May 2023 Horoscopes
May 1st, 2023

May begins during the middle of Taurus season. Taurus is the fixed earth sign of the Zodiac and is ruled by the planet Venus. This sign is concerned with the immediate, material world and values safety and security above all else. Taurus is particularly concerned with tangible things  and values practicality as well as aesthetics.

In mundane astrology, Taurus broadly signifies agriculture and livestock, the environment, financial matters, and architecture. These topics will become the focal point this month given that the Sun and Mercury are transiting through this sign, and Jupiter will ingress into Taurus halfway through May. 

The month has a hectic start, beginning with Mercury (which is still retrograde until the middle of May) conjunct to the Sun and with Pluto stationing retrograde in Aquarius. This is coupled with the lunar eclipse in Scorpio, which contributes to the frenzied energy. Many astrological events are happening this month, so it can feel fast paced and potentially overwhelming at times. Though, this energy can be exciting and has the potential to lead to new opportunities.

✩ May First - Rx Mercury Conjunct Sun in Taurus; Pluto Stations Retrograde in Aquarius ✩

The cazimi of Mercury during its retrograde cycle denotes the halfway point of its current retrograde motion. The first half of Mercury’s backwards movement is more tense since it has yet to be overcome being engulfed by the Sun. This moment is important to understand the greater patterns of this current Mercury retrograde cycle, since it represents the climax of the mayhem  that will be caused. A lot of the confusion that has occurred so far may begin to dissipate after this, despite that, Mercury still has two more weeks of moving backwards through Taurus.

Pluto is retrograde about half of the year, each year, so this shift in energy is standard, but this retrograde marks its slow movement back into Capricorn- where it will stay for several months later this year. Pluto won’t embark back into Aquarius until 2024, where it will stay for the next two decades. As Pluto begins to move backwards over the course of the next few months, it can feel as if we are headed backwards, rather than progressing, especially in regards to issues regarding human rights.

✩ May Third - Venus in Gemini is Square to Neptune in Pisces ✩

This transit can lead to a poor combination of Venus and Neptune’s aspected energies. Squares are tense transits that do not facilitate the transfer of energy between the two planets that are placed ninety degrees away from each other.

Both Venus and Neptune signify our love and desires; Venus represents the material facet of these impulses while Neptune is the spiritual love and connection that binds us all together. When these two planets meet in a hard aspect, our ideas regarding our pursuits and sense of connection to others gets skewed.

It is easy to delude yourself regarding your relationship to others and think that superficial or potentially dysfunctional relationships are more special than they actually are. This transit can cause romantic illusions, which can cause us to see things from a better perspective than is actually true, making it important to be reasonable during this period.

It can be difficult to discern if a relationship is working during this time. It is important to take reasonable steps in budding relationships and to be realistic regarding how well you know someone. This is not the ideal time to make big decisions for your relationships.

Venus in Gemini is cerebral and is concerned with the facts and data regarding its interests. It can value something based on a myriad of factors, rather than it simply being technically good– in fact, Venus in Gemini draws us to things that are provocative since it enjoys mental stimulation. This is contesting with Neptune in Pisces’ desire to connect with others. Neptune in Pisces is inspired by the metaphysical and the spiritual. It can be difficult to balance the practical facets of our tastes and the urge to connect with others. Be mindful if you catch yourself justifying others’ behaviors during this time. Since Gemini is litigious in its ability to make anything seem reasonable, it can overpower Pisces’ intrinsic desire to see the good in everything.

✩ May Fourth - Venus in Gemini is Sextile to Jupiter in Aries ✩

As Venus begins to separate from its square to Neptune, it will begin to sextile Jupiter. Sextiles are a positive aspect, which signals harmony and ease between the energies and significations of the planets aspecting each other.

