Saturn’s enacts and upholds when the two planets form hard aspects.

On a day-to-day level, there may be a general atmosphere of anxiety or frustration. Feeling the need to break away from the shackles of the area of life in which Saturn falls in your natal chart can feel stifling. It is important to consider the bigger picture and possible negative outcomes before making drastic life choices during this transit. It is possible life events that disrupt your comfort will occur with this aspect as well since both of these planets signify confounding events in our life. This transit will affect fixed risings, especially.

Mercury will be opposite Jupiter in the middle of the month, until Jupiter retreats back into Pisces. This is a good transit for communication. Though, It can be easy during this time to get lost with the potential about our goals at this time. This opposition can be beneficial for socializing as well. It is a time of mental stimulation. New ideas or restarting ideas from the past can yield good results, as long as you are realistic with your goals and capability.

On the seventh, retrograde Pluto is sextile to domicile + exalted Mercury in Virgo. Pluto is also sextile domicile Neptune. It will be easy to see past the superficial and into the substance of any issues at hand at this time. Secrets may be revealed for some, while others may find closure within themselves. Spending time alone will be instinctive for many of us at this time. Communicating with others can be partially dramatic at this time.

Aries full Moon on the ninth simultaneously sextiles Mars in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius. Venus is approaching the Sun in Libra during this time. This full Moon can bring about feelings of excitement and awareness about where we want to direct our energy.

The sextile between the malefic planets gives the cardinal fire energy gives us a chance to think before we act. Aries full Moons embolden us to take action towards our goals. Aries wants us to move forward and New Moons symbolically represent new beginnings. This is a great opportunity to shift your energy into starting new projects or regaining momentum on unfinished ones.

There has been an increase in violence coinciding with Jupiter in Aries. In the first half of 2022, while Jupiter was still in Pisces, homicides subsided from their steadily increasing trend. Though, crime is still increasing since before the pandemic. This transit can be quite dogmatic. It is easy for people to feel as if their beliefs are correct (with little compromise) as well as feeling the need to fight in order to honor those beliefs.

The last time this transit occurred was between 2010-2011. During this time the Fukushima nuclear disaster occurred in Japan, world wide stock exchanges were negatively affected by the European debt crisis, the Occupy Wall Street movement in America started (which had issues of violence and sexual assault allegations durning the protest camping at Zuccotti park), and Bin Laden was assassinated. The latter led the beginning of the Iraqi insurgency after the U.S. declared and end on the war in Iraq. WWI and WWII both started when Jupiter was Transiting Aries. The Columbine Shooting occurred when Jupiter was in Aries in 1999.

Jupiter in Aries causes us to feel the need to fight for what we believe and to defend ourselves. I am not attempting to fear monger, but it is foolish to not understand the ways the transits of the slower moving planets affect humanity globally. It is important to understand what exactly you are fighting for during this cycle. It can be easy to get swept away by your own sense of morality without considering the bigger picture.

Aries is ruled by Mars so there is pent up energy waiting to be released or expanded upon wirh this transit. Since Mars is in Gemini, ruling the transiting Jupiter in Aries, I believe there will be a lot of debates and verbal attacks made durning this time: of all scales of social impact.

This transit will take a break as Jupiter dips back into its domicile sign, Pisces, beginning October 28th. Jupiter was transiting Pisces from last December to May 11th. Themes and events from this time will be revisited as the planet moves backwards. Since Jupiter is at home in the sign of Pisces, there will be a break in the tension before it moves back into Aries. That being said, this transit has its own hardships. This transit can spark creativity, abundance and good fortune, especially in the area of life in which Pisces falls in your birth chart. When Jupiter moved into Pisces (and out of Aquarius) in the Summer of 2021, there were global re-openings after worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns.

Jupiter will once again be cohabiting in Pisces with Neptune; this transit can cause misinformation and delusion. Collectively, we may be more susceptible to propaganda which can be the fuel for further civil unrest once Jupiter moves back into Aries next year.

