September 2023 Horosopes
September 1st, 2023

As we reach the end of the year, more outer planets will be retrograde, although Venus and Mercury both station direct this month. The trend of the transpersonal planets stationing retrograde will continue into the rest of the fall.

With the shift away from Leo season, and the departure of the planets from this sign, the astrological energies move into Virgo. The transition to trine aspects between the planets now entering this mutable earth sign, and Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus brings relief from the tension that might have characterized the past month's astrological influences. Trines, known for their harmonious and flowing energy, encourage smoother interactions between the planets involved. As Jupiter and Uranus form trines to these planets, rather than squares, these alignments, over the course of the month, can be seen as an invitation to embrace more favorable circumstances and opportunities. The alignment of these planets in Taurus adds a grounded and practical dimension to this harmonious energy.

Early into the month, Venus stations direct in Leo which elevates some of the substantial energies from earlier in the summer. It is now retracing its retrograde shadow for the entirety of September, which allows us to reflect on the situations that arose during its backwards motion with more nuance and clarity. We are less focused on the past now that Venus has begun to move forward again. With the heaviness of the earlier summer energies beginning to lift, we are presented with an opportunity to infuse our lives with renewed self-love and authenticity. The lessons learned during Venus's retrograde journey can guide us towards creating more meaningful and harmonious relationships, as well as channeling our creative expressions in ways that align with our true desires. Now is the time to pivot into a new direction in creative endeavors and to let go of relationships that no longer serve our personal needs. We should not waste energy on anything that does not reflect how we want to be seen and understood.

Mercury is still trekking backwards this month, but it will station direct by the third week of September. Mercury’s retrograde motion in its domicile sign of Virgo amplifies our self-critical tendencies and can negatively affect our inner monologue. Virgo is judgmental out of necessity. As the caretaker of the Zodiac, it must be able to assess what needs to be fixed, remedied, or altered. The intuitive insight of this sign allows it to be a skilled healer, but also burdens it with anxiety and a scornful perspective of the world.

During this period, our communication may feel muddled, leading to misunderstandings and misinterpretations. It's as if our thoughts are being examined under a magnifying glass, causing us to second-guess ourselves and focus excessively on our flaws and imperfections. However, as Mercury gradually shifts direct by the end of the month, we can anticipate a change in this energy. Rather than succumbing to harsh self-judgment, we can use this time to carefully assess what needs improvement in our lives. The intuitive insight Virgo provides can guide us in making practical changes that enhance our well-being.

Mercury stationed retrograde late last month, just before Venus goes direct early in this month. This energy can be frustrating since we want to move forward in the area of life associated with the Leo sector of our natal chart, while we have to deal with new issues arising in the Virgo house, which directly follows it. Both Venus and Mercury will make their own aspects to the same two planets currently in Taurus: Jupiter and Uranus.

Virgo season will end this month as the Sun will enter into Libra on the 23rd of the month. This Libra season will reignite eclipse season, which can bring out situations that happened prior in the year when the previous eclipses occurred.

This month will be corrective of the intense energy from the summer considering Venus’s retrograde through the sign of Leo earlier in the season. We will be focused on assessing what is of true value to us and understanding how our core principles validate our sense of self. As Venus gradually stations direct and emerges from its retrograde shadow, a shift occurs. The lessons learned during this inward-focused period begin to shape our choices and intentions. The newfound clarity allows us to make conscious decisions about what we truly want in our lives, whether it pertains to relationships, creative pursuits, or material possessions. With the transition from August to September, the energy starts to pick up, and the forward momentum of Venus encourages us to implement the insights gained. We are more attuned to the interplay between our core principles and our desires, helping us build a stronger foundation for our aspirations. As situations evolve and circumstances change, our discernment is honed, and we're better equipped to make choices that resonate with our authentic selves. We will be taking practical steps through saving and budgeting, both financially and energetically, given Jupiter in Taurus is still square to Venus, and will be stationing retrograde this month. This emphasizes the importance of grounded and disciplined approaches to our investments. What is actually worth the work and effort, and what is not supporting us the way we need it to.

Jupiter's impending retrograde in Taurus further underscores this theme. As the expansive energy of Jupiter appears to slow down and turn inward, we're prompted to evaluate how we're using our resources, both tangible and energetic. This presents an opportune moment to take a closer look at our financial habits, exploring ways to save, budget, and invest wisely. Simultaneously, the retrograde motion of Jupiter calls us to consider the sustainability of our energy expenditure, encouraging us to focus on what truly nourishes and uplifts us, while shedding what drains us.

This alignment encourages us to adopt a holistic approach to abundance, recognizing that our energetic reserves are just as valuable as our financial ones. As we navigate the energetic currents of this period, we're reminded to invest our time and effort in endeavors that align with our core values and long-term objectives. By weaving together the wisdom gained from the Venus retrograde period, the influence of the final Venus-Jupiter square this month, and the impending Jupiter retrograde, we're poised to approach our resources with a newfound sense of discernment and responsibility. This is a time for practical steps, for grounding our aspirations in reality, and for cultivating a sustainable foundation that supports both our material and spiritual growth.

✩ September Third - Venus Stations Direct in Leo ✩

In the beginning of the month, Venus stations direct after spending forty days and forty nights moving backwards through the sign of Leo. By the end of this September, Venus will have almost finished its extended stay in this sign. Venus's retrograde motion through Leo over the course of these past five and a half weeks has invited us to explore the intricacies and true nature of our relationships, artistic endeavors, and self-identity.

Although Venus is no longer burdened by its retrograde motion, it will not reach a new degree of Leo in its current cycle until October. Venus will continue transiting through these same degrees it just retrograded back through for the entire month. Issues that began during the pre-retrograde shadow period will begin to resolve during these following weeks. This phase of Venus's journey through Leo serves as a poignant reminder that the effects of retrograde periods often extend beyond the time of direct motion, inviting us to process, integrate, and evolve from the insights gained during this retrograde cycle.

Broadly, we will have to reflect on the ways we do not express ourselves authentically in our relationships and in our art by learning from the consequences of denying ourselves freedom in expressing ourselves.

✩ September Fourth - Rx Mercury in Virgo is Trine to Jupiter in Taurus ✩

The opening transit of the month is the trine between retrograde Mercury in Virgo and Jupiter in Taurus, ushering in a mix of energies that promises both insights and potential challenges given Mercury’s retrograde motion. Trines, known for their harmonious flow of energy, provide an open channel for these two planetary influences to interact, resulting in an interesting interplay of dynamics. Mercury is at home in Virgo since it rules over this sign, giving it extra strength, but it is still retrograde, impairing it. Virgo, Mercury's home sign, enhances its analytical and communicative qualities even amidst its retrograde phase. This suggests that the introspective and reflective nature of retrograde Mercury could provide a unique opportunity for reevaluation and refinement.

