February 2024 Horoscopes
February 1st, 2024

As the planets that were transiting through Capricorn begin to move into Aquarius, they will go from being trine to Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus to being square to both of these planets over the course of this month. This shift in planetary alignment signals a period of dynamic tension and challenges, as we navigate the contrast between the innovative impulses of Aquarius and the stabilizing influences of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus.

We want to achieve great things, but how do we do that within our community? Greatness is not achieved singularly; it is a collective endeavor. Societies are constructed with every structure built in tandem with the environment and the community, yet sometimes, progress comes at the expense of others. This raises the question: “what are the ethics of progress.” The Sun in Aquarius grapples with these ethical quandaries, especially considering its exact conjunction with Pluto on the same day as its ingress into this sign, last month.

This alignment challenges us to confront power dynamics and transformative forces, urging us to reassess our values and priorities. The Sun's journey through Aquarius encourages us to seek innovative solutions and foster inclusive communities where everyone can thrive. It calls for a reevaluation of our societal structures to ensure that progress is equitable and sustainable for all. As we navigate these complexities and move into Pisces season, it becomes essential to strive for ethical leadership and collective action, fostering a future that is rooted in justice, compassion, and unity.

Planets will now be conjoining Pluto, which was not possible when it briefly transited through Aquarius earlier in 2023. We will see the ways in which Pluto will truly begin to transform the cultural landscapes this month. We will witness Pluto's influence on Mercury, Venus, and Mars this month. As these planets conjoin with Pluto in Aquarius, they bring to the surface deep-seated truths and hidden motivations, prompting us to reevaluate our beliefs, relationships, and motivations.

★ February Fifth - Mercury enters Aquarius then conjoins Pluto ★

By the end of the first week of February, Mercury will meet Pluto at its exact degree after making its ingress into Aquarius.

As this transit aligns at the zeroth degree of Aquarius, it brings to light our evolving perceptions of humanity in a rapidly advancing technological landscape. Aquarius symbolizes the quest for decryption, where Mercury and Pluto's conjunction prompts us to delve deep into the essence of concepts and circumstances. We become engrossed in uncovering the authentic truth behind ideas and situations, potentially becoming consumed by this pursuit of clarity.

We may become more overtly aware and thus have the ability to convey our recognition of the new era we are entering. With Mercury (representing our ability to perceive) meeting Pluto (the torus churring itself over, ushering in new information and eras) we are able to see the inside of situation from the outside. Aquarius is comfortable at the margins, so it is naturally looking into the center from the periphery.

Despite Aquarius’s natural comfort in this position, the energy can be anxiety-inducing. Being able to see into the entirety of the potential of what is to come can make us paranoid of the future, and this paranoia can lead to obsessive thinking.

In our personal lives, secrets may come to the surface, which can affect the basis of our friend groups or other social circles. These issues may not be able to be resolved under the influence of this conjunction, but the knowledge of what was happening underneath the surface is necessary for restructuring our social groups.

On a national scale, the alignment of Mercury and Pluto in Aquarius may illuminate scandals or unveil hidden conspiracies, shaking the foundations of public trust and perception. Moreover, amidst this conjunction, there is a heightened risk of getting lost in the realm of conspiracy.

It's imperative to approach information with critical discernment and skepticism during this period, ensuring that we navigate the influx of revelations with clarity and rationality.

★ February Seventh - Venus in Capricorn is Trine to Uranus in Taurus ★

When Venus and Uranus meet in this trine, we will be able to see beauty and merit in the unexpected. Both signs are apart of the earth element, which gives them a prefence to things that can withstand since both Taurus and Capricorn are aware of how much work it takes to create something. This can be the ideal period to work diligently on your art, especially any physical mediums—specifically clay or paint.

With the influence of Uranus on Jupiter in Taurus, we are able to see the divine within the mundane, the beauty in what is *wabi sabi*, and the natural world. All art has been created, and art is not limited to what is conventionally beautiful. Understanding that art is divinely inspired, but does not sporadically manifest into the world allows us to recognize the power we wield in creation.

This trine can also open up the possibility of new relationships or partnerships (business, platonic, or romantic), as well as give way to unexpected gifts or opportunities. The energy of this trine fosters an atmosphere of spontaneity and openness, encouraging us to embrace the potential for meaningful encounters and collaborations that transcend the boundaries of our usual social circles.