This aspect can bring about generosity and inspire us to extend our freewill to others. Venus signifies companionship, and Jupiter is expansive, and within the context of two very socially oriented signs, it is easy to get involved in the social aspects of our lives. It is important to not get carried away by the heightened sense of social enjoyment since it can lead to obsession regarding one’s own popularity. Another consideration to make, despite this being a more positive transit, is to not give too much of yourself to those who are undeserving. Venus is still tightly square to Neptune at this time which can mask your better judgment. 

✩ May Fifth - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio ✩

Last year, all of the eclipses occurred along the Taurus-Scorpio axis. This year the nodes are shifting signs, which means that the eclipses will occur in two sets of sister signs. The nodes are retrograde, so they will be moving into Aries and Libra. The total solar eclipse last month was in Aries, and the solar eclipse following this one will be in Libra. Despite this lunar eclipse not occurring in the sign that is directly opposite to the sign in which the last eclipse occurred, we will find ourselves revisiting the themes of the Aries solar eclipse from last month.

Eclipses can be emotional; they literally indicate a lack of light, which figuratively represents a lack of knowledge. The effect of eclipses may not be notably apparent given that the source of light is obscured. Eclipses are not destructive like the malefic planets, but they can be startling and cause collateral damage. They bring about needed upheaval in our lives which can ultimately release us from the shackles of stifling situations.

The moon is in the sign of its fall in Scorpio, so this eclipse can be particularly emotional compared to eclipses in other signs. Scorpio is the fixed water sign, so it does not handle sudden emotions or overwhelming experiences well. The moon is the sensory body of the planets, so it needs to be well-equipped to filter through external stimuli in order to maintain homeostasis, but Scorpio is bad with maintaining equilibrium when it is bombarded with new experiences. The fixed signs value predictability especially with the themes of their elemental association, making it difficult for Scorpio to handle a multitude of new sensory and emotional catalysts. This sign also has difficulty sitting with itself; it is constantly making itself aware of new threats, so when it is situated in the sentry role of the Moon, it can have difficulty accurately assessing what is harmful and what is not.

With the Moon meeting the South Node, we will purge our feelings and anxieties regarding the area of life that corresponds to the Scorpio area of our natal chart. This can be abrupt or difficult to handle since the South Node can pull us into its vortex, leading you down the path you need to take, but that you may not necessarily want to. Scorpio also deals with secrets, so it is possible that something that has been hidden from you will come to your awareness around this time that can change the way you have to proceed with your life.  

Compared to total lunar eclipses, penumbral lunar eclipses are more subtle, so the effects of this eclipse can be less extreme compared to past total lunar eclipses. The events of this eclipse will connect to what we were experiencing during 2022; specifically around May 15th or potentially April 30th or November 8th, and the 19th of last month. Eclipses are powerful and can bring changes that last years. It can be helpful to see what was happening in your life during these past relevant eclipses in order to understand the way this eclipse will affect you.

✩ May Seventh - Venus’ Ingress into Cancer ✩

Venus has entered the cardinal water sign of the Zodiac, where it will stay for about four weeks. When Venus transits this sign, our collective desires shift to what is familiar and comforting, rather than what is mentally stimulating. Since Venus is exiting a mutable sign and entering a cardinal sign, our focus will become more direct, and we can find ourselves more passionate about specific topics, rather than focused on a myriad of interests.

Cancer is the archetypal maternal figure, so we can find ourselves valuing homesteading and taking more care in maintaining our living space during this transit. Cancer is one of the three water signs, so this can be a particularly romantic time for some (especially those with earth sign risings since Cancer will occupy one of your three social houses). To honor Venus’ stay in Cancer, it is important to deeply consider your personal ancestry and to take time to remember all the people it took to create you.

You may find yourself drawing inspiration from Cancer’s significations during its four week stay in this sign, such as water (especially running water), the moon, your lineage, and your memories of the past. Since it is ruled by the moon, you should utilize your own moon sign to harness your creativity during this Venus cycle.