This can be a time of inspiration, for some, or a period of doubting what seems to be suspiciously perfect. The optimism and inspiration characteristic of Jupiter's influence can lead to a surge of innovative ideas and a sense of opportunity. We may find themselves guided by a sense of growth and expansion, motivated to explore new horizons. On the flip side, the cautionary nature of Virgo, exacerbated by Mercury's retrograde, could lead others to doubt what appears too good to be true. They might tread carefully, analyzing the details thoroughly and potentially overthinking the possibilities before fully embracing them.

The first week of September’s astrology invites us to reflect on what is actually useful and of merit in our lives. It is important to embrace our ability to make meaning of our lives and to imbue each moment with personal significance. We will be able to recognize our ability to add meaning to our own achievements and to create context to past circumstances. We are able to add meaning to things we have experienced to help them better define our own trajectory in life.

✩ September Fifth - Jupiter Stations Retrograde in Taurus ✩

Jupiter stations retrograde for about four consecutive months each and every year. This makes its retrograde motion less influential on a personal level compared to the inner planets, though it will still impact the collective. This is a time for us to explore truth and morality. This four month period will be colored by our shared desire for justice. Within the sign of Taurus, we will be compelled to strive for new standards for our livelihoods and our sense of security.

Jupiter is the first of the social planets, and represents our innate truth seeking and meaning-making impulses. It also symbolizes freedom, optimism, expansion, abundance, justice, fecundity, and philosophy. Once it begins to move backwards in the sign of Taurus, we will reflect on the stability of these core themes of this planet's significations. Do we have enough abundance? What makes us feel successful? Given that Taurus is an earth sign and is one of the two zodiac signs that specifically deals with fiscal matters, we will become more aware of our financial responsibilities to ourselves as well as any injustices we have experienced as we navigate this retrograde period. Taurus, a grounded and practical earth sign, lends its energy to Jupiter's contemplation, urging us to assess not only our material resources but also our values and how they align with the pursuit of abundance and justice.

During Jupiter's retrograde in Taurus, we might find ourselves reassessing our definitions of success. Are material gains truly fulfilling, or do they simply mask deeper yearnings for personal growth and meaning? This period encourages us to delve into the philosophical underpinnings of our ambitions. We may question whether our pursuit of freedom and expansion has been balanced with a sense of responsibility and commitment to our own well-being and that of others.

As Jupiter moves backward through Taurus, the earthy energy of this sign urges us to ground our philosophies and ideals in practicality. It's a time to bridge the gap between our aspirations and the tangible steps we need to take to realize them. This year’s retrograde journey of Jupiter through Taurus calls us to examine the very foundations of our beliefs about abundance, freedom, and justice. It's an opportunity to harmonize our quest for expansion with the grounded realities of life, ensuring that our pursuit of success is not only personally enriching but also contributes positively to the world around us.

In this four-month span, our collective focus shifts to an aspiration for justice. The energy of Jupiter, amplified by its retrograde motion in the sign of Taurus, compels us to reevaluate and redefine the standards that underpin our livelihoods and sense of security. Taurus is one of the two financial signs of the zodiac, which puts emphasis on fiscal matters during this period. This sentiment finds resonance in real-world events like the Writers Guild of America strike that coincided with Jupiter's entry into Taurus. This strike reflects a collective need to assert new standards for fair treatment and recognition, aligning with the themes of justice regarding the guild members’ pay and benefits.

The current influence of Jupiter ruling over Saturn in Pisces adds an intricate layer to the strike. The idea of a strike was voted on by WGA members in February 2023, about a week before Saturn entered Pisces for the first time in almost three decades.

Pisces rules altered states of consciousness as well as illusions (which has been attributed to film as well), and its contemporary planetary lord, Neptune, has been linked to America’s Golden age of film by Ray Grasse in his Mountain Astrologer article, “The Astrology of Hollywood’s Golden Year: 1939.” He cites that America’s first Neptune return went exact at during that year. This indicates an important link between Neptune and the film industry.

Studio executives in Hollywood are planning on waiting out the strike, expecting guild members to give up and come back because of personal financial constraints. They plan to out-wait their workers until they begin to starve and fall behind on mortgage and rent payments throughout the fall. The writer’s strike has cost California at least two billion dollars at this point. It has been easy for the general public to overlook how widespread this strike affects California’s economy as well as others. In a poll, only 38% of voters sympathized more with the WGA strikers than the corporations. The majority of those polled were ambivalent, and did not know which side they favor or favored both sides equally. The Sun and Venus were square to Jupiter these past few months, but that ends with this final square on September seventeenth.

This strike is having ramifications in other cities such as New York and London, which plays into Jupiter’s rulership over foreign regions.

We are likely to see more progress regarding this strike specifically during this time, as well as the possibility for more workers to question how the current business models are even benefiting them as American citizens continue to feel the pressure of inflation, even if it begins to stagnate.

✩ September Sixth - Sun and Rx Mercury Conjoin in Virgo ✩

Signs are combust for a few days or up to a few weeks (depending on how quickly they revolve around the Sun) before entering the heart of the Sun. In the days leading up to this conjunction, signs may experience a state known as combustion, which can extend for a few days or even up to several weeks depending on their orbital speed around the Sun. This astronomical phenomenon occurs when a planet finds itself within 1-8 degrees of the Sun, existing within the same Zodiac sign. The Sun's blinding presence can overshadow these planets, casting their traits in a dimmed light and potentially diminishing their influence. Once they reach the heart of the Sun, being within a mere 1° proximity to it, they will be invigorated by the Sun’s energy. This pivotal moment signifies a phase of heightened potential and opportunities, where the planets' characteristics are animated and amplified by the Sun's radiant influence. This day can be a very auspicious time, but the few days leading up to it and after it can be draining and stressful.

Despite the good fortune Cazimis often bring, it is important to think carefully and critically since Mercury is retrograde. While Cazimis often signify a time of potential, the retrograde Mercury adds an additional layer of complexity. This phase prompts us to tread cautiously and thoughtfully, especially in matters involving communication, decisions, and commitments.

The Cazimi within the context of retrograde Mercury also indicates the halfway point of its backward motion. As it begins to move backwards away from the Sun’s positioning, we will have more clarity about the circumstances that have unfolded within the first half of this Mercury retrograde cycle. This heightened awareness enables us to sift through the events, communications, and decisions that have transpired in the initial phase of the retrograde. This phase is characterized by a unique blend of introspection and revelation. We may find that misunderstandings, miscommunications, and delays that occurred earlier in the retrograde start to make more sense. The pieces of the puzzle begin to fit together, allowing us to see the bigger picture of the situations we've encountered.