Jupiter in Pisces will likely have a negative affect on Bitcoin, since it dropped in price in December of 2021— the first ingress into Pisces of this Jupiter cycle . This transit has also been associated with inflation since Jupiter signifies expansion. Bitcoin dropped 20% in May when Jupiter re-entered Pisces.

Global gas prices may rise again since Neptune signifies oil and gas, that combined with Jupiter’s inital ingress into Pisces (joining Neptune) coincided with unprecedented gas price surges. Gas prices had been increasing since the beginning of 2022 but peaked durning the summer. The last time Jupiter and Neptune joined in Pisces was 1856. During this year, Eunice Newton Foote wrote the first journal to link the relationship between carbon dioxide and global warming. Although Jupiter’s time in Pisces is short-lived compared to Neptune’s, there will likely be a push for alternative energy sources durning this time. As Neptune moves through Pisces —until 2026— we may see an increase in the push for renewable energy sources. This Jupiter in Pisces cycle may bring gas price resurgence which cause us to advocate for cheaper sources of energy.

Jupiter rejoining Neptune in Pisces can indicate a general need for escapism. Pisces and Neptune are both associated with drugs and altered states of consciousness. General drug usage may increase durning this time as well. 2010 (one year before Neptune ingressed into Pisces) marked the second wave of heroin overdose in the united states. In 1999, while Neptune was in Aquarius, it cohabited with Uranus and squared Jupiter. Since 2011, there has been an exponential growth of heroin overdoses. Jupiter was sexile Neptune and Saturn was square to it durning this year. Saturn signifies restriction, the physical reality, and authority, while Jupiter signifies growth, expansion, authority figures + governments, and it also signifies the liver. Configuration between these three plants demarcate the increase of various types of opioid overdoses in the United States. In the summer of 2013, marked the beginning of a grand trine between Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune in water signs that would last for the rest of the year. This was the year synthetic opioid overdoses begin to rise. In the United State’s natal chart, the fourth house is in Pisces. The fourth house can signify the home as well as death and hidden matters.

The Sun and Venus move into Scorpio on the 23rd. A solar eclipse closely follows this ingress. The effects of eclipses tend to not be obvious initially. Solar eclipses can bring about drama in social settings, especially among our friends. This transit will be especially significant for those with fixed rising signs.

The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio occurs on the 25th. Solar Eclipses make it impossible to hide from issues steaming from unfinished personal business. They force us to self reflect and be brutally honest with ourselves. Scorpio new Moons make us crave emotional depth. The superficial will not satisfy us at this time. Eclipses are dramatic and can activate aspects of our chart in substantial ways.

The eclipse is conjunct Venus, the planet of beautification, women, love, friendship, and spirituality. Given that eclipses bring up underlying issues, this conjunction can coincide with issues regarding women’s rights. There may be multiple issues from different parts of the world regarding women’s health or rights. On a more personal level, this conjunction can bring about issues regarding friendships or partnerships that need readdressing. For some, there may be a strong urge to change your aesthetic or to recognize. It is possible to see what this eclipse will enlighten for each of us by revisiting what was happening in our lives around April 30th.

The last Eclipse was the Lunar Eclipse in May. Themes from our lives at this time will be revisited. Although this transit will drastically effect the lives of those with prominent Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius placements, they should not dread this eclipse. It is impossible to fill your cup if it is already full.

For Leo and Aquarius, this Eclipse is occurring the houses corresponding to the home and career. One of these areas of life will likely put pressure on the other. For Scorpio and Taurus, this axis is affecting their sense of identity and their relationships to other people.

On the 30th, Mars will station retrograde in Gemini. It will spend the rest of the year moving backwards through this sign. Mars in Gemini moves quickly, it is adept at bringing multiple trains together to get things done— this makes Mars in Gemini is a skilled multitasker. Mars in Gemini wants to discover and share what it knows with others. It is a very high energy transit. When it enters its retrograde motion, Mars will be less motivated and ambitious. We will need to move in tandem at this pace in order to maintain the benefits of this transit. The archetype of the Twins excels at being a jack-of-all trades but, can have some difficulty with mastery. This transit calls for Gemini to slow down and focus as Mars begins to move backwards through this sign. Plenty of personal breakthroughs can be made durning the instability of this retrograde cycle. Focusing on one project at a time will be a better venture than continuing at the pace at which direct Mars in Gemini typically operates.