✩ May Tenth - Sun Conjoins Uranus in Taurus ✩

This transit can help us to realize and actualize our own potential. Uranus is the source of revelation, and when it is coupled with the Sun, it can aid in our ability to recognize what excites us and makes us feel liberated.

The key to harnessing the energy of this transit is to handle Uranus’ disruptions with confidence and knowing that you are where you need to be at any given moment. It can be difficult for some to mitigate any feelings of restlessness or inadequacy regarding where they seem to be headed at this time.

✩ May Twelfth - Rx Mercury in Taurus Sextile to Venus in Cancer and Sextile to Saturn in Pisces; Venus in Cancer Trine to Saturn in Pisces ✩

In the middle of the month, there is an amalgamation of the energies associated with Mercury, Venus, and Saturn. This combination is generally positive since all the aspects within the configuration are positive. Saturn can provide retrograde Mercury with the structure it has needed while moving backwards through Taurus. Mars in Cancer is not the most exhilarating placement, but its energy contributes to easing the tension of Mercury's retrograde. Since there are two water signs involved in this planetary meeting, this can be an emotional time. We can begin to feel relief from the chaos that Mercury brought into our lives while moving backwards.

Mercury will sextile Saturn again later in the month, so the themes of this period will resurface once Mercury stations direct and begins to backtrack through its shadow.

✩ May Thirteenth- Venus in Cancer is Trine to Saturn in Pisces ✩

This transit can be overwhelmingly positive for most people. It aids in our ability to feel stable and safe in relationships. When Venus and Saturn make a positive aspect to each other, Saturn is able to provide Venus with structure which allows us to see others as they are. With Venus and Saturn being in water signs, this transit can be very helpful to bring us closer to others. The water element signifies emotional bonds and the overall metaphysical impulses we experience. Since Saturn is in Pisces, specifically, this period can help shape our individual sense of spirituality.

Given that Venus signifies the arts, this period can invigorate our desire to hone our craft or to take practicing our creative talents more seriously.

Since a benefic and a malefic are coming together in this aspect, it can be difficult in some regards. It can seem as if we are burned by our obligations to those we are committed to. It can also add restraints to our love or cause others to withhold affection. Since Saturn signifies isolation and imprisonment, this aspect can highlight any insecurities we may have within our relationships making us feel inadequate or lonely. It is important to carefully assess how valid your insecurities are; our feelings do not always indicate the truth of the matter.

✩ May Fourteenth - Mercury Stations Direct in Taurus ✩

Communication will become easier now that Mercury is moving directly. We will be able to more accurately and easily discern things, and our thoughts will be less clouded. Now that Mercury is direct, it will be retracing its retrograde shadow and will reach a new degree of the sign of Taurus next month. This, coupled with the end of the past eclipse season, will alleviate the upheaval of our lives. It is important to consider the lessons learned regarding what situations this retrograde brought to you in order to move forward.

✩ May Fifteenth -  Mars in Cancer Trine Neptune in Pisces ✩

This convergent transit begins the second half of the month, which is much more favorable than the first half. Mars is meeting Neptune in a trine which allows them to share their energies freely, allowing us to move within the rhythm of the universe rather than against it. This can be a lucky day for some by providing lucky circumstances.

Since Mars does not do well in Cancer as it anticipates defeat in this sign, its aspect to Neptune can lead to conflict avoidance since Neptune signifies illusions. It can be more beneficial to push yourself to resolve conflict than to let the feelings fester and be unmanageable at a later date.

✩ May Sixteenth - Jupiter ingresses into Taurus, becoming Jupiter Square Pluto ✩

Jupiter fully changes signs about once a year. It is leaving the hot-headed sign of Aries and entering the more tempered sign of Taurus. Taurus is concerned with comfort and the material world, given that it is an earth sign.