Since Taurus is one of the two signs that deals with fiscal matters, and Venus manages financial issues, some may see financial upturns at this time. This could manifest as unexpected windfalls, lucrative opportunities, or favorable developments in financial endeavors. It's a time to remain attuned to the potential for abundance and prosperity, keeping an eye out for serendipitous opportunities that could significantly enhance our material well-being.

★ February Eighth - The Sun in Aquarius is Square to Uranus in Taurus ★

Directly following the Venus-Uranus trine, the Sun in Aquarius will be exactly perpendicular to this same outer planet, which puts tension onto Uranus as Venus separates from it’s trine positioning to this same planet.

With the Sun at odds with Uranus, we may find ourselves impatient and expectant in anticipation of foreseeable changes. This can stem from our awareness of where we would like to be in life, but that not being reflected in this current moment. Some might feel trapped in circumstance and unable to break away from patterns or situations that bind them to this current version of themself.

As we question our place in society and if we even have the capability to escape it, we may find ourselves questioning the morality of wanting more. Lingering feelings of imposter syndrome can arise at this time as we navigate feeling stuck while knowing we belong somewhere else.

This configuration can make it difficult to act on our creative impulses, but it is important to at least take note of your inspirations at this time.

With Aquarius influencing this transit, we may feel overwhelmed by technology. The separating Venus-Uranus trine champions working hard and takes pride in craftsmanship, but the Sun in Aquarius is focused on automation and advancement.

Governments may pass legislation or in other ways neglect growing concerns about the ongoing climate crises at this time. The urgency of environmental issues clashes with the allure of technological progress, creating a complex dynamic where short-term gains often overshadow long-term sustainability. Despite calls for action and mounting evidence of the consequences of inaction, bureaucratic inertia and conflicting interests continue to hinder meaningful progress towards addressing climate change.

★ February Ninth - New Moon in Aquarius ★

The new moon arrives in the second week of the month, bringing a disruptive energy and the potential for inner turmoil due to the square aspect to Uranus remaining active and exerting tension on the new moon. Ruled by Saturn in Pisces, similar to last month's new moon, which was trine to Uranus, month’s new moon configuration underscores emotional unpredictability and need for each of us to break out of the situations that bind us to an unsuitable reality.

We will understand that we need to break away from repeating these patterns, it is difficult but necessary for our sense of growth. We come to grasp the importance of challenging ourselves to transcend the familiar confines of our comfort zones, even when faced with the discomfort and uncertainty that change inevitably brings.

Under the influence of Aquarius, we recognize that true growth lies in daring to defy conventional wisdom and instead embodying all parts of ourselves. This sign encourages us to question societal norms and outdated traditions, pushing the boundaries of what is possible and envisioning a future that is both progressive and inclusive. When rejecting our current limitations, we should also seek to help others overcome their obstacles as well.

As we grapple with the notion of breaking free from stagnation, Aquarius reminds us of the power of collective action and collaboration. Now is the ideal time to work with others and to bring your ideas into the world manifest through collaboration.

In the realm of Aquarius, where individual freedom and collective progress are paramount, people are likely to feel disillusioned by their governments at this time, leading to civil unrest. As people awaken to the realization that the existing power structures may not serve their best interests, there is a heightened sense of frustration and discontent
brewing beneath the surface.

Mercury's presence in Aquarius, strongly square to Jupiter in Taurus, further shapes the energies surrounding the context of this new moon. The skepticism towards future viability, particularly concerning land and resources, may lead people to demand tangible results before placing their full trust in any proposed agreements or initiatives. This cautious approach stems from a fear of being trapped in unfavorable circumstances.

Under this lunation, there's a heightened risk of technological failures and disasters. The influence of Uranus can exacerbate these issues, potentially leading to explosions or other technological mishaps. Given Uranus's current position in Taurus, there's also an increased likelihood of seismic activity such as earthquakes, which can have cascading effects on technology, power infrastructure, and transportation systems.

★ February Tenth - Mercury in Aquarius is Square to Jupiter in Taurus ★

After the moon begins to separate from its opposition to the Sun, Mercury in the first decan of Aquarius will become exactly square to Jupiter in Taurus. This transit can cause difficulty in seeing the grander importance of things, as we might become overly cerebral in regards to material issues.