Mars in Gemini cycles can bring about more rumors and gossip than usual. it is important to double check and think critically about the sources of information at this time, especially as it stations retrograde at the end of the month. It can be easy to get lost in drama at this time, especially for those with fire risings.

Given the Solar Eclipse at the end of the month and all the retrograde motion of the planets, October will force us to reflect on more events from the past year. Taking time to yourself and reflecting will be especially beneficial during this time.

I suggest reading the horoscope for your rising sign. Hellenistic tradition also recommends that those born in the day read their Sun sign’s horoscope, while those born at night read their Moon sign’s horoscope.

Libra, you will find yourself focused on balancing your relationship with yourself as well as your relationship with others. This is your yearly season, so you are presented situations that challenge you to deal with the themes of your sign.
    The scales represent balance of all things, yourself, and others. It is easy for you to get lost from yourself since you consider everyone’s experience as equal.
    Nearing the end of October, you will feel inspired to manage your finances. This clarity will help alleviate the pressure you have been feeling in regards your financial responsibilities.
    You will also sense unexpected changes as the month comes to an end. Being adaptable and managing your expectations will help prepare you for these shifts in your life.
    Your trepidation about unforeseeable changes may negatively affect your ability to be creative. You’ll gain insight on how to better manage your worries regarding this area of life as we move into the end of the year.

Scorpio, this October is offering you a period of self reflection. It is calling you to take time to yourself, as well as to be patient with yourself. You may experience some FOMO or feel as if you are being left out, but it is always better to set boundaries and take time away when needed.
    You may sense that your closest interpersonal relationships are affecting your ability to center yourself. Now may be the time to stay home and spend time with family, rather than going out. Neglecting your home can cause more emotional instability than you consciously recognize.
    You may also notice childhood nostalgia durning this time. It is important to reflect on that in order to better develop your sense of self. Towards the end of October, you will feel more comfortable applying what you learned through self exploration to your outward expression of yourself. Changing how you express yourself will be natural at this time and will continue into November.

Sagittarius, the world around you may feel as if it is moving faster than your inner reality. You can find yourself at more parties or social gatherings than usual.
    You are experiencing a drive to reconsider your intimate relationships during this time. Specifically, you are feeling inspired to bring out the best in others. It can be easy to get lost in your relationships, so be mindful of how much energy you are spending focusing on other people.
    Feeling burnt out by your daily obligations, chores, and errands can take a toll on your personal studies or any travel plans you have been desiring to take. Your routine may seem like it prevents you from deepening your understanding of the world. Shifting your perspective from feeling bound to feeling grateful for the monotony of your daily life can help you see the bigger picture.

Capricorn, you have become especially preoccupied in your creative endeavors lately. You may be receiving notoriety for your creative pursuits this month. Your sense of self is defined by what you bring into the world, you are very productive and October is a good month to align your sense of self with what you want to see in the world.
    It can be difficult for you to balance your need for self reflection this month since you are receiving attention and satisfaction through your creations. You may also be putting off fiscal matters by prioritizing creating things.
    October is also a particularly good month for going on dates, lucky you! During the middle of the month you should take time to step out of the limelight and focus on your relationship with your personal space. A few days at home will be helpful if you start feeling overwhelmed.

Aquarius, it is important to not get caught up with familial drama. This month you will be faced with balancing your identity with how you exist in private and the expectations of your family.
    Utilizing new revelations regarding expectations you had in September will be beneficial when mitigating the affairs of your home life while you focus on shaping your identity.
    You have already had a two year period of self exploration, but this month will present situations that challenge your self expression. Overcoming these situations will further help you realize what you need to change in order to continue growing.
    It is important to maintain your sense of self durning this time. Working on creative projects can be especially beneficial for you in the month of October. Your creations will seem like authentic expressions of yourself durning this time.