Our collective tastes may shift to things that are very well-made, and made in smaller quantities to honor Taurus’ Venus rulership and its fixed earth qualities. Taurus values the time and energy it takes to create anything and is very aware of how much effort it takes to make something. When Jupiter transits through Taurus, it brings a much less overt type of abundance into our lives. This is a slow-paced, considerate sign that avoids unnecessary debts. In many regards, this upcoming year will be less frantic, though Jupiter has now joined Uranus in Taurus.

This transit will also reveal our fears regarding the future of artificial intelligence and other technologies. It can ignite trepidation regarding how these new innovations will affect how we allocate resources and can lead to tension regarding fiscal matters.

✩ May Eighteenth - Sun in Taurus Sextile to Neptune in Pisces ✩

Our imaginations will be stimulated during this Sun-Neptune sextile transit. We can feel a great sense of spiritual alignment that directs us to our goals during the time of this transit. Neptune in Pisces is sensitive to others and is acutely aware of the connection of all things. This can help ease Taurus’ need for control and routine by allowing it to feel comfortable within its niche by reminding it that things tend to work out well in the end.  

This transit can manifest poorly by giving us a worse sense of personal boundaries. Neptune alters our judgment, making it difficult to accurately assess which of our desires actually work with our long-term goals.

✩ May Nineteenth - New Moon in Taurus ✩

Eclipse season has ended until October, so this new moon and all following lunation cycles following it will be normal solar-lunar oppositions and conjunctions.

This new moon signifies new beginnings in regards to finances, our material possessions, our sense of safety, and more broadly, it deals with fresh starts in regards to farming, the environment, and resources.

The annual Taurus new moon is great for determining how you will allocate your current assets and funds to better yourself in the future. If you are feeling unstable and ungrounded, it is time to be honest with yourself about how you can better provide for yourself.

✩ May Twentieth - Mars Ingresses into Leo, Becoming Opposite to Rx Pluto in Aquarius ✩

Mars is finally free from the shackles of poor essential dignity and being retrograde. It has been traveling through difficult signs since last summer. This can be an exciting time since Mars is in the fixed fire sign, Leo. We will feel collectively inspired to go after what we want durning Mars’ two month long stay in this sign.

This can be a competitive time, though that does not have to be detrimental. It can be conducive to compete with yourself or to take inspiration from others’ achievements. The most unevolved Leo archetype is unable to accept that it cannot be everything at once and becomes bitter and insecure due to other’s success, but generally Leo relishes in seeing others triumph. We can be adamant in our beliefs and self confident during this time making it important to take action towards your goals.

Leo will be directly opposite to Pluto in Aquarius, which is now retrograde as of the first of this month. This can reinforce the assertive energy of Mars entering Leo. It can be good to do something physical around the time of this ingress to release some of the strain added to it by immediately opposing Pluto. Since Pluto is now retrograde, it can be difficult to handle this energy since things may not seem to be progressing linearly at this time. This opposition may invite feelings of inadequacy regarding your place in the shifting culture. We may find ourselves feeling guilty for taking steps towards personal liberation when others are suffering, for example.

Despite this being a relatively neutral transit, Pluto signifies domination and all things bubbling underneath the surface, and Mars can be very brash, so it can be difficult for Mars to sustain itself when it is opposite to this planet. This can manifest itself as our need to put ourselves into situations that may not actually be beneficial since we did not consider all the possible outcomes.

✩ May Twenty-First - Sun Ingresses into Gemini, Becoming Sextile to Mars in Leo and Trine to Pluto ✩

The twenty-first marks the beginning of this year’s Gemini season. When the Sun enters Gemini each year, our focus shifts from the material and sensual to the social and theoretical. Gemini is the first air sign of the Zodiac, is mutable, and ruled by the planet Mercury. This sign is less tethered to the material realm than its preceding sign, Taurus.   