During this alignment, we may find it challenging to appreciate the significance of our circumstances, becoming mired in overthinking and analysis paralysis, particularly concerning matters associated with Jupiter, such as growth, abundance, and belief systems. This tendency to overanalyze can lead to a diminished ability to recognize and appreciate the blessings in our lives, as well as an increased susceptibility to feelings of self-doubt and further exacerbate any feelings of imposter syndrome.

Since Mercury rules over communication, we should be wary of over promising and over-talking. This square can also lead us to overlook the perspectives and contributions of others. This overconfidence can also manifest as stubbornness in our convictions, as we may be unwilling to entertain alternative viewpoints without concrete proof or evidence, especially since both planets in this aspect are fixed.

Financial matters may also come under scrutiny during this transit, with potential political issues arising in the financing of public transportation systems or challenges in accurately reporting financial data.

This square alignment serves as a reminder to approach matters with both intellectual rigor and humility, recognizing the limitations of our own perspectives while remaining open to the insights and contributions of others.

★ February Thirteenth - Mars enters Aquarius ★

Mars loses its essential dignity as it leaves Capricorn to enter Aquarius. Despite lacking essential dignity in this sign, Mars in Aquarius is still influenced by Saturn in Pisces, providing context to our motivations during this period. Saturn's influence underscores the tension inherent in this transition, especially considering its square aspect to the planet of its last Scorpio cazimi back in November.

The first issues that will stem from the beginning of this Mars cazimi era are to become apparent at this time. We might recognize that our pursuit of truth and discovery can be thwarted by our need to belong. While our pursuit of truth and discovery propels us forward, we may find ourselves grappling with the tension between our need for autonomy and our yearning for community.

With Mars entering Aquarius, the motivation to innovate and think differently possesses the collective consciousness. The influence of Mars compels us to action within the realm of Aquarian significations. During this period, we are likely to take more interest in social justice matters and be inspired by our efforts to break free from outdated norms and explore new avenues of possibility.

Our heightened interest in social justice matters reflects a deep-seated commitment to creating a more equitable and inclusive society. Inspired by the revolutionary spirit of Aquarius, we are emboldened to challenge entrenched power structures and advocate for the rights of marginalized communities. Our efforts to break free from outdated norms and explore new avenues of possibility are driven by a desire to shape a future that reflects our values and aspirations. This is especially true given that Mars completes a conjunction with Pluto within a day of moving into this sign.

February Fourteenth - Mars and Pluto conjoin in Aquarius

Direct following Mars’s ingress into Aquarius, it conjoins with Pluto at the first degree of this sign. As these planets meet exactly on this day, our will to assert intellectual dominance over others is heightened. We may find it extremely difficult to remain a sense of patience with those who do not agree with our sense of justice at this time.

When Mars merges with Pluto, our actions may carry a heightened intensity, magnifying even the smallest of matters. However, this potent energy can also be channeled productively into diligent work on projects and endeavors that require focused determination. This energy can also be channeled productively into diligent work on projects and endeavors that require focused determination.

Yet, there is a risk of going too hard or overreacting to situations under the influence of this conjunction. The volatile combination of Mars and Pluto can fuel impulsive behavior and irrational reactions, potentially leading to conflicts or confrontations. We may find it hard to compromise with others or accept alternative perspectives. Our sense of justice is heightened when Mars transits through Aquarius and this conjunction intensifies our convictions, making us more resolute in our beliefs and less willing to consider opposing viewpoints.

In mundane astrology Mars governs military actions, war, and violence. With this conjunction occurring, we are prompted to consider the broader global context, particularly in light of ongoing conflicts worldwide. There is a heightened risk of new conflicts arising, driven by irrational motivations or aggressive actions.

Additionally, this alignment may bring attention to the use of new technologies in warfare, shedding light on the ethical implications of advancements in military technology. As Mars and Pluto merge energies, we are called to confront the realities of modern warfare and consider the moral and ethical implications of technological advancements in this field.

★ February Sixteenth - Venus enters Aquarius ★

As Venus enters Aquarius on February sixteenth, it undergoes a shift from one Saturn sign to the next, following the same pattern as every other planet moving into Aquarius this month. Transitioning from valuing tradition and the established order to embracing the potential inherent in what already exists, Venus in Aquarius encourages us to find beauty in innovation and possibility. This placement fosters an eclectic and forward-thinking approach to relationships and aesthetics, making it a favorable time for socializing and expanding our social circles.