Pisces, it is important to address the mental blocks that have been affecting how your communicate. You may have been adapting to change or desiring a new change to take place.
    Getting stuck in the fantasy of what you want keeps you from making changes in your daily life. How seriously you take your own livelihood hood will come to light this month. The stability of your material world will be tested this month. It is important to consider how to maintain stability now, in order to effectively plan for your future.
    October will teach your how to respect how much your belongs provide for you, by either taking away important things or through giving you new means to impose your reality.

Aries, your focus on friendships and social circles will be tested thus month by the limitations of your immediate reality. Understanding that you need to provide for yourself before you can integrate yourself into social settings is key at this time.
    You have a general desire to connect with others this month. You will feel particularly confident about solidifying your relationships around the Full Moon. It is important to not feel overzealous about your need for intimacy at this time.
    Your relationship to others can deepen or hinder your ability to understand yourself. Setting boundaries with others is the key to maintaining relationships with them and yourself.
    By the end of the month, you will have to shift your expectations in order to understand the limitations of your current reality.

Taurus, you have felt the tension between needing to prioritize how you perceive yourself and feeling obligated to making yourself palatable to others building within you for many months. Durning October, you will feel compelled to reflect on the dissonance between your identity and the way you represent yourself to maintain your reputation.
    Your sense of self should ultimately align with how you want to be known.There are ideal circumstances this month to change your daily habits for your benefit. Cleaning your room or reorganizing your daily routine will be especially productive for you this month. This can help alleviate the stress you are feeling in regards to your identity and self expression.
    This may seem to fall into place unexpected this month. There is a general energy for you to get involved with things that seemed closed off to you.

Gemini, escaping your current reality won’t help you see the bigger picture. Your pursuit to deepen your knowledge of the world is currently at odds with your sense of inner balance.
    It is important to focus on taking time to center yourself. Balancing your need to logically understand the world and your intuitive understanding of things is key to navigating this month.
    October is bringing you inspiration to be creative. Working on your creative pursuits will cultivate into something larger as we move into November.

Cancer, you have been learning to take comfort in knowing that your life is constantly unfolding. The world around you shapes your entire reality and you have to adjust your expectations accordingly. Your exceptions of the world affect the boundaries that you set with others.
    This month it is important to recognize that the things you need at this moment are different than those of your friends. It can be easy for you to get caught worrying about why people don’t take your advice or do the things that you think would be best for them.
    Spending time at home with family can help center yourself if you are experiencing burnout from socializing. Being a bit of a homebody this October will help you escape the drama of your social settings.

Leo, your devotion to your closest friends has been strained by your reputation or your career. This tension between these two areas of life is culminating this month.
    October is a month of new revelations and clear mental focus. It is easy for you to understand things that you have been contemplating. Your thoughts are free-flowing this month.
    You will feel determined to socialize and connect with others. Group settings and social gatherings will be especially invigorating this month. You have a deep desire to explore during this time. A trip with friends could be especially rewarding.
    Spending time in group settings can elevate the pressure you are feeling to maintain deep interpersonal relationships. You do not have to self isolate to take time to yourself.

Virgo, you shifting your focus to the material world this month. Last month you focused on your identity and sense of self, now it the time to solidify your reality in order to ensure you are living in a way that aligns with what you want for yourself.
    You have the motivation to focus on your career and work this October. Putting effort into how you are perceived by others is important to you. Working on your reputation at this time will help you and have a lasting impression on others at this time.
    Your daily routine will be disrupted by a need for enriching your worldly knowledge. You may feel the need to break out of your day-to-day life in search of something deeper. It is important to not detached and avoid getting work done. It can be easy to feel apathetic about the way your life is headed at this time.
    It is important for you to consider have the most control over your routine and schedule. Recognizing your own autonomy will help you to center yourself.