The Sun is immediately aspecting both the opposing Mars in Leo and Pluto in Aquarius once it moves into this new sign. The Sun’s aspect in this configuration can ease the tension of the Mars-Pluto opposition. Since trines are more powerful than sextiles, the Sun in Gemini prefers Pluto in Aquarius over Mars in Leo, but it is still making confluent aspects to both planets. This exchange of energies can lead to awareness of our own power as well as the powers that be since the Sun is illuminating both our sense of vigor and motivation (which is represented by Mars in Leo) as well as the social undercurrent and the overall direction of the shifting zeitgeist (Pluto in Aquarius).

✩ May Twenty-Second - Mars in Leo is Square to Jupiter in Taurus ✩

As Mars begins to move away from its opposition to Pluto, it will begin to square Jupiter in Taurus. This formation can be difficult since both Mars and Jupiter are making difficult aspects to Pluto.

When Mars in Leo becomes square to Jupiter in another fixed sign, we can feel the uncharacteristic need to assert ourselves in unusual situations and dialogues that do not necessarily pertain to us. We can become overly enthusiastic to the point of becoming overzealous about a topic. We may think the games we are playing are fair, when in reality, they are not. This transit can make us shortsighted and self-absorbed. It is important to mitigate your sense of optimism during this time to prevent yourself from offending others.

✩ May Twenty-Fifth - Venus in Cancer is Sextile to Uranus in Taurus ✩

This can be an exciting time for our relationships. You may meet someone new unexpectedly or an old friend may surprise you around this date.

This transit can revivify our artistic inclinations and aid in relieving any creative blocks we may have leading up to this transit.

It is important to curb your enthusiasm regarding relationships at this time since the mingling of Venus and Uranus can be senseless. Venus rules over Uranus in Taurus so it can be easy to get carried away with our overromanticized ideations at this time, but Venus’ strength is also inspiring.

It is best to utilize this energy to spend time with close friends and to work on creative projects.

✩ May Twenty-Eighth - Sun in Gemini is Square to Saturn in Pisces ✩

The Sun was last sextile to Neptune in Pisces, which allowed us to freely imagine all the directions our lives can progress, but now that it is square to Saturn, we may face the harsh reality of the difficulties or obstacles in our way that limit our ability to self actualize. This day can challenge the structure of your identity and provoke a sense of losing one’s autonomy.

I suggest reading the horoscope for your rising sign. Hellenistic tradition also recommends that those born in the day read their Sun sign’s horoscope, while those born at night read their Moon sign’s horoscope.

Taurus, you are getting comfortable this month living within your own natural rhythm. You can be more stubborn than most, so you certainly prefer to do things your own way, but by the end of May, you will be able to exist harmoniously and feel confident with your sense of autonomy.
    You may also recognize that you feel less tense regarding the pressure you were experiencing last month in regards to feeling incapable of doing the things you need to do. You may experience some tension at work this month as you feel content with yourself. You should let this potential issue inspire you to set boundaries regarding your work. You should take pride in what you do while considering what could be improved upon.

Gemini, This month you are continuing to get familiar with unearthing the depths of your psyche. You are feeling more inclined to help others since you are feeling more confident in yourself this month compared to last. You are getting more involved in your local community, and you should practice finding enjoyment in the security of your neighborhood.
    It is especially helpful to recognize the different communities you are a part of and how they contribute to your conceptions about the world in order to develop a more open-minded perspective– which is something you naturally excel at.

Cancer, this May is exceptionally fruitful for your social life. You are enjoying spending time with others as the drama from last month begins to dissipate. You may be nervous about the ways in which your social scenes are evolving around you. It is important to remember that you are not being left behind even when things are in motion. You are an integral part of your communities. It is important to continue communicating with those around you, so you can continue to feel stable in your relationships to others.

Leo, as May progresses, you will begin to feel more in control of your identity, and you will have a more positive outlook on things. You may find yourself being more assertive about how you want to be recognized. Remember to not be pushy, you might have to wait your turn for things to work in your favor.
    Do not envy your friends who are experiencing the success that you want, instead, it is best to focus on the ways in which you can improve yourself without being demanding of others. You will be extra charming and charismatic this month which can help you to meet new people. It is important to not try to overextend yourself and get into too many novel situations. It is best to let things progress naturally.