During this transit, we may find ourselves relating to others based on a shared sense of being outsiders or non-conformists. This can lead to the formation of unlikely friendships and connections, as we bond over our mutual appreciation for individuality and unconventional thinking. By embracing our unique qualities and celebrating the diversity of human experience, we can forge meaningful connections that transcend societal norms and expectations.

We are likely to find ourselves interested in forms of art that utilize new technologies or question the inherent state of humanity. We may feel inspired by avant-garde art, futuristic design, and unconventional fashion trends that challenge the status quo and push boundaries. Our appreciation for beauty expands to encompass the unique and the unexpected, as we celebrate diversity and creativity in all its forms. This shift in preferences reflects a broader cultural movement towards embracing diversity, innovation, and individual expression

★ February Seventeenth - Venus and Pluto conjoin in Aquarius; Mercury in Aquarius is Square to Uranus in Taurus ★

February Seventeenth brings a convergence of celestial energies that promise both intensity and transformation. As Venus and Pluto conjoin in Aquarius, we are confronted with the depths of our desires and the power dynamics within our relationships. This alignment may bring forth a sense of urgency and intensity in matters of love and aesthetics, leading to feelings of possessiveness or the uncovering of hidden truths within our connections. We may feel compelled to assert our perceived sense of self and to align ourselves with our vision of how the world should be adorned, perhaps with a hint of superiority in our aesthetic preferences.

In the wake of preceding planetary conjunctions with Pluto, the themes of power, transformation, and upheaval now manifest in our relationships with others and our place in the world. We may grapple with feelings of loneliness or alienation, particularly if we cling too strongly to our convictions or come across as off-putting to others. However, this period also offers an opportunity for experimentation and growth, especially in the realm of the arts. By channeling our feelings of shame or not belonging into creative expression, we can alchemize our experiences into something beautiful and meaningful.

Aquarius sees its relationships as ongoing case-studies; each relationship is an explorations of human interaction and societal dynamics. This sign seeks to uncover the underlying patterns and motivations that shape human behavior. With this perspective, Aquarius approaches relationships with a sense of curiosity and openness, unafraid to question norms or challenge conventions. For Aquarius, relationships are not just about companionship or romantic entanglement, but about fostering a deeper understanding of ourselves and each other.

We are confronted with the depths of our desires and the power dynamics within our relationships, prompting us to delve deeper into the underlying dynamics at play. We might feel compelled to isolate ourselves in order to better understand our relationships and our place in them, alternatively it can lead to a sense of possession as we strive to assert control over our connections and define our roles within them.

Meanwhile, Mercury's square to Uranus adds a layer of unpredictability and mental agitation to this day’s transits. Our minds may be overactive, racing with thoughts and worries about material security and the stability of our plans. This aspect can bring sudden changes of mind or unexpected revelations that challenge our sense of security and stability.

Despite the tension squares put on each planet, this transit can be inspiring. We can discover new information, that may be shocking, but ultimately necessary or important to know. This sudden influx of knowledge can serve as a catalyst for change or inspiration.

★ February Eighteenth - The Sun enters Pisces ★

February Eighteenth marks the Sun's entrance into Pisces, signaling a shift in collective focus towards the ethereal and interconnected aspects of existence. As the Sun illuminates the watery depths of Pisces, our attention turns to the invisible threads that unite us all, transcending individual boundaries and embracing the interconnectedness of humanity.

We are called to embrace the inherent humanity in each individual and to cultivate a sense of acceptance and forgiveness towards ourselves and others. Pisces invites us to dissolve the barriers that separate us and to recognize the inherent beauty and divinity within every soul.

The Sun joins the same sign as Saturn, allowing us to develop a sense of security within our place in the universe. Saturn's influence brings structure, stability, and a sense of responsibility to Piscean energies, grounding our spiritual insights and ethereal connections in practical reality.

★ February Twenty-second - Venus and Mars conjoin in Aquarius ★

Beginning the third week of February, Venus and Mars conjoin in Aquarius. This conjunction sparks a fusion of energies, blending the assertive drive of Mars with the magnetic allure of Venus.