This pivotal point in Mercury’s retrograde offers a shift in perspective and a renewed sense of direction. We can navigate the remainder of the retrograde period with greater insight, making more informed choices and fostering better communication.

The waning moon in Gemini will be square to this conjunction on this day as well, which can hinder the beneficial energy of this transit. This square aspect, characterized by a 90-degree angle between the planets, can indeed cast a shadow over the positive outcomes that the Cazimi transit might offer. While the Cazimi alignment itself holds the potential for positive breakthroughs, the Moon's square suggests that these breakthroughs may not come without effort or a certain level of tension. It's as if the universe is reminding us that growth and transformation often require navigating through challenges and confronting our inner conflicts.

Both mutable signs involved in this configuration are ruled by Mercury, making them both logical and predisposed to intellectual exploration. Both Virgo and Gemini are able to process information from multiple angles, but considering the square positing amongst the planets in these two signs and that their shared planetary ruler (which is also involved in this transit) is currently retrograde, we might be prone to miscommunication and misunderstandings.

This phase could also provoke a sense of uncertainty, making it easy for doubts to creep into our minds. Our ability to trust our own emotions and experiences might waver under this transit. It's important to recognize that these feelings of doubt could be a byproduct of our own insecurities or lack of knowledge, rather than based in reality.

Navigating this period calls for a combination of mindfulness and patience. While miscommunications and self-doubt may emerge, they need not dominate our experiences. This may not be the best transit to become fixated on understanding your own feelings, but rather to sit within yourself and just let things come and go. By the morning of the seventh, the Moon in Gemini will no longer be aspecting either planet by degree, allowing us to more comfortably accept our emotional nature without needing to dissect or fully comprehend it.

✩ September Eighth - Sun in Virgo is Trine to Rx Jupiter in Taurus ✩

This is a free-flowing aspect that allows the Sun and Jupiter to transform one another. It may mirror events that happened a few days prior when Mercury in Virgo was making the same aspect to Jupiter.

Trines allow the energies of the two planets involved to work together effortlessly and harmoniously. The Sun, a symbol of our core identity and creative vitality, mutually transforms retrograde Jupiter in Taurus. With Jupiter's introspective energy, we are called to delve deep into our belief systems, philosophies, and perceptions of the world. This alignment invites us to question and reevaluate what we consider to be the ultimate truths, encouraging personal growth and expanded awareness.

Jupiter is retrograde, so its energy is shifted internally, prompting us to reflect on our beliefs, philosophies, and to reassess what we think we know about the true meaning of things. Additionally, since Jupiter is generally expansive, we may feel called to embrace aspects of ourselves we tend to conceal given its introspective retrograde energy.

This aspect will allow us to more easily appreciate what brings true value to our lives. Both signs in which the Sun and retrograde Jupiter are traversing are earth signs, making them both attuned to practicality and introspection. The alignment between the Sun in Virgo and retrograde Jupiter in Taurus aligns our inner aspirations with the material world, encouraging us to seek genuine meaning in our daily endeavors. Virgo's meticulous attention to detail harmonizes with Taurus's deep appreciation for the sensory experiences of life. This can be a good time to assess any long-term plans and goals you have set for yourself and to make sure they still align with what you want to achieve at this time.

The connection between these earth signs encourages us to ground our aspirations and dreams into reality, reminding us that even the loftiest goals can be achieved through practical steps and careful planning. This alignment fosters a sense of stability and endurance, allowing us to work steadily toward our objectives.

The resonance with Mercury in Virgo's recent aspect to Jupiter indicates that the insights and communications that occurred during that time are now flowing into our conscious awareness around the beginning of the second week of the month. The trine aspect serves as a bridge that allows the learning and understanding derived from Mercury's interaction with Jupiter to meld harmoniously with our fundamental creative essence, as represented by the Sun.

✩ September Fourteenth - New Moon in Virgo ✩

This month’s new moon in Virgo, occurring at 6:40pm / 9:40pm E.S.T., ignites us to take inspirited action in regards to our health and to focus on self-improvement. This may prove difficult given that the ruler of both luminaries is Mercury, which is retrograde in the same sign. While this planetary alignment might make immediate progress challenging, it serves as a reminder that meaningful transformation takes time and patience.

The energy of this Virgo New Moon prompts us to reevaluate and restructure various areas of our lives corresponding to Virgo's influence in our natal charts. As Mercury, the ruler of both the Sun and the Moon, is in retrograde within its own sign, it offers us the opportunity for thorough introspection and analysis. This marks the final day of Mercury's direct motion, signaling a transition toward increased clarity and a deeper understanding of our circumstances.

While the Luminaries moderately oppose retrograde Neptune in Pisces, their ruler, Mercury is making a slight opposition to retrograde Saturn, also in Pisces. This can allow us to more easily understand the origin of our fears, especially those that are intangible. By grounding ourselves and balancing our spiritual and practical needs, we gain a clearer perspective on reality.

The New Moon’s opposition to Neptune draws our attention to the realm of dreams, illusions, and subconscious thoughts. This alignment encourages us to explore the hidden aspects of our psyche, bringing to light the patterns and beliefs that might have been clouding our perceptions. This alignment acts as an invitation to examine the narratives we've constructed around our own lives. We will have to recognize the ways in which we soothe our own anxieties, but do not take any action to actually help properly alleviate them. The unveiling of hidden patterns and beliefs can be both enlightening and challenging, as we come face to face with the aspects of ourselves that we might have overlooked or pushed aside. It's a reminder that while Neptune's energy can inspire creativity and spirituality, it can also create a fog that distorts our understanding of truth.

This moment marks a pivotal juncture for restructuring the Virgo-ruled aspects of our lives, generating a lasting and profound impact. The Virgo influence urges us to approach this restructuring process with meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to improvement. It's an opportunity to apply the qualities associated with Virgo—discipline, organization, and discernment—to the areas that have been clouded by illusions or overlooked patterns. By doing so, we lay the groundwork for sustainable change that resonates deeply within us.

✩ September Fifteenth - Sun in Virgo is Trine to Rx Uranus in Taurus; Mercury Stations Direct in Virgo ✩

After squaring Uranus in Taurus last month, the Sun is now trine to it after entering the mutable earth sign, Virgo. This aspect allows Uranus’s energy of innovation and unpredictability within the realm of Taurus to now align with the grounded and practical nature of Virgo. We can more easily find creative solutions to the practical challenges we've identified during the introspective Mercury retrograde phase. It's a time when we can infuse a touch of unconventional thinking into the meticulous and detail-oriented approach that Virgo is known for.