Virgo, your daily rituals may be impeding on your ability to explore new ideas about the world. You can be feeling restless and annoyed by the monotony of your own life. What is the root cause of your dissatisfaction with your current circumstances? Without understanding the thought patterns that are affecting your personal outlook, it is impossible to appreciate the mundane aspects of your life that make your life sustainable.
    It is important to appreciate how good things actually are when things seem dull and uninteresting. Without strife or conflict, you are able to live peacefully. Do you really want to sacrifice your routine for constant excitement?

Libra, you are focused on your friendships this month. You are finding great joy in meeting new people and can feel inclined to go out more this month. This can make it difficult for you to work on creative projects this month, but that is alright. You cannot expect yourself to constantly create new works of art without feeling inspired to do so.
    Last Month you were tasked with becoming more comfortable with change and this month you are going to see some of the ways in which these changes in your life are beneficial to you. This can help with your anxieties about the future.

Scorpio, by deepening your own understanding of your feelings, you are able to strengthen your connection to your closest friends this month. You may find yourself comparing your experiences to others, wondering why you had to go through difficult things that no one else seemed to have experienced. If you are willing and able to open up to others and share the things you have gone through, others can develop a stronger connection with you. You do not have to provide for yourself and keep others iced out because they committed the “sin” of not having known your secrets without you telling them.

Sagittarius, you can find yourself being overly cynical this month. You are more focused on understanding the bigger picture than critically assessing your own biases that affect your ability to even conceptualize the greater truths you are searching for this month.
    Last month, you were bogged down by your responsibilities, and as you begin to resettle into the normal pace of your life, you can find yourself preoccupied with your own existence. It is important to take yourself out of your own shoes and to consider the needs and feelings of others. Balancing that with your own needs can bring the philosophical revelations you are trying to uncover to light.

Capricorn, You are focused on managing your more complicated finances this month. You may be inspired to save more of your tax return than usual or to develop new streams of income for yourself. It is important to make sure that this desire stems from a healthy need for safety and not an imagined need to hoard resources for yourself to brace for the worst case scenario.
    While you are dealing with uncovering the root cause of your anxieties regarding your financial situation, you may also be undergoing a creative purge. You may be taking a step back from creating, or obsessing over the next project to start. You should continue to focus on enjoying the creative process, rather than trying to force or carefully plan when you should feel artistically inclined.

Aquarius, you might find yourself worrying about your future. You have been spending more time than usual thinking about your childhood and your past. You are starting to spend more time trying to assess the ways in which your upbringing supports you.
    Despite it seeming counter-intuitive to your goals for this month, you can find power this month in honoring your family and upholding them by considering how your parents and grandparents' lives contributed to your existence. It can be liberating to recognize no matter how alone you feel, you were not brought into this world without others.

Pisces, you are buzzing with new ideas and plans throughout the month of May. Compared to last month, you are feeling much more confident in your ability to articulate your ideas, which is great for putting your grand ideas into motion. This is a great month to write or to pick up an old hobby since you will be craving mental excitement.
    You might feel burnt out by being overly poised and critical. Being patient with yourself and others is key to reaching your objectives. You cannot change circumstances more easily than you can change your perspectives and the patterns in which you live.

Aries, you might be struggling with balancing your need to express yourself and your desire to connect with others. It is possible that you have the strong desire to create something new, but are worried about what others will think or if your art will be successful if you post it publicly. You should not let these fears dictate what you create.
    Finances might be at the forefront of your mind, and you could begin to develop plans on how to make and save more money. It is important to create a reasonable budget that can actually work for you. Take time to research different strategies because you deserve to feel secure with yourself.

edited by Zaina, xyzygote