Both Venus and Mars represent how we exert force onto the world, albeit in different ways. Mars embodies the masculine application of this principle, driving us to take action and assert our will, while Venus embodies the receptive feminine, guiding us in how we collect or become familiar with others. This dynamic interplay between assertiveness and receptivity can manifest as a strong sense of attraction, as well as extreme devotion to others or our own ideals. However, it can also lead to issues of idolization or unrealistic expectations.

Under this conjunction, our energy becomes focused on socializing, artistic expression, and pursuing our desires. However, the merging of these two forces can lead to both opportunities for growth and tension within relationships. Additionally, this conjunction may bring about a heightened sense of drama, as tensions surface and emotions run high. Yet, within this tension lies the potential for growth and transformation, as we confront and work through issues that have been simmering beneath the surface.

★ February Twenty-third - Mercury enters Pisces ★

When Mercury enters Pisces, it enters one of the two domains of its exile. Pisces is intuitive and imaginative while Mercury is concerned with facts and observable standards.

Under the influence of Pisces, communication may become erratic, as thoughts and ideas flow like the symbol representing Pisces—two fish swimming in opposite directions—often meandering and circling back upon themselves. This transit can lead to instances of talking in circles, where the original point becomes lost amidst a sea of tangents and abstract musings. Additionally, there may be a tendency to forget the point one was trying to make altogether, as the boundaries between logic and intuition become blurred in the Piscean realm.

Despite these potential pitfalls, Mercury in Pisces offers a unique opportunity to tap into the intuitive wisdom of the subconscious mind. This is a time for embracing the power of symbolism, metaphor, and nonverbal communication to convey deeper truths and insights. By allowing ourselves to surrender to the ebb and flow of Piscean energies, we may discover new avenues of creative expression and spiritual understanding.

Mercury will become sextile to Jupiter in Taurus, Pisces’s natural ruler and Mercury’s current planetary ruler in this sign, which can help guide it as it tries to traverse this sign.

★ February Twenty-fourth - Full Moon in Virgo ★

Under this full moon in Virgo, we are reminded that our individual lives constitute the totality of human existence; we are called to examine the intricate details of our lives and recognize the significance of our individual roles within the greater whole.

This lunation reminds us that while we may strive for perfection, we must also acknowledge the inherent imperfections and limitations of our human experience. Sometimes, we must surrender to the reality that we can't always get what we want and that we can't have it all at once.

This Full Moon may also bring up feelings of being bound to what we know and feeling lost in the vastness of it all. We may find ourselves paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong decision in a sea of infinite possibility. Yet, it is through facing these fears and embracing the unknown that we can truly grow and evolve.

The opposition between the Full Moon in Virgo and the Sun in Pisces reflects a dichotomy between the need for structure and order (Virgo) and the desire for transcendence and surrender (Pisces). Obstacles in the Pisces area of our natal chart influencing the Virgo sector intensifies this opposition, fueling both halves of this dichotomy. Slowing down in the Pisces area of our lives can allow us to develop new habits and routines in the Virgo area, ultimately bringing greater balance and harmony to our overall experience.

★ February Twenty-fifth - Venus in Aquarius is Square to Jupiter in Taurus ★

as Venus in Aquarius squares Jupiter in Taurus, igniting tensions between our desires for innovation and stability. Under this influence, there may be a temptation to use spending as a means to try to actualize how it is we want to exist in the world. However, the square aspect between these two planets reminds us that true fulfillment comes not from material possessions, but from creative expression.

Rather than seeking validation through external means, we are encouraged to harness the energy of this aspect to cultivate a sense of abundance from within. This is a time to tap into our creative potential and channel our energies into projects and endeavors that align with our deepest values and aspirations. We are able to contribute to the world with our creations rather than ideanifying with what already exists within it— which constrains our potential to redefine what is possible, contradicting the Aquarian philosophy of innovation and progress.

Additionally, with Venus in Aquarius square to Jupiter in Taurus, there may be a heightened desire to be recognized by the masses for our contributions to the collective. We may feel a strong urge to make our mark on the world and leave a lasting legacy that reflects our values and ideals. However, it's important to remember that true recognition comes not from seeking external validation, but from living authentically and aligning our actions with our inner truth.Aquarius values integrity and authenticity; it knows that we can define ourselves through our talents and merit rather than superficial or fleeting attributes.