The first arc of this year’s Virgo season carried a sense of constriction, as its ruling planet, Mercury, was retrograde within this same sign. This convergence created an introspective atmosphere where we were prompted to reevaluate and refine various aspects of our lives. This period might have brought forth moments of reconsideration and adjustment, urging us to address matters that had been overlooked.

Once Mercury starts moving forward by the middle of September, the energy that was previously directed inward now begins to extend outward. Our focus naturally pivots from the contemplation of the past to the anticipation of the future. The direct motion of Mercury marks a time of implementation and application. It's as if the pause provided by the retrograde allowed us to reorganize our thoughts and plans, and now we can proceed with greater clarity and purpose.

As Mercury untangles itself from its retrograde shadow and continues to retrace its steps through the sign of Virgo, the mental fog that might have characterized the early phase of this Virgo season dissipates. The stalling sensation of the past yields to the potential and possibilities of the future.  Our thinking becomes sharper, communication flows more smoothly, and we're more capable of making decisions that are in harmony with our values. This transition heralds a period of gradual acceleration, where the pace of life picks up, and the projects we've been refining during the retrograde phase gain momentum.

✩ September Seventeenth - Venus in Leo is Square to Rx Jupiter in Taurus ✩

This is the third, and final time that Venus in Leo will be square to Jupiter in Taurus this year. Venus was first square to Jupiter when they were both direct back in June, then they were in this same positioning in July when Venus was retrograde. Now Venus has since stationed direct, and Jupiter has begun its backwards motion through the sign of Taurus. We are now scrutinizing the basis of what we actually want and how it actually reflects our values. We will take what we have learned from the various situations that coincided with the prior two squares to Jupiter in Taurus over the course of this summer and apply it to new rituals we create for ourselves to foster a sense of self.

The initial square in June brought to light the dynamic interplay between our desires and our principles. It urged us to examine whether our aspirations were in alignment with our core values, prompting a period of self-discovery and evaluation. Then, the echoing square in July, during Venus's retrograde phase, delved even deeper, asking us to revisit and reassess the matters of the heart and personal worth. This introspective journey might have led to revelations about patterns and beliefs that needed refining.

Now, with Venus having resumed direct motion and Jupiter beginning its backwards descent through the sign of Taurus, the energies shift once again. This phase invites us to apply the wisdom garnered from the past months. As we scrutinize the basis of our desires, we refine our understanding of what truly brings us joy and fulfillment. The introspection facilitated by these cosmic alignments has not been in vain; it has provided us with the tools to construct new, empowering rituals.

These self-crafted rituals, stemming from a place of deeper understanding, become the cornerstone of nurturing our sense of self. With the summer's lessons as our guide, we can consciously align our aspirations with our authenticity, enhancing our self-worth and bolstering our confidence. This harmonious integration of our desires and values empowers us to manifest our dreams with a newfound sense of purpose.

As Jupiter continues its retrograde motion through Taurus, its energy encourages us to dig even deeper into our foundations. This is a time to unearth any remaining limiting beliefs and transform them into supportive frameworks. The final square between Venus and Jupiter allows us to apply the culmination of our insights to this ongoing process.

✩ September Nineteenth - Sun in Virgo Opposes Rx Neptune in Pisces ✩

This annual opposition between the Sun and Neptune forces us to understand our own place amongst others within the social fabric. Neptune is currently in Pisces, the sign over which it contemporarily rules, while the Sun is in Virgo.

This transit, while potentially challenging, serves as a poignant reminder that the complexities of existence often lie beyond the surface level. Neptune's influence, magnified in its own domain of Pisces, encourages us to dissolve the boundaries of rigid self-definition. As the Sun journeys through Virgo, the analytical and discerning nature of this sign might seek to find tangible order amid the nebulous realms that Neptune represents.

The dissonance of our aspirations and the uncharted territories of the collective unconscious can evoke moments of unease. We may find ourselves questioning if the way we express ourselves through our creative endeavors is worthwhile or even effective. The opposition prompts us to confront the fears that stem from the unknown – the fear of losing ourselves in the vast sea of humanity, of drifting without a clear direction, and of facing the depths of our own spiritual dimensions.

As the ego encounters the boundless and ethereal realm represented by Neptune, a sense of vulnerability may arise, challenging our ego's constructs. We can soothe these anxieties by recognizing that there are infinite possibilities for existence. The unease that accompanies this transit serves as a catalyst for introspection, encouraging us to explore our motivations, aspirations, and hidden desires. It's within these moments of uncertainty that we often find the opportunity to deepen our understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.

The Sun-Neptune opposition guides us to bridge the gap between the tangible and the mystical. As we navigate the tension between our ego-driven identity and our inherent connection to the universal, we lay the foundation for a more authentic existence.

✩ September Twenty-first - Sun in Virgo is Trine to Rx Pluto in Capricorn ✩

The trine between the Sun and retrograde Pluto presents a harmonious and supportive celestial alignment that offers a refreshing sense of clarity and empowerment. Trines are often celebrated as the smooth currents of cosmic energy, providing opportunities for constructive growth and transformation.

As the Sun moves away from its opposition to Neptune, it will be trine to retrograde Pluto in Capricorn which will help us to understand our life’s direction with more clarity. Pluto, known as the planet of transformation, often brings to the surface the hidden layers of our psyche whenever it aspects the Sun. While retrograde, Pluto’s energy may be somewhat more introspective, allowing us to turn our attention inward and reevaluate our ambitions, desires, and structures that define our life's path.

During this trine, the synergy between the Sun and Pluto facilitates a profound understanding of our life's direction. As we contemplate our personal goals, ambitions, and the long-term path we are on, we are supported in uncovering the inner motivations that drive us. This alignment encourages us to dive into the depths of our aspirations, bringing clarity to the unconscious patterns and beliefs that might have influenced our choices. With Pluto's transformative influence, this is a potent time to release what no longer serves us, whether it's outdated ambitions, self-limiting beliefs, or situations that hinder our progress. This cosmic alignment empowers us to reshape our life's trajectory in a more authentic and aligned way.

Within the context of two earth signs, this transit takes on a distinctly grounded and tangible quality, emphasizing practicality and our connection to the material world. The energies of these earth signs converge to highlight the importance of both understanding and mastering the material aspects of our lives. Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, is associated with structure, ambition, and long-term goals, while Virgo, ruled by Mercury, is linked to precision, analysis, and practical efficiency. This alignment invites us to integrate these energies in a way that fosters a more pragmatic and effective approach to our life's direction. The trine facilitates a synergy between the transformative potency of Pluto and the discerning wisdom of the Sun in Virgo.