★ February Twenty-eighth - Mercury, the Sun, and Saturn conjoin in Pisces ★

The culmination of February arrives with a powerful alignment as Mercury, the Sun, and Saturn conjoin in Pisces at the ninth degree of the sign. This convergence of energies offers a profound opportunity for reflection, introspection, and practical action.

Mercury's influence in this transit provides us with the mental clarity needed to develop new strategies for navigating the challenges that Saturn has placed on us since March of last year.

The conjunction of this trifecta forms a sextile aspect to Jupiter (the current ruler of all planets in Pisces) in Taurus within 2°, amplifying the potential for growth, expansion, and abundance. While the energy of Pisces may bring feelings of isolation or misunderstanding, the sextile to Jupiter encourages us to maintain a realistic outlook and sustain a strong work ethic as we pursue our goals.

Under this influence, we may find ourselves considering multiple perspectives and focusing on the power of speech and manifestation. “Speaking things into existence” and working diligently towards long-held aspirations become key themes during this time. Additionally, we may experience a sense of alignment, as external circumstances support us in creating barriers and boundaries that are necessary for our growth and success.

On a broader scale, this conjunction may also coincide with news or developments related to maritime issues, or drug regulations. Pisces, as a sign associated with the ocean and the realm of the subconscious, often brings attention to issues related to maritime affairs, such as shipping regulations, environmental conservation efforts, or developments in oceanic exploration.

Pisces is also linked to themes of empathy, intuition, and the unseen realms of consciousness, making it a potent influence in matters concerning healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and drug regulations. During this conjunction, we may see advancements in medical research, shifts in healthcare policies, or discussions around the compassionate use of certain substances for therapeutic purposes.

I suggest reading the horoscope for your rising sign. Hellenistic tradition also recommends that those born in the day read their Sun sign’s horoscope, while those born at night read their Moon sign’s horoscope.

Aquarius, you are undergoing profound changes this February. Each Aquarius season brings its own themes of self exploration since the Sun in your sign allows you to explore your sense of identity. But this month you may find yourself acutely aware of how it is you came to be. Your existence is nested in an achieve of all your experience and the experience of your family before you.
    By modernizing your culture through your existence in the future of your ancestor’s perception, you are, in a sense, challenging the very foundations that gave rise to your being. It is an honor to be able to shape the world by being a force within it.

Pisces, this month offers a period of recuperation. If you are struggling with feeling like you don’t belong, it is important to understand that you exist within the confines of infinite communities.
    This time may bring a heightened focus on your mental health versus your longing for a sense of community, as you navigate the delicate balance between your internal struggles and your external connections.
    You may find yourself taking on extra responsibilities in hopes of finding solace or fulfillment, but be wary of burnout as you strive to maintain a sense of purpose and belonging. Letting go of your next for external validation can help you to regain a sense of control and vigor.
    This month, be bold and communicate all your weird ideas. You do not need to censor yourself or pander to others in order to feel like you are deserving of belonging.

Aries, share your blessings with others this month. Sometimes we think that we do not have enough, and that very well can be true, but giving what you can to others will always be rewarded ten fold by the universe.
    True community is built from solving each others struggles and bearing the burdens of others. This can be difficult since you tend to take pride in doing things by yourself, but resources are meant to be shared. Being isolated is a tool of the state to keep us in a perpetual state of anxiety which will keep us working and consuming. The only way to break free from this is to build community and the first step is to share burdens with others.

Taurus, you are capable of your own desires simply by wanting them. By embodying everything you are, all of your hopes, dreams, and cravings you defeat your own sense of shame. Guilty pleasures do nothing but keep you complacent in a life model that does not suite your needs.
    It is not selfish to want to actualize yourself. You already have by the nature of being. A bad job can keep you stagnant, hindering your growth and preventing you from fully expressing your true self.
    Sometimes you have to commit to something before it seems completely stable or viable. It is human nature to invent and through our creations we can understand our own reason for existing. This month you may find it healing to publicize your work even if you are embarrassed.
    In order to feel human, you need to see your influance on the world. There is no use suffering by keeping everything you work so diligently on hidden in your personal archives.