✩ September Twenty-third - Sun Ingresses into Libra ✩

The Sun is now in Libra, signaling the arrival of the Autumn equinox. This annual period reminds us of the importance of fostering relationships of all kinds. As the days become shorter and the temperatures cooler, we are prompted to turn our attention inward and reflect on our connections with others.

While Virgo is focused on practicality and refining, Libra is more concerned with curation and aesthetics. Both Virgo and Libra are detail-oriented, but they have different fixations considering their differing polarity, elemental association, and modality. Virgo seeks to perfect and optimize, often getting caught up in the minutiae of tasks. On the other hand, Libra's attention to aesthetics translates into a desire to create harmony and beauty in its surroundings, be it through art, relationships, or social interactions.

The annual solar transition from Virgo to Libra reflects a shift in mindset. Virgo's analytical nature may lead to overthinking and the pursuit of an unattainable ideal, causing self-doubt and inhibition. Libra, as a cardinal sign, embraces a more balanced perspective. It recognizes the value of starting, even if perfection isn't yet achievable. This pragmatic approach allows Libra to appreciate the beauty of imperfection and initiate action despite uncertainties. We will be less focused on mastery at this time, and more interested in socializing and creating cohesive environments for ourselves.

Social decorum is crucial to this sign’s world perspective. For Libra, the cultivation of harmonious relationships and refined interactions forms a cornerstone of its ethos. The balanced and diplomatic nature of Libra seeks to navigate the intricacies of social dynamics with grace and sensitivity. Within this solar season, we are more inclined to mingle and socialize with others. Our focus shifts from our innate Virgo nature that is concerned with things related to its house in our natal chart to that of the following Libra house. This transition brings a change in our attention from the detailed and practical aspects of Virgo's domain to the realm of Libra's social and relational influences.

As the first of the air signs in the Zodiacal order, Gemini represents the ways in which we learn to think about new concepts, while Libra, as the juvenile air sign, learns how to communicate with others and synthesize ideas from multiple perspectives. This sign rules over judges and arbiters of law.

Libra's energy is reminiscent of the scales it represents, suggesting a continual quest for balance and fairness in all forms of interaction. Libra's innate ability to weigh both sides of an issue allows it to find common ground and seek equitable solutions. Just as the scales require equilibrium, Libra strives to maintain equilibrium in its relationships and interactions.

The Sun is considered to be in its fall in the sign of Libra. In astrology, a planet is considered to be in its fall when it is placed in a sign that challenges its typical expression or potency. In the case of the Sun in Libra, we see a blending of energies that can create a complex dynamic.

The symbolism behind the Sun being in its fall in Libra draws parallels with the changing seasons. Just as the Sun's strength wanes in the shorter days of autumn, the energies of the Sun in Libra may find themselves tempered by the sign's emphasis on partnership, harmony, and shared perspectives. Planets in the sign of their fall are depressed. It is harder for them to be utilized effectively. The Sun represents our individual source of vitality, and Libra is focused on how it is perceived by others and how to create consonance amongst those with differing worldviews.

This doesn't imply a complete lack of vibrancy or positivity during this period, rather, it points to a shift in focus. As the Sun journeys through Libra, it encourages us to turn our attention outward and engage in relationships, seeking balance and fairness. The Sun's typically assertive and self-expressive energy takes on a more cooperative and diplomatic tone under the influence of Libra. We just have to be mindful of how involved we are getting in situations that don’t really affect us.

Libra's emphasis on relationships and partnerships extends to our connection with ourselves as well. As the Sun moves through this sign, we are prompted to explore how our sense of self aligns with those of the people around us. We become attuned to the delicate dance between personal authenticity and the need for social cohesion. This is especially true this Libra season since the lunar nodes are within the Aries-Libra axis. The lunar nodes, also known as the North Node and South Node, signify points of deep insatiable hunger and areas of our life that we tend to over look.

At the point of the Sun’s ingress into Libra, its planetary ruler, Venus, is in Leo. Venus is still retracing its retrograde shadow at this time. Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and relationships, is often associated with our desires for connection and pleasure. In Leo, Venus takes on a vibrant and expressive quality, emphasizing the importance of self-expression and the desire to be noticed and appreciated. Leo's fiery energy encourages us to showcase our unique talents and passions, seeking admiration and recognition. With Venus still retracing its shadow from its prior retrograde motion this summer, we are still unpacking the events of the past few months.

✩ September Twenty-fifth - Mercury in Virgo is Trine to Rx Jupiter in Taurus ✩

This coeval aspect between Mercury in its domicile sign, Virgo, and retrograde Jupiter in Taurus, will allow us to more easily assess what actually adheres to our principles. This is also a good time to focus on long-term planning for our goals.  Assessing the resources at our disposal and taking a pragmatic approach to decision-making can lead to the development of sustainable and enduring pathways toward our objectives. The Virgo-Taurus connection emphasizes the importance of practicality, reminding us that success is often built upon well-structured and methodical foundations.

During this period, the clarity provided by Mercury in Virgo helps us scrutinize our intentions, allowing us to separate genuine aspirations from fleeting desires. This meticulous examination can aid us in making choices that are not only aligned with our principles but also contribute to our personal growth and fulfillment.

While retrograde Jupiter in Taurus might slow down the pace of external progress, it offers an internal journey of reflection and assessment. This phase encourages us to reconsider the trajectory of our ambitions and refine our strategies for achieving long-term goals. Delving into the past to understand the lessons it holds, we can better prepare ourselves for the future.

This interaction between Mercury in Virgo and retrograde Jupiter in Taurus serves as an invitation to align our thoughts, values, and actions. By examining our principles and engaging in thoughtful planning, we can navigate our journey with clarity and purpose, allowing us to prepare for our future achievements.

✩ September Twenty-sixth - Venus in Leo is Sextile to Mars in Libra ✩

Towards the end of the month Venus in Leo is able to aid Mars, which is exiled for the duration of its stay in Libra. The connection formed between Venus and Mars at this juncture occurs through a sextile, a planetary aspect that requires a proactive approach for its benefits to be fully realized. Unlike the ease of a trine, where energies flow effortlessly, sextiles demand a bit more effort and conscious engagement. However, their potential rewards are significant, as they can foster personal growth, innovation, and constructive change.

In this case, the Venus-Mars sextile encourages us to harness the courageous and passionate nature of Mars in a way that aligns with Venus's charismatic and bold Leo energy. Since Mars is less exuberant in Libra, it is more tactful, but more prone to passive aggression. Within a fire sign, Venus is able to help us infuse enthusiasm and even playfulness into our actions.

Venus in Leo is currently ruled by the Sun in the first decan of Libra, which in turn rules over Venus in Leo. This closed circuit is known as mutual reception in astrology. This highlights the Libran energy of this period. We will find ourselves focused on Libra’s significations, such as the art, relationships, social contracts, and balance. The interplay of these astrological energies creates a dynamic synergy that brings the themes of beauty, harmony, and diplomacy to the forefront of our lives.

The Sun's position in the first decan of Libra enhances the Libran qualities of grace and cooperation. This energy encourages us to approach situations with a measured perspective, seeking to find common ground and fairness in our interactions. The Sun's influence urges us to consider the perspectives and needs of others, fostering an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding. Our desires are illuminated by the radiant Leo energy, prompting us to pursue what brings us joy and satisfaction.

We may find it easier to speak our mind (politely) during this time, compared to other points in Mars’s stay in Libra. Mars, due to its diplomatic nature in Libra, might usually grapple with finding the right words to express its desires and assert itself without causing friction. However, under the influence of the sextile to Venus in Leo, the fiery enthusiasm and self-assuredness that Leo brings to the table can add a touch of flamboyant flair to our expressions. This can make it easier to voice our thoughts and opinions with a blend of confidence and charm. This period can be good for either engaging in new creative pursuits or alternatively, to have a difficult conversation you have been negating having.

✩ September Twenty-ninth - Full Moon in Aries; Venus in Leo is Square to Rx Uranus in Taurus ✩

This Full Moon precedes the continuation of the eclipse along the axis of these two sister signs: Aries and Libra. This lunation can set the stage for the upcoming eclipse season; which will include two eclipses along this axis as well as the final two eclipses along the Taurus-Scorpio axis, ending a year and a half long cycle. The eclipse axis of Aries and Libra holds the theme of self-discovery versus partnership harmony. The forthcoming eclipses in these signs will prompt us to find a balance between asserting our individual needs and nurturing our relationships.

During this Full Moon, the Moon in Aries is ruled by Mars in Libra, while the Sun in Libra is ruled by Venus in Leo, which is square to Uranus within one degree of exactitude at the time of this Full Moon. This annual lunation period calls us to prioritize our self-discovery over maintaining relationships that do not foster our personal growth. The Sun is in its fall in Libra, making it weaker than the Moon in Aries, allowing us to embrace our individuality and assert our needs. Mars, as the ruler of the Moon in Aries, imbues us with fiery determination and a desire for authenticity. Mars is exiled in Libra, making it difficult for us to channel its assertive energy in a traditional, straightforward manner. Instead, this placement of Mars in Libra prompts us to find innovative and cooperative ways to assert ourselves. The tension between Mars's natural assertiveness and the diplomatic tendencies of Libra can create a push-pull dynamic within us.

During this Full Moon, the influence of Mars in Libra may lead us to reassess how we assert our needs and desires within the context of relationships. The exiled Mars encourages us to pause and consider alternative approaches before taking action. It urges us to weigh the consequences of our choices on our connections and collaborations. The challenge lies in finding a balance between the directness we crave, represented by Mars, and the need for tact and compromise that Libra advocates. This celestial configuration invites us to engage in thoughtful communication, active listening, and a willingness to find solutions that benefit both ourselves and those around us. Though we may be inclined to passive aggression and reading too much in between the lines during this Full Moon, the awareness of these tendencies becomes crucial. The intricate interplay of celestial energies, including the Mars ruler of the Moon in Aries in its Libra exile, can indeed stir up feelings of frustration or impatience.

Venus in Leo, ruling over the Sun during this Full Moon, is making its final square to Uranus in Taurus of this summer on this day as well. This is the last of three hard aspects Venus will be making to Uranus in this sign for the year, marking the culmination of a series of challenges and shifts in matters of interpersonal relationships, aesthetics, and finances. This year's triple square aspect between Venus and Uranus has tested the stability of our personal connections and our values. Relationships have felt the strain of unexpected disruptions, urging us to reassess what truly matters to us. For those with Scorpio rising signs, who experienced this square within their two most social facing angular houses, the impact has been especially profound, as these changes are public. However, the culmination of this final Venus-Uranus square aspect also presents an opportunity for growth and liberation. It challenges us to break free from stagnant patterns.

✩ September Thirtieth - Mercury in Virgo is Trine to Rx Uranus in Taurus ✩

On the final day of the month, Mercury in its domicile, Virgo, will be trine to retrograde Uranus in Taurus, sparking our inspiration and allowing us to develop new ideas with more clarity. This period can lead to an overactive mind, or we may feel compelled to think rather than be called to action during this transit.  

Under the influence of this transit, our mental acuity is heightened, enabling us to dissect intricate details and identify unconventional patterns that might have eluded us before. The precision of Virgo's energy combines with the inventive nature of Uranus, even while it's in retrograde motion, fostering an atmosphere where revision and reevaluation of existing plans can yield surprisingly positive outcomes.

However, with this heightened mental state comes the need for mindful management of our thoughts. The risk of overthinking or becoming too absorbed in theoretical constructs might be overwhelming during this time. It's crucial to strike a balance between the exploration of ideas and the practical implementation of those ideas. While contemplation is favored, taking inspired action should not be neglected.

This alignment could also prompt us to revisit past concepts or projects that we may have put on hold. Retrograde Uranus's influence might encourage us to reimagine these ideas from a fresh perspective, infusing them with newfound excitement and ingenuity. Collaborations or discussions with like-minded individuals can further amplify the positive outcomes of this transit, as diverse viewpoints could spark the flames of inspiration even more.

I suggest reading the horoscope for your rising sign. Hellenistic tradition also recommends that those born in the day read their Sun sign’s horoscope, while those born at night read their Moon sign’s horoscope.

Virgo, this month you are beginning to understand the core essence of yourself. This introspective phase might encourage you to reevaluate your beliefs and principles. Are they aligned with your true self? Do they reflect the person you've grown into, or are they remnants of influences that no longer resonate with your authentic path? Embrace this opportunity to refine your life's philosophies, discarding what no longer serves you and nurturing what genuinely resonates.
    Exploring different perspectives and engaging in meaningful conversations could further enrich your evolving worldview and also help you to better understand yourself. Your ideas about the world are not permanent, they should evolve as you you gather wisdom and experience from your lived experiences as well as from those around you.
    You may find it difficult to accept others as you undergo this transformation of yourself, which can prompt you to reconsidering the nature of certain taxing relationships. You might notice discrepancies between your evolving values and the dynamics of some of your relationships as you continue to grow and unearth new parts of yourself durning this month.
    Ultimately, as you refine your sense of self and embrace your evolving philosophies, the relationships that align with your true essence will naturally come to the forefront. By nurturing connections that uplift and resonate with your authentic growth, you create a supportive environment that complements your transformative journey. Sometimes it is more important to focus on creating a defined set of principles to follow rather than to assume everyone around you believes what you think they should. People will naturally recognize who you are and be drawn to you at any stage in your development, so your worldview should reflect where you have been and who you have become as a result of that.