Gemini, your experiences shape your understanding of the world more than any of your intellectual pursuits. You desorbed to have an anecdotal and biased perspective of things because you are human.
    Your multifaceted nature allows you to appreciate the diversity of perspectives and narratives that enrich your understanding of reality, but it is important to understand the basis of your own beliefs. Like everyone else you use heuristics to make decisions since it is impossible to be 100% logical 100% of the time.
    Embracing your subjective experiences doesn't diminish the value of your intellectual pursuits; rather, it enhances them by grounding your ideas in the lived realities of yourself. By acknowledging your inherent biases and embracing the complexity of human experience, you gain a deeper appreciation for the nuances of your own life.

Cancer, it is impossible to build trust with everyone you know. Friendships can be important but lacking in the level of intimacy that helps you to feel secure. Not everyone needs to know your mom’s maiden name and all of your secrets to be of benefit knowing.
    Your life changes and what you can give to others is constantly in flux. Embracing this fluidity allows you to navigate relationships with more authenticity than the self-imposed expectation that you have to be ready to give whatever you can to anyone that needs. Take this month to share experiences with others than energy you cannot afford to use.

Leo, let those closest to you help shape you. You cannot achieve everything you set out to accomplish by yourself. Other’s perception of you stems from all the ways in which you willingly and subconsciously let the outside world influence you. From the clothes you wear to everything you value was derived from another source.
    It is a better use of your time to curate what media you consume and with whom you spend time than it is to waste your time trying to succeed in vain, understand when you need help and who can help you. Your relationships should serve you as much as you serve them and everyone knows something you do not.

Virgo, your pools of knowledge stem from things you have had to learn and from things others have taught you. This month, let what others teach you serve you. You might find that others tell you something than will become helpful soon after or that their insights offer a fresh perspective that enhances your understanding in whatever it is you are wrestling with.
    You do not need to know everything, even though we both know you’d like to. It is okay to put truth in the knowledge and experience of others to help elevate your burdens. Remember that there is no bad insight, just insight that is not yet apparently useful. Embrace the humility of learning from those around you, recognizing that collective wisdom can lighten your load.

Libra, making art is a promise you keep to yourself. Creating art helps you to create and define yourself. Your art is you carving yourself out of stone.
    The only reward in making art is that you made it. It does not matter who loves or hates it. It does matter if it becomes critically acclaimed or you die with no fans. You have to become your own muse or else there is no purpose in living a life at all.
    Embrace the process of making art since it connects you with whatever exists above you. Creation allows us to mimic the divine and thus exist in tandem with it. This flow state is a thing of magic that can transport you through time. Harnessing this power allows you to align yourself with whatever it is that you are.

Scorpio, who do you let into your home? Your home, and especially your room is sacred, you of all people know that truth. Whoever you bring into your space is who you can trust and you might find it more fulfilling to spend time with them over anyone else this month.
    Inviting someone into your home serves as s test of intimacy. It reveals who is comfortable enough with you to share this private domain and prioritize your connection. Recognizing this distinction can offer valuable insight into the dynamics of your relationships and guide you in choosing the right spaces to occupy as you navigate your aspirations and desires throughout the month.

Sagittarius, how do you make time for yourself? This month you will need to find ways to support your curiosity despite how busy you may be. Taking long walks when running your errands can help you to understand your piece of the world with more clarity: where exactly is it that you life, who lives around you, and who owns the shops in your neighborhood?
    Understanding this can help you to ground yourself in the reality of your own life. You are someone who exists somewhere in the world and does certain things. It is cute knowing that no matter what you achieve you will always be an NPC in someone else’s life. Free yoiurself fromn the pressure of taking yourself too seriously this month by recognizing the ways in which you exist in the backgrounds of the lives of everyone else.

Capricorn, not knowing what you want out of your life can feel concerning. You are likely to begin feeling disconnected for yourself and your interests this month, making it difficult to determine how you want to navigate your life.
    Just as things were seeming to make sense they fall apart. It is hard to remain composed without a clear direction guiding you, but it is necessary to be able to exist within ambiguity. Finishing what you start even without pure motivation compelling you is the only way you will acheive anything worth achieving. Our whims cannot sustain us so we have to build structures for ourselves to withstand the uncertainties of life and persevere despite the challenges.