Libra, you are becoming more aware of your social backdrop over the course of the month. As you navigate these weeks, you're becoming increasingly attuned to the various elements that compose the totality of your social interactions, connections, and the roles you play within your community. This can be overwhelming for you, despite our innate social awareness.
    The overwhelming cognizance of social backdrop might stir up a whirlwind of emotions as you grapple with the intricate interplay between your individual identity and the collective expectations that surround you. Your heightened sensitivity to these dynamics can make you acutely aware of both the positive and challenging aspects of all your connections.
    Amidst this process, you may feel the need to balance not only the intricacies of your social interactions but also your reputation. Your reputation is an extension of your identity within the larger context of society, and as you become more attuned to your social environment, you might find yourself evaluating how you're perceived by others. It's important to remember that while external opinions have their place, your authentic self should remain at the forefront of your decisions.
    As a Libra, your natural inclination is to seek harmony and equilibrium, and this applies to how you manage your reputation as well. While it's human to desire validation and acceptance, ensure that your pursuit of a favorable image doesn't overshadow your genuine intentions or lead you to compromise your authenticity.

Scorpio, you are finding yourself detaching from the need for others to recognize your success this September. This newfound independence from seeking validation can be both liberating and challenging. Your sign is known for its depth of emotion and intensity, which means that letting go of the desire for external validation might stir up complex feelings.         As you detach from the need for others to recognize your success, you're also freeing yourself from the potential disappointments that can arise when expectations aren't met.
    Instead of relying on external approval, you're forging a path driven by your own authentic passions and aspirations. This inner alignment allows you to delve deeper into your pursuits and make choices that resonate with your true self. It's a powerful reminder that success isn't defined solely by recognition but by the sense of fulfillment that comes from pursuing your passions wholeheartedly.
    During this period of detachment, you might uncover aspects of yourself that have been hidden or suppressed by the desire for approval.It is important to take risks with how you want to present yourself, and that losing relationships, while potentially challenging, might be a natural part of this process. Your evolution is marked by a courageous willingness to step into uncharted territories of self-expression, even if it means leaving behind relationships that no longer resonate with your authentic journey. It is also important to be aware of how much of your anxieties about your self-presentation motivate you rather than the reality of abandonment.
    As a Scorpio, you possess a remarkable ability to embrace transformation and navigate the depths of change. This trait will serve you well as you navigate the complexities of shedding old layers to reveal your true self. The relationships that stand the test of your personal growth will be those that recognize and appreciate your authenticity.

Sagittarius, you are beginning to recognize the significance of aligning your life's work with your expansive understanding of the world. This epiphany will help you to seek a deeper purpose that goes beyond mere material gains and societal expectations. Your work isn't just a means of livelihood; but a means for you to share all of the wisdom you have gained throughout your life.
    Central to this journey is understanding that recognition built on authenticity has a lasting and genuine impact. Authenticity resonates because it reflects the raw, unfiltered essence of who you are and what you believe in. The connections you form, whether with an audience, colleagues, or peers, are based on shared values and a genuine appreciation for your work.
    The work you do should sustain you materially, but it should also foster your continuous growth as an individual and your mental expansion. As a Sagittarius, stagnation is your biggest fear, and your professional pursuits should be no exception. Perhaps now is the time to find a mentor or to begin mentoring others. Your unique perspective can inspire colleagues, clients, and peers to view their work as a platform for self-enrichment and meaningful contributions.
    This realization may also encourage you to step outside your comfort zone, engage in collaborations, or pursue avenues that may have seemed unconventional. Embrace the opportunity to create a harmonious blend between your evolving philosophy of life and the practical actions you take in your career.

Capricorn, you are undergoing situations that are causing you to reflect on how your actions have an influence on others, wether you intend for them to or not. You are finding it difficult to rationalize other people’s behaviors for the sake of protecting their character from your own judgement.
    You might find it challenging to navigate situations where others' behaviors don't align with your logical expectations. It's in your nature to analyze and scrutinize, yet you're discovering that not everyone's actions can be neatly fit into your preconceived judgments.This process of reflection encourages you to embrace empathy and recognize that each individual carries their own story, insecurities, and motivations, and that it is not your job to completely understand the complete psyche of others.
    Given your nature, Capricorn, your desire for mastery and control might lead you to believe that unraveling others' motives is crucial for effective decision-making or maintaining order. However, by acknowledging the limits of your understanding, you're also granting yourself the freedom to focus on what truly matters – cultivating genuine connections, fostering open communication, and responding with compassion.
    Remember, in these moments of reflection, you're also shaping your own character. By fostering a mindset of empathy and curiosity, you're enriching your own capacity for understanding and connection. This introspection aligns with your innate desire for self-improvement, as you seek to become not only a more astute observer of the world but also a more compassionate participant in it.

Aquarius, this month is is characterized by creating profound meaning within your relationships. You're uncovering the intricate threads that tie you to others and recognizing that the significance of these connections goes beyond the surface interactions. Your innate sense of curiosity and desire to explore the depths of human connection is guiding you as you seek to understand and enrich your closest connections.
    This process often leads you to a remarkable realization – the malleability of our understanding of the past. Just as you approach life with an open mind and a willingness to embrace change, you're now beginning to understand that our perception of past experiences is not fixed. Instead, it's subject to the lens through which we choose to view it. This is particularly true when it comes to issues from our childhood.
    By redefining the significance of past experiences, you're granting yourself the power to rewrite narratives that may have held you back or limited your growth. You're unearthing the buried treasures of wisdom and resilience that lie within challenging memories. This process doesn't negate the pain or difficulty of those experiences; rather, it's a testament to your strength in shaping your own narrative.
    As you engage in this introspection, remember that your understanding of the past doesn't have to be shared by everyone. It's a personal journey of growth and healing, one that empowers you to move forward with greater insight and compassion. This newfound perspective can also radiate into your relationships, fostering a deeper understanding and connection with those around you.

Pisces, you're learning that taking care of yourself serves as the foundation for forming meaningful and fulfilling connections with others. It's important to strike a balance between nurturing your own well-being and investing in your relationships. Self-care isn't selfish; it's a means of ensuring that you bring your best self to your connections. This might involve setting healthy boundaries, practicing self-compassion, and prioritizing your physical and emotional health.
    Establishing routines is a valuable tool for you, Pisces. A well-structured daily or weekly routine can ground you, providing a sense of stability and focus that prevents you from getting lost in others' expectations or the practical matters of existence. Routines can help you stay connected to your own needs and goals while navigating the complexities of relationships.
    You might find yourself recognizing the importance of community; perhaps you finally feel like you fit in after feeling isolated for a period of time, or you're discovering new, like-minded individuals who resonate with your values and interests. This sense of belonging can be a profound source of comfort and inspiration as you continue into the month of September.
    As you embrace this newfound sense of community, remember that it's not just about fitting in but also about fostering connections that nurture your personal growth. It's an opportunity to collaborate, learn from others, and contribute your unique insights and talents to a collective vision.
    You can look to your community to help assess what is of true value to you, Pisces. Your connections, whether they are new or long-standing, can provide valuable insights into your own priorities and desires. Your community acts as a mirror, reflecting back to you the things that align with your true self. If you do not feel like you belong, you may feel inclined to move away from your community durning this time. Pisces, whether you choose to stay or expand, this phase of your journey is about honoring your own path and seeking a sense of belonging that resonates with the core of your being.

Aries, you have already begun to experience situations that came you to reflect on the  importance of intentionality in your daily life. By consciously setting aside time for what you want to do, you infuse them with purpose and value.
    Over the course of September, you may discover immense value in creating daily rituals for yourself. These rituals are like sacred moments that allow you to feel deeply connected with the time you spend existing, rather than simply going through the motions. They serve as anchors in your day, providing structure and significance to even the most routine tasks. These rituals can be as simple as lighting candles while you get ready for bed, or deliberately eating your meals in the dining room.
    Being able to enhance your awareness can instill a sense of meaning and fulfillment in your daily routine. These daily offerings to yourself  offer an opportunity for self-care and self-compassion. They become a sanctuary where you can recharge, ground yourself, and nurture your emotional well-being. Amid life's demands and challenges, these rituals provide you with moments of respite and empowerment.
    All time is finite, and it is important to spend moments taking care of yourself in ways that bring meaning to your day to day life. Understanding what truly matters to you and investing your time accordingly is a powerful act of self-awareness that will allow you to feel more connected to your higher purpose.

Taurus, what you create in the world should reflect your experiences for it’s through these experiences that you cultivate your tastes and preferences, as well as your principles. This authenticity often resonates deeply with others, forging strong connections and sparking inspiration.
    If you have been feeling isolated from others, you may need to change how you express yourself to better reflect the ways you have grown over the course of the past few months. Growth often brings about shifts in perspective, values, and priorities, and it's natural for your self-expression of self to evolve in tandem.
    By allowing your art to embody your experiences, you infuse them with depth and relatability. You also enrich the world by creating works that depict your past.  Your willingness to share your personal growth and evolution through your art can inspire and comfort others who are also discovering themselves.
    Incorporating themes of your childhood can be therapeutic and help you to refine your past to make sense of your own existence. Sharing these themes in your art can be a way to connect with others who may have had similar experiences or emotions during their own upbringing, and can foster a sense of community amongst others with similar experiences. Taurus, your creativity has the power to not only heal and transform your relationship with your past but also inspire and resonate with others who have walked similar paths.

Gemini, this month you are reflecting on how other people’s memories of the past shapes the collective understanding of shared experiences. This introspection taps into your natural curiosity and intellectual depth as you explore the intricate web of narratives that make up our shared histories.
    You understand that memory is not only a personal archive but also a collective repository of stories and beliefs. In this journey of reflection, you might also be coming to a nuanced understanding that gossip, while often stigmatized, isn't necessarily toxic; rather, it has been the way people have shared information for as long as communities have existed. It can be a way of transmitting cultural values, passing down traditions, and even warning against potential dangers. In this light, gossip can be viewed as a form of collective memory—a way in which a group retains and shares its shared experiences. Your understanding of this can help bridge gaps in communication, strengthen social bonds, and contribute to a more harmonious coexistence within your community.
    As you ponder the role of collective memory, consider the power it holds in shaping identities and perspectives. It molds the way communities view themselves and others, fostering connections and sometimes divisions. Your inquisitive nature guides you to question how these narratives are constructed and how they influence the way people relate to one another. You may find yourself being more sympathetic to others durning this period, allowing yourself to understand the social complexities that push us into any situation.
    You innately strive to help others understand differing perspectives, Gemini. You are are able to more intentionally appreciate the importance of valuing different perspectives in order to fully encapsulate the totality of experience since you know we are all inherently connected to one another.

Cancer, you are beginning to better recognize how feeling secure with others begins with acknowledging the ways in which you provide for yourself. This understanding is congruent with your need to feel like you belong within your community.
    Your sense of belonging is a profound and natural part of who you are. It's rooted in your desire for emotional connections, support, and a sense of being valued within your community. However, you are coming to terms with the fact that this sense of belonging relies on you taking care of yourself first.
    This realization emphasizes the importance of self-care as a foundational element of your relationships and your place within your community. It's about recognizing that by prioritizing your own well-being and nurturing your emotional health, you become better equipped to contribute positively to your community and forge deeper connections with others. You may find yourself able to focus on making connections rather than needing to take care of your more basic needs for the first time in several months at this point.
    Your journey of self-care and belonging is a dynamic one. It involves finding the balance between giving and receiving support, setting boundaries that protect your emotional well-being, and seeking out those connections that resonate with your authentic self.

Leo, you are starting to truly recognize that you are your ultimate source of security and stability. While external support and relationships can be enriching, you are the one who ultimately maintains your financial well-being and security. This awareness causes you to question how exactly you show up for yourself.
    You are learning that procrastinating on anything only puts you in debt to your future self.  It's easy to put off financial responsibilities, but you understand that in doing so you are also cheating yourself. It's a reminder that every action, or inaction, carries consequences that echo through time. By addressing your responsibilities promptly, you're not only securing your present but also investing in a future that aligns with your aspirations.
    Your sense of stability now will change as your circumstances evolve. Being able to be prepared for your own future opens you up to more avenues, that you may not even be aware are available to you at this point. Being able to be self-sufficient allows you to continue to evolve and grow.
    Budging and investing are key to creating a practical safety net for yourself, but you also need to be wise with your time and energy. Creating material security for yourself relies on many factors, but ultimately you have to recognize the short cuts you take that harm you in the long wrong to grow from them.

Edited by Zaina, xyzygote